Cassy's Awakening Ch. 09


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One by one, I crumpled up the documents in my mouth, before climbing up onto Jane's lap, and shoving them as deeply as I could up into my ass.

It was exhausting work. The crawling, the chewing, the intermittent filling of my own ass...

I was sweating, and panting.

Jane paid me no mind, watching some program she'd found on TV. She simply let me perform my penitent task, dutifully slurping up my nefarious paperwork, and cramming it deep down where it belonged.

By the time I was finished, I was a wreck. My body was trembling, and my ass was nearly stuffed full of paperwork.

I didn't even know if the last few documents would fit... and I'd had to use considerable pressure to force them inside with the rigid dildo.

But they had fit. I'd stuffed myself to the brim, but I'd gotten every sheet down -- or up -- my ass.

"All done, ma'am..." I grunted, struggling not to pant too heavily as I writhed atop the rigid strap on on Jane's lap.

"Amazing," Jane smiled as I forced myself down for the last time onto her lap, shoving the last document inside of myself, "You're just amazing, Cass."

She turned the TV off, and reached out to hold me in place on her lap.

I beamed. Jane called me 'Amazing!"

I was on cloud nine.

Still impaled up the ass by Jane's strap-on, I let her pull me in. I pressed my pierced tits against hers, feeling my horny nipples poke into her soft skin.

"Kiss me, Pet," Jane said, and pulled me in to a deep, passionate embrace.

I slid my tongue through her parted lips, and kissed her, hard.

For a few minutes, she simply kept me there, impaled up the ass by her strap-on, while we kissed.

I was trembling. Despite the humiliating task I'd just performed, or the life-altering deal I'd just made with Jane... all I could think about was the arousal coursing through my body.

I wasn't stressed out or worried. I wasn't frustrated, or confused. I was simply devoid of any thought other than pleasing Jane.

Plus, though Jane had fucked me to orgasm over and over on the floor earlier, and yet I was still revved up and eager for more.

It's no wonder I'd been so distracted on my own, I mused. When I was with Jane, I was focused on her, exclusively. It was so much simpler... so much easier.

I loved it.

And I loved the feeling of my ass stuffed so full. Between the strap on and the wads of paper I'd packed up there, I was absolutely bursting. Every minor movement caused sensational jolts to fly up my spine.

"You're dripping on me," Jane whispered, pulling back an inch from my lips and smirking, "Drooling a lot, too."

I looked down.

She was right. I was drooling, and dribbling from my cunt. Sweaty, messy... a real disaster.

"I'm... I'm sorry, ma'am." I blushed. The exhilaration of apologizing for my so-called 'transgression' sent shivers through me.

This was really happening, I thought. This was really going to be my future...

Jane kissed me again, and then told me to get off of the couch.

I obliged, somewhat reluctantly, sliding off of her dildo and slumping to the floor once more.

I hadn't been told to crawl this time, but it felt like the correct thing to do, and Jane's appreciative pat on my messy head of hair confirmed my assumption.

"You'll sleep here tonight," Jane said, and I gulped nervously, "Tomorrow, we'll make everything official. We'll go to the bank, to a lawyer -"

She paused, looking down at me.

"Oh, sorry, Cass. I almost forgot ; you don't need to know any of this, do you?"

I sunk my head.

No, I though, I suppose I didn't. It was all going to be in Jane's hands from now on... though I was curious -- and nervous -- as to what she all planned.

"No ma'am," I said, submissively sinking lower as I spoke, "I don't need to know anything you don't want me to."

I had no choice, I reminded myself. Even if I'd wanted to resist, I'd proved how incapable I was of managing things by myself.

I needed Jane's help, and if I were going to get it, I simply had to comply with anything she wanted.

"C'mon, Slut, let's get you ready for bed."

Jane snapped her fingers, and I began to stand up.


"Cassy -- down!" Jane commanded, and I fell back to my knees.

Right. Why would I think I'd be allowed to stand?

I began to crawl towards the washroom.

Another mistake.

"Cassy, where do you think you're going?" Jane asked, smiling at my obvious stupidity.

"I... uh... I thought -- you said we were going to bed," I said, "I thought you'd want to clean up and-"

"Cassy!" Jane interrupted me, "You need to remember, your days of thinking are OVER. You don't need to assume any more, or guess -- you'll be told what I want from you. Now c'mon, follow me."

Jane snapped her finger again, and turned to leave the room. Quickly, I followed her on the floor, crawling as fast as I could to keep up. I was keenly aware of the paper in my ass jostling about. I was stuffed so full, yet it was obvious that Jane had no intention of letting me empty myself.

This was part of my penance, I knew. Humiliating, but effective.

She led me through her small house, until we were at the back door.

"Cleaning you up is going to remain Isabella's job," Jane said, grabbing a plush black robe out of a closet and throwing it over her naked body. She slid off her strap-on as well, setting it down before unlocking the back door.

I swallowed nervously. She was taking me outside?

Part of me revolted at that idea... but oddly, the main thought I had was disappointment that Jane was no longer naked.

I wanted to see her tits some more. I wanted to watch her ass as I crawled along behind her... and I couldn't see it as well under her stupid robe.

I was actually pouting as I began to crawl after Jane through the door.

"I've grown quite fond of that little Beauty," Jane said of Isabella, "And besides, I know how much you love the quality of her work."

I felt a tingle of anticipation as I remembered Isabella's 'work'.

Nervously, I followed Jane through her rear door, and into her back yard.

I was still completely naked, crawling awkwardly with an ass stuffed full of paper.

It was dark out, but the lights from inside illuminated the small yard enough that anyone peeking over the medium-height fence would easily spot me.

Jane's yard wasn't nearly as large as mine, and her fence divided her own yard from her neighbours.

This was not a private environment, I thought, growing more nervous by the second.

"Ma'am," I whispered, "Why are we outside? Are you worried someone might see-"

"Quiet down, Pet," Jane chided me, "I don't care if anyone sees you, and if you're worried, you should keep your voice down, because you're going to be out here all night."

My eyes went wide.

"What?!" I exclaimed. Surely Jane was kidding.

"But-" I protested, "I thought you said we were going to bed-"

Jane giggled.

"Yeah, dummy! But you're not sleeping in my bed, or on my floor. Look at you, you're a complete mess! You'll soak through my sheets and wreck my mattress!!"

My face sunk. I was a mess, of course. My whole body was dripping as I crawled... and I could feel a wet tuft of paper poking out from my overstuffed ass.

But it was inhuman to have me sleep on the lawn!

"You can sleep over there," Jane nodded, and I looked -- horrified -- at the sight of an old, run-down dog house in the corner of the yard.

"Don't worry, I don't have a dog," Jane said, "That thing was here when I moved in. Never had a use for it, until now."

My mouth was hanging open.

This wasn't what I'd signed up for!

"Or is that too much for you?" Jane asked, crossing her arms.

"Please, ma'am," I began to bed, but Jane raised a finger to cut me off.

"Second thoughts, Cassy?" she asked, "I hope not, because after tomorrow, you won't have the luxury of changing your mind!"

I swallowed nervously, crouching on the grass as Jane inspected me for a reaction.

"I-" I mumbled, frantically trying to re-calculate my choices, "I just thought..."

"There's that word again," Jane reminded me, "Thought! If you want to keep trying to think things through on your own, you can just forget about my help."

I blushed. She was right, of course. I was thinking again, trying to figure things out on my own.

"I'm sorry, ma'am," I said, shamefully hanging my head, "I want your help... and I'll do anything you want. I'll sleep out here if you ask."

Jane shook her head.

"Not asking, Cass," she said, "I'm telling you. And you'll answer with 'yes ma'am' or not at all!"

I slumped.

"Yes, ma'am," I said.

"Good," Jane said, "Now, you can relieve yourself, and then tuck up inside the dog house for the night. I'd leash you up, but unfortunately I don't have a collar for you at the moment. So I'll just have to trust you to be obedient, okay?"



Relieve myself?

"M-ma'am-" I said, "Are you saying you want me to-"

"Relieve yourself," Jane said, as if it was the simplest thing in the world, "You know, go to the bathroom. Surely you've gotta go, Pet, and I don't want you wetting yourself during the night. Once you're in bed, you're not to get up until sunrise."

My eyes were wide, and frightened.

"Out here?!" I balked, "You want me to... to pee- out here?!"

Jane pursed her lips, waiting.

"I- I can't!" I whined, "I- I'll last through the night! I'm okay, honest!"

Jane wasn't convinced.

Honestly, I wasn't sure I would last the night. As soon as Jane had mentioned relieving myself, it was all I could think of. I hadn't realized how bad I'd had to go until now.

"Please, ma'am," I begged, crouching on my ankles in the yard as I pleaded with Jane, "I can't do this... you can't treat me like an animal!"

Jane sighed.

She took a step forward, and crouched down in front of me, bringing us to eye level.

"Cassy, dear," she said, "You trust your Mistress, don't you?"

I trembled.

"Yes..." I answered.

I did trust Jane. I had to.

"And you know I know what's best for you..." Jane purred, reaching out and wrapping one hand around my naked body, while the other gently pushed my knees apart, "You know I'm only treating you how you deserve -- and deep down, how you need and want -- to be treated..."

Jane pushed my knees open, and then flicked her gaze down to my feet.

I knew what she wanted.

With great trepidation, I moved my ankles apart, until I was squatting on the grass with my legs fully spread.

Oh God. I was in position to-

"Shhh-" Jane said, leaning in to kiss me, "Empty that head of yours... and accept who you are."

I melted at her touch, feeling her tongue slip through my lips without effort.

Instinctively, I wrapped my hands around her, clinging to her for support and balance as I perched on the lawn.

Her hands ran down my back, over the crest of my naked, quivering ass, until her finger tips found the shred of crumpled paper that was apparently still poking out of my poor ass hole.

"You're not a person any more," Jane whispered, flicking the paper folds in my ass, "You're my slutty little Pet."

Every flick of the paper sent a jolt of vibrations up my ass, reminding me of what I'd done earlier, and that I was still full of my my failed attempts at conquering Jane.

"Uugh-" I grunted in ecstasy as I felt the arousal flooding through me.

I kissed Jane again, moaning into her mouth as she gently played with my ass.

"Ma'am," I whispered, pulling back for only a moment, "Do I really have to do this...?"

Jane smiled, continuing to tend to my ass as I pressed against her on the grass.

"Afraid so," she said, "It's the first of many things you'll have to get used to... but I promise you, you will get used to it, my amazing little Slut-Pet."

I smiled. Despite myself, I felt content. Jane had called me 'amazing' again, and once more it felt like the greatest thing I'd ever heard.

"Let go, Pet," Jane said, "Stop forcing your empty little mind to try and think, and trust your Mistress. Your new life begins tomorrow... the one you've always been yearning for."

I was horrified. I was excited. I was aroused, thrilled, and alive.

Could I really do this? Could I really surrender so completely to...

To Jane?

I looked deeply into Jane's eyes.

Jane would take care of me, I knew. She knew what was best for me. She always had... even when I was too dumb to realize it.

"Okay," I said, leaning into Jane once more, adjusting my hips as she played with my ass, "You win, Jane. Whatever you want."

I kissed Jane, and, without warning, I felt the pressure in my bladder begin to release.

Oh, God. I was doing it.

I was peeing in Jane's back yard, like a dog.

"Good girl," Jane praised me, kissing me as I relieved myself. Her hand continued to play behind me, flicking my ass as I peed on the lawn, and she continued to keep my knees parted wide with her own, helping me balance as I let myself go.

I felt so dirty ; so depraved. My old life, whatever it had been, was truly over now.

Cassandra Riley was no more. I was Jane's bitch now.

Nothing more, nothing less. I'd never been so humiliated in my entire life.

"Mmm-" I sucked in Jane's tongue, somehow forgetting where I was or what I was doing as I kissed my Mistress.

"Tell me you love me," Jane mumbled into my mouth as I kissed her.

"I love you," I said, still aware that there was a steady stream of pee pouring down from me onto the grass between us.

So raunchy and full of debauchery... so far from anything I'd ever imagined...

So free.

I could have cum right then and there.

"I love you, Mistress," I said, feeling myself finishing up.

I wanted to cum. The depravity of the situation was overwhelming. Jane's finger hadn't stopped fidgeting with my ass, and her sensual kiss was deliciously melting my mind.

"I love you too, Slut!" Jane smiled, standing up at last, and taking a step back to admire me.

She could tell how aroused I was, I knew. There was no hiding that fact from her, and I suspected from here-on-out, there was little point in even trying.

Humiliation was beyond me now. There was no hope of reclaiming dignity or respect any longer.

This was it. This was my new life. The little wet patch I'd made on the lawn was proof that I'd fallen over the ledge, and belonged to Jane fully and completely now.

"No touching yourself without permission," Jane said, as if she were reading my mind. She began to walk across the grass, leading me to the dog house where I was to spend the night.

She wasn't going to clean me up, I thought. No rinse-down, no quick trip inside to wipe off.

I was going to sleep outside, in a dog house, with as little dignity as Jane could leave me with. Every drip I felt fall from my hips sent shivers up my spine.

"You'll stay in here until you're let out," Jane said, as I crawled closer to inspect the dirty looking dog house, "Isabella will be here in the morning, and she'll prep you for the day. We've got a ton of errands to do, and I expect you to be on your best behaviour at all times. We'll go over your new rules and whatnot tomorrow -- I'm sure you'll do just fine."

I swallowed hard, wondering once more if I could really go through all of this.

It was my only option, I thought, repeating the words over and over in my head to convince myself. It was my best option.

"In!" Jane said, nudging me along until I'd crawled completely inside of the little house.

It was cramped inside, barely large enough for me.

Comically, I had to poke my head back out through the door, and Jane giggled at the sight.

"Sleep tight, honey bunny!" Jane quipped, bending down once more to give me a long, deep kiss goodnight.

"Tomorrow, we'll start getting you all fixed up! Your career, finances, and even your social circle! It's going to be so exciting!"

I blushed.

I'm sure Jane and I had vastly different definitions for the word 'exciting'.

Or maybe not, I mused.

"Goodnight, Pet," Jane said, walking away, and leaving me in the dark, "Love you!"

"Good night," I said, slumping down onto the cold floor of the dog house, with my head on the grass, "I love you too, Mistress..."


Hope you enjoyed ;)

Cassy's life is about to really be turned upside down, so stay tuned for more ^_^


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Adrian18255Adrian18255about 1 year ago

Fantastic, I love this story

midnight_on_marsmidnight_on_marsover 1 year agoAuthor

Hey all -

Sorry for the lengthy wait for an update. I appreciate everyone's comments / interest / patience -

Rest assured, an update IS coming - should up by next week!

And then in the future I promise I'll try to be a little more on-the-ball with the updates :P without a month stretch in between chapters...

Again, I super appreciate all the feedback and interest in the story!!! Your collective enthusiasm is what keeps me going!! :)

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I loved your story, I'm looking forward to more!

kajkellikajkelliover 1 year ago

i hesitate to use the word "perfect", but that is exactly what this chapter is! The beginning was crucial, but instead of leaving us hanging, the chapter continued to another climax.

BaNDoSSBaNDoSSover 1 year ago

Hope Cassy will return to her work as someone below the secretaries.

Qwer12Qwer12over 1 year ago
Wonderful 5 Star Adventure

Glad the story continues as these are some wonderful characters that keep having fun sexual adventures and sexual exploits that are very entertaining. Love the drama and control and the excitement of what deprived act will happen next. Love watching the train wreck. Top shelf writing. Great characters. Thanks for your time to develop and publish. Cheers

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago


Solus_TSolus_Tover 1 year ago

Glad you're back.

I really can’t wait to read how her "life is about to really be turned upside down"

and I love how submissive Cassy has become.

Great/hot read.

Dalmatian16Dalmatian16over 1 year ago

Thanks once again, now cassy is true to herself let’s see where Jane takes her to in her new submissive state

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Was worth the wait. Very good.

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