Tim in College Ch. 04


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But even still, I had to admit through my annoyance that she looked really good.

"Is this a friend of yours?" Mandy asked through a chuckle, also surprised by Melody's forwardness.

"Oh we're more than friends, we're LOVERS!" she practically shouted in an over dramatic flair, then grabbed my head and laid a huge kiss on the side of my face. I could tell she was pretty buzzed. I grimaced hard and shook my head in denial when Mandy looked at me. "I'm Melody!" she said, holding out her hand to Mandy, who shook it and hit her with the smile.

I tried to step in, as the two girls started talking, but was suddenly cut off when Jen, the other culprit from the scavenger hunt, cut in front of me.

"What the fuck is going on?" I said, with some anger behind my voice.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Jen answered with a smile, "we're just enjoying the party." I was annoyed, but I was also a young, human man, so it was tough not to notice how amazing Jen looked. Dark eye makeup, black lipstick, a black choker around her neck, and little devil horns perched on top of her perfect, jet-black hair, she was a vision of temptation. Even more so when I glanced down and realized she was wearing a corset--the same corset she wore the night of the scavenger hunt. I felt my cock twitch in my pants.

"Well I'd like to enjoy it too, and get back to the conversation I was having, so if you'll excuse me..." I looked around for Mandy, but she wasn't where she had been standing. She and Melody had drifted off into the sea of partiers, and were still talking and laughing. I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Well maybe you and I could enjoy it together?" Jen dripped into my ear. My eyebrow, and other things, perked up, and I snapped my head toward her in surprise. "I was so disappointed that you didn't join us that night in your room...I was hoping I'd get another shot at you, and tonight seems like a good night."

"What about Melody?" I said, suspiciously.

"Don't worry about her--she's so busy cock blocking you with that little blonde that she won't even notice we're gone." Another smile. Her hand slid down my arm. "Whatcha say, cowboy? You wanna let me handle your pistol?"

A slow smile crept over my face. The part of my brain steeping in alcohol told me this was perfect. If Melody wanted to cock block me, dicking down her roommate behind her back seemed like the perfect way to teach her a lesson. A lesson I was greatly going to enjoy.

My smile was answer enough for Jen, who grabbed my wrist and started to lead me through the party, toward the stairs. Following her up the stairs I sighed as each step upward flared her ass out deliciously, and I noticed for the first time that she had a little devil's tail pinned to the bottom of her corset. My cock flexed as I imagined pulling on it while I fucked her. I was going to give this girl something to remember me by: a fucking so good she'd have no choice but to relay the details to Melody, who I'm sure would blow her top with jealousy.

Jen led me toward one of the second floor doorways, and flashed me an excited smile as we entered. To this day I don't know whose bedroom it was, but it was a room with a bed, and soon I was in it. Jen pushed me onto the bed, pulling off my big poncho. She fell on top of me and for a hot second our lips met in a kiss. My hand immediately went to her tight ass, and hers drifted down my front and squeezed my thickening cock through my pants. She let out a silky surprised moan, and gave another squeeze, this time getting a moan from me.

Then, just as quickly as she had ended up on top of me, she was back up on her feet, off the bed, catching her breath and fixing her hair.

"Everything ok?" I said, sitting up on my elbows.

"Yeah, yeah," she said with a huff, "I just...I have to go get something, I'll be right back." She moved toward the bedroom door, then cocked her hips to the side deliciously, telling me not to go anywhere while she was gone. I assured her I was staying put, and laid back, shutting my eyes for a moment, ready to wait patiently.

A few moments later I felt the bed depress as weight was added, and Jen settled herself on top of my legs. "Back already?"I smiled, ready to continue my plan of ravishing her.

"I don't know what you see in those tiny little girls...TIMBO."

My eyes shot open. Sitting on top of me wasn't Jen, but MELODY.

"What the fuck, Melody?" I shouted, struggling in vain to get out from underneath her. "Where's Jen?"

"Jen's downstairs enjoying the party. You fell right into my trap, Timbo."

"Ok, ha-ha, let me up, Melody."

"But why? You were so gung ho to get freaky with Jen--I'm not a good enough CONSOLATION PRIZE?" There was potent venom to those final two words. "I'm so much more woman than she is, or that MANDY is..." she said her name with unmissable disgust. "She's nice, but her tits are totally fake."

"I know," I said, trying to breathe through the situation. Melody had been gently gyrating her hips on top of me since my eyes opened, and despite my best efforts, the pressure and the friction was making me hard.

"Is that what you like? Tiny blondes with fake tits?" she said, her grinding increasing, "what's wrong with a real woman...with real tits?" She dropped the words like molasses as her hands began to play with the neck of her already low-cut shirt. It was tough to ignore the fact that her tits did look amazing that night. I could feel myself stiffening inside my pants. Melody could feel it too, and she smiled.

"Melody..." I eeked out as she bent forward, dropping her cleavage just above my face, and grinding into my crotch like she was fucking me.

"Oh yeah, I KNOW you like these tits, TImbo," she teased, continuing her gyrating. "I see you looking at them all the time...and tonight I can feel it..."

I couldn't help it. My cock was rock hard. I was worked up as it was from Jen's bait and switch. As much as I was angry about what was happening, I couldn't deny that Melody's grinding body was sending jolts of dull pleasure through my body. I was very conflicted. So much so that I barely felt her slide off my crotch, and sit firmly on my thighs.

"Ok, that's enough, game's over," I said, trying to wriggle free. She was pinning me down in a perfect way that took leverage completely away. In retrospect maybe I could have tried harder, but...I didn't.

"Not yet, Timbo, not yet," she said with a glassy, inebriated smile. She took the end of my poncho and threw it up over my face, blinding me momentarily. Her hands grasped quickly at my jeans, popping them open, spreading them wide. Melody's hands fished inside them. I wish I could say I was strong enough to tell her to stop. As much as I wanted to, the words just never came out of my mouth, and by the time I got the poncho out of my face I felt a rush of release as the boiling skin of my cock hit the cool night air.

"Melody..." I started, for the hundredth time, still not finishing my thought, but she wasn't listening anyway. She just stared down at my cock, mouth agape, corners pulled up into a smile.

"Holy shit, Tim..." she said, running a hand over her neck and the exposed skin of her chest.

"Melody, please," I began, but was cut off by the feeling of her hands gripping my iron erection.

"Oh, no need to beg, Timbo...I know what you need." she leaned down slightly, spitting a thick wad of saliva onto my tip, and then began to stroke.

I groaned against my will. It wasn't a slow, teasing handjob--no, Melody knew she was on borrowed time before I came to my senses, so she began a vigorous rhythmic milking of my cock. I was overwhelmed by the sensations shooting through me. I was angry that I wasn't stopping her, that I was letting her do this to me, but moreso I was angry because it felt really fucking good.

I couldn't get my bearings. The situation, the feelings, they were all too much as Melody's hands sped up and down my shaft. I looked at her, focused on her face, and took in the sight of the jiggle of her plump breasts as she put everything she had into jerking me off.

Those tits. Those amazing-looking tits. Fuck you, Melody. Fuck you for making me do this.

I didn't have time to form words, the sensation hit me like a freight train. I grunted and groaned loudly, and with a deep bodily spasm, hot cum spurt out of my cock, leaving three long, wet streaks across my shirt before the rest of it melted down over Melody's stroking hands.

When my spasming stopped, so did her stroking, and all I could do to deal with what just happened was put my hands over my eyes and curse her name.

"Goddamnit, Melody...Goddamnit..."

Finally looking at her, she smiled a cheshire smile, perched atop me like the cat that got the canary. Bringing one of her sticky fingers to her mouth, she gave a quick lick at my cum clinging to it, before looking me dead in the eye and saying two words: "I win."

Then she wiped her hands on my shirt, covering me in my own semen.

"Get off me," I said, deadly seriously, "get the FUCK off of me."

Still laughing, Melody dismounted me. "See you back at the party," she chortled, then straightened herself out and sauntered off toward the door, leaving me lying in my own juices.

I was too livid to move. Angry at what had just happened, angry at myself for allowing it to happen, angry for enjoying it until that final moment when she treated me like a ball of used kleenex.

I laid there in silence for I don't know how long, stewing over what had just happened. What she had done. What I had LET her do. I was angry that I had given her the satisfaction of making me cum. I wish I could have controlled myself enough, and not let my body admit that the handjob she gave me, the handjob I was furious about, felt absolutely amazing.

I finally put myself together, throwing my poncho over my cum-stained shirt, and left the bedroom. I didn't talk to a single person at the party, I just made a B-line for the door, and stomped angrily back to my dorm.

Under the hot water of my shower I tried to get past my heated state, but I couldn't stop thinking about what had happened. Couldn't get past all the shit Melody had pulled, how she couldn't take a fucking hint and leave me be. Couldn't treat me like a person and not like a toy.

I moved into the kitchen and opened the fridge, but just stared into it. I had no idea what I wanted, if anything, and I just zoned out, still stewing. It was then that I heard a voice in the hallway. The kitchen was situated right near the door to the main suite of the dorm, so anyone in the hallway could be easily heard. I'd heard arguments, I'd heard laughter, but this time I heard a very familiar voice saying goodnight and heading down toward the opposite end of the hall. It was Melody, back from the party.

I felt the heat rise in the back of my head. I knew I wasn't going to be able to sleep that night until I confronted her. I didn't know what I was going to do, or what I was going to say, but I knew I had to do something.

I don't even remember leaving my room, but all of a sudden I was standing in front of her door. I knocked. I waited.

"It's open!" came her call from the other side. I turned the handle. I went inside. Melody was still in the busty top from her witch costume, but had just finished kicking off her pants, leaving her nude from the waist down, save for tight, back panties that seemed painted on to her thick behind. "Oh, hey, Timbo!" she said with a carefree tone, "I was just getting ready to go to bed--you wanna join me?" She kicked her hips out in an admittedly sexy way and bit her lip playfully.

All I could do was glare in silence.

As Melody recognized I wasn't there to joke around, the playfulness disappeared, and the smile melted off her face. She stepped toward me.

"Listen, Tim, I--" she began, but I cut her off.

"What do you want from me?"

"What do you mean?" She said, sensing I was not in a playful mood.

"What the fuck do you WANT from me?"

There was silence. For once in her life, Melody was speechless. I watched her search for the words. The heat inside me grew hotter, and as she started to form a response, the heat took over.

"On your knees." The sounds jumped out of my throat before I even realized what I had said. Intense frustration burned behind my eyes. She looked at me--she could feel it too. She knew I was serious. "I said get on your knees." I saw the trepidation in Melody's eyes turn to excitement. A faint smile pulled at the corner of her mouth. Slowly she lowered herself in front of me. She was excited because she didn't know what to expect from me. What I was capable of.

I was about to show her.

I could see her breathing start to get labored as my hands worked open first my belt, then my pants. I reached inside. I felt the thickness of my cock--I was already starting to fill out. I retrieved my hand, and watched Melody's eyes go wide as I exposed my cock to her, just inches from her face.

"Is this what you want?" I said, my cock tempering in my hand. There was silence. I burned a hole through her with my glare, she was overwhelmed, mesmerized by what was presented to her. I waited. She waited. Fed up with waiting, I called her bluff with one word: "well?"

Melody leaned forward, and with a gasp and slight moan, she took me into her mouth. I didn't let it show on my face, but it felt amazing. She closed her lips around me, getting used to my size, but I had no patience for her comfort. "Suck it," I commanded. She looked up at me and started bobbing her head. "Suck my cock," I coldly commanded again. Melody picked up her pace and started to truly suck, drawing seemingly all the blood in my body down into my cock, and soon I was at full mast, thick and hard.

At my maximum hardness, my cock became tougher for Melody to take, so she brought her hand up to stroke my shaft and join in the festivities. I pushed it away. Her clear blue eyes looked up at me with a question, her cheeks sunken in with suction, her lips stretched wide around me. I breathed deep through gritted teeth, wrapped my hand in her hair, and gave her an answer.

Holding her hair tight, I began to thrust. Deep. Hard. There was no waiting for her to get accustomed to me, no gentle considerations; Melody wanted my cock so badly, well I was going to give it to her. Right there in her dorm room, with Melody on her knees, I picked up my pace and began fucking her face.

I had never experienced sex as an angry pursuit before. There had been some conflicting feelings with various girls I experienced, sure, but at the end of the day, the experience itself had always been a positive, joyous one. This was not that. This was bitter. Spiteful. The thing I never expected though was to find myself getting off on it. On the power, the humiliation of using Melody's mouth that way. But most of all, I was getting off on how willingly Melody was taking it.

I was thrusting into her mouth at a pretty good speed, holding her head still while I fucked her face. Melody didn't miss a beat, watering eyes sending black streaks of ruined mascara down her sunken cheeks. Each inward thrust was punctuated by a loud noise springing from her throat, and thick saliva pulling out and splattering onto her perfect cleavage with each withdrawal. Her hands never left her thighs as I wildly penetrated her mouth. She could have stopped me at any time, but she didn't. She let me use her how I wanted. I was impressed. I was horny. I was going to cum.

Now I'm a firm believer that no sex act can be degrading as long as both parties are into it, and I've been lucky that one of my favorite sex acts, one that many people consider to be degrading, has been willfully (and sometimes excitedly) participated in by many of the girls I've been with. And again, it's something I've only ever done out of positive, joyful expression of lust and sometimes love. But not that night. That night I wanted to degrade Melody. I wanted to put the exclamation point on what I thought of her after what she had done to me. So as my balls began to seize, I pulled my cock fully out of her mouth, grasped it with one hand, held her head firmly in place with the other. She gasped for air at the sudden void left by my thick cock, but I gave her no time to adjust. I stroked hard, I stroked fast, and I came all over Melody's coughing, sputtering face.

Her eyes closed, eyebrows high in surprise in disbelief, gasping mouth hung open. As my cum slapped onto her visage, she had an expression as though she had just been dipped into ice cold water. Despite what she had done to me earlier in the night, the intensity and the excitement of that moment produced quite a thick load, leaving an obscene zig zag across her face that glued one eye shut and dripped heavily off her top lip.

I stepped back, looking down at the mess I had made. Melody was covered in cum and saliva. Her shirt was ruined. Her cleavage was shiny and wet, and thick viscous splatters freckled her naked thighs and the floor below. Her breath was still coming heavy and deep as she took stock of what had just happened. I had expected that looking down at what I had done with post-nut clarity would have made me immediately remorseful, make me feel immediately bad at the way I had just used her, but much to my surprise...it didn't. I felt invigorated.

Still flying high on that moment, I tucked myself back into my pants, and before Melody could say anything, or even look at me, I was gone, leaving her in a puddle of fluids on her dorm room floor.

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AnonymousAnonymous28 days ago

I think Mandy might be "the one" for Tim. They deserve a decent chance.

winterizedbaconwinterizedbaconabout 2 months ago

Hot chapter. I'd have liked to have seen him leave Jen in that state for Melody to see or vice versa. Or for one or them to be present for the act and get Tim some wild new college experiences. It's fun to see Tim putting his summer job experience into practice.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Damn this was hot!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago


SildaniSildaniabout 2 months ago

Um, there must be something I’m missing, but what makes Melody think she’s Tim’s consolation prize? For what? A girl he banged back in high school? And when did Tim show ANY interest in Melody before this chapter? Is she that full of herself?

pkp033pkp033about 2 months ago

Also, not sure if it's intentional, but it's kind of amusing how Mandy appears and gets cockblocked...again lol

pkp033pkp033about 2 months ago

Not exactly the genre I prefer but enjoyed your personal spin to it 🔥🔥🔥

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