Transformations: Morpheus Ch. 04


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He looked around with a panicked expression.

Then he saw Abdullah.

"Abdullah! Kill her! Kill her, Abdullah!"

Abdullah's eyes blazed, and I didn't need to read his mind to know his rage was directed at Faisal not Fatima.

Morpheus held up his hand. "No, Abdullah. He deserves to die, but as your goddess says, we still have use for him."

Abdullah stopped.

"His goddess? Am I your goddess, Abdullah?" Fatima asked.

He knelt on one knee. "Yes, my Mistress. I worship you."

She walked to him and rubbed his bald head. "For me?"

"Well, I didn't think you were going to enjoy spending decades with your murderer without some distraction," Morpheus said.

She sat down at the table with us. "I love him. Thank you, Master."

"He's immortal like you. And he's totally devoted to you, Fatima."

"I would die for you, Mistress," Abdullah said as he rose from the floor.

"Madness! You are all mad!" Faisal whined from the floor.

Abdullah drew back to strike him.

"No, Abdullah. Don't mark him. If he is bruised there will be too many questions," Fatima said. "This looks delicious. I'm starving. I believe I am now eating for two."

"Technically ten," Morpheus said with a smile.

I looked from Morpheus to Fatima and back again. "I'm sorry am I missing something?"

Fatima smiled and squeezed my hand. "Faisal's last act as a man: he impregnated me."

"Impregnated? How? You were a..." I caught myself before I said it.

"What she means is your body was infertile," Morpheus said. "I implanted a new uterus and ovaries in her."

"A new one? Where did you get..."

"The Cuban regime is a brutal regime. Spare parts are plentiful, and they give them to me for free."

"My God," I whispered.

Fatima smiled. "Morpheus explained it to me: the ovaries contain eggs with my DNA - my transformed DNA. When Faisal squirted his pitiful seed into me it fertilized all my eggs..."

"Ten eggs," Morpheus said. "Her ovaries are biological versions of the suspended animation chambers. Her eggs will be released one at a time over the next twenty years. Starting today."

"Lies!" Faisal screamed. "This is not possible even for you, wizard!"

"Not lies, Faisal," Morpheus said. "Not even magic. Science."

Fatima turned and glared at him. "Don't worry, husband. My DNA is superior to yours in every way. My genes are all dominant. My children will not be weakling cowards like you. They will be gods and goddesses. And they will change the face of the world."

"Bitch! You filthy slut..."

"Hold your tongue!" Abdullah roared. "Hold your tongue or I will rip it from your mouth!"

Faisal shrank away and looked at the floor.

Fatima's eyes sparkled. "I really like him."

"I thought you might," Morpheus said. He stood up and then knelt in front of Faisal. He put both palms on the sides of Faisal's head. "Listen to me, little man. This is your penance. This is your penance for three murders. You will return home with Fatima as if nothing is wrong. You will continue your work as a CEO, and you will take Zephyr Oil to ever greater heights."

I watched as Faisal's eyes grew relaxed and then cloudy.

"You will obey your Mistress, love her no matter how she tortures you. You will never be free of your cock cage, Faisal. It is permanent. You will never again have sexual relations with anyone unless your Mistress commands it."

"Why? Why are you doing this?" Faisal croaked.

"You killed the first Fatima. You will grow old and die while she lives on young and beautiful for all eternity. That is as fitting a punishment as I can think of, Faisal."

Fatima turned around chewing a piece of bacon. "Oh, and just so you know? From this point on, Zephyr Oil will pay Morpheus one billion dollars or ten percent of net profits, whichever is greater, every year... forever. Your heirs will continue the payments after you die," she said as she rubbed her tummy.

"No, I can't do that! Companies don't work that way! I can't hide a billion dollars a year from the stockholders."

"Find a way, husband. Or I will think of amazingly cruel ways to encourage you," she said as she smiled.


"So strange to leave this place," Fatima said as we stood in the laboratory. "I feel as if I were born here."

"You were," I said.

"You knew me before all this, didn't you?"

I hesitated. "Why... do you ask that?"

She smiled. "A woman's intuition perhaps? We were in love before all this."

I stared at her for a moment.

Then I smiled and nodded. "Yes, Fatima. We were and are very much in love."

She touched my face. "I leave here with nothing but this ridiculous burka, some underwear, a pair of heels..."

"And don't forget an emasculated, murderous husband and a walking sex machine."

She laughed. "You didn't let me finish. I'm leaving with two lovers in my heart."

I cried and she kissed the tears away.

"Morpheus says we will know each other again. Countless times," I said.

"Past lives become future lives. Full circle," she whispered.

I nodded.

We kissed - something far more tender and loving than how we started out in Studio 54 when disco was king and the Candy Girl was queen.


"I will find a way to break free of this spell. And then I will kill you all," Faisal grumbled.

"You do that, Faisal," Morpheus said.

Abdullah shoved Faisal into the back of the chopper. "Behave yourself. It is a long flight back to the Dominican Republic. Anger me and I will feed you to the sharks along the way."

Faisal stared straight ahead.

"We fly to Riyadh on TWA at 6:00 in the morning," Fatima said, her voice muffled by the ridiculous burka. "I booked the Hilton in Santo Domingo." She looked up and winked at Abdullah. "I understand the beds are very large and strong."

"We shall see, Mistress," Abdullah said with a smile as he climbed into the pilot's seat. Morpheus had found him a black suit big enough to fit him.

"Yes, we will," Fatima laughed. "And if Faisal is a good boy? I'll let him watch... If he's bad? I'll make him participate."

I laughed to hold back my tears.

Morpheus pulled me close.

"Not goodbye," Fatima said as she climbed into the co-pilot's seat.

"No. Not goodbye," I said.

We stepped back as the helicopter took off and headed north.


"Good food salves a wounded heart," Morpheus said as he made me an omelet.


"Morpheus," he said. "I often quote myself. A god's privilege. Sit."

I sat down at the table and he put the omelet on a plate for me.

He sat down across from me.

"You aren't eating?" I asked.

"No. You go ahead."

I took a bite. "Mmm. You should be the god of cuisine."

He laughed. "I have something to show you." He took a notebook from the counter and opened it. He laid it beside my plate.

He loved to mimic the style of Da Vinci in his notebooks. You would be hard pressed to tell the difference between a Morpheus rendering and Da Vinci's.

However, the figure on the page was beyond anything the Renaissance master had ever conceived. The woman drawn on the page was long and impossibly lithe, her hair long and black.

Her elongated torso had not two breasts, but four.

The face was my own but more regal, more imperious.

I reached out and traced the letters written at the top of the page.


I swallowed my bite of omelet. "This... is what you are making me into?"

"Yes, Igor. You will be my Lilith. Or... I will set you free. I will give you the money Faisal gave me in exchange for Fatima. You can go back to your life as a rich woman - you won't need a rich man, Igor. You will have the world in the palm of your hand..."

"Or everlasting life as your Lilith?" I asked.

"I will give you immortality and set you free with the money, if you like?"

I took a deep breath. "How long will it take to make me Lilith?"

He smiled. "Decades in a transformation tube."

I nodded. "Then lets get started. The future awaits."


He carried me through the lab - after the injections I was too weak to walk on my own.

We passed by the tubes: the Balengers, Dr. Thompson, Evie, beautiful Maria. He paused by Melody's tube and I reached out and touched the glass.

He kissed me and carried me to the pink liquid filled tube at the end of the row.

The plaque at the base read: Lilith, My Igor, December 27th, 1979.

"Will I dream?' I asked as he climbed the scaffold and slipped me gently into the tube.






"And that's the story," Lilith said as the nun between her thighs redoubled her efforts to make the goddess cum.

Dr. Demona leaned her head back against the young priest as he fucked her from behind. "That... umm! Explains a lot," Demona said as she fucked back against the stud priest with the 'L' branded on his forehead.

Lilith smiled and blinked her blue vertically slitted eyes. She leaned forward and drew Demona into a deep kiss, her fingers sliding down Demona's body and finding her engorged clit.

"Mmmph!" Demona moaned.

She came hard which triggered the stud behind her to fill her with cum as he cried out.

Lilith laughed in Demona's mouth. Then she leaned her head back. "Leave us. Those whom I have branded? Collect your belongings. The quadcopter leaves for Isla Satana within the hour."

Demona laughed and rolled onto her back. "Lilith, you've entertained me, informed me, and fucked my brains out..."

Lilith laughed.

"Now what can I do for you?" Demona asked.

"Gods manipulate the past to make the future," Lilith said and snuggled close to Demona. "Take you for instance."


"Nothing is ever left to chance. Not in Morpheus's world, Demona. He manipulates genes, pushes couples together, pulls them apart. He breeds the future."

Demona sat up. "What are you saying?"

"You are the product of a beautiful decades long experiment. All of you are. Did you think it was only chance that you were born with an IQ beyond human imagining, Dr. Demona?"

Demona's mouth dropped open.

"The affairs of gods and goddesses are beyond understanding - even the understanding of demigods."

"I... don't know how I feel about that."

Lilith smiled. "No, of course you don't. You want to believe in freewill over predestiny - gods work in both. Predestiny led to your birth, my perfect little genius. But it was freewill that made you who you are."

"Why are you telling me this?" Demona asked.

"The Church is corrupt."

"What?! How can you say that?"

Lilith stared into her eyes.

Then Lilith laughed. "You almost convinced me, doctor. But I know that you are working against the Church. I know you have created an underground railroad of the transformed. I know you are siding with Maria Marapova to defy the Church when the time comes."

"I... how can you know..."

"I simply know. Call it clairvoyance if you like. Or maybe time travel. But I know."

Demona frowned. "Fine. Go ahead then. Kill me. I don't regret what I've done. I don't regret what I tried to do! The Church is a pestilence!"

Lilith smiled. "Oh, my darling girl. You misunderstand. I agree with you. I love Sister with all my heart. I would die for her. And Morpheus? I would destroy the world for him."

"I don't understand."

Lilith nodded. "I know you don't. But you see, I want it all. The selfish girl who was ready to destroy a man's life in 1979 just so she could have part of his fortune? She wants to save the world now. And I want my lovers with me. I want to spend eternity with Morpheus and Sister and Fatima. And I want to save the world."

"What does that have to do with me?"

"Everything. Morpheus loves his Church. He created it first. Perhaps it is ego, perhaps it is what this world with its religions and politics did to Melody. Whatever the reason? He is blind to the cruelties. He rationalizes the pain they inflict. They have perverted his dream, Demona. He can't see that it is Whore Caste that are his people. They are the dream that Summer of Love wanted to create but could never imagine."

"If you know all this, why don't you do something about it?" Demona sobbed.

"My darling, don't you see? I am."

Demona shook her head. "Why now? Why not before? Why didn't you stop them before? Latigo Key? Butch! The day Butch...?"

"Because it wouldn't have worked. It only works out one way. And you are the key, Demona. Your mind, your science. Why now? Because your viruses are loosed on the world. Every city in the United States is scrambling to contain what you have wrought under Morpheus's command."

"I don't regret that! The world must change but the Church cannot be in control of the aftermath!"

Lilith laughed. "Yes, darling. Precisely. The fall of man is upon us and then the great war will pit all of us: mankind, the transformed, gods, demons, and monsters, all of us will fight for the future. Your vision of the future, the vision of Whore Caste and Professional Caste - that dream must prevail. But if Morpheus sides with his Church?" She shook her head. "He can move worlds, Demona. The universe very nearly revolves around him now. If his heart cannot be swayed you will fail no matter your allies."

"You will fight for us?"

She shook her head. "I follow my love, my Master. And if he chooses his Church, then I will help them build their hell, Demona. So we must make sure he chooses wisely."

"I don't know how to do that."

Lilith stood up and walked to a desk on the other side of the room.

She returned with a small green bottle and the flash drive containing Morpheus's notes on her creation. "The flash drive you know about." She held up the bottle. "This you do not."

"What is it?"

"The key to everything. The key to Morpheus's heart. Maybe the key to all existence: DNA."


Lilith smiled. "You know the answer to that question."

"But... he would never be satisfied with..."

"No. But I solved a riddle Morpheus has not. A riddle in three pieces. You hold the first. The other two will be revealed in time. Solve the riddle in your hand. Breathe life into it, Demona. Save the world."

The End

The saga continues in

Transformations: The New Normal

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AnoniemousAnoniemousabout 3 years ago

Losing the will. Everytime I think I'm beginning to understand another spanner is thrown into the works. It's brilliant and I live it.

5 stars.

wayneandanntriskelionwayneandanntriskelionover 3 years agoAuthor
The wait might (almost) be over...

We never noticed before but when we have a story in 'pending', the date on it changes from the submission date to the anticipated release date on lit. The New Normal now says 10/31 on its date - so we suppose it will be available on Halloween.

Jeffrey might make an appearance in The New Normal - rest assured many Futanari will be present... along with crazed 'sex zombies', white witches, Mother Superiors, dominatrices, sex slaves, bimbos...

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

The wait is killing me! You guys have me completely hooked. Since we are heading into this story I want to hear about Jeffrey. "I didn't WANT this!" Poor kid....

Oh yeah 5 stars.

wayneandanntriskelionwayneandanntriskelionover 3 years agoAuthor
Transformations: The New Normal

The New Normal chapter 1 is in the queue. Should be available sometime Wednesday.

This story returns us to the main timeline. If you remember back to the end of Return to Sinful Suburbia, the Church has unleashed bimbo flu and the futa virus on Manhattan. New Normal tells the story of the people trapped inside the quarantine zone.

wayneandanntriskelionwayneandanntriskelionover 3 years agoAuthor
Transformations: The New Normal

We’re getting close and hope to have Chapter 1 in the queue this weekend. Stay tuned!

wayneandanntriskelionwayneandanntriskelionover 3 years agoAuthor
More Random Answers:

Crazy_One - That's a great question. Evie is indeed the prototype for the Street Whores. One false assumption the transformed have been operating under is that you can be transformed only once and from that point you are immune to 'Morpheus Magic' - we now know that's false since Demonica is transformed a second time in Dr. De-Mona. We'll revisit Evie's 'evolution' very soon. Also, the Church does believe they have permanently 'dumbed down' Street Whores, but we are seeing instances where they are not quite as 'dumb' as the Church wants to believe...

Our 'IMAGINary' Friend - Glad you liked that line :). 1967 always seemed like a year where the world was trying desperately to find itself but ultimately fell short. As for Herbert, well I suppose he probably wouldn't have approved of Sting. But sometimes it's best for the author to step away and let others interpret. That's part of what we love about writing - our words take on a life of their own through other people's lenses. It's really amazing.

We're getting close on The New Normal Chapter 1. The New Normal is the story of the effect the bimbo flu and futa virus have on Manhattan and detail the infiltration of the Church of Morpheus into our great cities. There are some 'arc' elements in New Normal.

After that, we'll take one last trip in the way back machine for Transformations: Latigo Key. We'll head back to an alternate history 1990 for that one to tell the story of how the Church did its first dry run toward world domination.

Next will come Transformations: Tourists, which will detail the adventures of several people who venture out for a 'sexcation' to the new Cuba.

After that? Then we enter the endgame itself...

wayneandanntriskelionwayneandanntriskelionover 3 years agoAuthor
Random Answers to Questions:

MrCharonSr - We like Brittney as well. One of the themes we’ve interwoven in the series is the loss of humanity by the characters who’ve been given godlike powers. Brittney is Maria’s Jiminy Cricket, her Memento Mori. Without her, what would Maria be? Morpheus strays from his path because he shuns his Memento Mori(s) by locking them away in suspended animation or loses them completely with the death of Melody. He is put back on the right path when Lilith enters his life.

Terra Lupis - The story was held up because the original draft of the first chapter of Morpheus featured a lot of cruelty - Morpheus is even more lost and bitter because of losing Melody, and they objected to the darkness of his actions. We concurred - remember that, although you’re reading this as book 11, the first chapter was the second Transformation story we wrote and things were still in flux. We were still finding our voice on this series. We believe this Morpheus is better than our original. As for Dr. Thompson, he is integral to the story, so yes, you will definitely see more of him.

Cinnamon_Spice - You keep right on pointing out things you find that are incorrect. We make tons of mistakes and, considering the fact we are now at around 1.2 million words, we expect some major blunders!

Thanks everyone for your kind comments! We never dreamed we would pass a million words in Transformations and your comments have helped us immeasurably.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Perfectly written

Especially this line.

“They are the dream that Summer of Love wanted to create but could never IMAGINE.”

John Lennon for the win.

You two are amazing. Thank you for sharing this gift with us.

PS regarding Frank Herbert...don’t worry about his approval, you think he was happy with Sting being in the first attempt at a movie based on his books? Me neither.

The_Crazy_OneThe_Crazy_Oneover 3 years ago

I'm wondering something. How did Evie control her sex drive for 18 years to raise Adam? She was the prototype of the standard Whore Class. So I assume she would had a sex drive that would put any sane person in the grave, so how did she control it? Also I'm wondering when did the church decide to dumb down the whore class.

MrCharonSrMrCharonSrover 3 years ago

I knew it! Melody was the tradegy just beyond the story horizon.

The next installment of this very enjoyable ride cannot come too soon. The plot twists are amazing and the characters are memorable. My favorite character is Britt-ney who said to Maria that everyone was afraid of her but Britt was afraid " for" her. That and coloring Marias' face with marker while in a trance.

Thank you once again for this story line which is so much more than simple erotica.

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