Victoria & Alex Pt. 04


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Vicky saw Alex's eyes bulge in lust and a little tent form under the covers. She raised her arms over her head and seductively rotated her body around on her heels, twisting her hips. Her lace panties that hid 'Little Mike', opened up to show her lily-white bottom and access to her rear.

Alex gave a low wolf whistle and climbed out of bed to meet her, wrapping his arms around her and kissing her neck.

"Holy geez... you're beautiful, so sexy... Was this what you brought in that shop with Sarah last Sunday?"

"Uh-huh, I hope you like it?"

"Like it? I love it."

Vicky gyrated her body against Alex's to non-existent music, rotating in his arms as he pecked kisses on her neck and shoulders.

"I saw you watching me dance, or were you just ogling Karen's bouncing boobs?"

"I didn't notice. You were stunning in that dress and I wasn't the only one who noticed. Did you see the disappointment on that guy's face when you turned him down, until he saw Karen's chest?"

"Yeah, hopefully Karen didn't notice. Would you like me to have boobs like that?"

"No, definitely not, your body's wonderful as you are," Alex, now behind her, ran his hands up her body to caress her small breasts.

"Mmm, right answer. I think I'd topple over with those."

Alex nibbled her neck and found her nipples hardening underneath the sheer nylon as he ran his fingers over them. Vicky twerked her behind into his rigid shaft, encouraging him to thrust into her, riding up and down her peach crevice.

"God, you're gorgeous... Compared to you, Karen's clumsy... Did you notice her trying to copy your dancing?"

"Uh-huh, it's a nice compliment, but less about her, more about how you're going to make love to me."

Vicky bent forwards, leaving her legs straight, giving Alex a glimpse of her rear, winking at him. Her rear flower glistened in the low light, hinting she had already applied lube. Vicky, keeping her legs straight, held onto her ankles and wiggled her bum.

Alex couldn't resist giving her a playful spank or two. He ran his hands over the lace strands that crisscrossed her backside to stroke her cool, bare, white skin, causing her to suck in a breath, anticipating penetration.

Alex teased the surrounding muscle of her winking eye and slipped his thumb in. Vicky bobbed back and forth on his thumb as he pressed it in and out of her... His cock, slid between her legs, teasing her further.

He looked down, passed her cheeks, along her thin lace-clad legs, giving him an erotic view of her high heels. Soon the excitement was too much and Alex withdrew his thumb, pulled back, and guided his shaft into her. Feeling his warmth pressing into her, Vicky gasped, "Yes... Fuck me, Alex."

Turned on by the rawness of her swearing, Alex pressed inward and enjoyed both watching and feeling his cock submerge into her, as they both gasped in pleasure. Excitement ran through them both as they eased together.

As soon as Vicky's cheeks sat on Alex's crotch, she eased back out, to bob up and down him. He eased his hands around her hips to pull and push her. Alex spread his legs to lower his hips, easing the angle of his shaft within her.

"That's so nice..." Vicky gasped, as she straightened her back to rise upright, hinging up from her hips, to arch her back, reaching over her head to stroke Alex's hair behind her.

Alex ran his hands up her rib sides to caress her breasts. Whilst naked, Vicky was stunning, but nylon clad in this bodystocking she was erotic. He pulled her chest back to him, so he could kiss her neck and nibble her ear lobes.

Leaving one hand on her breast, his other ran down her torso, to her stiff little shaft and started stocking it...

"Harder, squeeze it harder..." Vicky whispered.

Alex tightened his grip on her shaft and squeezed her breast. In return, she slapped her backside sharply back to slap onto him, driving him deeper into her. They both pulled back to repeat it, so the room filled with the rhythmic slapping of their bodies and Vicky's moaning.

Alex felt her warm pre-cum flowing over his hand as he stroked her, as she groaned, "I'm coming... Uhmph... Umph... Umph..."

Alex thrust harder and quicker, as he felt Vicky's body become taut, then spasm. Her cock shook, and she thrust back into him. Looking over her shoulder, he saw ropes of cum spurt out of her and her body shake in spasms of orgasm as she moaned in sexual relief.

Enjoying her body wracked by her orgasm, Alex released to explode and burst inside her, hearing her gasp as she enjoyed his warmth run through her. He held her, pulled in tight to him, as they ground each other's last drop out.

Alex held her up as her knees buckled and she pulled around to kiss him on the lips. After a few passionate kisses, she pulled back to sit on the end of the bed and started unravelling herself from the body stocking.

"I think that was a success." Vicky laughed, as she folded up the damp body stocking and placed it by her travel bag, then slipped into bed.

Alex turned off the lights and joined her in bed, as the two wrapped themselves up together. Throughout the night, the two cuddled and swapped positions in their sleep. Alex spooned her for a while, to wake later, with her spooning him. Either way, he enjoyed feeling the tripod made by her boobs and 'Little Mike' against him.

They woke to hear Vicky's phone buzzing in the morning's silence.

"Is that your alarm?"



Vicky leaned out of bed and viewed her phone. "No, Karen?"

< Morning. The show opens at ten. Do you fancy meeting for breakfast at nine? >

She looked at the time, eight-thirty. < Ok >

"I need to freshen up. We have thirty minutes."

Vicky skipped across the room, naked, causing Alex to give a long wolf whistle. He dug out his electric shaver and switched on the TV, but could only find Sunday morning food programs.

Thirty-five minutes later, they entered the busy hotel dining room to see Karen waving from a window-side table. They picked their way through the buffet-style breakfast, collecting mugs of tea, orange juices, toast and utensils.

Karen was excited to see them both, as they arrived at the table.

"Hi, I hope you didn't mind the text. It's just we hadn't arranged anything and this should give us enough time to reach the stand on the shuttle busses, now we know which one to catch."

"Hi, no, that's okay. You saved us, as we forgot to set an alarm."

With all the immediate paraphernalia deposited on the table, Alex returned to the buffet to see what hot food he could find.

With Alex gone, Karen shuffled closer to Vicky, "I hope we're okay, Vicky? Thinking it over last night, I realised how horrible I was yesterday. You're too nice to be anything but be friends with. I hope you can forgive me?"

"I have already, Karen. It's okay. I'm used to having odd reactions when people think either me or my friends aren't their vision of 'normal'. It's okay, you've apologised, and you're quite nice too, Karen. You just need to relax a little."

"Thanks. I'm glad you're okay... So last night, you and Alex?" She nodded down between her legs once more.

Vicky, whilst a little surprised at the question, being used to Sarah's bluntness, answered before thinking.

"You can say sex, Karen... Yes... We did, no different to any other couple, after an enjoyable night out with friends."

Karen blushed, "Does it hurt you?"

Vicky looked at Karen, not sure where this was going, but seeing her eyes, realised that she was genuine in her concern, that Alex may have hurt her.

"No, not when it's done right..."

She gazed over at Alex still at the buffet, "it's lovely and Alex is a wonderful lover, so kind and caring."

"So, you're not sore, or anything?"

"No more than you, after a good night with your boyfriend."

Vicky was now uneasy about the conversation being over breakfast in a busy hotel.


Karen's eyes looked vacant. As if remembering the last time, she'd enjoyed a time that left her sore.

"You're both such a lovely couple and I have to admit, I'm jealous. I wish I had a knight in shining armour."

"Oh, Karen, I'm sure you will find one. You're pretty, with your gorgeous locks of red hair and your assets."

Vicky tried to joke, thinking it would bring her around, remembering how she liked to puff her chest out.

"Unfortunately, that's all they seem to see. I'm such a sack of potatoes compared to you, Vicky. Look at me last night, in a pair of ill-fitting jeans and you in that lovely cocktail dress."

"Oh, no, don't do yourself down. You just need to meet the right person, that's all. So they see you, the confident woman, not the spuds."

She nodded to her boobs.

Karen laughed, "You're too kind, but they were all that guy could look at last night. I am jealous though. It's quite romantic how you both met again, completely by accident. By the way, you both look at each other I can see you're both in love."

Alex returned to a blushing Vicky, placing some scrambled egg on toast in front of her. He had a similar plate, but with a few rashers of bacon. They tucked into their breakfasts. Alex noticed Karen was quite different that morning, more relaxed and willing to chat, even with him.

They didn't have too much time to dither over breakfast. As the couple returned to their room, Alex piped up. "Karen seems far more relaxed this morning. You seemed relieved when I returned to the table. Was everything okay?"

"Yeah. She was just saying, what a nice couple we make and how romantic it was, for us to meet back up by accident."

"She's noticed that I'm a thoroughly modern man, in touch with my feelings?"

Vicky gave a sarcastic laugh, "Haha."

Then continued, "No, she was trying to make up for her faux pas yesterday."

"Has the penny fully dropped about you being trans?"

"Yes. She's actually quite okay about it, even inquisitive. More concerned that sex could be painful for me, which is sweet... In a way. At least she is trying to understand."

They cleaned their teeth and packed their bags. They had to vacate their rooms so would try to hide their bags on the stand over the day. Back down in the lobby, they met Karen, who looked at Alex with his large bag again.

"Heels all packed away?" Karen joked.

"Vicky's borrowing them today, although I'm sure her feet will stretch them." Alex dodged away, but Vicky still thumped him in the ribs, making Karen giggle.

Karen let Alex take the lead, and they caught a different shuttle, that this time took them to the correct hall. Once in the hall, Karen suggested they took advantage of storage lockers she'd noticed. When they agreed and lined up to deposit their travel bags, Karen perked up, pleased with a minor win.

They met David and Pauline on the stand, with time to spare, before the show opened to the public. Whilst the show was still busy, Sunday went smoother than Saturday, with the three working together more as a single team.

Whilst David and Pauline still had to disappear to meet with other chalet owners, the three maintained their sales and email take up. They had a few returning customers arrive on the stand, but they all placed deposits for the following season.

The three took it in turns to fetch coffees and teas through the morning. David and Pauline returned, to help cover at lunchtime, with Vicky elected to take her lunch with Karen. Whilst they were gone, David and Alex talked further about using Alex's dad's group of friends as guinea pigs for their chalets. David also requested the couple's further help for a Manchester show and a future Scottish show.

The Manchester show was as large as the Birmingham one and David was pleased to hear, that working with Karen again wouldn't be a problem for Alex, and Vicky, as they were getting second thoughts about their choosing Karen to work for them next season.

Everything Alex agreed to, with David, came with the caveat that Vicky had the last say. When the girls returned, Alex went to grab something to eat and returned as soon as he could.

Knowing that show visitor numbers would dwindle sooner on Sunday afternoon, David had brought the three of them earlier train tickets home, knowing that he and Pauline could cope until the show's closure at six p.m.

Unfortunately, Karen and Vicky had to change trains at Banbury and Oxford, meaning the two-hour journey they made on Saturday morning would now be over three hours. To compensate, David had gotten them earlier tickets, leaving at three fifteen, to get them both back home in London before seven.

Alex walked the two girls to the hall's entrance, where they retrieved their luggage. At the shuttle bus stop, Vicky was melancholy as the two hugged and chatted, promising to text, both looking forward to next Thursday when they would meet again, but in Bristol.

As the shuttle arrived, Alex released Vicky and looked at Karen, unsure of what to do. He didn't need to worry as she walked up to him and gave him a polite hug and kiss on the cheek.

"We'll stick together, don't worry, we'll both be okay," Karen said, smiling at Vicky.

The pair boarded the bus and waved at Alex. He watched the bus leave and returned to the stand. Over Alex's last few hours working, footfall decreased to a trickle. Giving Alex more time to chat with David as they got on well, talking about anything and everything.

After saying his goodbyes, Alex made his way to the lockers and retrieved his bag. A shuttle bus was waiting, but it was nearly full, forcing Alex had to stand for the short journey. At the train station, he had a brief wait for his train that he needed to change at Birmingham, but it was still only a two-hour trip, which would also get him home by seven.

It was a quick ride to Birmingham New Street station, where he struggled to find the Bristol train amongst all the travellers also returning home. His train wasn't as full as he expected, allowing him to find a quiet pair of seats, to sit with his bag. He dug out his phone, pleased to see texts waiting for him from both Vicky and Sarah.

< Hi, Alex. I hope you and Vicks are okay, and you enjoyed your secret sexy present last night? I hope you didn't disappoint her in those pyjamas? x >

Not wanting to respond, he flipped to Vicky's message.

< Hi honey. We never seem to have enough time at weekends. Miss you already xx. >

< I know, xx. Miss you too. Sitting on my Bristol bound train now. >

< My life continues to be a whirlwind with you xx, and this weekend has not been the exception. It was a real ego boost to hear nice things about me, from David and even second hand through Karen. >

< See, everybody agrees with me, you're lovely xx... You 'super sorry' you're stuck on the train with Karen? >

Alex flipped to his mother's number and sent her a message to let her know he was on his way home. As he sent it, Vicky replied, so he flipped back to Vicky's messages.

< No... The opposite, she's lovely. We're on Oxford bound train. Karen brought us both coffees in Banbury and explained her history. She was engaged to be married but found out her boyfriend was seeing her best friend behind her back by accident.

She left her job, to work in the chalets over winter, to escape her past. She's living with her parents in north London at the moment. She's planning to travel around Europe over the summer, before going to work in David's chalets this winter. >

< That's a shame. So that's why she's `odd'. >

< Well, sort of. Now, I know her better. She's quirky. Being an only child, she's never had a sibling or close friends to help her filter her thoughts. She's immature and insecure, with no dress sense, and needs friends. >

< It sounds like you have a 'little lost lamb' project on the go there? >

< Yes. When bullied at school, I had you... When I came to London, I met Sarah... Karen has no one. She needs friends. >

Alex guessed something was coming, < And? >

< She knows we're busy, next weekend... She gets paid next week, so I invited her to stay with us the weekend after. Sarah, and I can take her clothes shopping, make her up, then we can all go out in the evening. >

< Stay with us? Where? Are you chasing her for a threesome? >

< No... Silly. She can stay on the sofa, or I have an inflatable guest bed. I brought it hoping Rich might visit. >

< Now there's a thought. Assuming next weekend is a success. Invite Rich to stay the same weekend. He and I can do stuff whilst you girls shop. Then in the evening, he and Karen could get friendly. >

< No. No playing cupid... 'Do stuff'? You mean you and Rich going for a drink. >

< Well, we won't want to go shopping, nor sightseeing. Admit it, they'd both get on well and maybe they both need a fling. Xx >

< Maybe... Assuming next week is a success. >

< Of course it will be... I'll be with you. Xx >


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Stay Safe.


To be continued. ~~~~~~~

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Sunnydaze361Sunnydaze361over 1 year ago

This story continues to build on the previous chapters and is truly an amazing story! Real life never stops intersecting with Vicki and Alex as their relationship evolves!

Stewpot2012Stewpot2012about 2 years ago

I love the story, character development and the sexual parts are sensual. I look forward to reading more in the series.

eodeoeodeoover 2 years ago

nice series hoping it continues

Nasty56Nasty56over 2 years ago

Love the human factor in the story, canèrent wait for next chapters.

LovewilltearusapartLovewilltearusapartover 2 years ago

Really love this story so far. Can’t wait for the next one.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Outstanding story. Can’t wait for the next instalment!

Sin_Full_MetalSin_Full_Metalover 2 years ago

Really enjoying your story. I really hope they find a way to live together.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I loved this story thus far. I'm anxiously awaiting the next several installments. Keep up the good work.

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