Domino Effect


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I moved even closer, "Oh my God, Sunshine, are you okay?" I'm not sure if I could handle a "no" to that question.

"If you really want to know, I'll tell you, but," Alyssa smiled sweetly, "You may want to sit down for this, Baby."

I didn't like where this was going. It's never a good sign when you have to sit down to talk about something.

"Don't tell me one of those grant wielding Professor's stole your work just to look good to the University. And then you had to get rid of the research to protect it... I'm going to kick their ass as soon as we're done here." I punched my fist into my palm.

It was the only explanation I could think of... and it was the main plot of a spy movie I had watched.

"No, nothing like that, in fact," Alyssa flipped her styled hair in her hands to show the circular barrettes attached to her scalp. "I'm actually still using the technology. These are an upgrade over the mesh cap."

So, not barrettes? At least I didn't have to get expelled for beating up a Professor. "Well, anything would be an improvement over that mesh cap." However, I'm sure she was speaking in regards to usability while my analysis was simply about comfort.

"Do you know," Alyssa began pacing as she explained. "You are the one that made my project a success? Without you, I'd still wouldn't have it working. All the math, all the science, none of it solved my issue. Until you clicked a dot on the screen. So simple, yet, so easily overlooked. That's because I only thought that my device was the only thing in which the remotes on the cap were trying to connect. I was wrong."

I tried to downgrade my part in the project, "All I did was click a dot." It was her work, afterall.

"And turn up the amplifier; let's not forget that very important detail."

"I doubt that had much to do with anything," I tried to downplay that as well. Blowing up all the glass in her basement is not a highlight in my life.

"Ah, but it is important," Alyssa raised a pointed finger in the air. "Until then, I only knew of my recieving device being connected, but in actuality, your brain waves were able to link with my brain as well! It's absolutely amazing!" She was becoming so animated, it was hard not to smile. Her passion for science was admirable.

"So why not show it to someone?" I tilted my head, "Didn't you say you wanted to use this project as a foot in the door?"

"Baby, when I say this next part, know that I'm not making fun of you," Alyssa smiled; obviously, she was softening me up for the kill. "You are not understanding the ramifications of what that meant."

Ouch... Sort of; because I really didn't understand. "Okay, tell me."

Alyssa sat next to me, one hand comfortably on my thigh the other wrapped around my back. "You, Josh Simmons, was actually connected to my brain.. not just connected, but influencing, or a better term would be forcibly manipulating; yes, you forcibly manipulated my brain to think and act a certain way."

"I... I... did?" I was stunned into disbelief. This was definitely not in the plot to that spy movie.

"Every one of your thoughts, Baby, became mine," Alyssa moved her hand from my thigh to my chest as she leaned in an gave me a kiss on the cheek. With how she wears her lipstick, I wouldn't be surprised if it had left a mark. "Do you remember what you were thinking?"

The hell if I knew? I was bored out of my skull and ready to drop dead exhausted due to the early meet up times. Still, if this was something serious that I did to Alyssa's brain, I damn well owed it to her to try. My eyebrows furrowed as I sat in deep thought.

"That's sweet, Baby." Alyssa soothed at my lack of answers. "You really are worried about me."

"Of course I am; I love you." I went right back to thinking... hard.

Alyssa put a hand to her mouth as she gasped, "You love me?"

Realization of my words finally hit me. I really didn't want to tell Alyssa that so nonchalantly. Oh well, no point in trying to be smooth now. "Sorry; I really did plan on telling you in a more romantic way." My eyes met hers, "Yes, I love you."

A tear trickled down Alyssa's cheek. She pushed me back onto the bed and straddled me. "You have no idea how much I want to fuck the shit out of you right now... and then get off and give you a blowjob that would last three days just because you said that." She rocked against me to prove her point. She leaned down and kissed me deeply, but pulling away before it became a full blown make out session. "Your first thought when we connected was of me." She then smiled, "That was important. I was to be at the top of the pecking order of what I would build with my remotes to fulfill your dreams."

"Wait a second... You're using your contraption on other people for my benefit right now?"

Alyssa smiled as she sat back. It was nice that she wasn't trying to be the whore of a sexpot she normally was in order to finish the conversation. "No, not currently, but I wear them in case I need to suddenly. You mean everything to me."

I took a deep breath. So Alyssa had manipulated at least one person's mind for my benefit. My first instinct was to ask 'who?' but I felt I needed some other questions answered before I jumped down that rabbit hole. "Are the changes permanent or can we fix it?"

"Let me put this in terms you'd easily understand... Say you wrote a code and afterward you found a glitch. You don't just rewrite the whole code, do you?"

I maybe a C+ student, but for a guy who works with computers, this was an easy one. "No, you create a patch."

"Exactly," Alyssa pointed her finger in the air. If she were standing, I'm sure she would have started pacing. "My technology works the same way. Your thoughts over wrote my own. I remember how I was, but your thoughts patched over my current course in life with your directives. Once I understood what happened, I dissected all variables - and it would not be wise to change a change even if its reverting back to the way it was because it's not deleting what was done, but merely adding another layer. It also would not be wise to do a completely different change, either, for the same reason, although if the changes are minor and not whole personality changes, multiple influences would be fine with increased monitoring. But for large changes, it would be like creating a third personality in addition to the original and the altered version. Eventually, the mind will fracture leaving the person brain dead."

I cringed at that sombering news. "What have I done?"

Alyssa grinned, "You made me a very happy woman."

My eyebrows raised in suspicion, "So you're happy I somehow messed with your mind?"

"Of course," There was no hesitation in Alyssa's answer. "Before that day, I was miserable. I practically lived in a basement with no one to share anything with and now I have friends and a boyfriend who loves me who I am absolutely devoted to."

I gave a sigh of relief; at least Alyssa is better for whatever I put in her head. "And because it messes with minds, that's why you won't announce your findings?"

Alyssa grinned as the tone in my voice conveyed calm. She also began unbuttoning my pants. "Yes. Mind manipulation would not be good for humanity. Some will want to do good, sure, but even if one person uses it for evil... someone could use my technology to demand someone to be a terrorist and they would willingly obey."

I was beginning to zone out Alyssa's words as she took off the rest of my clothes, but I still needed a final question answered. "Who did you use it on?"

Alyssa took her dress off before leaning down. She gave light kisses to my chest and then worked her way up to kiss me briefly on the lips. "Are you sure you would want to know? I will tell you if you truly do, but remember, all changes are permanent, so if you can't handle the truth, people will get hurt."

I closed my eyes and thought carefully. Could I handle that? "Okay, tell me one person you used it on."

It was obvious Alyssa was getting antsy, but she also had yet to be carnal or even just put my erection into her depths. I got the sense that she knew this conversation was delicate. She was treating me with kids gloves so I understood all consequences involved. "Charlotte's parents."

With how angry Mr. Westgate was before Alyssa talked with them compared to the complete role reversal afterward, that made sense. "That was two people," I smiled.

"If I would have said one and not the other, you would have known anyway," Alyssa shrugged. "I made it to where they would accept not only their daughters feelings, but also her unique relationship."

"Name another one."

"My first test subjects were my parents. I wanted them to not only accept my relationship with you, but any changes they might perceive in me. It would be difficult to hide a new persona from people who have known you your entire life. I also needed to test limits, range, and various other aspects of the technology. A couple inconsequential people were Lacey's old slutbox friends so they would back off and leave you alone as well as the manager from Shenanigan's." Alyssa leaned back into my ear, "Last chance to walk away from the rest of the truth. Remember, ignorance is bliss."

I'm pretty sure I had a good idea who was next. Especially after that "pet" comment from earlier... And she had also mentioned she was the top of a list, which means others were on that list... and who I usually thought about were only a few particular girls. She had lined them up like dominoes for me to knock up... err, knock down. I heeded Alyssa's warning, "I don't want to know anymore names and I definitely do not want to know specifics." Just covering all my bases.

"Goodie," Alyssa licked her lips. "Now I can show you how much I love you." Her hand took hold of my cock.

"Everyone you changed is happier, right?" I really needed to hear this. I bit my lip in anticipation.

Alyssa paused; she had thought we were done conversing, but I still had some hang ups. She laid on my chest, forgoing a certain insertion. "Without specifics, yes, Baby, I swear everyone is not only happy in their lives, but will always be." She then kissed me, passionately, wantonly. It was enough to make my toes curl. "Now I have a question for you; are you happy with this life of yours where you have four women, willing to do whatever, whenever, however, just to please you? Is there anything in your life you'd truly want to change?"

I pondered carefully. Can I live like this? Can I live with - let's just call it like it is - a harem of all the women I had fantasized about at my personal beck and call? Was there something I would change?

The decision was easy.

"There is something I'd like to change."

Alyssa was taken aback, as if she had failed. She sighed before she asked, a sliver of melancholy hanging in her throat. "What would that be?"

"I don't want to fuck you." I rolled Alyssa to the bed, staring at her through her hazel eyes that were beginning to tear. It was clear that in just a mere moment, the damn was about to break. "I want to show my fiancé how much I love her."

Yeah, I know I'm only nineteen, but seriously, how could my life get better? Who could possibly take Alyssa's place?

That answer was: No one.

The damn did break, but the tears were a complete one eighty from what they were going to be... Alyssa's smile was exuberant. "Hell yes, I'll marry you, Baby." Her arms fiercely wrapped around my body.

It was a tough maneuver under Alyssa's grip, but I managed an arm between us and finally inserted myself into her canal... And then something magical happened. I had wanted to have this coupling be all about Alyssa, but when I stared lovingly into her eyes, it felt as if I was staring directly into her soul and she was doing the same, neither of us prepared to look away.

I pushed forward as Alyssa raised her hips... it was that simple. My goal was to show her my new truth, my new reality, was her. She was everything.

Always and forever.

Although Alyssa had always claimed that she devotedly loved me, and with her actions it was true, this is the first time I truly felt that devotion. Her eyes, her smile, her soul all screamed I'm yours for an eternity.

We were building to something vehement. Whenever we fucked before, it was always about release, this was so much more. This was a merging of our souls to be united for as long as we both shall live.

It was intoxicating.

"I love you, Alyssa."

"I love you, Joshua."

Both our sentences were full of passion, and sincerity... and also strained.

At the completion of Alyssa's string of words, she came. Her back arched, muscles tightened, and a throaty moan escaped her lips. It was the first time she climaxed without my own triggering it. Her pussy began pulsing, begging for me to join her in rapture.

And I did.

I came... hard. Perhaps harder than at any time in my life. My body tensed and I groaned something that reverberated off the walls as spurt after spurt flowed into Alyssa, the very essence causing her to go over the top again in orgasmic bliss.

We smiled at each other, enjoying our profound euphoria as we both panted. I had just enough energy to avoid crushing her under my weight, falling to the side of her. My back relished the mattress underneath it as Alyssa sidled in next to me, her head on my shoulder, her hand grazing lightly on my chest.

"You know, I would be truly happy with just you in my life," I tilted my head downward to see a full head of brown hair.

"I know, but that won't change anything. They really have become my friends and I know what would happen if they were abandoned... And I really don't want that to occur."

"Became your friends?" I eyed Alyssa suspiciously.

"Without specifics, let's just say I thought it was for the best that everyone get along as well, so I may or may not have added a tiny bit of history to ease that transition... And it worked better than I could have hoped. I never had a friend before, and now I have three. Besides, I know you enjoy them, and that truly makes me happy and proud that I was able to give that to you." Alyssa lifted her head, a smile plastered on her face. "Do you really want to give them up?"

She knew me way too well. "No; I just wanted you to know how I feel about you."

"Oh, so what you were saying then, is that you are trying to make an honest whore out of me? Well, forget it. You know how good Lacey gives a blowjob? I can tell you from experience she is equally, if not better at eating pussy."

It's official... I never have won against Alyssa and now I know I never will.

I shook my head, "Don't leave this time, I want to wake up next to you."


I smiled as I awoke; Alyssa was just as I left her... in my arms. I glanced at the clock, it had been a wonderful hour long nap.

Alyssa purred, "Enjoy your nap?"

"I did. Things seem to be clearer after sleep." I held Alyssa tighter, which gave me the strength to say what needed to be said, especially after the power hungry, I controlled everyone in the world dream I had. "Promise me you won't tell me how it works."

Alyssa shifted in bed, her eyes now looking at me, "Don't trust yourself?"

"Nope," I chuckled. "But I also want you to not completely change anymore people. A man needs limits and you are my limiter as I will be yours."

I could have just said don't use it ever again, but that would also not be fair to Alyssa. She worked so hard on this project... At least, that's what I told myself.

"Okay; I promise," Alyssa nodded. "But don't think that if I see someone that catches your eye, I won't hesitate to allow you to have a weekend of unbridled lust with her... and I mean anyone; they could be an actress, singer, super model, or some ditz on the street. I truly get off on giving you what you want. And, of course, your whore of a wife will..." She then felt my erection rising to her words. "My someone likes the thought of that."

I smiled a predatory grin, "I could fuck you right now."

"Really? Sounds good, but you did all the work last time and I want to repay the favor. Only this time..." Alyssa paused her thought to call out, "You can come in now."

The door opened and Lacey, Inés, and Charlotte came into the room.

"I'll have help," Alyssa finished her prior thought. The corners of her mouth then rose with the wild debauchery she was concocting, "Girls, our Patriarch here has a cock that doesn't seem to want to stay down."

They all seemed to respond with some sort of sarcasm along the lines of "Oh no, whatever should we do?"

Playful minxes...

Alyssa scooted up in the bed, her head leaning down to kiss me with a lovers kiss. Her voice took on a sultry, seductive tone, "Enjoy, Baby, my wonderful love. I know I will," she finished by licking her lips before turning her attention to the trio, "He's all yours."

All three eyed me lustfully as they dove onto the bed...

Yes, I am certain if I had the ability to change the past, I know I would most definitely do everything exactly the same way.

Wouldn't you?

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

The descriptions in your words are fucking phenomenal! This story was HOT! Looking forward to more stories from you!

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Why does she keep calling herself a whore when she hasn't had sex with anyone else? Didn't really understand that. Unless it was because she was bringing in people for Josh to fuck (and Lacey does lick her cunt too), but then doesn't that make him the whore? I dunno it just sounded odd to me.

It was kind of amusing they declare this love and devotion to each other and yet Josh is fucking 3 other people and his wife is open to bringing in anyone else he wants for a bit of weekend fun. This is not what I expect when I hear about love and devotion.

MakehandpartyMakehandpartyabout 1 year ago

Great story. One for the ages. It does beg the question. Did Alyssa use the system on Josh for his own good, to make his pleasure even greater? And in so doing change him as much as he changed her? It is wonderfully left an open question, and one that even he (Josh) hints about in his internal dialog, but never brings to the surface. Almost as though his thoughts are being inhibited or changed. He ascribes it to being a C or C+ student, but just because a GPA is a C or C+ does not make one an imbecile. C or C+ averages mean that you may score higher in certain subjects. It is not a reflection of intellect or ability to reason. A wise man once said there is a difference between being educated and being smart. A smart person can think through issues and problems, is capable of being clever. An educated person knows facts. The most capable people are those who are both smart and educated.

golasgilgolasgilover 1 year ago

Loved it. The right mix of fun and mystery.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

That story had just the right mix of sex, romance and MC.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Ridiculous and lots of fun. 5

JAFCriticJAFCriticalmost 3 years ago

1. I really enjoyed this story!

2. It is tightly written from a single point of view, not a bad thing by any means. Could you have fleshed out some parts and included other characters POV? Sure, but this story was always about Josh. Which leads me to …

3. I can’t help but get the feeling that Alyssa may have used the device on Josh just a little. Maybe not to make personality changes, but maybe increase his acceptance for his new role in the family? Maybe improve his empathy for the other girls and that led to his acceptance of them? Not sure, it’s just a feeling.

4. The way this story ends leaves it open for continuing to explore not only the new dynamics of the Josh/Alyssa family (ie slave master and pet play relationships) but also the ways their private and public lives not develop. Alyssa, Josh, and Inés are still in school. Lacey dropped out. Did Charlotte stay in school? 🤔 Anyway, each will have different time tables for graduation, requirements for their studies, internships, etc. all these things that tend to pull people in various directions. I’d think that would be several uses for Alyssa’s mind control device. And then there’s always the law of unintended consequences. What happens when Alyssa is using the device and gets bumped, distracted, aims at the wrong person, etc? Seems like it could set up all sorts of storylines.


AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Pacing goes to quick, any potential issues are wiped away in a flash. Lacking build up. Its all go and no foreplay.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

geez this story really could have gotten out of hand so quickly, like he could have had her taken over the world with all the women worshiping his dick, titfucking, sucking, fucking, drinking his piss and cum. The guy would have gotten so arrogant and the girl so into him, that nothing would have stopped them. basically like an endless loop

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

It gets a little annoying how in every single one of your stories, how quickly everyone falls in love

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

The story came together perfectly with the explanation of how everyone's minds were changed. Without that explanation, nothing would've been plausible. Even though it wasn't said, it would be implied that the girls desires were put up front by Alyssa's powers, and Joshua became the beneficiary. The author truly wove an intricate story into this tale of sex and debauchery, and did it well.

TheDrowTheDrowover 3 years ago

A really fantastic story! Very well done.

I would love to see it continue!

TSreaderTSreaderover 3 years ago

Well done! A very pleasurable story to read. Thank you!

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

This was a wonderfully romantic and incredibly arousing story. Well done, I look forward to future works.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
I think the mc is also mind controlled to be more accepting of the situation

He treats the women with respect and his acceptance of their situation easily is questionable enough.

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