Twins Pt. 01


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*You go first and I'll sit behind you as you know where she lives, just go lightly.*

#Okay Ali let's go.#

They ranged out towards her house, it only took a couple of seconds to get there and find Lindsey's bedroom. Adam carefully entered her mind and she was enjoying a dream about the fair and ending with that 'KISS' then a voice said,

~Hello Adam.~ and Lindsey appeared in front of him dressed in her nightie and smiling, ~Oh and Alison too, nice of you to come and visit.~

#Uhh... hi Lindsey, we weren't expecting this.#

~Now I know for certain how Chrissy, Brenda and Connie changed so dramatically and for the better too, I congratulate you.~

*You did drop a few hints that you were like us this evening.*

~I didn't want to be too subtle, Adam is a boy and most of them have a one track mind and don't do subtle.~

*It's in their nature but a few are good Samaritans.* Ali giggled.

~I know and Adam is one of them, I can't do much but I can read some things clearly and others are a bit fuzzy. I can't make people do things or I would have dealt with Chrissy myself.~

#Do you know how you came to have this ability/gift Lindsey?#

~Well from what my parents have told me, it seems that back in the late sixties and early seventies the government were doing experiments with certain drugs and wanted volunteers to try them out for a good pay-out. Lots of hard up students volunteered to take part in this 'safe' drug trial which involved LSD combined with other drugs.

The volunteers mostly got stoned as they called it and don't remember much about it but some fell in love and had children after the trial failed. Two of those children grew up quite normally, met at University and eventually got married, they are my parents. Neither of them can do this so why it has come out in me I don't know but I can't really practice because I don't know if it works.~

"Wow Lindsey, that's some story but we are more ignorant than you." and her told her their story, "But once we found each other we started to practice together and we can do all sorts of things.#

*Look you two, it's late, why don't we meet up tomorrow afternoon down where the fair was and we can discuss this and try some experiments.*

~Okay, one o'clock outside my house, bye.~

#Lindsey, you heard me earlier before I came to call, didn't you?#

~Yes I did, I was standing in front of the mirror and you said 'beautiful' and that convinced me.~

#I'm sorry, I didn't mean to intrude, I was daydreaming and thinking of you and was suddenly seeing you in the mirror...


#Yes, naked and that's what I thought, then realised where I was and got out quickly, I didn't mean to be a perv.#

~I don't mind, I actually thought it was kinda cute... that you were kinda cute too...~

*That's why your goodnight kiss was like that, you should find that your reading ability is a bit better after that.*

~How do you know?~

*We kissed by accident, I mean it was not intended and the world exploded, but it boosted us so it should be the same for you two.*

#It was big for us and a mental one is a nice relaxing glow before sleep, ours Lindsey was in between so... and don't think me pervy but a three way kiss should really boost you unless you think that's too gross.#

~You mean, we all kiss together and your boost might help me?~

*Yes, if you don't mind kissing me that is.*

~You are very nice like Adam, I've never kissed a girl before but I think it would be nice with you so I'm okay with it.~

*Me too and we don't need to ask Addy, he's going to just melt.* And they giggled together.

#Maybe I will but it'll be worth it.#

*Come on Addy, we all need some sleep, see you tomorrow Lindsey.*


~Bye.~ and they returned to their own rooms.

*Wow Addy! She is really nice, I wonder if our grandparents had anything to do with those experiments?*

#If we ask Lindsey for the names of her grandparents and ask ours if they knew them and she can do the same but now it's sleep time, goodnight Ali.#

*Goodnight Addy.* They kissed as usual and the glow relaxed them into sleep.

Sunday afternoon found the trio back at the Rec, the fair had packed up and had gone to their next venue, only leaving some yellowed patches of grass which would soon recover. They found a place to sit, well away from the few people who were there.

"How are we going to do this?" Lindsey asked aloud.

"First you try and read me and then Addy and we'll do the same to you, each time we tell what we see, okay." Alison replied.

"Okay." And she concentrated on Alison, who had put up a privacy wall but left the rest open.

"I could see what you had done at the fair on Friday, a brick wall and a bit of Connie, oh you had to help him." She said and the girls giggled, then she looked at Adam, his privacy block was up too.

"I see his problem with Connie, I like the octopus bit, I see you on Friday and last night too and a wall"

"Those are privacy walls, our personal memories are in there and do you have one?"

"I don't know, can you check and show me how to make one?"

"Of course, we don't want Addy to see all your 'dirty little secrets' if you have any, would we?"

"No we wouldn't." She said and blushed prettily so Alison moved in and spoke,

*It is easier and a lot quicker to talk like this but we don't do it in class unless we have a problem, it's too much of a distraction but very private, there is no need to look at each other either, people might think that was odd behaviour. I don't think you have much range but we have been practicing for years and our limit is about three miles.*

~Wow, that far, I've never practiced so I've never tried.~

*This is how you make a wall but don't try to block off everything, it's tiring, just make a brick box around your really private things and hold it firm, after a while it will stay up on its own. I know your curious about Connie and Chrissy but there are some nasty things in their minds that are behind our walls and you're too inexperienced to see them yet, see you've put up the wall and been listening to me, multi-tasking. Now you can let Addy in.*

#Not a bad wall Lindsey, hold it tight and I'll give it a test.#

She concentrated and he wiggled and pulled and got one brick out and put it straight back in.

#Good strength, ahh Ali mentioned Chrissy, she had a hard wall but I got in and was shocked. I won't tell you what was in there but have you ever seen any porn on your laptop, accidentally?#

~Yes, by accident, it was interesting but a bit OTT, men and women, girls together, groups, the knowledge of what people like and do was useful but I wouldn't bother again, why do you ask?~

#If we let you see behind our walls to see her's and Connie's details, you'll be prepared to know what we did and why.#

*Can you move things by concentrating on them?*

~I don't know, I've never thought to try.~

*Look at that flower over there, by the big tree, concentrate on pushing it over.*

~I'm trying but nothing's happening.~

*Come into my mind and I'll show you, there, focus and push... oh...*

~You try it in my mind, ooo that feels like I'm being cuddled from behind.~

*You sure you don't want Addy to do this?*

~That might be nice but this is education... and you feel nice too.~

*You feel nice as well but... now do it like this, now push.* and the flower bent over, *Now you do it.*

Lindsey copied the... whatever it was and had the same result.

*Addy, thirty yards please.* and as he trotted away Ali said, *Now try the same thing against him, you won't hurt him but he will be able to feel your push, okay.*

~Okay, here goes.~ And nothing seemed to happen, Adam walked back and sat down.

~Well?~ Lindsey asked impatiently.

#I could definitely feel it but it was more like a kiss than a push.#

*Speaking of kisses, let's do that and try again. First Addy and I will kiss so that you can see what we feel but stay outside.* They stood and kissed and there were rockets and explosions as usual.

~Wow! That felt wonderful, much better than last night, sorry Adam but...~

#That's all right, our kiss was special because it was our first, this is different, now you kiss Ali then me,#

*You are so looking forward to this Addy*

#Purely for educational purposes.# He lied and they all laughed, knowing that he lied of course.

Lindsey stood but it was awkward because of her height so they all lay down again and the two girls rolled together and kissed and they could all feel the glow. Next Lindsey and Adam rolled together and kissed and it was better for both of them as she was less nervous.

Now was the real test, Lindsey lay on her back and one twin half rolled onto her from each side, and made a triple connection kiss and 'BOOM', a massive firework display for as long as they held the kiss. After what seemed like forever but was only a few seconds their lips parted.


*That was the best one ever!*

#Ahhhhhh......# Addy sighed happily.

*Told you he'd melt.* And the girls laughed and when they saw his reaction, they laughed even more.

#You can't honestly tell me that didn't make you pussies tingle too.#

*A lady would never admit something like that to a man.* Ali snapped and Lindsey blushed again.

#Okay, I'll go walkies again.# He got up and walked away.

"He was right though, that really felt good." Alison whispered.

"I think I melted a bit too."

*Okay he's ready, go for it, knock him over!* Lindsey focused and pushed hard and he staggered and looked surprised.

*My turn.* and she trotted over to Adam and waited and definitely felt the firm push.

*Right Lindsey, stand up and brace yourself and I'll give you half a 'push' okay?*

~Okay.~ She stood and braced herself, then Alison 'pushed' and Lindsey fell on her ass and the twins ran over to help her.

*Sorry, I thought you were ready.*

~I was, it felt as though I had been hit by a flying mattress. I think I might have bruised my ass... ADAM! I caught that thought, much as we both might enjoy you kissing my ass until it's better, it's not going to happen any time soon, after all this is only a second date, my name's not Connie, oh sorry Connie you're better now.~

#Sorry.# Adam said but he wasn't and they all laughed.

~I don't mean to be nosey but have you two had sex?~

#I know what you've picked up, no we haven't, we've both seen porn and we peeked on our grandparents when they did it under the influence of our kiss.

*What we tried was mental sex and only what they call oral, let's link and we'll show you.* The two way became a three way and they showed what Adam had done to Ali in her mind and vice versa, including him cumming through her head which made them laugh.

*The one strange thing is, there's no taste.*

~Maybe one day, Adam.~

*Hey what about me, do I get shut out if you two become an item?"

#No of course not.#

~No, we're all friends, you should know me better than that Alison, you've been inside my head.~

*You mean...* and they saw a vision of Lindsey's head instead of Adam's between Alison's thighs before Alison clamped down hard on it.

~Ohhh... um... do you like girls Alison... I... um...~

*Shit! Oh sorry I almost never swear, I didn't mean to visualise that. I like boys but I admit having seen girls in porn do it, and that I am curious, that thought was in my private box and I don't know how it escaped.*

~It's okay Alison, I've had thoughts like that myself and we could experiment, mentally of course, it's got to be the ultimate in safe sex. I bet I could guess your secret fantasy Adam.~

#Go on then what is it?# And Lindsey visualised Adam lying on his back with her bouncing on his cock and Alison sat on his face and kissing Lindsey, then swopping around.

Both Adam and Alison were gobsmacked at the vision, Adam finally gasped,

#Pardon me for being a boy but that would be my ultimate fantasy, thank you Lindsey, I can die happy now.#

*Pervert!* snapped Alison.

~Actually there was nothing perverted about that scene, there were no whips, or forced sex or little kids involved.~

*I suppose you're right, but it's not happening for real.*

~Anyway, we've got a lot of practice to do before I can be half as good as you two, so anything like that will have to wait until I can come to you at night, call it my prize.~

#Changing the subject, grandparents names, if we swop names maybe they were in the same program back in the dark ages.#

~Good idea, mine are on my Mum's side and on my Dad's~

*Ours is complicated, come in and see.*

~Oh I see, well maybe the names will be enough, I'll ask when I get home.~

#We will too,... I know, we will come to you tonight at nine thirty and we can pass information, then you can try to come to us, it's about half a mile, maybe we should triple kiss again just to make sure.#

*We've never kissed twice before and don't know what that would do so NO Adam, we won't risk it today.*

#Awww.# And they laughed again, then stood up to go home, as they walked across the field Adam took Lindsey's hand in his and there was a little sizzle and mental glow, so he took Alison's hand too and it was bigger and more pleasant as the three of them walked to Lindsey's house where she and Adam kissed goodbye, then she gave a pleasantly surprised Alison a quick kiss too.

They were all in the lounge while dinner was cooking, watching the local news when the newsreader announced that Andrew Grant, who was suspected of trying to abduct a schoolgirl who had fought back, making him hit his head.

He had been in a coma since then, but had just woken up and confessed to the police officer guarding him, he also confessed to the abduction of a boy and girl the year before and forensic officers had been seen digging in a wood just outside of the town.

"Oh finally we will see some justice for you Alison." Steven sighed. Alison and Adam just smiled.

At dinner Alison asked their grandparents,

"Did you know a Carol Bell and John Stone or Tony Morris and Susan King back in the late sixties or early seventies?"

"That's a long time ago, why do you ask?" Steven said, looking at Marie.

"It's just that a friend said that their grandparents knew our grandparents back then, doing something for the government, do you remember them?"

"I don't think so how about you Marie?"

#They're hiding something.#

"No, I don't think so" Marie answered.

*She's worried.*

#They both are, I think we have to investigate after they are asleep, alarm set for one am again.#

At nine thirty the twins went to Lindsey.

#Hi Lindsey, how'd you get on?#

~Hi, you two, they recognised the names straight away as part of the group although no one knew what the real objectives were but they were told that it was to increase intelligence and enhance spatial awareness or something like that but it didn't work, they just got high and had hallucinations, how did you do?~

The twins told her that they had met with denial and were going to investigate later.

*Try to reach us in a minute then we'll get some sleep, it's exams tomorrow goodnight.*

~Okay, goodnight.~

#Goodnight...# and Adam gave her a big kiss, and left her the glow.

Lindsey tried hard but couldn't reach them, she wanted to kiss them too but it would have to wait, her life had gone from being depressed about being bullied to being elated with new friends, well a girlfriend and a boyfriend and special powers for all three of them too.

That night after the alarm woke them up, they took one grandparent each and went in to find the truth and to add a guilty push to make them want to confess. Adam found a wall but it wasn't very strong so he removed a few bricks and looked inside, Steven is a nice guy but he and Marie had taken part in the experiment which was also to try and breed super intelligent kids.

The four of them had 'hit it off' but decided to keep it quiet until they were home again, he and Marie then married and had Barbara but she had shown no signs of super intelligence. He was suspicious about Alison's intelligence being quite high but nothing of genius level so left it at that until Adam had arrived.

Alison found the same in Marie's mind but her wall was easy to dismantle too. Her memories were similar to her husbands but she also had recollections of Barry and Alice and Barry's reactions to the drugs. He became moody with occasional violent outbursts but calmed down when he was given a much reduced dose. He only stayed because of Alice who became very submissive to him, they later married and had Graham who showed nothing special. When Graham and Barbara married... and she knew the rest, they didn't suspect a thing.

*Hey Addy, they're taking us to Disney in Florida for Christmas.*

#That's why there's been no mention of a summer holiday.#

Lindsey did the same thing to her parents and found the same story but they didn't try to hide it. Lindsey had shown signs of knowing things she shouldn't have, but it didn't come to much so they kept quiet about it.

In the morning Alison went to Lindsey and asked to meet on the way to school.

#*Hi Lindsey*# they said together.

~Hi, I peeked as well but you go first.~

They each showed her what they'd found out and saw what she saw.

#There may be others out there like us, there were Thirty men and the same amount of women. We know that a quarter married to get us three so there may be others, let's do this as a holiday project to see if we can trace any others.#

*But carefully, we don't want to end up as Guinea Pigs.*


They decided to put their project on hold while they revised for their upcoming 'A Level' exams which were very important. They monitored Connie, Chrissy and Brenda and found that they were all doing well, especially Connie.

They sat their exams, and once they were completed, the school summer holidays and their project could begin. They got together at Lindsey's house and worked out a plan.

End of Part One.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Hopefully this can be construed as constructive feedback...... I found the story idea to be really promising and the delivery extremely frustrating. So much exposition already and then a lot of the interaction was turned into exposition instead of putting the reader in the scene. Good writing describes the moment at of it's happening in real life. So kind of details..... The smell of the candle being blown out. The squeek of the door.... The sigh and shiver...... Shudder.... Fermenting to breathe again...... The writer must borrow all the details and emotions from real life to make a fantasy a living thing. Great ideas here...... Didn't make it real to the reader. Thanks for the story. Hope this somehow inspires instead of just criticizes.

Boyd PercyBoyd Percyalmost 2 years ago

Be interested to see what you do with this story!


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Great story looking forward to lots more.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago


Shame about time line and obvious editorial mistakes, hint get use to at least getting your he's and she's correct.

Thanks all the same good read if a bit repetitive in spots.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Interesting story, but they act like 13 year olds. A level students are 18 and she’s just getting her first period?

oldermale72oldermale72almost 2 years ago

Loved it. Pl44de continue it.

Smiffy69Smiffy69almost 2 years ago

Enjoying it, and looking forward to more, however, you need to improve a few things. It’s unlikely that Ali would reach 18 before having her first period.

Also, it appeared as the grandparents were ‘his’ or ‘hers’ when in fact they were both of theirs. Maybe referring to them as maternal for Ali and paternal grandparents for Adam would be clearer.

It’s still enjoyable though and I’m looking forward to seeing how they develop.

muskyboymuskyboyalmost 2 years ago

You could have done so much more with this storyline, in a lot less words. Adam and Allison alone, then together would have been a lot better story. All this government experiment stuff just dilutes the story, as sone bringing all these other characters. Disappointing.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Loved it! Please continue with part 2.

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