Bishop Takes Knight Ch. 07


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Amanda looked at her watch. She rose from the bed. Annette threw arms around her and hugged her (playfully pulling her down upon her again but said nothing). She knew better. She hated possession; she hated clinginess and she hated anyone thinking they could own another. She simply asked a question.

"So how do I know if this means we can ever be an "us?"

"You don't just yet," Amanda said thoughtfully, "We don't for that matter, more importantly." The blonde got up and stepped to the door looking at her watch again. She still had duties downstairs and as a high priced call-girl; she was still on the clock.

"What if I stay this time?" Amanda said stopping at the door.

"You won't," Annette said soberly but with a smile on her face knowing it was alright. She'd let this dove fly where it needed to. Chances were it would be back fluttering at her window someday. She'd fetch some crumbs and let it in then too!

"What if I prove you wrong?" Amanda said half turning to her.

"I'll know if you don't get on that plane tomorrow." Annette said thoughtfully.

"Tomorrow is already here! Tomorrow is today," Amanda said looking at her watch. She could see the lightening sky growing paler and brighter on the horizon through the window. Dawn would be here soon. She stepped through the door and closed it behind her.

Annette sat in the dim room by herself alone. A solitary tear ran down her cheek. She wiped it away but it was replaced by another.

"Don't get on that plane Amanda," she with a quivering voice to no one in the room but herself, the cherubs, and flickering candles, "Please baby, don't get on that plane!"


Downstairs guest began to approach Anika and thank her for a splendid time. Soon the throng on the floor became a tiny mob and then it further shrank into a small crowd of ravers determined to make the sun come up. As the last of the die-hards looked at watches and decided it was time to go home, Anika said good-bye to them in turn.

Annette had come downstairs and found Shelby, Brad, and most importantly Ted (who'd not only been dancing with Shelby for the last hour but also with an over-sized bottle of champagne). By now she'd put on her brave face. No more tears for her. She walked up to the cubs and driver with all the confidence of a conquering heroine and told them she thought that "it was time." She did however, have just "one more little thing" to check off her list for the nights activities however before leaving and scurried off in the direction of the empty orgy pit in the middle of the ballroom.

"Where the fuck is she going?" Bradley asked incredulously.

"Its a post-orgy ritual of Annette's," Anika explained to Brad as she walked up to the group, throwing arms around everyone, "she scoops up all the spent condoms on the floor and one by one dumps each little scum-sack into one. She does this until she has a giant dick-sized water balloon full of baby-gravy!"

"It's sort of her version of a to-go plate!" Shelby added happily; hopping back and forth on her toes with a bubbly sort of energy that Brad and Ted found amazing at this early hour.

In about five minutes time Annette reappeared back up over the rim of the pit; holding up an "ever-so-full" condom of man-batter and cheering loudly in triumph. She was back to her old self again and not letting on to anyone that Amanda was still "camping-out" in her head. As she and the cubs said goodbye and many thanks to Anika, Amanda quietly slipped from the ballroom.

At the coat-check area Amanda found young Cedric; fully clothed again. He was carrying a mostly-empty chafing dish from the buffet down to the kitchen. She playfully crept up behind him and put her hands over his eyes.

"Guess who!" she called out happily.

"Oh Miss Amanda," Cedric said turning around, "I wanted to thank you for..."

"Oh no Cedric," she corrected him, "I wanna thank YOU!"

"Me," he answered, "for what?"

"For showing me a fantastic time on that swing!" she answered, "That is a lovely satisfying cock of yours!" He blushed. She found it attractive. For a fellow who'd been a virgin only a few hours before, he'd acquitted himself honorably.

"What are you up to this Sunday?" she asked him.

"Cleaning up here for a little while longer, then I'm off to home in the village. Will probably sleep the rest of the day."

"No girl to keep you company?" Amanda inquired.

"No Mahm," he answered, "and my mum is out of town so it is just me watching her house."

"Well Cedric," she told him; tracing a naughty finger on his chin while he still held the chafing dish, "you had my pussy and my mouth at this party. There will be other parties here and I suspect you'll be part of private gatherings upstairs. What do you say the next time I'm here... you have my ass?"

"I'd like that very much!" came the emphatic reply from the young man, (who couldn't believe a woman as gorgeous as this could ever express an interest in a nineteen-year-old lad like himself). He hoped he'd not blurted out his words too eagerly. He hadn't. His innocence made her clit throb.

"Good answer my beautiful boy!" Amanda squeaked happily. She turned around at the counter holding up a solitary finger to him; making him wait with the chafing dish (and feeling a bit silly). When her things arrived, Annette snatched a phone from inside her purse. She then turned to him and got his phone number.

"This way," she said to him as she keyed the number in, "I can give you a little jingle jangle when I am back in town, and you can give me your ding-a-ling! Sound good hon?"

"Yes," Cedric replied, "that's absolutely wicked!"

"Good," she said pulling him in for another kiss and as kisses went; it was one of those old1940s deals where you'd better get a gulp of air before executing. Her hands held his face for the longest time in a deep tongue-fucking snog. Cedric completely forgot how heavy the chafing dish was, and at the moment couldn't have cared if it was an anvil!

Amanda walked away to a changing room; leaving a stunned smiling Cedric holding the dish and staring off into infinity; a smile etched across his face. He licked his lips. She still tasted as exquisitely as she bloody-well looked! He made up his mind he would remember that lovely taste and smell forever if need be!

Amanda departed in her limousine and five minutes later, the limousine of Annette Bishop did the same. Annette had seen fit to have Teddy sit in the back with her as he'd done a superb job of emptying the gigantic Champagne bottle with great panache on the dancefloor. He was in good spirits and good spirits were in him; definitely not in a condition to drive.

Annette however was eternally grateful for all Ted had done for the group; both in the car, and on the bar, and the ballroom, and a dozen or so other places (not to mention the bedchamber).

She told Ted she was happy that he'd turned out to be such a "hard worker" ... above and beyond the normal parameters of his position as driver. He was therefore given a new position and task; that of "driving her" all the way back to the apartment!

She now got on hands and knees and begged Ted to fuck her bum-hole soundly. She was all "head-down and arse-up" as Ted stood with his own head out the sunroof of the limo; his cock deep inside Annette's naughty nether-cheeks for a good stout rump-reaming all the way home! The normally reserved chauffeur felt like the king of the world as he took Annette in the back of the car; the fields, villages, and countryside shooting by him rapidly. He laughed in the maniacal fashion of somebody who had not a single care in all the world; all while the wind whistled in his ears and Annette howled down below with hot buggered joy!

There was no need to worry about the skill of the driver behind the wheel either. Always dependable, the still naked but nonetheless sober and talented Shelby handled the limo expertly;Ted's driver's cap tipped jauntily to one side of her head as she drove! Next to her, a somewhat inebriated Brad sat in his cowboy boots and little red plastic cowboy hat; merrily giving the little Pixie directions and driving advice as she giggled and told him to simply "shut-it."


As Annette's black limousine (that was still technically the responsibility of Teddy), arrived at the basement garage under Annette's East End flat, there was a mad scramble for clothes and belongings as drunken shouts and happy comments echoed throughout the indoor car park. In the back of another limo up in Soho, the beautiful Amanda was nearly back to her hotel and executing a frantic mad scramble of her own; that for her phone in her purse. She found and answered it.


"Don't get on that plane just yet, honey!"

"Karen," Amanda replied, "what's going on?"

"You are!" Karen announced, "Listen impressed people (who will remain un-named), so much so at the party that I just got another gig for you! I'm extending your hotel reservation for a week. You'll be entertaining a bevy of Russian businessmen Wednesday Thursday and Friday! I'm sending you money for clothes- go shopping! I'll email you the details. Rest up and enjoy London! Good work girl!"

Amanda hung up the phone. She smiled. It was a sign. A shot of redemption. Now she just needed sleep however, (and a hot bath). She also needed to send a text message.


Back at the Manor in Anika's bedchamber; several shapes moved under the covers and giggles rose up from beneath. Anika's pretty blonde head popped up at one of her oversized pillows and she laughed happily as the pretty noggins of Sandra and Gisele appeared above the covers next to her to either side. Down at the opposite end of the covers, two Russian bums with delightful little foxtail butt-plugs scurried up under the comforters; their destination - the lovely quims of the two laughing Brazilians!

A moment later, and another shape moving under the covers and crawled between Anika's parted thighs. Anika moaned with selfish contentment as the bulge stopped at her quim for half a minute. It then continued its journey up the Scandinavian bombshell's form while Sandra and Gisele shrieked from the busy work of two Russian tongues below the bedsheets! Presently the genial face of Fabio appeared up from under the covers and he began to cheerfully suck at Anika's erect nipples.

"Fabio darling! You naughty boy," Anika squealed with delight, "You realize in a few hours I'll need you to get these two Brazilian beauties to the airport; along with their two coworkers who are still someplace around this house?"

"No worries Madame," Fabio reassured her as he reached over with eager fingers to tweak at Gisele's erect nipple, "I always get the job done!" Gisele sighed and nodded her head in agreement as the driver's thumb and forefinger pinched her gumdrop sized nipple into a swollen bon-bon of red flesh.

"Good!" said Anika reaching down and placing the Brazilian Chauffeur's penis to the notch of her pussy. She had a new requirement for him.

"Now dearest," she said already distracted by the large cock boring its way into the slick entrance to her cunny, "I have another job for you to do please; after all - you are the driver,(please start driving)!"

Fabio needed no direction. He sheathed is São Paulo python "ball's deep" inside Anika's perfect pink pussy. Her quim began to juice as he fucked her in his typically genial fashion. To either side of them a pair of lovely Brazilian heads shook and howled as ravenous Russian foxes gobbled their cunts down-beneath the comforters. Let it never be said that Anika didn't know how to throw a party!


In about an hour's time, a somewhat more sober and hastily dressed Teddy arrived with the limo back at Anthony's garage. He'd already been all over the car with another can of Cab Fresh but he was giving it the ole' "once again; just to be safe!" Anthony had just received a text message from Ted; telling him he was downstairs and waiting with the keys.

"How'd it go?" Anthony asked Ted when he arrived. From his appearance Anthony looked much better but his face was still pale. His eyes looked like he needed more pillow time. He was also secretly concerned about how much trouble Teddy might have gotten into if he'd not "stayed with the fookin' car.

"It went well. No problems. Very nice sorts; those people!" Ted answered, keeping his responses brief. He held out the keys from the open back door of the car as he finished with the can of cleaner. He made some comment about the bar being out of booze. Tony grunted something about not having to worry and that, "it always happened."

Tony now needed a look. His head peered inside as Ted continued to freshen up. He nodded at Ted; everything looked spotless.

"Did you ask any questions?" Tony asked.

"Of course not...other than where is this place we are going to," Ted replied.

"Did you stay with the car?" Tony asked.

"You know I did... why?" Ted told him. Tony shook his head and held up a hand; taking the keys and satisfied with the answer. Ted had saved his arse - no need to be ungrateful to a mate who'd just done that! His gig was safe.

Tony momentarily looked away to tuck his keys in a coat pocket. At that instant Ted spied something on the floor under the seat; brightly colored and frilly. His heart jumped and with deft hands Ted snatched it up from the floor; shoving it into his coat pocket without Tony ever being the wiser!

Tony thanked his friend and the two made promises to meet for a pint and bite to eat at their favorite pub. Ted then figured it was time for an exit. He walked from the garage and Tony headed back up the stairs to his bed and his head-cold medicines.

All that was ahead of Ted now was his walk back to the tube station and a quick ride home on the underground. As he headed along the street to the tube entrance, he fished for the frilly item in his pocket. He knew precisely what it was that he'd tucked away ever so stealthily while his friend was distracted.

He plucked the item from his coat and held it up to the morning sun to see it again. There in his hands was Shelby's thong underwear. On it; written in whorehouse red lipstick was her phone number for him, just as she'd left it. It must have fallen on the floor of the limo as he'd been cleaning. Next to the number, the naughty little pixie had made a big lipstick pucker for him to emphasize both her intent and the level of her interest in him.

"Will be giving that little bird a call I should think, and soon!" He stepped from the street and into the tube entrance.


Back at Annette's flat, Shelby had paired up with Felicia and headed off to the lovely Spanish maid's quarters for a well-deserved "sleeping-pill fuck." That left Brad and Annette in the master bed. Brad brushed his teeth using the brunette MILF's toothbrush as Annette checked messages.

She let out a gasp and a shriek. Brad finished rinsing his mouth and walked back to the bed concerned. Annette's face had a look of happy surprise. She told him it was alright and that she'd just received a message from Caesar that read,

"Dearest... big trouble in Tokyo. No time to explain. Catching the red-eye out this morning to the Tokyo Offices. No need for you to worry. I will see you in about a week dearest. I Love You." A second text from him read,

" P.S. I couldn't find the keys to those bloody handcuffs anyway." Annette giggled at this. She looked at a dresser drawer across the room. She'd hidden those keys in there a few days ago. He definitely wouldn't be sweating his horrid ugly form over her now - given the nature of this latest text!

"Alrigh' Brad," she announced happily, "I have you here for a week darling!"

She fell back on the bed and parted her legs; pulling her knees to her chest. She patted her pussy and gave her clit a little fiddle for him as much as for her. Her eyes beamed with anticipation at the prospect of a week without Caesar and she said,

"Alright lover, mount up and put me to sleep!"

Brad did as requested; sheathing himself into Annette up to the balls. He'd been "feeling the burn of jealousy" all night long as she'd been pounded and plied with one cock after another; right in front of him! Again he'd been effected by it but he was not about to show it. She liked that. He was cool and calm and strong. Now it was time for him to "take his." He converted that burn of jealousy into the heady heat of driving passion inside her, driving her wild and making her feel as she truly was the most beautiful goddess on this earth!

His cock rammed up to the back of her quim-chute; striking the back of her womb in the most agreeable way. As his weight crushed down upon her in just the heavy pinning fashion she so desired; Annette's phone buzzed again with another text. She held up the phone and looked at the screen as Brad's lovely veiny throbber went to work on her insides. The text read,

"I am staying until Friday at the very earliest. I guess you have an answer now to your question back at Anika's. Phone me later. Need a bath now. I love you!"

The cock pulled back and then shuttled forward in a pleasing stroke up into Annette's cunt-hole. Her quim began to dew-up; so did her eyes. Her clit began to throb. Her heart began to soar like a beautiful bird that had been set free. She shut off the phone and wrapped limbs around Brad's thrusting form. A tear ran down her cheek; a tear of joy. Amanda was staying.


Up in Soho, Amanda sat naked in a lovely steaming bath; her bed already turned down in the next room. She'd just finished texting Annette. She couldn't wait until she felt her soul mate next to her; feel her breasts, taste her lips, and drown herself in her lover's sex. First she thought she might need a couple hours sleep however. There was one other thing she might need that Annette couldn't provide...cock! She knew just the one she wanted! She dialed a number and put the phone to pretty blonde head of hair in the steamy bath.

"Cedric," she said as she stretched out one leg in the tub and made a splashing sound the boy could hear on the other end, "remember when I said you can have my bum the next time I am in town? Can you catch the train up from Surrey today?"

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DarkFriday1408DarkFriday1408almost 8 years ago
Great story !!!

This is a great story! You're writing is great and the development of the characters are great. The way the story has developed is also awesome. I hope that you will continue the story and give it a proper end. Good luck and happy writing.

Brittni4uBrittni4uabout 8 years ago
Another great one

Keep putting it out Bill. Love ya...Britt

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Best Chapter Yet!!

Keep it up!! Your writing improves dramatically with each chapter. Love the character development!!



AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Damn another hot Chapter!!!

The story has me breaking out BOB!!! Also has me wondering if the writer is as hot as the words? Waiting impatiently for another well thought out chapter. Oh NO, Bob needs help - going out to buy more batteries to get ready for the next Chapter.

AnnetteBishopAnnetteBishopabout 8 years ago
Incredibly hot, spell binding

Are such a great writer with a fabulous mind and a pen that creates the most sensuous and enlightened work of sexual art. I love it and you and Amanda. xoxoxoxo Annette

daylilygardenerdaylilygardenerabout 8 years ago

Another hot chapter in this series.

Check, check, check, checkmate!

A well thought out story with good characterization and dialogue.

I love the title.


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