Afro Stress Relief Ch. 08


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"Fuck boss, this nigga's creamed himself!" Dwight exclaimed, and I felt some of Drake's spunk dribble onto my leg as he ejaculated his jizz everywhere.

Joshua pushed my neck down and pumped me hard for a minute before he too shot his load into my butthole. Afterwards, Joshua made Drake and myself lean on the couch with our buttholes exposed, leaking spunk, whilst Dwight took more photos.

"Right I want a picture of this nigga's butt and Tina kissing it, and make sure you get the jizz leaking out of this nigga's asshole!" Joshua ordered, Dwight got me and Drake in the required pose and took a number of photos of me kissing Drake's used butthole as my semen dribbled from his rectum!

"Hey boss, I'm gonna need some relief, after all this action!" Dwight said to Joshua, Joshua nodded and told him to help fuck Georgina and Jessica. Dwight joined the others in the back room to hard fuck Georgina and Jessica raw and sore, I could the hear the pair of Texas sissies moaning in pain but I was sure there was a hint of pleasure as well, the dirty sluts I thought!

"So, the homo and the fairy, what a pair! You see Tina now you've fucked this nigga, he's your bitch! He ain't gonna live that down in the ghetto, are you Drake?" Joshua asked smugly. Drake just looked down, "I'm gonna get some huge photos of you kissing this nigga's cream-filled butt and put them on show at my clubs!" Joshua laughed.

"Now, this is how it's going down, you nigga!" Joshua growled pointing at Drake, "are leaving town and not coming back for a couple of years, if I hear different the photo of you sucking that white fairy dick are going up everywhere and your Momma's gonna see them! OK?" Joshua snarled, Drake just nodded but I could see tears rolling down his face. "And you Tina, I can't stand disloyalty in a bitch, I made you into a little nigga-loving vanilla fairy and you betray me! You're fired and I'm gonna spread the word you're a rat, a police informer! No black dudes are wanna come near you once they know! And you'd better stay out of the ghetto and the black clubs as they'll kill your bitch ass if you're found down there!" Joshua growled at me, again I just nodded too scared to do anything else.

After that Joshua got his crew of black hunks together and left, saying "The police are on the way to raid this place, so you bitches better get yourselves outta here!"

Georgina and Jessica staggered back into the office once Joshua had left, they both looked well used and their clothes were hanging off, both were grimacing in pain and barely able to walk. "We'd better get out of here," I said and Drake nodded and dressed himself, I got myself ready and we locked up and left, Georgina and Jessica covered themselves with their fake furs, and painfully got in my car. All our assholes had been stretched, mine and Drake's were full of semen, whereas Georgina and Jessica's were sore, raw and bloody! Bizarrely the thought popped into my mind that my car seats would probably need cleaning after this journey.

There was a prolonged silence as I drove back, I think everyone was in a state of shock at what just happened to us, soon a couple of police cruisers came past heading towards the now empty brothel.

"Fuck, how did Joshua know about us?" I finally said, breaking the grim silence.

"He's got a lotta eyes and ears, even got some police in his pocket," Drake muttered but didn't elaborate, I noticed Drake wouldn't make eye contact with me. I guessed this had been a lot more traumatic for Drake than the rest of us; myself, Georgina and Jessica were all sluts for black cock and had all been taken hard in the ass by black men previously. I wondered if this was Drake's first time as a bottom!

"Those big-dicked black thugs told us we all need to leave OKC, honey! Me and Jessica have been talking and we think you, daddy Drake, should come with us to Texas, we can help set you up and we know lots of white sissies you can pimp." Georgina said.

"Yeah, we're sort of members of a black street gang and for a cut they'll let you use one of their street corners, where me and Georgina can strut our stuff for all the Texas black cocks!" Jessica responded.

I couldn't believe the pair of Texas sissies were even suggesting this, I wondered if they were making a play for my man, Drake, when he was at a low point. "Look darling, Joshua's just probably angry, I'm sure it will all blow over soon, come back to my place and you can stay there," I said to Drake, I realized I needed to look after Drake and keep him away from Texas otherwise I might lose him.

Drake looked troubled, and finally said, "Tina I'm sorry but after today we can't see each other again, I ain't a bottom and you bitched me proper. I can't get over that, white sissies shouldn't be fucking anyone!"

"Shit gurl, you fucked Drake!" Jessica exclaimed.

"Look I didn't have a choice," I stammered, trying to explain the situation.

"You fucking raped me!" Drake growled, looking at me angrily for the first time since leaving the brothel.

"Damn gurl, our little white fairy dicks ain't for that, you should know that, our job is getting fucked by these beautiful black men!" Georgina unhelpfully added.

I tried to explain what had happened, and asked Drake to confirm what I was saying but Drake just stared ahead looking angry! I could see Georgina and Jessica's disapproving and disbelieving expressions on their faces in my mirror and I was going to say something but by that time I was pulling into the hotel parking-lot.

Georgina and Jessica got out of the car and waited, I knew they were waiting for Drake so they could take him to Texas.

"Darling, I love you, I know it's been a terrible night but we'll get through this. I want you to come and live with me in my apartment," I said to Drake and reached out to touch his hand, Drake moved his hand away.

"It's over, goodbye!" Drake said without looking at me and got out of the car and walked into the hotel with Georgina and Jessica.

I was shocked, in the space of a couple of hours I'd lost my boyfriend and been fired from my job as a prostitute. I burst into tears and spent the next ten minutes weeping in the parking-lot, after that I managed to pull myself together and drive home.

I was still in a state of shock the next day, Sunday, and spent it in bed just staring blankly at the wall, thinking and thinking about my situation, I ignored calls from Staci, Dr Jane and even Jonelle. I was devastated as I thought my chance of real love with Drake was now gone, I wouldn't have any opportunities to meet other black men in OKC now either. My life, well my sissy life, in OKC appeared to be over and I doubted I could afford to move somewhere else and I didn't have any real contacts or friends anywhere else. I still had my commitment to Dr Jane to finish and also my course but after that I didn't know what I was going to do, some part of me felt relief that I might return to my old life but I knew a much larger part wanted to stay as Tina, and a black-only sissy slut!

Sometime late on Sunday, there was a knock at my apartment door. "Hi honey, it's Marci. You ok sugar. Can I come in?" Marci shouted through the door, I didn't really want to see anybody and I wasn't dressed as Tina but as it was Marci I let her in. "Aww honey, that's not good, you ain't dressed, now I know you had a rough time but that's no excuse. Now come on let's get you dressed and made up properly. It'll make you feel a lot better to get some stockings and high heels on!" Marci said looking disappointed. Soon Marci was helping me with my make-up and wig, and discussing what happened, it seems Staci had heard from Jamill what had happened, and then told Dr Jane who in turn told Jonelle, who had passed it onto Marci.

"Honey, you know I think it was for the best, Drake was probably too young and he would have hurt you bad soon enough. I mean he was pimping you and that ain't a good sign!" Marci said in a gentle voice trying to comfort me. "Jonelle says that Dr Jane talks a lot of sense about you white sissies and says you're best finding a real girl who shares your interests in nigga dick," Marci explained, I didn't really know what to say or do, it seemed everyone knew my business and what had happened, my eyes welled up but I managed to prevent myself from weeping. "Aww, sugar, I know you ain't had to deal with these sorts of feelings before, but as a gurl you're gonna have to get used to it," Marci murmured and cuddled me.

"I don't know what to do or how to feel, I feel so embarrassed and ashamed with what I've done, I've let everyone down. Joshua and Leroy and poor Drake as well, I know I had to help Drake out and I didn't have a choice when Joshua demanded I do that to Drake!" I whispered, holding back my tears, adding, "I'm finished in this town!"

"Oh honey, it's not your fault, your just a little white sissy and you have to obey those big niggas and you ain't responsible for Drake!" Marci added and stroked my arm and continued to comfort me, she brought in a big glass of wine and began to chat about her and Sarah to take my mind off my problems.

Marci explained that she and Sarah were in love and that Sarah had broken up with Becky, but it seemed it was an amicable split, although it sounded like Becky had wanted to experiment with cock but Sarah wasn't interested. Marci added that she and Sarah were going on vacation soon for a couple of weeks in Mexico and after that they might move in together. I was pretty surprised by Marci's revelations, it seemed another part of my new life was unravelling, if Marci moved in with Sarah it would mean I would see a lot less of Marci, and by implication Jonelle.

"Will Sarah move into your place?" I asked hopefully.

"Oh no Sarah's place is much bigger and closer to Millie's," Marci replied, adding, "I'll move to hers." This was the worst news as I knew I relied upon Marci, Marci must have seen my look of disappointment, asking, "What's wrong, honey?"

"Oh, it's just I'll be on my own here," I replied sadly.

"You, well Tina, will always be welcome at our place, you're one of the sistas now!" Marci chuckled trying to cheer me up. Marci soon had to leave but not before she made sure I was in stockings and high heels and fully made-up.

I felt better wandering around my apartment as Tina, it felt more natural, and I decided to ring Staci to see if he knew any more details about the events of the previous evening. Staci informed me that Jamill had heard what had happened from one of Joshua's security men, but Jamill had also managed to speak to Leroy who'd found out that Drake had told Drake's Mother some lie about getting a job in Texas and it seems someone saw Drake getting into a car with two white women, I guessed the two women were Georgina and Jessica. Leroy also told Jamill to warn me that Joshua had the photo of me kissing Drake's ass posted in all his clubs and other places with a warning that I was informing police on the bruthas and getting them arrested and Leroy said I should stay away from any negro club for a long while.

"Oh shit, Staci, what am I gonna do?" I asked.

"Look honey, it's probably best to keep out of the projects for a few months, no one will know it's you in the photo and they're only going up in black clubs and bars. Although, I think you're gonna need to find a new place outside of OKC to get any black cock!" Staci said, adding, "Joshua warned Jamill that I shouldn't be meeting up with you either, sorry honey but Joshua is our boss and we ain't gotta choice!"

"I understand Staci, guess I'll be seeing you around maybe," I said despondently and hung up.

It appeared more of my sissy life was vanishing, I enjoyed being a black cock slut with Staci and we could really talk openly without any hangups, and it now seemed that too was gone!


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lisalsmlisalsmover 1 year agoAuthor

Replying to Gina_XoXo, next chapter submitted

Gina_XoXoGina_XoXoover 1 year ago

I have addiction for this stories and BBC obsession as well. Everyday i come here craving to see next chapters. Despite i remember what happens in a few next chapters i eagerly wish to read and to live this exciting situations with Tina again. I became more demanding to other stories on this site. Only few of them have nearest level of excitement as this serie. So i beg Author going on with this beautiful saga!

lisalsmlisalsmover 1 year agoAuthor

Replying to sissylily2018, thanks for your kind words, working on the next chapter

lisalsmlisalsmover 1 year agoAuthor

Replying to Gina_XoXo, wow thanks for the detailed comment, you are so kind with your words, and I agree white boy-gurls should always think of a black man's pleasure before their own!

lisalsmlisalsmover 1 year agoAuthor

Replying to Whiteboicuckie, thanks for the kind comments but white sissies have to take the rough with the smooth!

lisalsmlisalsmover 1 year agoAuthor

Replying to waxies, hopefully in the next chapter.

sissylily2018sissylily2018over 1 year ago

Please don't let this be the end, keep going, I want to see Tina at her beer bust and enjoying more BBC

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

You are the best writer on here. These stories are amazing.

Gina_XoXoGina_XoXoover 1 year ago

Sooo great and turning story and, maybe the roughest one in serie! Thanks to Lisalsm for keep going! I`m so sorry for me didnt leave comments for previous parts. Its hard for me being in sissy mode 24/7 especially in place where i live and with my current real life conditions. So i try to rehabilitate myself in this part ;)

What i have admit in this and previous parts of this beautiful saga:

First - its always happens for any sissy when he seems he chose the wrong path and does the wrong things. Some hard cases in real life, strong blaming and disapproving from surrounding people may force sissy to trying get back (I believe its really impossible for sissy and only leads to time wasting cause its nothing can be changing with true sissy nature). So it very important for sissy have a strong authority near him to push him in line and keep him in his belonging place. I believe its not about violence but more about relations.

Second - all sissies must accept, their advantage is to give pleasure first, then to recieve it. In fact this priority can make sissy get new levels of self development and get more satisfaction in result.

Thanks again to Author for keep gifted us this great stories! Eagerly waiting for next parts and begging for continuing! With many kisses, Gina.

WhiteboicuckieWhiteboicuckieover 1 year ago

Another well written chapter. To much heartache and problems, but I guess you building up the plot. I love how Tina now is a bigger part of the whiteboi than Johnny. It feel great also that the ladies at work see right through the facade and into Tina. Keep posting. xoxo whiteboicuckie

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