Threading the Needle Ch. 12

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Lust and jealousies arise on a rafting road trip.
26.6k words

Part 12 of the 13 part series

Updated 05/14/2024
Created 07/15/2023
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Thank you Terry, careythomas and snow for all your help in editing and improving this chapter. I couldn't have done it without you.

Like almost all of my series, this one will only be understood if you have read the chapters before it. Thank you to my readers for going along this journey with me.

Chapter 12

"I guess it was a good thing that Samuel never wanted to take a lot of time off," Marika thought to herself as she walked to her front door. "Not much in the way of vacations, but I have lots of time off to divorce him." She used one of her days off today off to meet with Yamile's cop friend. He was walking up to her door right now. Tomorrow was the big day. She would start off with seeing her parents and let them know. While she had already talked with her sister, she waited on them. She wasn't certain her father could hold in his anger for long. She'd also meet one last time with the lawyer and then she would break the news to Samuel.

That wasn't the only thing to do tomorrow. She worked up a long list of what she wanted to get done before she went to his office. She looked over her shoulder at Yamile. She was on the sofa, waiting as patiently as she could. She was pouring much of her grief into hating Samuel. Marika didn't mind.

She had already told everyone at work who needed to know. Her boss was obvious, but since she was taking time off without letting Samuel know, she needed to tell a few others so they could cover for her. It was unlikely that he would try to reach her at the office, but Marika wanted to make sure he had no chance of finding out. She needed to protect her assets as soon as she filed the paperwork. She was sure that Samuel would try to fuck her over if he could.

Suppressing her anger at Samuel made her cranky to everyone. She found she needed to share the news just as a way of explaining her mood. Her coworkers were unfailingly supportive. She was a little surprised at the number of times she heard, "I never really liked him." Even guys who had hung out with Samuel at parties and seemed to have a friendly relationship with him said that.

When she asked one of them why he never said anything, he shrugged. "Nobody wants to hear people trashing their spouse. The two of us work well together, and if I start saying stuff about your husband, what happens to that. Probably nothing good," he said. "Mind you, if I thought he was hurting you, I would have said something. You're a friend, Marika, and I wouldn't stand by if that was happening."

She gave him a smile. He was an older man and had encouraged her since she joined the company. She understood his point. There were other people at work whose spouses were shrill or domineering, and she would never dream of saying anything. Work friendships had a limit.

Before he even knocked, Marika opened the door. "Hi, Jim," she said. His eyes were surprisingly mild for a veteran of many years on the police force.

He gave her a half smile. "Hello," he replied. Stepping inside, he went into the living room where Yamile waited. He gave her a long hug that she returned. Despite her own worries, Marika stood back and let them have time. He whispered something to Yamile and she nodded.

"Thanks," she said as they let each other go. "Why don't you tell her to call me, and we'll pick a time for dinner. I'd love to see both of you, and so would the girls." Yamile looked apologetically at Marika. "Now, come on. This is not supposed to be about me," she told him as she went over and sat down on the sofa by where Marika stood. A moment later, she sat down as well.

Jim took a seat on a stuffed chair. He perched on the edge of it, bent over towards them with his elbows on his knees. He looked at Marika and rubbed his hand over his mouth as he considered his words. "Before we start, I want you to think about something, Marika. Are you sure you really want to know what we found? You already decided what you're going to do. I can tell you that nothing I will show you will change your mind about that, but it will hurt and maybe make it harder to deal with your son's father down the road." He stopped and looked her in the eyes. "Don't just answer. Really think for a moment," he added.

Reaching over, Yamile took her hand and squeezed it. Marika gave her a thankful smile and looked back at Jim. She spoke as she thought. "I get that. Right now, I don't know how I can think any less of him, to be honest, but I also know that we are connected for the rest of our lives through Kieran," she said before pausing. She stared at the floor for a few seconds.

"The thing is that I'm afraid of what he will do to get back at me. Not physically," she said hurriedly as Jim raised an eyebrow. "I just mean, he's talked about his work enough that I know he is ruthless in negotiations. He takes no prisoners. I think he'll be like that with the divorce, fighting me every step of the way." She frowned and glanced at Yamile. "My nightmare is that he uses Kieran to hurt me."

Jim nodded. "I understand. Honestly, from what I've seen of him, you probably are right to be worried," he said. He hesitated for a moment and then continued. "Your husband is an asshole, I have to say. Alright, since you are sure." He opened up the folder he was carrying and began to pull out pictures.

"You already know about his secretary," he said as he put down the first couple of photos. Yamile and Marika glanced at each other. It was the same motel where they caught Samuel. While the first picture was similar to what they saw in person with the other woman, the second one was of the two of them kissing. It wasn't the kind of kiss that he could claim was innocent. He was leaning against the car with his legs spread so she could stand between them. Her arms were around his neck as they kissed while his hands were on her ass. It was just the type of picture that Marika was hoping Jim would get. It clearly showed him with his secretary. The owner of his company was an older woman with a strict sense of right and wrong. An adulterous affair with a subordinate was an unforgivable offense.

"Unfortunately, as you know, she isn't the only one," Jim said as he pulled out another set of photographs. Marika drew a sharp breath. It was one of the mothers from Kieran's daycare. They occasionally talked when they were waiting to pick up their children, although she couldn't say that she knew the other woman. She was very good looking, and Marika could see why Samuel was attracted to her. On the other hand, she'd met the woman's husband. "He's clearly thinking with the wrong head," she thought to herself. The other man was a high-level corporate lawyer, and quite a bit older than his wife was. "If he finds out, he'd make Samuel's life miserable," she thought.

"I can see you know who she is," Jim said. "More importantly, who her husband is."

"Yeah, Samuel seems to have a knack for screwing the wrong woman," Marika said.

"It doesn't end there. On his trip down to Portland, Tommy hit more pay dirt." Jim fished out a series of pictures. Marika took a look and then glanced up at him with a confused look.

"I've got no idea who that is, and .... well, she's old," Marika said, leaving unsaid the reality that she also wasn't very attractive. She was completely unlike the two younger and hotter women in every way possible.

"She's the purchasing manager of Sandcrest Industries," Jim said, pausing to see if she understood the implications.

"Sandcrest? That's Samuel's big account down in Portland," Marika said. "He talks about it all the time." She trailed off as it dawned upon her, and then gave Jim and incredulous look. "You're saying he is sleeping with her to get the business."

"That's uncertain. Look, this isn't a criminal situation, so Tommy just observed and took pictures," he said as he put down a couple more. He obviously took them from a distance. With the windows carelessly left open, it was easy to see the two of them having sex in what must be her bedroom. "There is no evidence to show what his motivation is."

Picking up one of the photos, Yamile looked at the two of them. Samuel was a good-looking man. Even being charitable, the same couldn't be said about the woman. She was heavy with a face that was a bit like a horse. Pointing at the woman, Yamile said, "I think this is the only evidence you need. It's the only rational explanation."

Jim nodded, but still kept to the facts. "He spent two nights with her, and they engaged in sex both nights," he said. "Tommy got enough to show the relationship wasn't casual. They went to dinner as well, and they were clearly a couple."

"Two nights?" Marika asked. "He was gone three."

"Yeah," Jim said as he pulled out some more pictures. These were more consistent with what she expected. "Looks like he told the woman he going back to Seattle, but really he went to this club. He picked up a young woman." There were a couple that showed him approaching her and then more showing them dancing. Again, Samuel wasn't particularly careful. When they went out back of the club, it looked like it was easy for Tommy to get pictures of her sucking his cock and then Samuel fucking her against the wall.

"By the way, Tommy noticed that he didn't use protection. I think you're fortunate, Marika. He's living a dangerous lifestyle and it is pure luck he hasn't gotten something and passed it on to you," Jim said. The disgust in his voice was easy to hear. "Tommy also observed what might have been cocaine use. He was off the clock so he ignored it, but for that reason he also didn't take any pictures."

Marika looked more shocked at that than the pictures of her husband screwing a stranger in an alley. "You're kidding me," she said. "I can't believe that." The tawdry evidence of his infidelity caught her eye and she stared at his picture. It dawned upon her that she didn't really know Samuel at all. She looked over at Yamile, who seemed just as surprised. "I'm so glad I'm getting out!" she told her.

Squeezing her hand, Yamile nodded. "I know, sweetie. Me too."

Carefully gathering up the pictures, Jim put them back into folders and held them out for Marika. "I'm sorry you have to go through this, but it seems like it would be inevitable anyhow. A guy like him is guaranteed to fuck up at some point. You don't want to get caught in it," he said.

"No, I don't," Marika said as she took them. "Thanks, Jim. I really appreciate it."

"No problem. I started this because my best friend's wife asked me to. Now.... Well, you don't deserve this. No one does," he said. He looked her in the eyes. "If he threatens you, let me know." He saw her hesitate. "I mean it. Promise me, Marika," he said firmly.

"Alright, I will, but he's never gotten physical," she said.

"Good. Then just let this be something that makes me feel better," Jim told her. Although he had a slight smile, his eyes were cold. She could tell he was contemplating what he would do to Samuel if he tried something. "Nothing he wouldn't deserve," she thought.

They all stood up and walked over to the door. After shaking Marika's hand, he gave Yamile another hug. "See you soon," he told her as he left. The two women watched as he got into his car and drove off.

"Claudio wouldn't have waited for him to threaten you. Right now, I'd have to be holding him back to stop him from going to find him and beat the crap of him," Yamile said. She put an arm around Marika's waist and felt her lean against her side. A moment later, her head was on Yamile's shoulder. She drank in all the support her friend had to offer.

"God, I still can't believe how bad it is," she said. Tears welled up in her eyes and ran down her cheeks. Any sorrow about her marriage ending was gone. These were tears of anger and humiliation. "Fuck that fucking fucker," she blurted out.

Despite the situation, Yamile giggled. While Marika might swear occasionally, that was totally out of character for her. "My, I think that rafting is really starting to rub off on you," she said, giving her a squeeze. "I kind of like it. This must be the Rikki I've heard about."

"Fuck him!" Marika said louder. "Fuuuuuuck that fucking asshole!" She looked over at Yamile and smiled a little. "It feels better than you might imagine." She threw her head back and screamed, "Go to hell, you fucking asshole!"

They both giggled and then went back to the sofa. The folders with the incriminating photos were stacked neatly on the coffee table. Separating from Yamile, she sank down. She touched the top folder, hooking a fingernail and started to open it before she pulled her finger away. It closed with the pictures still hidden. "I don't want to look. It makes me sick to think I sleep with him. God, I have to sleep in the same bed as him tonight," Marika said. She sighed. "I guess I'll use the excuse of having work to do, and wait him out. It isn't so bad if he is already asleep."

"I'm sorry. You know that you and Kieran are welcome to stay with the girls and me anytime you want," Yamile said.

Marika nodded. "I know, but I'll get through this." She reached out, picked up the stack of folders, and tapped them on the table to straighten them. "I wish I could make the rest of my life as orderly," she murmured.

"You will, you know? Get through this," Yamile said. "If I can get through losing Claudio, you can do this."

Although she didn't mean it that way, Marika felt slightly ashamed. A divorce wasn't good, but it wasn't anything like losing your soulmate. Even before all this happened, she never fooled herself by thinking that Samuel was her soulmate. "Maybe I didn't realize how weak it was, but I thought it was a solid marriage. I guess I just thought Yamile was one of the few to find someone so perfectly matched," she thought. "I never went out with anyone who came close to that."

She pulled Yamile into a long hug. Tears welled up in her eyes, but not for herself. "I know," she whispered. "You'll get through it too! I promise."

Yamile nodded and then pulled away. "I've got to get home for the girls, and you need to go get Kieran," she said. "Call me if you need to, and don't forget my offer. It still stands."

"I won't," Marika replied. They walked to the door and hugged one last time. Just like with Jim, she watched as Yamile got into her car and drove away. "I wonder what getting through this means to her. I know Samuel isn't my soulmate. Hell, I don't know if I believe I have one. Claudio was hers and there was only one in her mind," she thought. "I hope there is at least happiness out there for her."

She grabbed her coat and purse, and went out to the garage. It would be another nice surprise for Kieran when she picked him up early again. "He's loving all this mommy time," she thought with a smile. "So am I."

The next day, she got up at the usual time and took Kieran to preschool, but came right back home instead of going to work. Her sister was there waiting for her. It was easy to tell they were sisters. Tereza had the same high cheekbones and dark eyes, although her hair was much shorter than Marika's. She had her rich brunette hair in a pixie cut.

"How you doing, sis?" Tereza said as she hugged her.

"Ready to get this over with," Marika replied. She hugged back with a surprising amount of force. After half a rafting season, she was a lot stronger.

"I've got all the boxes you wanted. When do we have the truck?" Tereza asked.

"It's available at 11. And the locksmith will be here a little after that." She turned as she heard another car pull up. It was Liz. She got out and smiled at Tereza.

"Hey pest," she said.

"Hiya bitch," Tereza said back, moving over to give her a hug of her own. Marika smiled. It was a pleasant reminder of when her biggest problem was her little sister trying to tag along with them. Back then, Liz actually got along better with Tereza than she did. Her friendship with her sister really developed more over the last few years.

A few minutes later, Yamile drove up, followed shortly by Winnie. All her closest friends insisted on helping her. Between the five of them, it didn't seem impossible to box up everything of Samuel's and move it into a storage locker in a single day. They might miss a few things, but she would work that out down the road.

As they got started, it became clear just how good the plan was. Marika couldn't do any packing. They needed her to decide what was his, what was hers, and what needed to wait for division later. It was a little easier for Yamile and Tereza who went to the bedroom and packed several suitcases with his clothes. Most of the choices were obvious. She spent more time with Winnie and Liz downstairs. They stacked the boxes up in the garage. Marika didn't want to answer questions from the neighbors until the last minute.

They were mostly finished when Liz drove over to get the truck. By the time she returned, they were actually pretty much done. She backed it up to the garage and they started filling it up. Shortly after that, a locksmith showed up and began changing all the locks in the house.

Fortunately, only one neighbor stopped by to ask what was happening. It was a relatively good friend so Marika felt comfortable with telling most of the truth. "I'm divorcing Samuel. I found out that he is sleeping around, and I just can't accept that," she told her. Her friend was divorced herself and understood. She promised not to tell anyone.

Marika sighed as her friend left. "Just a little longer, and I am ready," she thought. The truck was loaded before the locksmiths were finished, so she waited there while the other women went to the storage locker she rented for Samuel. Once she had the new house keys, she first made a stop at the hotel where she booked a room to check in and leave his luggage, and then she joined the gang to finish unloading the last few boxes.

Finally, there was nothing left to do except to go see Samuel. Since Liz had to return the truck, Yamile went with Marika to provide support and backup. All of her friends were unanimous in not wanting her to go alone.

"It's like Jim said, it probably isn't necessary but what if it is?" Yamile said. The other women were in a semicircle behind her with their arms crossed.

Marika nodded and chose not to argue with them. "Okay, thank you," she said as she hugged each of them. She was glad that she wasn't alone as she started down this path. Just knowing they were all there for her was a big comfort. As she rode up the elevator to his office with Yamile, she reached out and took her hand, giving it a squeeze. She felt the answering squeeze. Neither one of them let go until the bell rang as the elevator came to a stop.

For a moment, Marika's mind drifted. "I'm a lot more comfortable in touching my friends since starting rafting," she thought. "I've become more 'touchy' than I used to be." Even the thought didn't disturb her. It was more as if she wondered why she wasn't always that way. The door opened and that train of thought was swept away.

As she entered Samuel's office, the receptionist smiled at her. She didn't stop by often but it was enough that she recognized her. "Nice to see you, Marika," she said. "Samuel's in his office. Do you want to just go back?"

"That would be great. Thanks, Abby," Marika said before following the corridor back to the sales department. Yamile nodded at the woman and followed along without saying anything.

The nervous stomach that had plagued her all day grew worse as she got close to the office. As she rounded the corner, she saw Jasmine at her desk. The pretty young woman looked up and spied her approaching. The easy smile that she put on betrayed no sign that she was sleeping with Marika's husband.

"Hey there. This is a surprise. Samuel will be pleased to see you," Jasmine said, glancing at Yamile. Her presence was a puzzle.
