Do We Really Know Our Wives?


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Roger's home was some distance east of the airport in a semi-rural area. I must admit I did not feel any calmer until the gates on the eight foot wall surrounding the property closed. The house was a modern looking bungalow featuring beams and posts in dark timber with white walls. The property was on about an acre and it felt secure not just because of the solid brick fence, but because of the shade cast by mature trees.

Roger introduced Ting who immediately invited us into the sitting room and brought us each a long cool tropical juice. Ting appeared to be Eurasian, the combination producing the most pleasant facial features. She was the same height as Angela with a delightful figure and perfect sized breasts high on her chest. Her black hair made her fair skin appear almost like porcelain. She had the most angelic smile and moved gracefully as she looked after our needs. It was only some time later that I realized that Ting was Roger's wife.

During the drive, no one wanted to really talk, but now I had to know who Roger was? Angela commenced by saying: "Roger is a friend and had been a former work colleague."

I don't know what prompted me but I couldn't help asking: "Was he also a lover?"

This produced a huge smile from Roger, while Angela said: We were more like colleagues with benefits." Then turning to Roger, she said: "I have to tell Greg."

Roger nodded.

"Roger works for one of our Government's security agencies. He masquerades very successfully as a trader exporting exotic goods and importing machinery. During my early college years I was his assistant for just over a year."

Roger added: "Actually she was more my partner."

"Besides his Embassy contacts, Roger has contacts throughout the Thai Government and business. In my current job I have had occasional contact as a result of providing assessments of information concerning East Asia. We don't have time now, but later on I should outline exactly the work I do for the Government at my Agency."

Now I was left with even more questions, but these had to be postponed as Roger outlined his plans. "My friend at Pathum Wan Police Headquarters confirms that there is a bulletin out for your arrest. This has been sent to both the Border and Tourist Police and the Special Branch Bureau. There will be checks on the road blocks, airport and border crossings. Fortunately they don't check on the road to Pattaya as this is inconvenient for the tourists."

I asked: "Is that relevant?"

"Yes. Can you sail Greg?"

"I did some keel boat racing when I was at College."

"Well that will be useful, but Angela knows how to handle the Green Hornet."

"What is that?"

"It is a 36 foot cruising sloop produced by Rustler. It is 20 years old, but while it is not the fastest boat it is immensely strong and is comfortable in rough weather. It is in a marina in Pattaya and Angela is very familiar sailing it to Chendering Fishing Harbor in Malaysia.

"Did your trading involve smuggling?

Roger smiled broadly again while Angela responded by saying: "We preferred not to use that term," before Roger continued.

"If I can have your passports, I have a Thai immigration contact at the Royal Thai Air Base at Korat. There is a US Air Force C17 leaving Korat tomorrow for the States. I cannot get you on this aircraft, but we can have Thai immigration process your virtual departure. Once the police think you have left the country, their search for you will be discontinued. Tomorrow I will also have some South African passports modified in case you do need to show identification to Thai authorities. Their passports are yet to include biometric data so it is simple to insert your photos to make them look legitimate. You will be Hans and Lotte Waring from Durban, South Africa."

"Ach man ... you mean South Efrica." Angela jovially added.

"You will have to stay here for two nights and then before dark on Friday I will drive you to Pattaya. I suggest after dinner, you get some sleep. Greg you look as though you need it."

"Roger, I am still not certain what has happened to me today, but I am sure that I am greatly in your debt. Please accept my sincere thank you. I know I should say much more to someone that has restored back to me some sanity and directed us to safety. At this stage I can think of nothing more to offer than my thanks."

I still wasn't completely settled in my head, but I recall having a marvelous meal and that Ting had procured a change of clothes and toiletries for Angela and myself.

I enjoyed a much needed shower before Angela and I went to bed. I knew we had much to discuss, but my wife knew this was not the time. All I wanted was to cuddle up to her and feel secure.

Appreciating my depression, Angela did not overtly ask me for sex to distract me, but her little touches, her breath against my neck, her warmth and softness soon started my arousal. When she felt I was adequately erect, she mounted me and tenderly brought me climax. Without her clever distraction, it would have taken me hours for my mind to gain the peace of sleep.

In the morning I felt better. At least I now had a reason for hope, although I was far from regaining my normal positive outlook on the world. I spent the day sitting quietly, looking at the tropical garden and watching Angela and Roger catch up on memories. Ting kept checking on me with refreshing drinks.

It took me several hours, but eventually it occurred to me that Angela was flirting with Roger. She probably wasn't aware of it as she was always vivacious; however she must have enjoyed working with Roger. My awareness was confirmed when Ting said to me: "They are enjoying themselves. I think my husband would like to take your wife to bed."

Somewhat surprised by the comment, I said: "Wouldn't that upset you?"

"No. He is a good and loving husband that would never hurt me. I like it when he gets pleasure with someone else."

"Wouldn't you worry that it may not be safe?"

"I think Angela is the type to always be careful. We are also careful and the Embassy makes sure we have blood tests every three months." As Ting walked away with a big smile and a wink she added: "We were cleared just last week."

Well if anything could clear my mind from our precarious situation, Ting had found it. Angela always unselfishly thought about my needs first. I remembered my time with Emily and thought here was a chance to return the favor. I should let Angela know.

It wasn't until after dinner that I could sit and talk to Angela without the others present. All afternoon I had been thinking of clever ways to say it, but then my mind went blank. Worried that Roger or Ting may join us and interrupt my opportunity, I just bluntly said: "If you would like to spend the night with Roger it would be fine with me. It would make me happy to know you had a chance to catch up and enjoy each other."

Angela just looked at me without any expression so I hoped my meaning was clear. "What makes you think he would be interested in me after so many years?"

"I have eyes Angela, plus Ting made it clear that Roger desires you. Don't worry about me. I could do with a good night's sleep." With that I stood up and said goodnight to everyone as I walked through the kitchen.

Before I went to bed I had a warm shower to wash away the effects of the day's heat. This ensured that I was quickly asleep.

Perhaps a couple of hours later, I was awoken by a warm mouth wrapped about my shrunken penis. Well it didn't remain that way for long as a tongue flicked around the mushroom head and a small hand grasped my shaft. My quick erection produced a giggle under the sheet that confirmed to me that it was Ting.

Now I was erect, she turned about and straddled my head so I could also give her oral pleasure in the 69 position. Her lips were warm, soft and then wet. While she continued to suck me she also slowly slid her body so that my tongue found her most sensitive spots. I occasionally lifted my head and sucked each lip in turn. Returning to broad tongue licking I was soon covered with a sheen of lubrication over my cheeks and chin. When I felt her tremor and press firmly against my mouth, I sucked firmly to prolong her frenzy.

Once Ting's breathing returned to normal, she sprung onto the bed beside me. Spreading her thighs wide was an invitation I could not resist. I immediately buried my cock to the hilt, then relished the pressure as she squeezed me each time I pulled back. We clung together desperately, kissing and sharing her juices from my lips. Our intensity was both strong and fast and I knew we would not last long. I didn't care as long as I satisfied my primal and carnal desires.

Once we were both sated, I cuddled Ting's body against my chest and quickly fell asleep.

When I woke in the morning Ting had already risen. No doubt she was being the perfect host preparing a variety of cooked dishes for breakfast.

For the remainder of the day Angela and I tried to relax by reading magazines. Like the previous day Roger had several visitors who had been doing errands. He was also often on his cell phone. It was after one of his calls that he joined us with some news.

"Do you know a Simon Cha?"

"Yes, he works for my company. In fact he was the one that organized my trip to brief this Chinese company, Hǎiyáng tànxiǎn."

"Our friends back in the States are interviewing him. I suspect his employment has just been permanently terminated."

Later in the day Roger also briefed us, well primarily Angela, on the condition of the Green Hornet. "The fuel and water tanks are full and it always has some canned and dehydrated food for emergencies. You probably won't need to touch this as Ting is preparing a hamper for your trip."

"When you get to the Chendering Fishing Harbor, it is still the same drill. Contact the Harbor Master and then tie up to buoy 43. Secure the cabin and take the tender to the jetty. Wait for Asik who will secure everything, give you your entry paperwork and then put you on the right bus to KL. You have your passports back and credit cards, so the rest will be up to you."

I asked: "How long will it take us?"

"Angela, didn't you do it once in about three days?"

"That was with perfect winds; however it could take five days if we have lots of tacking. Roger, if I can borrow your phone I will let my parents know that we are having such a good time we have decided to extend the trip a few days."

That afternoon Ting insisted on travelling in the car as Roger drove us to Pattaya. Roger helped us, Hans and Lotte Waring, through the formalities at the Marine Safety Control Center.

We completed our farewells with both Roger and Ting on the dock adjacent to the boat.

As Angela gave Roger a quick kiss and hug, Ting made sure that I received at least the same treatment.

My opinion of the scruffy American had completely changed over the last couple of days and with all the sincerity I could muster I said: "I ... I mean, we ... are extremely grateful for your help Roger, and also your kind hospitality Ting. I will always feel that you have been my savior, both physically and mentally. I truly hope you will give us the opportunity to return your generous hospitality. We would love you to impose yourselves upon us whenever you visit the States, however you like. Share our home ... heck you can even share our beds."

After more hugs and hand shaking, Angela led me onto the boat. While I stowed the food in the galley, Angela checked the engine oils and cooling system. She then gave me a quick tour of the boat, briefly explaining how to use the safety gear, VHF radio, the emergency position radio beacon, the MMSI and the GMDSS. Next she handed me a harness and life jacket.

On deck, Angela retied the bow spring line so that it would slip when I pulled the running end. As she started the engine she directed which mooring lines were to be released. With bow spring line still attached, Angela motored gently ahead until the stern swung out. Then as she directed that I slip the remaining spring line, she reversed the boat out of the mooring. We were soon travelling forward again and motoring out of the marina.

I was the deck hand and I know Angela enjoyed the power of telling me to stow the fenders, then coil and stow all the lines. Once clear of other shipping she turned into the breeze and then she talked me through: attaching the main halyard to the head of the sail; removing the sail ties; easing the mainsheet and boom vang; finally hoisting the mainsail with the halyard. The headsail was much easier as it was a roller furling genoa.

Angela put us on a course to avoid the major shipping routes; however there was rarely a time that another vessel was not visible. She gave me the helm and emphasized that I was to regularly check behind me as being a slow vessel we could easily be run down by something faster and larger. She had already practiced me adjusting the sheets to keep the sails trimmed.

Fifteen minutes later Angela joined me in the cockpit with some gourmet sandwiches. As we were now able to relax she began her explanation of how she had first come to Thailand and what she had done for the Agency.

Much of her story confirmed my deductions, but I was surprised to discover that before we were even married she had instigated a security check upon me. We talked for another two hours as the sunset. Angela ensured the navigation lights were working and then had me view the Automatic Identification System (AIS) every five minutes to check the location of other shipping.

I knew we would have to do shifts to keep going all night; however I felt a renewed level of self-confidence when Angela asked if I was able to handle the helm for the first watch until midnight while she got some sleep. My confidence was only mildly deflated when she explained she needed sleep now as she had obtained little last night.

After she went below deck, I braced myself in the cockpit and started going over what had happened in my life. There were highs and there were lows. The causes of most of the lows were beyond my control. Then I recalled the highs, particularly our experience as swingers.

Until now I had always felt that I had been in control of my own destiny. I always knew my wife was intelligent and practical. I now realized she was also brave, resourceful and composed in difficult situations. Now far more aware of my wife's abilities and her influence on the direction our lives had taken, I wondered ... had I really been the one in control?

I recalled Angela had first had the dream that lead to us sharing fantasies. She also was the one that first brought up the idea of sleeping with other partners. Perhaps I had just been acting a part in my wife's masterplan. As I recalled the last few months, I also wondered if it had always been my wife's desire that we should become swingers. I decided I would ask her in the morning.

I had always loved my wife, but regardless of her answer, I knew it was impossible to admire her more than I did now.

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Isobar65Isobar657 days ago

Loved this series. Loved the characters. Looking forward to the next chapters?

EastCoaster1EastCoaster1about 2 months ago

Well, that was a surprise... although I had a feeling that Simon Cha was more than he appeared to be, the abrupt 'left turn' once they got to Thailand came from the blind side !

Very nicely done, and AB-SO-EFFING-LUTELY worth all 5 stars and the read !

I certainly hope there's more coming, as it seems there is from the ending.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

I had suspected that Angela had hidden skills so it was great to see some of them brought out to play. It would be so nice to see her gain some agency with her skills and bring her forth. There’s so much potential for her to be the secret agent. Her backstory could fill so many stories. Go for it! Flesh her out. We need more heroines!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Very good! Yours are some of the best stories that Literotica has to offer. Strong relationships with loving couples that have fun and enjoy life. With each other and others. Sure, some prefer to read stories with humiliation and control and that sort of story is very well represented on the website. Plenty of us though that prefer sexy stories that feel good without demolishing the characters.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

I have got to agree with argeelog please continue the story with a return home and so more background. Would also like to see how she manipulated Greg.

argeelogargeelogover 3 years ago

Well...this series has certainly taken a radical turn. Could be really good but only if you continue with their return home and some more explanation of her background......please !

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
This is Loving Wives

I think your writing is great and am happy that the husband is equally sharing in the love making, but this is loving wives. It would be even better if you would shed more light on the wife scenes with her lover. To only hear about what the husband does with his lovers defeats the purpose of why we visit the loving wives page. The wife’s dynamic is what adds more of the edge and emotion. If not, you would be better to post in erotic couplings. 4 starts thus far.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Bizarre turn

I have really enjoyed the series so far and was looking forward to fun in the exotic lication of Thailand, but instead it took a bizarre turn and introduced a backstory for Angela that was unnecessary. However I hope there are more fun times back home but this last episode left me wanting.

patilliepatillieover 4 years ago
Very good installment

Although it comes as great suprise she was a spy all the way in Chapt 3. This is now setting up as a thriller - I am in!

I thought this was a standard hub & wife explore swinging story, but this has taken a much more soohisticated turn. It is a surprise to my expectations, and a good one.

baulloyder68baulloyder68over 4 years ago
Do we really know our wives?

The answer to that is NO. No matter how long you have been together and how much you think you know her, you never really know her AT ALL.

From loving wife to swinger to espionage spy.

I enjoyed the story, who-da-thunk a swinger story would turn into a cloak and dagger story.

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