Alpha Angel vs Valiant Valkyrie Ch. 04 - Alt. End. 01


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A few more bangs and shouts echoed from the distant building. Then all was silent. A minute later, the armored men re-emerged - leading a thick stream of bound prisoners. Attila and his floozies were amongst them, as was the rest of the gang. Growling but helpless, they could not resist as they were loaded into the waiting vehicles. These promptly sped away. Up high, the helicopters came down to the roof one by one and re-boarded their own squads. They then lifted back up and soon set off, back into the night. Up in the sky the hole in the clouds closed up again... just slowly enough to reveal the circling aircraft starting to depart as well, bomb bays closing, their ordinance having proved unneeded.

Within seconds, they were all gone. Other than a few broken windows and a couple gaping smoking doorways in the Big Stallions' headquarters, it was as if none of them had ever been there.

Pausing briefly, Alpha Angel looked back and bounced giddily on her heels, like she was thirteen and waiting for a pony ride.

"Daddy always comes through for his precious little girl!" she laughed, happily. Then she frowned. "Except when he doesn't," she admitted. Then she shrugged. "But then I get mad, and he gets me something special to make up for it. So, it all works out in the end!" She lifted up both arms and giggled in celebration.

"Where are they taking them?" Valkyrie whimpered.

"Oh, I imagine some secret prison in like, Alaska or somewhere," Alpha Angel said. She let out a little yawn. "Or maybe like under the ocean or something? I have no clue. Anyways, who cares? They're gone forever and that's all that matters to me!"

"What... what in the name of Asgard is happening?" Valkyrie whimpered softly.

Standing above her, Alpha Angel just smiled smugly, kept a firm hand on her leash... and giggled.

"You really never even had a clue what it was you were dealing with, did you?" she asked. She shook her head. "Oh, well - no wonder you lost!" Then, giving a tug at her leash, she set off again. And with that, leading her new Valkyrie-shaped pet beside, Alpha Angel marched away, grinning - to enact the final stage of her master plan.

Some time later...

Alpha Angel stood in what used to be Valiant Valkyrie's fortress. It had been heavily if hastily redecorated. Everywhere Valiant Valkyrie's colors had once been found, new banners had been hung - showing Alpha Angel's smiling face superimposed on a patriotic background. Wherever Valkyrie's golden double-V logo had appeared, it had been hastily covered over with Alpha Angel's red double-As. In some cases, this had been done by literally just flipping the golden V's upside down, gluing in a crossbar, and then slopping them with red paint.

Before her stood a special section of the leading heroines of Beachport. Alpha Angel had not called a full and formal meeting of the entire Aegis Host, yet. While not exactly a professional, she had absorbed more than enough about politics via osmosis to know you never made an official move unless everything had been sealed up nice and tight ahead of time behind closed doors. But the ladies before her, if brought into line, would ensure the rest would follow.

For before her stood a critical quorum of the Shield Bearers and Shield Matrons of the Aegis Host. She had not invited Miss Metropolis, for rather obvious reasons. But the psychic slut, she knew, did not have much particular attachment to Valkyrie personally - she was one of the set that, if presented with a fait accompli, would make no effort to resist it. But in her place she had invited the Hexetress. The British witch was a mere non-voting Shield Herald - but Alpha Angel wanted her mystic power subordinated as soon as possible for very clear tactical reasons.

"I... I do not believe this..." Daring Diva murmured, her eyes wide.

She stood at the extreme left end of the line of shocked, staring superheroines. Stretched out beside her were the Scarlet Sleuth, then Tiger Queen, then the Wing Girl, then Hexetress, and finally the Rebel Belle. None of their sidekicks were present - they had no votes, so they were irrelevant, and would have only made proceedings harder for her to control.

Smirking, Alpha Angel lifted her chin high.

"What's not to get?" she asked. "Valiant Valkyrie was defeated by supervillains. I rescued her, but unfortunately it was too late. She is no longer able to continue her duties - she does not even consider herself worthy to wear her costume. While she recovers, she wishes to demote herself to a mere Shield Maiden, under my mentorship - while I take her place as Aegis Shield. Is that not right - Valiant Valkyrie?"

Turning her head down, Alpha Angel smirked.

Down low beside her, Kaja Hammer whimpered softly. She knelt beside Alpha Angel's boots, on the cold floor of what had been her own base, in front of her oldest friends - completely naked. Turning her head up, she gaped in disbelief at the sight of her subordinate superheroines staring down at her... the shock in their eyes just making the already deep blush on her cheeks turn a bright pink. But, luscious lips hanging open, the stunned blonde didn't seem to be able to muster the mental capacity to say anything, one way or the other.

When she didn't get an immediate response, Alpha Angel's face darkened. She glanced back up briefly, and gave the staring superheroines a thin smile.

"Sorry," she hissed. "Sometimes, how badly she got owned leaves her a little bimbo-ey, if you know what I mean. Give me just a moment, and I'll have this fixed."

She turned her head down and glared.

"I said, isn't that right - Valiant Valkyrie?!" she snapped.

Reaching down her hand, she delivered a hard swat onto Kaja's buxom bare bottom.

The blonde heroine screeched, her eyes going wide. Before her, their jaws dropping, the assembled superheroines gaped in shock. A few raised hands, as if they wanted to intervene - but bodies shivering in their own proudly skimpy costumes, none did so. Shrieking, Valiant Valkyrie shook before them, as Alpha Angel's hand struck down again and again, leaving deep pink hand-marks all over her big svelte bubble-shaped buns. To be so chastised, before her own closest allies, and have them do nothing, sent an even greater corkscrew of humiliation spiraling up within her broad bare belly than merely kneeling naked had done. At last, shaking under another swat, she shook her head, and gave in.

"Yes! YES! It's... it's all TRUE!" she squealed, as Alpha Angel's cruel palm slammed down yet again.

Satisfied, Alpha Angel let her hand linger, getting in one last squeeze upon her whimpering former rival's delightful derriere. Then she let go, stood up, and smiled.

"See?" she asked. She gestured down to the wrecked blonde on her knees beside her, like a TV lawyer who'd just presented a signed confession.

The other superheroines stared.

"Are... are we really just going to let this happen?" the Hexetress asked - swaying back and forth in a slightly dazed fashion that made her extremely short pleated skirt swish fetchingly around the base of her rounded buns.

"Y-yes!" Tiger Queen moaned, staring at her friend in horror. "And what was all that about you... you going after her in public with a..."

Hands upon her hips, Alpha Angel rolled her eyes. "I explained that already!" she snapped. "That was just a training exercise. It was Valkyrie's idea. Isn't that right Valkyrie?"

This time, her ass stinging, the naked blonde goddess needed no extra prompting. "Yes..." she immediately whispered softly. She glanced up, blushed and then back down - seeing reflection in the polished floors of her own base. Her buxom hips squirmed. "It... it was all my idea..." she confirmed.

Tiger Queen swallowed, and then shook her head. "She... she can say that," she said. "But... but clearly, she is under duress!"

Suddenly, Wing Girl let out a loud gasp. Her hand shot up to cover her face, while her eyes blinked wide. "Th-that may be," the white-winged, angelic-bodied heroine gasped. "But... look!" The hand not covering up her mouth lifted up and, trembling, pointed.

Their heads having turned to look at one another, the others followed her gaze. A moment later, their jaws all dropped as well, their eyes going wide.

For, Valiant Valkyrie had been unable to help herself. Alpha Angel had already trained her too well. In the wake of being chastised, she had already instinctively wheeled around, and dropped her head down. The other heroines gasped, their eyes going wide, as they saw her place a kiss to smirking Alpha Angel's boot. Then another and another. They whimpered in shock.

And then their eyes truly spread wide. For with a soft moan, Valkyrie had already stretched her beautiful head out, to kiss the farther boot as well. And as she did so, her buxom hips turned and then tilted forward enough that they were suddenly all treated to a clear look at the glistening, shining fluid that had already filled her naked pussy. Belatedly, they noticed that the tips of her huge breasts, which swung low over the floor as she continued to slurp at Alpha Angel's toes, had become large and stiff and eager as well.

"Oh... oh my God...." Rebel Belle whispered, her hand up over her mouth like Wing Girl, her green eyes blinking wide.

"No... oh, no..." Daring Diva murmured.

Wing Girl took a deep breath - making her large breasts rise and fall within her little strapless white dress. Then, perhaps because she had spotted it first, she appeared to recover first as well.

"Well... that just about seals it, doesn't it?" she asked.

Glumly, their faces falling one by one, the other heroines squirmed in their own skimpy costumes - and then reluctantly nodded. As far as they were concerned, it was clear that the subjugated creature kneeling before them, growing intensely horny at her own enslavement, would never again be the proud champion who they needed as their leader.

Standing, with her hands upon her scantily-clad hips, Alpha Angel let a huge smile spread across her face.

"Well, then," she cooed. "Are you ladies ready to recognize the new order of things?"

Shivering, the six superheroines before her bowed their beautiful heads one by one, like schoolgirls forced to admit they had cheated on their test... and glumly nodded.

Alpha Angel's already toothy smile grew positively shark-like. "Verrrry good!" she purred. Her eyes glinted with glee. "And," she added, licking her lips with relish, "that means you are all prepared to pay me the homage I deserve... like Valiant Valkyrie did. Riiight?"

Shivers ran through each of the six proud beauties' bodies. But, it was now they who could not help themselves. Wills broken by the utter failure of their founder and one-time leader, they again slowly nodded.

"Excellent!" Alpha Angel said. Then her face darkened. "You," she said, pointing at Tiger Queen, "and you," she said, pointing at Hexetress. "Go first," she said - and then pointed down towards the space right in front of her feet.

She had picked them for a reason of course - they had been the last two to talk back, even a little. Gulping, the two called-out heroines stared and shivered. Both of their heads briefly spun first one way and then the other, gasping - looking at the last second for some sort of support from their comrades. But they got none. With soft moans upon their dismayed faces, it was instantly obvious to both called-out heroines that, based on the cowed and penitent expressions on the gorgeous bowed heads to either side of them, no one was going to come to their aid. With two last swallows, Tiger Queen and Hexetress slowly nodded... and then obediently dropped down to their knees.

Alpha Angel grinned, and then beckoned them forwards. She admired the sight capitally, as the bikini-clad redhead and the short-skirted sorceress crawled forward, to kneel at her feet. But when their curvy bodies were halfway across the expanse of floor between them, she looked up sharply.

"You girls are going to have your turns soon enough!" she reminded the rest, sharply. She pointed again at the floor. "Show me you're ready. Now!"

The four remaining heroines gasped. But, having already failed to come to the aid of the two already crawling forward, the will to mount any further resistance was simply not there. Almost as one, their bodies toppled downwards like pretty puppets whose strings had been cut. They ended up slumped in a gorgeous row, voluptuous bottoms pressed and quivering to the cold steel floor - gorgeous faces lifted up and gaping at Alpha Angel in disbelief.

The pink-haired heroine purred with pleasure. Then, as the first two heroines she had singled out finally arrived at her feet, she smiled. Reaching down, she waved Valkyrie back. Blushing deeply, Valkyrie obediently backed her voluptuous haunches up, and knelt slightly behind her - watching helplessly. Then, smiling with relish, Alpha Angel tugged aside her red-and-white striped panties before the two waiting heroines, and revealed once more her shaved and eager slit.

"You ladies know what to do," she said, tapping her finger repeatedly to the slightly prickly surface just above her moist nether lips.

Quivering upon their haunches side by side, even after crawling up to her Tiger Queen and Hexetress both gaped in momentary shock at what was waiting for them. This was, to say the least, not how Valkyrie had handled these things. Which wasn't to say she had been entirely chaste. The bit in the induction ceremony where the new Shield Bearer entered naked and recited her oath before her costume, before ritually putting it on as her new colleagues all recited it back, had been her idea and was admittedly a bit... weird. As were some of the other ceremonies, come to think of it. Still, they had all seen the footage of what she had had Valkyrie do for her. Clearly, things were going to be a bit different now.

Squirming, Hexetress and Tiger Queen stared at their new leader's exposed, expectantly-waiting slit in shock. Then, they bowed their heads, and nodded. Coming forward, they clustered up at Alpha Angel's feet. Eyes lifting up to look at her past her towering body, they lifted their heads up, while their panting faces grew closer and closer to where they would do their duty. They licked their lips, swallowed, and then groaned.

"The V-Valkyrie has fallen," Tiger Queen admitted. "Alpha Angel now leads our Host."

"We... we are but shields in your hand," Hexetress acknowledged, softly. "We serve under your aegis... for justice."

Then, as one, the two heroines lifted their tongues up and began to apply them diligently to Alpha Angel's slit.

"Oooh..." Alpha Angel purred. Her head rolled back, and she smiled.

The words had been nice enough. But the feeling of the two tongues stroking away at her slit was ten times better. Not least because, smirking, she knew that it was the one part the two softly-moaning yet diligently-stroking heroines kneeling at her feet would take much much longer to forget.

Their tongues quivered against her hesitantly, with what was obviously inexperience... which just made it all the sweeter. And yet, they did their best - as they should, having been given the first opportunity to curry favor with their city's newest Alpha Female. Swapping places, at any time one was teasing vigorously at her clit, while the other worked further back at her exposed inner lips. Gradually, they started to get over their initial reluctance, to press deeper, to lap harder. "Mmmm..." Alpha Angel cooed. Eyes cracking open, she admired the sight of four more proud superheroines each quivering upon her buxom ass before her, gaping in awe... as they awaited their own turns to show her they knew their place. Then, she closed her eyes.

'If only Daddy could see me now...' she thought to herself, and let out a little giggle. 'His little girl is coming up in the world even faster than he did - and she's going to go higher too! He has his little rinky-dink office to play in... but at this rate, in just a few years, I'm going to be the Alpha Goddess of the entire world!'

Rolling her head back and forth, she let a gigantic toothy smile spread across her lips.

'If he ever does find out, I just know he's going to be so, so, so PROUD!' she thought. And then, giving in to the pleasure of total victory, she squealed out in delight as she splattered her first spray of triumphant juices all over her newest rightful subordinates.

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MarkVSharpMarkVSharpabout 2 years agoAuthor

@Anonymous4: don't worry too much. It's not something I'm ever going to do to an existing story; I would agree that a reversal of that sort would be cheap cop-out, kind of a long the lines of writing a traditional fairy-tale romance and then having the prince have a heart attack at the altar or something. If I do it, it would be a standalone story that just explores it as a disconnected what-if; and even then, it's at the level of a single-sentence idea right now so there's a loooong way to go before it becomes an actual story, and I have a whole lot of stuff in queue before it. And I agree with Anon3 above, if it does happen, it should probably have an option where everything still collapses for them and they end up losing, at which point it just becomes another twist of the knife more or less.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

On a personal level, I dislike the idea that the 'heroines' would recover after being bad ended and escape their fate. There's already plenty of media in this genre where the heroine triumphs or escapes at the last second, and I think that the idea that they escape after some time cheapens the difference. Mind you, I also prefer to see them lose as a general proposition, I didn't read a heroine getting defeated and railed into submission for her to escape!

Still, that's just my opinion, think of it what you will

MarkVSharpMarkVSharpabout 2 years agoAuthor

Schedule update: got pushed back one day; edited version has been accepted and should now release on 3/21. Many thanks to Lit’s staff for turning the edit around quickly, and helping to cover for my mistakes!

MarkVSharpMarkVSharpabout 2 years agoAuthor

Correction on previous comment: unfortunately I had to make some corrections, so the release date of 3/20 mentioned above is no longer valid; that chapter just got resubmitted and is back to pending. I will update here with the new release date once it is available.

MarkVSharpMarkVSharpabout 2 years agoAuthor

Hey, sorry for extremely delayed reply; real life got in the way for a bit. But I really appreciate your getting back to me. Thanks for explaining your position so well, it’s very helpful. I’ve had a hiatus for a bit, hopefully you weren’t refreshing through all of it. But it should be ending shortly; a new VV storyline should start dropping on 3/20. Hope you enjoy it as well!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Kudos to you for responding to readers feedback. So, while I got your attention, hear me. You're right not to expect praises from everyone, because:

(minor reason) It is impossible to satisfy everyone due to variety of tastes and expectations.

(main reason) It is YOUR show, It is YOUR universe and YOUR characters. Follow your own plan, just keep creating your awesome content. That is all I ask.

You get my Attila reference wrong. I have no desire to turn porn story into "based on real events revenge drama". Reality is reality and steaming hot porn stories about superbabes getting some is... reason way I visiting your page. Quite often, frankly. Too often. But I can quit. Any day. Except today... Anyways, all I said was turning from proud and mighty warrior into spineless wreck is (IMHO) out of character for Valkyrie.

To continue a story that has already come to a logical end is pointless, no doubt about that. But, a little epilog would not hurt. To describe the world where New Order is established for quite some time, and fallen heroines place in it. Like in B final you could describe Attila's orgy in Oval Office including heroines and a First Lady(or rather former First Lady coz VV is the new one;).

Story about conquered heroines rebellion is sound promising, but it should include the same plot fork in the end (winn/loss).

Thanks, for your attention to comments, and for your amazing content. Cheers!

MarkVSharpMarkVSharpover 2 years agoAuthor


Fair enough! In that case, well, there is still the other ending which may be more to your liking. I don't anticipate everyone will like everything, but a good part of my plan for the near term is to try a fairly wide variety of stories and see what sticks.

On the real Attila's fate - I get your point I think; and yes in 'reality' it is unlikely these sorts of ladies would remain submissive for long and/or fully. Overall, once they've 'submitted' I've usually got to a point where structurally I want to end the story pretty soon (because the 'climax', in multiple senses, has passed); so I don't have a lot of space to explore the longer-term dynamics of what happens after the villain's triumph. Come to think of it, it might be interesting to do a story that focuses on specifically that; start out with a villain already having triumphed and having a large number of heroines in captivity, start out trying to show a more realistic picture of the actual dynamics of that, and then progress to them managing to turn the tables on him; basically an mdom story that would progress to femdom. I'll have to give that one more thought.

On making them less pornographic: yeah, I like your idea; certainly they need to get more time chatting to develop. There's a little of that coming, but at the end of the day reducing the non-erotic content is the rub. Short bursts, just a bit of business when we introduce one of them say, is probably key. Like introduce the heroine at an interview, as you say, give just a few lines of dialogue and then they get interrupted or she gets called away or w/e. I've also thought about introducing additional villains who are played more like a typical comic-book foes than my usual sort. Basically give them some more conventional threats they can stomp on to show them doing their thing. I think either way the key would be to basically keep those sections short and swift, kind of like a bond movie opening, where we get a quick glimpse of them in action (either socially or physically) before the more erotic stuff kicks in, or as short breaks between sex stuff.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Same guy here. Do not get me wrong. I would like to see her being fucked into submission, by virile stud, while wondering "why defeat felt so good?". I just hope that she will not end up as a broken spineless bootlicker, but instead will preserve some of her dignity, even in submission. Attila himself, by the way, was killed by his blonde German concubine, as a revenge for the murder of her father and brother. So this blue eyed devils a not so easily broken.

To make them look less pornographic, you should made them socialize. They mast appear in "civilian" clothes(gym, office, cocktail party outfits,famous brands acsessuares, jewelry etc) and activities(Southern heritage events for Rebel Belle, charity events for VV, interviews etc). That will increase the amount of non-erotic content, but will help in characters development.

MarkVSharpMarkVSharpover 2 years agoAuthor

@Anonymous: Yeah, one of my primary kinks is humiliation and Valkyrie's one of my go-to characters so rooting for her can get a little harsh! That said, if you want to see her get a happier ending for once, I have another multi-parter coming up (planned to start around early March, quite a bit longer than this one, around ten chapters total). That piece will have two endings as well, one of which will actually be a Valkyrie Wins ending. So you get to see her come out on top for once, if that's your jam. Not saying that what she has to go through to get there is exactly pretty though, mind you.

I've also bandied about the idea of doing a few entirely victorious stories for her, and actually went ahead and wrote one. There was some stuff in it I wasn't sure about so I had a beta reader look it over; she's already gotten it back to me and seemed to mostly enjoy it but there are a couple parts that need work. So once that's patched up I'll get it out there at some point and see how people like it; it's kind of just a test at the moment. That one probably won't be until after the aforementioned multi-part story though.

On the Sapphic rituals - thanks. I was kind of trying to thread a needle there. On the one hand, I didn't want to imply that this is just like the standard power-transfer procedure for them or something like that. I kind of try to maintain the idea that these ladies are a real superteam who occasionally get derailed into pornographic misadventures, rather than just having porn happening constantly, and I think that would be pushing the limit on that. Plus, yes, it would definitely be out of character for Valkyrie, and most of the rest of them for that matter. On the other hand, there is a chance we will see their inner ceremonies in person at some point, and I did want to hold open the possibility that they do get up to some risque stuff regardless even if it isn't this blatant. Hence the reference to induction ceremony involving a naked bit and so on.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Oh, my poor little sexy gorgeous VV, do not worry. All that happened in A final was just a bad dream, non of this happened in reality. What? B final is even more dark? Damn...

Sapphic homage is very hot scene, and I glad you mention that VV would never do such things with her comrades(against their will, at least).4/5

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