Can They Dance to a New Tune?


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As we ate Sadie said, "Tomorrow you both need to go to each other's work and show off the trophy. Everyone will get such a buzz."

Janet spoke, "You both have to come as well. We couldn't have won without what you both did. You need to see how everyone appreciated what you did as well."

The locals were respectful as we ate but as we sat afterwards more came to ask for autographs and selfies. Like us, Sadie and Ernie were still shocked. It was so much to take in.

Next day I had to drag myself to work. Janet was working on getting pregnant. I made the mistake of saying she should stop taking the pill. She was certainly happy alongside me. Ernie looked knackered as well. Sadie looked very happy.

Bill was delighted to join us as we walked around the office showing the magnificent trophy off. The feelings coming from everyone were so positive. Bill's secretary, Zoe asked us, "How could you be so perfect? I've watched you seven times and I can't find a fault. I used to dance so I do know what to look for. You must have been so nervous."

Ernie spoke, "David and Sadie watched our every move and corrected our posture and positioning. We saw their love as we took our places. We just danced like we did in rehearsal. We danced for them, no one else mattered."

Janet kissed me. Sadie mugged Ernie.

We headed off to Janet's work. Becky and Diane were holding court telling everyone of their experiences as we came in. The whole place was buzzing. Janet's boss came out and like everyone gave them a round of applause. It took over an hour to speak to everyone who wanted to speak.

We went for lunch before heading back to our work. Sadie was happy she had the day off. Later I made a suggestion to Ernie and he agreed. The next day, Sadie was at work on the ward. We'd been holding our fingers over our mouths until Ernie reached and kissed her. The patients and staff erupted. The patients showered us with applause. Her ward sister told her to go with us around the wards which cheered up the patients up no end. Everyone knew Sadie's part in it. She was getting requests to help with wedding dresses and music.

In the afternoon we had our next session with Elizabeth. She was over the top with her praise of their performances. She let slip, when she told her husband to put a bet on them, he saw she knew more than she was letting on. He bet on them as well. No bragging rights. Her husband had enjoyed her dress for the event. She'd made him wear one of his favourite costumes. She knew what we'd showed her was very good but she was not prepared for the level of performance. It was the best she had ever seen. She admitted she was glad we'd warned her how hot the Tango was. Their costumes had allowed them to relieve each other only to have to do it again for the final dance. They've watched it each night with the same effects.

She asked Janet about the costumes which caused her to blush so much.

Elizabeth laughed, "That little minx Sadie. She had said you were so nervous but the costumes were just perfect. She was right."

We started the actual session by saying Janet was coming off the pill. Elizabeth was happy. She'd seen we spent more time on ourselves than the past. We'd go down to two sessions a week. One on our marriage and the other our sex life. I was to read chapter one of the book and make my notes. We'd compare them. I had three different exercise areas to look at.

There was so much to do following the competition it was the Thursday night before we prepared to view it. I'd downloaded our morning tv shows as well. Prepared may give you a clue. We showered and wore only our robes. Well, Janet wore a sheer negligee which caused a parting in my robe. We sat with wine for her, beer for me. Nuts and crisps.

She wanted to see all of the other dancers. The buzz in the dressing area was immense. Friends were helping each other. Others were trying to psych out their foes. Ernie and she were just saying to each other, "For David and Sadie."

She was complementary about the other dancers.

Once she came on, her eyes were glued to the screen. Her hand had somehow found my cock and was stroking him lightly. He was enjoying watching her on screen as well as this more personal appreciation. As they entered the floor, Janet spoke softly, "Sadie nailed the costume. I knew it was revealing but not as revealing as I see now. The Cha-Cha-Cha dress she and the seamstress had conferred on altering. I'm glad they never showed me the result or I may not have been able to wear it. I only had time to glance in the mirror before we came out. I was shocked as I've never exposed so much of my bum before. Emily really helped me, speaking softly, supporting me all the way to the dancefloor.

"I see me smile when I saw you blowing me a kiss. You've no idea how that helped me relax."

We both watched enraptured at the dance. My cock was trying to dance with the music but her hand was using him in a different way. Suddenly she moved and still facing the tv, mounted me. I used the opportunity to caress or in fact maul her breasts. My cock was very happy. I could feel her leaking onto my balls. As they approached the climax, I did as well. Janet was riding my cock, screaming, "Fuck me, Fuck me!" I was and I did. I came as the dance ended. Janet collapsed against me as she came down from her own climax.

Her pussy was caressing my cock who remained fairly stiff. We watched the other dancers before we came to their second dance. By now, her pussy had my cock rock hard. I was kissing the back of her neck and lightly tweaking her breasts. As they rode across the screen, Janet was riding me, keeping perfectly in time with the music. As they danced to the climax, Janet rode me off the cliff. I came and came. Once the dance ended she turned the tv off.

She half turned and said, "Bed."

I lifted her up and still joined as her pussy wouldn't release my cock we made our way to bed. Once there she assumed the doggy position and said softly, "Just fuck me. I may cum or not but I want to feel your release. I want every drop of sperm as far inside me as you can get it. I want you to be the rider from the dance."

I rerun the tune in my head as I fucked her and fucked her. Three times I managed to run through the tune before I totally lost control and had to cum. I shouted out, "AAARRRRGGGGGHHHHHH!" as I came. My hips were still involuntarily fucking her. I was totally spent. I collapsed on top of her. My heart rate was off all known charts. I felt my cock give some aftershocks.

We moved and cuddled up. Janet spoke softly, "Was all that for me or did the negligee do it for you?"

I laughed. "Oh, it was all for you. The negligee was the icing on the cake."

We kissed and made small talk as we drifted off to sleep.

The next night she wanted to watch the next part but I said no. I took her to the bedroom, stripped her and we showered together. I dried her and set her down on the bed.

I said, "I want to make love to you, with you. We've fucked so much. Let's take our time, caress, enthral and become one, slowly, tenderly."

I spent ages exploring her body telling her how beautiful she was. She did the same to me. She did say, "You're going to get waxed" a few times as she caressed me. I gave her two orgasms with my tongue and fingers, both built slowly until she exploded. She showed me how much her blowjob technique had come on when my cock entered her throat.

It would have been an hour or more before we joined. Her pussy was so hot, I could have burns. I rode her slowly, kissing her face, neck and breasts. She was caressing me and kissing me. We spoke about our love and what we wanted. We were so in tune we sped up together at the same time. Not a quick ending but a slow meaningful one. We came together. I was buried in her as deep as my seven-and-a-half-inch cock could manage. I was surprised at how much I erupted into her. The feeling was of being one.

We lay facing each other for ages. I loved the fact her nipples were attacking my chest. We headed for another shower after changing the bed.

Janet laughed. I looked at her. She said, "we haven't had our dinner yet!" I laughed. We started our dinner, some leftovers from the freezer. The microwave did it quickly. Janet being dressed in that sheer negligee made the meal great.

Afterwards we sat cuddled on the settee together. Janet whispered in my ear, "Let's leave the other dances until next week. You were right, we've been so involved in my dream, we haven't explored our dreams. That was the most intense, fulfilling lovemaking experience of my life. I felt so joined to you, each cell was in rapture. I'll need more negligees like this."

I kissed her passionately, "The negligee needs you to show it off. I won't complain if you want more."

She kissed me back with interest, "I do need more lingerie. We haven't played with you in yours yet. I hope you'll enjoy it. You did seem to like the feel when we tried it on you. I think it would be better if you were waxed. You're not overly hairy but have added a fair bit since we started dating.

"Now I'm no longer dancing, I can grow mine again, if you wish. If you prefer me bare, I'll keep it bare for you."

I smiled, "Your pussy looks gorgeous. You seem to enjoy oral sex more. I'm happy for you to be either."

Janet smiled, "Liar! You love her bare. You've been like a man possessed when eating me out. You've never tongued my rosebud and now you tongue fuck her. I meant it when I said, you could have her.

"I would be due to have another wax in two weeks. I can book us both in. It's not the most pleasant of experiences but I do like how you make her better. I'll do the same to you to make you better afterwards."

She laughed as she added, "When Ernie said he was struggling to get our final dance better than any of the other ones, I about gave him a heart attack. I suggested we swap roles. He'd be in a risqué female costume and I would be in a male costume. He was blushing so much. When I said he'd need waxed all over, I thought he'd faint. He was bloody glad you came up with your suggestion.

"I did whisper it to Sadie who seemed interested. If you see Ernie walking carefully, he may have had it done for Sadie."

I laughed and laughed, "Okay, where's Janet? The one I know doesn't have such an evil streak."

Janet kissed me, "You didn't know her hidden depths. We're going to the sex shop tomorrow for some items. The sex guide recommends them for beginners. You haven't had time to read any of it since Elizabeth asked you to. I haven't done much as she said not to get ahead of myself.

"I'll probably see stuff I have no idea about as will you. Let's just be honest. We can discuss anything. No judgements."

She kissed me again and before I knew it she was fucking me. My cock had a homing signal as he just entered her pussy without any conscious thought from me. As she rode me, she said earnestly, "I want some proper restraints so I can tease you until you have to cum. You've asked me if I wanted a vibrator, a dildo in the past. I did but I couldn't tell you. Would you like me to use a strap-on on you? What would you like?"

I tried to say, just what she'd said but she wouldn't stop asking. I so wanted to cum but she wouldn't let me until I told her, "I think I'd like you to wear a butt plug at times."

She smiled, "OH MY! We both could," as she rode me to my finish.

The visit had us blushing so much. The sales assistant was very good, pointing out the good and not so good about what we were thinking off. Nothing we bought was extreme but we couldn't fault the quality. There was other stuff we'd have to think about possibly in the future.

Janet was hot to try the restraints. I wanted to look at the sex guide Elizabeth had recommended but Janet teased me, "I've read this part. I want to tease you. If you don't know, it will be better for you. You'll get your own back later."

Like a fool I agreed. She'd teased every cell in my body, edged me for what seemed like hours until I agreed with her demands. When I came her pussy was full, overflowing.

This explains why after she was waxed, I was waxed. It hurts. Once home she eased my pain by working body lotion over all of me. Of course, my cock loved the attention. The sensation as we fucked was amazing. Once we showered she dressed me in the lingerie we had bought for me. She wore the matching lingerie. It was arousing, on my body and seeing her. After dinner the settee, the spare bed and our bed had good workouts. I was knackered.

The next day we went for a walk. Both of us had butt plugs in. It was strange at first but as we walked and chatted, I almost forgot about it. My cock didn't. Somehow he was being stimulated. Once home, both of us needed to fuck. Janet's pussy is always tight but wearing the plug, it was extremely tight. Janet surprised me after our first fuck by cleaning my cock with her mouth and giving me a blowjob. As she did she played with my butt plug. I exploded. Once she had him hard again, she removed her butt plug and filled her bum with him. We took it slow for our first anal experience. I couldn't believe I had any sperm left to cum so the amount which oozed out afterwards surprised me.

A month later and we had to be waxed again. Instead of home to ease our pain, she took me to several shops where we bought a dress, more lingerie, shoes, wig and forms for me. She bought me a couple of nighties for later. She had me practice walking in the heels. We had to have the matching lingerie on. It led to some explosive sex.

In a couple of days' time, it will be my turn to restrain her. I'm working out what questions I need to ask her to fulfil her fantasies. She denies she made demands of me only she teased my deepest fantasies out of me, like tonight's apparently. I seem to lose the discussion as she always has something I wanted to try to distract me. How she knows I don't know!

Janet is very happy as yesterday we discovered she was pregnant. All she said was, "I love you. I'll tire you out until we can't have any sex. Did I say I love you?" Her kiss afterwards showed that and more.

Life has changed but for the better. Some may hate I've forgiven her. I see what I have gained. It will never happen again.

Ernie's looking very tired these days as well. I'd take a couple of cigars into the office on Monday for him and me to celebrate but we don't smoke. Maybe we'll have a celebratory drink. Janet will be on soft drinks.

Sadie and I do accompany them to the local dance club. We've been giving advice to several very talented dancers but we draw the line at coaching. Well, what would you do? Coach some youngsters or make love to your partner?

Now I'm all dressed to meet my "boyfriend." I've prepared myself as I'm sure Janet will use the strap-on on me. She's suggested it as we talked about this roleplay. She did give me her bum so I feel I have to reciprocate. I'm nervous and excited.

The doorbell has just gone. My date has arrived. My heart is pounding as I walk in those heels to the door to let "him" in.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 hours ago

The essential plot hole that ruined this for me was forgetting to show the readers Janet pouring whatever it was into David's coffee that put him into this permanent psychotic delirium, and reversed his character and cognition into this extreme fetish delusion. By the symptoms, she seems to have started secretly dosing him with meth?

Bigguy731Bigguy7312 days ago

Another 3 pager max stretched to 11 with the same tired overuse along with 10 pages of fluff. Get a new formula.

RanDog025RanDog0253 months ago

I liked it! Everyone wants a perfect story. Those cost money! 5 BIG ASS FUCKING HUGE FLAMING NOVA STARS! Thanks.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

I read the story to the end. I prefer reconciliation stories over BTB, but introducing and then dropping a plot point as important as a pregnancy was never really explained. It spoiled the story for me.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

A történet maga jól indult,de legalább öt oldallal kevesebb is bőven elég lett volna a terápiával és a tánc felkészülésével kapcsolatban...!

CumminginsiderherCumminginsiderher10 months ago
I learned a valuable lesson

After reading a half dozen or so of your stories.......


The comments will tell me if it is a story worth reading.

I read these comments and decided not to waste my time reading 11 pages of garbage. I think I will just move on to other authors. Your the wife cheated but she was drugged schtick is getting old and the straight up cheating stories suck.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Story was over by the end of page 1. Wife pregnant to husband's coworker while in a months long intimacy dry spell she initiated out of guilt for her own lies and betrayal. The rest of the story is a fantasy of magical therapy and gaslighting of the husband. The lack of lasting impact from incredibly damaging actions taken by partners who knew and acted like it was wrong but still did it really makes the rest of the story a joke.

Boyd PercyBoyd Percy12 months ago

Everyone has to do what is right from them!


WargamerWargamer12 months ago

I was enjoying this story immensely. I prefer BTB but can enjoy a good RAAC. I thought the request to compete after being caught cheating was audacious and would in normal circumstances be rejected, but went along with it for the story’s sake.

But the cross dressing and pegging lost me, so superfluous to the story. You went too far and ruined a reasonable story.

You went from a 5 to a 3. Better luck next time.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Your writing is very, very good. While I typically favor raac rather than a btb story, i feel that this story was too forgiving and in too soon a fashion. The audacity to approach Sadie and David to resume competition was incredulous. The insistence of having Sadie and David as "coaches" was over the top, patronizing, and not believable. Janet's behavior, at a minimum, dictated much more punishment; and at a maximum, their request to resume competition warranted his immediate departure and divorce. In the end, David from my perspective, is a wimpy cuck who somehow at the end finds himself wearing lingerie. He's an embarrassment. She's a narcissist. The storyline, to me, is non-believable.

Nonetheless, while I do not favor the storyline, your writing is very good! No less than 5 stars. Thank you for sharing.


teedeedubteedeedubabout 1 year ago

I think there was a good story hiding in there somewhere. I think I have described your work before as superfluous At least you're consistent..

fritz51fritz51about 1 year ago

I bailed at page 4. After deliberately lying for months about who she was with and what they were doing she caps it off by fucking the guy. Then, she admits that’s she totally at fault and understands why the MC will want a divorce, but askes for counselling and a second chance. What ruined any chance for me to enjoy this ended with his answer to her and Ernie’s request. When the two lovers asked if they could be together every night to practice & then compete, David’s answer should have been: “Absolutely… go for it as I’m divorcing you as fast as I can… If fact get your shit and get the fuck out of my house.”

The absolute nerve of a bitch who had done what she did and then ask that – NFW!!

Then I read a comment that mentioned the last two paragraphs. I should have stayed away, but curiosity got me & there is our hero – excited about his wife coming home after being with her former lover, “dancing” I suppose, and she’s to fuck him in the ass… Good Grief Charlie Brown… one star.

FlynnTaggartFlynnTaggartabout 1 year ago

Low score for me. Definitely not a reconciliation I liked, I felt Sadie and the MC got screwed and with the MC literally with the last little bit. Ernie and Janet were terrible people who may have loved their partners were still willing to screw around and Janet especially held a major part of her life away from her husband. Fixing their relationship was possible but I felt spending more time with the wife's lover and wife would have made things worse, constant reminder the wife cheated The story was also too bloated. I know the story was about dancing but the focus should have been on the relationships most, it felt like just if not more of the story was focused on the dance stuff. It just wasn't very interesting I don't think. I think the story might have worked better with the dancing stuff being a "framing device" for the story but not a major part of it but fully admit thats pure personal taste as I haze zero interest in dancing.

tkh3nkey2110tkh3nkey2110about 1 year ago

An over all great story, but too much with the lead up to the dance competition. I was becoming bored with it. I think it would have been much better at four pages shorter.

other2other1other2other1about 1 year ago

I enjoyed the angst that this story cased, that tight feeling in my chest wondering what temptation would be met. Knowing this was a reconciliation (thanks to the tags) I was wondering how it would get there and I did smile as it ended.

I think one thing that felt a little incomplete and I assumed that they felt with it in counciling was the pregnancy and abortion. There was a point early on where it felt like that was everything in the story, and then it kind of left the stage quickly. I was really on the ride with that and wanted a little more exploration of that part of the story.

Overall I enjoyed this, could not stop reading to see how it would end, thank you for putting the time effort and energy into writing this.

Rusty_MRusty_Mabout 1 year ago

Good story. Lousy ending.

stevetishstevetishabout 1 year ago

I liked it a lot except the last 2 paragraphs ruined it for me.

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