
Poetry by JstudProton

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Searching for love, completeness vs loneliness, isolation

1 238 1 1

Innocents lost, maturity gained.

228 1 1

Childhood pain, autism, strangers, growing up.

4.67 180

A viable game of chess and a lesson in perseverance

4 226 1 1

Falling in and out of love.

2 231 1 1

Thoughts on gay marriage...to the descenders

3 197 1 1

Bittersweet memories of a not so forgotten love.

285 1 1

Negotiating the world as an empath is not always easy.

1 280 1 1

In loves with someone being abused

2 195

The panic of first snuggling up to true love

3 229

Selfishness gambles on greed and sees the future.....


Some seek safety; others, not so much.


When truth is exchanges for acceptance


The significance of a happy childhood.

5 223

The gift of an 'old soul' therapist

4 410 1 1

A comment about greed and hunger.


That very illusive moment when one truly trusts another...


The cage of condemnation - who is caged?

4 355 1 1

True love - the breakup because it was too gay and too real.

4 280

Walking the path, keeping the faith, then - shit storm!


What is Pantheism?


The ramification of a apology transported through space-time

5 258

The vastness of reincarnation, karma and evolution.


Relentless grief, tears. Searching for sleep

1 208

People change, love changes


Suspended, randomly floating, in the ethers for one so far.

2 235

longing, missing, love, contemplation, meditation, honesty

5 296 1

The conundrum of apathy.

5 182

A ponderance on eternal roses, longing for love


A history - a lifetime - to share.....

277 1 1

Where from springs a poem?


Prophecy cleans up lies and deceit of the establishment


Heaven and hell - a perspective

5 255

Self absorption into introverted intuition...


A poet who hates the cliche of roses

5 469 1 1 1

An "Old Soul" beggar remembers past life wealth

239 1 1

A hypnopompic masturbation with orgasm while missing someone


Broken love - the components


Dissection of a bully.....


Upon meeting your soulmate when they beg to differ.

5 744 1 1