Seed Ch. 02


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I reached for a white pair from a collection of three and I think I'm put my hand straight into some cum. I pulled it forward and the smell was different. As I unwrapped it was clearly different to the black pairs. It wasn't wet like the black ones, it was wet in one place. I think it only had sperm on it. I had an idea. "These only have spunk on them?" I quizzed. I then realised that it was a lot of spunk. If there was no pussy juice then? Nope not sure.

She came to my rescue "Depending on how the bride takes this day. Other men will be invited to enjoy her pussy. They will help Santos impregnate her." Nope I didn't get that bit. Lucky for me she continued straight away "They wear condoms." The light bulb went on, got it. God so that means that 3 other people had put their cocks inside my wife just now. As I was taking it in, another white pair of knickers flew onto the tree. I spun my head to see where they came from but there were a few people stood to my side so I couldn't tell who. I god she was still strapped in and being fucked.

"Yes she is servicing clients right now." Katerina told me. "To see if she likes it and is any good. And to see if you like it." I reached for the next pair of knickers. Now with two pairs in my hands. This pair had a lot of cum in it. I liked the feeling, what was wrong with me. "Do you like knowing that your wife right now is being an actual whore?"

I didn't need to think about it as I pictured it straight away. Still bound to the bench, maybe and being fucked by one stranger after another. "Yes" was all I could say as I imagined the sight. I had a thought "Is she still in the bench?".

Katerina looked at me "Good question." she spun round and shouted to no one "¿La puta sigue en el banquillo?". Someone called back "Lo era, pero ahora no.". She turned back to me, "Yes for him she was. But is coming out of it now.".

"So she will be back here soon?"

"Maybe not." she laughed "She maybe enjoying her new job too much."

"Oh" god I can't imagine that at all. Oh wow, she was about to have the chance to stop it. However I could now see the 18 record in sight, this made 11 so far.

"Black and white has only ever happened once before." she updated me, nodding to the other pictures. "The brides pretty much never take to it like this." and she smirked at me. "You should be proud of your wife." God I'm not sure I was. I'm not sure I wanted this. I did, however, start to unravel and display the knickers, even though no one reminded me. All the white ones were the same size and style thong, full cotton. I guess as expected, some had a lot of cum, and some not so much. It was wrong of me, so wrong that I wanted all this cum inside my wife.

Talking of Emily she surprised us all by appearing next to me, at the tree. Whilst I was still knickers in hand. She either knew or didn't care. "Err Emily are you ok?"

She nodded "Ummm humm". This was different to the other times. This time we were standing and there were people around and I had a pair of knickers in my hand. Something about her looked different. Like a switch had flipped. She looked good, she looked hot, she looked sexy. Again I wondered when we were done and could go home.

Katerina took the lead "Did you enjoy your clients puta? Was it exciting being a whore for the first time?" my god she was going straight in for the kill. There was a bit of a hush around us.

Emily looked shocked and didn't know what to say. She looked at me, she looked ashamed. "Chris, do you still love me?"

Phew and easy one, I hugged her in front of everyone, kissed her on the lips and said "More than ever my love."

Katerina realised that I was the key to this right now. "Chris, do you want your loving wife to be a puta?" I feel like everyone held their breath. I didn't know what to say. No, I didn't want my wife to be a pregnant whore. But oh my god was it an amazing kinky feeling. Looking directly at Emily into her eyes, part of her was saying 'oh god Chris don't do this to me' but another part was crying out for it I could see the turmoil.

"She is special. No one has breasts like hers." There were murmurs in the crowd, I guess of agreement. "She has taken to this like no one ever has." Emily bowed her head as the truths were delivered. "No one has ever needed to be whored like she does." at this, Emily hid her head in her hands.

More people appeared to gather with us, listening and watching. "She will be pregnant soon and there are a lot of people that like a pregnant whore. They are rare." I think Emily whimpered, is she crying? Katerina took hold of Emily's hands and removed them from her face. "Look at us." Emily looked up, yes there was a tear, a single tear rolled from the corner of one of her eyes. I couldn't do this to her. We need to keep this simple, we needed to leave, we needed our lives back.

"You saw how she was on the bench just now. No one was ever given us control in there." Then with more volume she announced "You saw the huge dildo that she picked to be put inside her whores pussy." That wasn't strictly true but everyone around appeared to like that as there was an intake of breath from many. "And you loved it didn't you Emily, tell us right now that you didn't. This is your last chance before I let Chris decide for you."

Ok this was her chance. There were a thousand ways she could finish this, she could get out of it. She just had to say something. This was her choice again. Katerina made sure she understood. "Emily if you didn't enjoy yourself. If deep down inside you there isn't something that wants and needs this then let us know now. You can still be a new mother, you can go back to being a nurse. That is all fine."

I could tell that Emily was not really listening to her. She was already past this. I think she wanted this. She wanted to spend every day on her back taking random dicks and dildos into what would end up being their pussy. She would spend her days pleasuring other people. When you think about it that way, what's wrong with that? However we have a daughter, we have family, how would we keep this quiet, would it be possible? What would friends make of this, if and when they found out. God what would people make of me. How would we cope as a couple? Would there still be love? Surely, this would change everything?

I was half hoping the next voice I heard would be Emily, giving us an out. However I hear Gracie next and I turn to listen to her "We really want her to be a prostitute for us. This is not fantasy time anymore, we're not just talking now. If you say yes, Emily will leave us right now and people will pay Santos to use her. Today right now."

I then detect movement infront of me and I catch Katerina moving behind Emily. She then reaches around Emily's waist and lightly rubs her womb area. "This is done Chris." indicating that she believes Emily is already knocked up. She may well be right. She then moves her hands up a little and starts to feel Emily's braless breasts. In front of everyone she pulled them up from their natural position, now acting as a bra, offering and kneading them for us to see. She was really working them, creating cleavage and showing everyone how pliable they were.

Emily has forgone our out now. She hasn't said anything to stop this and now she's allowing this. She's allowing strangers to talk about her as an object. She's allowing a stranger to feel her up publicly. And she seems to be enjoying and accepting it.

Gracie again added "Emily will still be your wife. She will still come home to you every day. But she will work for us. Her job will be to have sex from now on. She will work on the streets when we need her to." I gasped at that, the crowd chuckled at my reaction. "She will be the entertainment at parties like now." and she indicated what was happening right now. "She will usa su increíble cuerpo, sus pechos gigantes y su coño para complacer a quien queremos y ganarnos dinero." the crowd jeered at that. Whatever she said struck a chord.

Gracie "Would you like to be married to a prostitute?"

Katerina "Would you like us to sell your wife's pregnant body for our gain?"

Gracie "Tell us yes, right now."

Katerina "Tell us this is what you want."

Gracie "Make your fantasy a reality right now. Forever"

I looked at Emily's face, her tears had gone. She was now clearly enjoying the breast massage she was receiving. She was quietly moaning. After already having spend all day today getting fucked, having taken at least 10 loads of cum inside her, having been used and stretched more that ever before, she was still ready to go. It was incredible.

"Yes" I quietly answered them. It wasn't loud, it wasn't clear, I wasn't sure, but they took it for exactly what it sounded like. The crowd gasped, they didn't cheer. Katerina instantly let go of my wifes tits and we all heard them slap her stomach as they fell into place even under her dress. No one said anything, but we all saw a new tear leave Emily's eye. Gracie took her hand and led her away, Emily didn't look back at me. I watched them walk away hand in hand together.

Everyone dispersed quickly, no one acknowledged me. Their job was done? This was their plan all along? Even Katerina walked away from me. In a stupor I walked to our chairs and sat down. What do I do now? Do I wait for Emily to finish her, god, her shift? Was she on the job right now? Should I go home, what happens next? I was lost and utterly disgusted with myself.

After a while of dwelling Katerina came up to me. "You can go home Chris, one of our drivers will take you home." and she turned and started to walk away.

"Was this the plan all along? To make her a whore for you all? Just another puta?" I called after her. She stopped dead at my question. She turned to face me.

"God no Chris. This was never the plan, this has never happened before and I doubt will ever happen again." she let this hang in the air.

"But how, why?"

She smiled at me, it was a warm smile, "This is what you both want. When we detected it we just teased it out of you. We removed all the pre-programming that society, England had put into you both."

Yet again she had floored me. She was right. She knew it and turned again and walked away.

"Número 8" I heard called out and looked over towards the tree. My instant thought was the old bugger had can't count, hadn't he called out up to 10 and then there was another so shouldn't that have been 12? But I worked it out as he threw just a black pair at the tree and then a woman threw a few white pairs up there with it. That was an answer to a question, Emily was apparently on the job now.

It was getting late and it would appear that my job was done. I wasn't interested in playing with the tree. I headed out the front and one of their drivers drove me home.

It was weird being at home on my own. I wasn't sad, I don't know what I was, it was just unusual. I showered and went to bed.


I thought I would be up all night worrying, but apparently not. I woke up to a beautiful Sunday morning with sunshine pouring into my room and the birds were singing. It was past 9am, I had slept a deep, restful sleep. What was wrong with me? Emily was very noticeably absent, I grabbed my phone and saw a few texts from her.

The first, the oldest, 'I love you Chris, I will always love you.' it came in a few hours ago, in the middle of the night.

Then an hour or so later, 'Hi love, I'm fine, just saying that all is well. They're looking after me well, see you soon.'

Then a few hours ago a load of kiss, happy face and thumbs up emojis.

Then her last text was an hour ago. 'God I'm so lucky to have you, I love you. I can't wait to see you soon.'

I quickly replied, 'I love you too babes. I'm soo sorry.' I waited for a reply. There was none, no activity dots. A small part of me wondered was it all a weird dream. There was nothing in those texts to indicate anything sexual was going on. It read that she was out having a great night out with friends. Maybe that's exactly what happened. Maybe it was all some crazy reality glitch and we were now back on the real track?

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

The only comment I have is I used to deliver pizza to this ho house run by the MS13 columbian gang. Young homesick anglo girls dismembered bodies started showing up in black plastic trash sacks in local landfills. Did I tell the local cops no because they knew all about it and were taking payoffs.

Chris and Emily were in a similar situation. Did they have a choice no. People who snitch and interfere end up in landfills. Everybody in that Columbian town was involved.

HighBrowHighBrow2 months ago

The idea is appealing, but the execution I find off putting.

i122i1225 months ago

I want the recipe for the tea!

Wilderness1Wilderness112 months ago

Simply MAJESTIC ! more..............................

nedslapnedslapabout 1 year ago

Oh please more of this series soon

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Those last texts from Emily are hard to take at face value, given all that has happened. Are they a kind of goodbye? They give me a creepy feeling of impending doom. A lot in these stories give me that feeling. Sometimes I wish the author had not made this couple so damn appealing.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

“Then her last text was an hour ago. 'God I'm so lucky to have you, I love you. I can't wait to see you soon.'

Looking forward to the next chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Does abandoning sexual convention by Emily and becoming Santos’ slut and whore also require abandoning all aspects of of her life with Chris and Claire? Have drugs and sex completely erased who she was? Will Emily’s life now solely consist of fucking strange men for money for Santos? Does she see herself as a street whore and nothing more? It appears that there is a sliver of a chance that there could be more to her life than whoring, drugs, and pregnancy.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

This story and “Becoming a whore” are very similar, as is “Satan’s Slaves,” which is in progress. The author has taken not uncommon male fantasies, and more repressed female fantasies, and given them life in contexts that flout social and sexual convention. In all three stories both Chris and Emily, an educated professional couple in their mid-40’s, are induced to willingly have Emily become a street whore while he becomes a cuckold with a hard on. The author has given the most extreme reality to their fantasies, but stripping that reality of its nastiness, brutality, risk of disease, and much greater likelihood of violence or death by violence or addiction. Drugs play a major role in all three stories to make Chris and Emily pliable and willing to do what the Columbia drug lord, pimp, and motorcycle gang leader want. And what they want is to make Emily a street whore, fucking random men for money. The author has made Chris and Emily appealing characters, with real thoughts and concerns - and fantasies. He then makes Emily into an apparently willing whore. Not an escort, but a street whore. In real life, the life of street whores usually results from financial desperation, drug addiction, abuse, and violence, and often all of the above. In reality it is not a life of choice. It is much more complicated than just a sexual fantasy come to life, but the author has been very audacious in attempting to give these fantasies life. In these stories Emily (and Chris) apparently is happy with her new life. This is the part of these stories which I find the least believable and I am unable to suspend disbelief. I think the author’s great strength is his realism in putting his characters into a context that exists in the real world. His weakness is treating that reality that he has so well described as if it were what it is not - just a fantasy. In both this story and in “Becoming a Whore,” the author has ended the stories just as Emily becomes fully committed to her new life as street whore. This new life seems to be sustained only by the fantasy of sexual pleasure from every man who can pay, and/or hard drugs. It appears that “Satan’s Slaves” may be moving in this direction as well. Chris and Emily become one-dimensional and brainless, with no sense of self, governed only by their sexual fantasies and drugs - and most importantly, the men who now control their lives. However, for this reader, their fantasies cannot sustain themselves in the face of the known reality of drug lords, pimps, motorcycle gangs, street prostitution and drug addiction despite the author’s efforts to fictionalize it into something totally erotic, pleasurable, and attractive for Emily (and Chris). This reader is left in despair as to the fate of the appealing and well-drawn characters - Chris and Emily - for whom he has come to have empathy. These stories are almost fabulous, and I really like what I think the author is trying to do, but they falter when the author attempts to mold the reality he so skillfully describes into something unbelievable. It’s almost as though he is not sure where to go after throwing his characters into a very real - reality - of drugs, street prostitution, pregnancy.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

In this author’s stories, every wife wants to be a whore but doesn’t know it, and every husband fantasizes about his wife as a whore but cannot grasp the reality.

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