Eric and Rose


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"So you lovely couple Eric and Rose, the resort allows intercourse in open areas yes? They were a little vague when I asked at the desk but judging from your actions and what we observed walking down here, it is tolerated. Good!"

With that she reached out and grasped her husband's cock and said.

"Come lay down with me husband dear. I have the desire to be fucked."

Looking over to us he said.

"It was nice meeting you. If you are still here when I am done pleasuring my wife perhaps we could get a drink or have lunch together." Has last statement as his wife was pulling him down to the lounge bed. They quickly moved into a missionary position and became oblivious of us.

Rose and I loved slow and easy love making. We even had a name for it, languid sex. It was easy sex with a dash of sexy conversation punctuated periodically with little discrete orgasms for Rose. The scene developing before us inspired today's talk.

"I noticed that he has a nice long penis. What did you think of it Rose?"

"Yes my dear husband. I also noticed his organ and wondered how it would feel in my vagina. I wondered if it would hit my cervix and if that would be uncomfortable. I also thought that it probably wouldn't fill me as nicely as yours especially when you swell up like right now and when you reach around and tweek my clit you make me.....oh fuck I'm coming now you animal."

Rose was indeed coming on my cock was we continued to watch our neighbors stroke away.

"So dear wife, are you thinking of approaching our neighbors here for some extra marital adventure?"

"The thought had crossed my mind Sweetheart. Ingrid looks quite attractive also, don't you think?"

"Not as attractive as the beauty I'm presently screwing but I guess I could do her if you forced me."

"Non't be a martyr Eric. Let's have a chat with them when they are done. but now I think I could cum again if you just paid attention to rubbing against my g spot."

Some time later we walked down to the water to refresh and get to know Sven and Ingrid. We hit it off immediately. Perhaps it was bolstered by the fact that we smelled like sex and the women had semen running down their legs. or perhaps it was the visual treats we had given each other. The water was delightfully refreshing and we swam and played around like teenagers to clean up from our morning sex. Our new friends were a little more reserved but clearly enjoyed the water as much as did we.

We had lunch on the hotel's cafe overlooking the beach. The other patrons all had on the bottom of swimming suits and so we adhered to the dress code. Many of the women however were topless and so Ingrid and Rose bravely followed suit. It was fun and a little risqué dining with two beautiful women open displaying their breasts to the table and most of the cafe's occupants. We had wine with lunch which was a light salad type of fare but frankly I was more interested in the girls boobs as opposed to the food. After another bottle of wine the conversation at the table became a little looser. It was then that Ingrid broached the topic that I think we all had in mind.

"So our new friends. I apologize in advance if I offend you with what I'm going to say but Sven and I would like to spend some intimate time with you individually with the objective of having whatever sexual contact you would be comfortable with."

Ingrid paused to judge our initial reaction. When Rose and I just smiled and held hands she went on.

"We have what I believe is known as an open marriage in our country. We are very much in love but for the last twelve years we have been sharing our bodies with outsiders and have found that it has not hurt but rather helped our relationship and appreciation for one another. Long ago we learned that we could share with others but that our hearts and minds were bonded so securely that there was no need for jealousy. When I see him with another woman I therefore am happy for him to be receiving pleasure. I believe that he feels the same when he sees me with another man. When we reunite it is special because we bring new experiences back with us that enhance our love. So again, I'm sorry if I rambled on and on but do your smiles indicate that you are agreeable?"

"I'll let Rose answer for herself but I'll tell you that we have had two threesome experiences that on the whole were quite positive. One was with a single man and another with a woman. I personally would do both again but even though I am a horny man, I let Rose make the last judgement to participate or not. I love her too much to force her into anything that she isn't comfortable with. She knows my feelings so Rose what are your thoughts?"

With the table's attention now on Rose she blushed faintly but I could tell she was excited from the way she slightly squirmed in her seat and her nipples hardened into little rocks.

"Eric is right, he wants me to be comfortable with any decision and my decision is that I would like to get to know Sven better and I hope that he will be able to spend our time apart getting to know Ingrid better."

We all sat motionless for a moment and then Sven just leaned over, took Rose's hand and pulled her into a light kiss on the lips. My old jealousy gene started to kick in but then Ingrid was leaning over to me with her lips moistened for an open mouth kiss that convinced me that the correct decision had just been made. When we broke apart Rose was the one who spoke first.

"Eric, do you think it would be OK for me to take Sven back to our room so that we can get acquainted?"

Ingrid then piped in.

"And my dear husband, while you are getting to know Rose, I would like to show Eric a couple of things in our room. It's two o'clock now so why don't we say that we'll trade our spouses back at 4:30 so that we have time to shower for dinner. OK everyone?"

We had already taken care of the check and so we tentatively stood and gathered our beach bags. Rose looked a little unsure so I gave her a quick kiss and a hug and told her I loved her and would see her at 4:30. She squeezed me hard and said the same before she turned to Sven and said.

"Well my nordic prince, lead on."

Once again I got that jealousy pang as they started walking away holding hands. But then Ingrid was there slipping her arm around my waist and pulling me into an embrace with her. As our lips met and our tongues tentatively touched I felt a surge of desire course through me. Most of it was concentrated in my prick which rose up firmly against her bikini clad pussy. Before we got too involved I noticed the maitre d'hotel headed our way and so I broke off the kiss with an apology to Ingrid and gathering our bags, we headed out. Sven and Rose were nowhere to be seen as we walked the short distance to the elevators. We had a grope filled trip up to the tenth floor. With me cupping her far tit we walked down the hall to their ocean side room.

Once in her room it was a blur. I don't think twenty seconds passed before she was on her back kicking her legs high in the air as we fucked. Ingrid was quite obviously multi orgasmic and began having climaxes like popcorn popping. I slapped one of her butt cheek to get her attention and I got a..


"Pull your thighs together and trap my cock in your pussy."

As she complied she realized that my cock was now sliding up and down her slit directly against her clit and because of my length, still maintaining a decent amount of vaginal penetration. She moaned in appreciation for the new sensations and squeezed her kegels for me.

I didn't need to cum right away so I took the opportunity to run my hands over her body from butt to boobs and found Ingrid's body to be in a firmly athletic and her skin silky smooth. She was an enthusiastic lover and quite vocal in letting me know her likes and dislikes.

When she finally squeezed down on me firmly I came for the first time pulsing into her as she cupped my butt with surprisingly strong hands.

"I will remember this experience Eric. I have been fucking for many years and you have shown me something new. I will definitely show it to Sven. Did Rose come up with it or some other lover?"

"No, it was just something we started doing because she had trouble cuming without direct contact with her clit."

We chatted about the resort and their travel plans for a bit and then she excused herself to visit the bathroom.

After a bit I heard the bidet flush and when she came back to the bed her pussy was dry and she brought a wet wash cloth to clean me off.

The next hour or so we sat out on their balcony side by side on a chaise looking at the sea and discussing the open life marriage life style. Apparently both of them had regular partners that they rotated through. She spoke open and freely about her lovers and Sven's women.

"You don't have to worry about Sven and your wife Eric. Sven is not like some of the men in open marriages that try to dominate a partner's husband. They are known as bulls and get off more on the domination than the sex. Some men I guess want to be dominated and humiliated but I could tell at once that you are not one of them. I saw the love and jealousy as Sven took Rose's hand and he will respect your relationship. That is a hard thing to do because after all he is fucking her but then you are fucking me and so that's a fair trade. Understand what I'm saying?"

"Sure. It is hard though to watch that initial contact and I thank you for stepping in to make me remember that this was a two way street. Objectively I want her to be experiencing some great sex but I don't want it to be better than sex with me if that makes sense. But now I'd like to concentrate on the gorgeous naked woman sitting on the balcony with me. Are you in the mood for another round?"

Ingrid got up and moved to my lap so that I could pay attention to her upper torso but eventually we ended up stretched out on the chaise so that I could properly operate on her genital area. She was waxed and had a very compact and pretty pussy as did my wife. She orgasmed easily as I explored. She reciprocated orally on me but I don't come easily from so called blow jobs preferring the depths of a vagina for my orgasms. Our play went on for several hours and when we realized that it was 4:20 she asked if I wanted to cum before I returned to my wife. I told her no that I wanted to save it for Rose.

"You're a good man Eric. You are an excellent lover and I sense a terrific husband. Sex with you was very satisfactory but I could tell you were distracted by your separation from your wife. Rose is a lucky woman. Hopefully we will meet again for dinner."

It was a short walk up one flight of stairs and down the hallway to my room. Not knowing if Sven was still in the room I knocked on the door. It opened almost at once by a smiling Sven who said

"I am just leaving. Eric you have one fantastic wife. She is wonderfully sexual and a beautiful lover, you are a lucky man."

With that he stuck out his hand and shook mine warmly as I let him pass. Rose was naked with a very just fucked look about her from her mussed hair to her red swollen lips and nipples. As the door clicked shut our bodies met and we passionately kissed with a full body embrace. As she felt my hard on she moaned.

"Please fuck me Eric. I need for you to reclaim me. I have been a bad girl and have let a stranger maul and abuse me till I'm crosseyed."

My swim suit hit the floor and Rose was impaled on my cock still in the hallway. Our lips met and our tongues frantically lashed together as I moved us slowly to the torn apart bed. Avoiding the worst of the wet spots we proceeded to fuck in a frenzy that was over way too soon. A soothing bath followed and we half dozed in the warm waters. Talk would come later.

The later came after a nap in the bed and a wake up call from Sven and Ingrid asking about dinner plans. We passed on dinner and decided on lunch the next day. Drinks and room service food allowed us to stay mostly unclothed the rest of the evening. Then over some good bourbon we watched the sunset and talked about the experience. Rose started things off by telling me that for her it was scary at first and then wickedly exciting. It seemed somehow that she was cheating even though she knew she wasn't. She admitted to doing wild things with Sven but was quick to point out that she did nothing with him that we hadn't done on multiple occasions.

"Eric I have to confess that I acted like and out of control bar slut or hooker. It was raunchy dirty and I loved every second of it even when he stuck his tongue in my ass. The only thing I refused him was anal because as you know, I just don't like it. It's filthy and it hurts. However, his tongue was like a snake and felt strangely good."

I then told Rose about my time with Ingrid. I described the sex acts and as much detail as I thought she was interested in. I was frank with her in saying that while Ingrid was a beautiful woman and quite sexual, there wasn't much chemistry between us. I then posed the following question.

"So do you want to get together with them again, perhaps with all of us together?"

"Yes I think so but why don't we just let this one gestate a little and see how we feel in a couple of days. I'm a little worried that we came away from our solo liaisons with different levels of enjoyment. The way you described your sex with Ingrid it was OK but not over the top holy fuck great whereas my sex with Sven was more like our sex just without the underlying love bond."

"I think you're onto something. Physically she is quite attractive but there was just something missing between us. Maybe that's common in swinging situations. Now that I think about it, your friend Beth is nowhere as good looking as Ingrid but to me she had much more sex appeal than Ingrid. The times I fucked Beth were much more satisfying and enjoyable than this afternoon.

We sat in silence just cuddling for a while and then Rose spoke up.

"Earlier I was going to say let's have another separate session with them before we do something together. I've changed my mind. I think we should experience this life style together as a married committed couple and not two horny singles. Does that make sense?"

"I agree girl. I found that I enjoy watching you getting and giving pleasure but I don't feel right about going off and doing things separately. Those kind of experiences may or may not be pleasurable but do they help or hurt our relationship? I don't know about hurting it but I don't think it helps when we wonder and maybe worry what the other is doing in their liaison."

Sven and Ingrid were disappointed but understanding at lunch the next day. Rose and I went off on several touristy side trips to recharge our marital batteries before we returned to the nude beach tanning beds. The Petersons had been busy and had made obvious contact with another couple. That relationship had developed to where they were spooned together all four of them on one of the larger umbrella chaises. On one of our trips to and fro from our own chaise to the water we stopped to say hello. Ingrid was the outermost layer in the sandwich and so we directed the conversation to her. It was however difficult to concentrate just on her as a man was subtly screwing her from behind while a woman was spooned behind him while being screwed by Sven.

"As you can see friends we have met another couple, this is Paula and John from Cleveland. We are going to have a little gathering in our suite tomorrow night and we think you'll have fun if you attend. Interested?"

"Possibly. We'll leave a note in your mailbox if we are OK?"

Sven called out from behind the other woman.

"Please come Rose Sweetheart. John and I will double team you and send you to places you have never been before."

We just smiled and walked off.

"So, do you want to get sent to places you have never been before?"

"My stud husband is all I need to be sent anywhere. I think I'll pass from these unimagined delights."

That took care of swinging in Barbados. That's not to say we stopped expanding our sexual horizons. For the next five years or so we had periodic threesomes with the right partners when it felt right. However it always seemed to be easier to find a compatible woman like Beth than the right man like the escort I used as Rose's first. It seemed that most wanted either to be either a bull or a dominated wimp. Getting a guy who just wanted to share a beautiful woman as an equal participant with her husband, was a problem. That topic came up in pillow talk with Beth one weekend and she told us she had a potential solution. She was dating a fellow on a steady basis that she had met through her swinger group and was willing to share him with us. We trusted Beth's judgement and when she brought him around one weekend we had drinks, dinner and relaxing conversation We even danced to some light romantic songs and when Beth whispered in my ear to grab her butt and pull me against my bulge, I complied. Gradually we progressed to light petting on the couch and we watched as Rose and her partner progressed in their mutual seduction. I was wondering how far Rose was going to go when they danced over to us.

"Honey, I was thinking that I'd like to invite Beth and Ted into our bed tonight. I have to tell you that I have been rubbing up against his hard on for the last half hour and my panties are getting wet. You look like you'd like to play with Beth, so what do you say?"

"I say if Beth is willing, I'd like to share our bed with them."

And so we had our first all in one bed swap experience. It helped tremendously that Beth and Ted were warm and sexy people without being aggressive and let Rose get into the action at her own pace. When she did we had one of our best sex with others experience. I slowly made love to Beth in the missionary position while Rose was getting pleasured by Ted right next to us. My wife's hand reached out and grasped mine and after giving it a loving squeeze brought it up to her turgid little nipple and clutched my hand to her breast. As the waves of pleasure surged through our bodies the feelings were transmitted through this connection and the four of us shared our orgasms.

In the aftermath I gently kissed my partner and then angled over to Rose without breaking my genital connection with Beth. My kiss with Rose was as tender and loving as any in our marriage and after long minutes when we broke she said.

"I love you my husband, I love you but you'll have to excuse me for a couple of minutes because this nice gentleman still has a really nice hard cock in my pussy and I think he wants to fuck some more."

"OK Sweetheart. Beth here has the same issue. Her delectable pussy is squeezing on me and it's like it's trying to milk another orgasm out of this old body."

"Just be nice to Beth, I want to suck on her pussy when I'm done here and I don't want you to have ravaged it too badly."

With that exchange Beth spoke up.

"If you two love birds don't mind I'm trying to get a little action here."

With another kiss I moved back fully on top of Beth and devoted my attention entirely to her while Ted got Rose going again.

Beth was already a great friend and Ted became one as well. They were part of a swinger group and from time to time we joined them for their theme parties on New Years Eve and of course Halloween. We are careful at these larger events not to become separated. We have found that we enjoy the wide open atmosphere of these events but we don't have to get down and dirty with lots of partners to have fun. In addition to Beth and Ted we have extended our partners to include a wonderfully sexy Ellen and her husband Richard. They are veteran swingers and enjoy getting together for a sixsome with us from time to time.

Now in our forties and semi retired we spend time in Hawaii, Florida and Northern Wisconsin. Occasionally we make an appearance in Chicago to check on my company and the state of our investments. We have friends with benefits in each of these destinations. Life is good, we are in love and our sex life is superb.

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legsfeettoeslegsfeettoesalmost 2 years ago

Five stars. Some people will never understand the lifestyle that Eric and Rose enjoy. I can understand that. But what I can't understand is why they cannot let others live and love as they want. No one is forcing them to do the same as Eric and Rose. If they can enjoy the freedom to live as they want, why can they not grant that same privilege to others? Why do they find it necessary to try to impose their own standards on others? They obviously lack empathy. So sad that they are like that.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Wow! I really enjoyed reading this. Well written and very hot. I give a 10!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

it appears the author likes to write but many of the stories are similar in being connected to Michigan.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

is this loving wife or swinging couples? Its like 3 different stories vaguely connected. nothing is said about her former family, she was obviously shunned like the Amish to their loss. they are cautious about swinging which could have gone further that it was done. What would they have done if she could have children?

iammweaseliammweaselalmost 2 years ago

Wow, looked at previous comments and, wow. They’re obviously jealous and have sad little lives of their own.

Nah, some of us arent mentally ill closeted little fucks, and dont fed that illness to find "happiness" in life. Says more about your repression and your sad little life cuck.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Your story is very good, and it reminds me of my husband and I beginning to swap while we were in college.

Swinging with trusted friends is equally thrilling and fulfilling, and watching each other getting fucked is the cherry on the sundae. It's a huge step to get started, but the excitement and variety provided by a very select, safe, healthy, and passionate partners become cravings.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Wow, looked at previous comments and, wow. They’re obviously jealous and have sad little lives of their own. This was a really well written story, sexy and touching without getting gooey and sticky with either the sex or the feelings. Literotica needs far more of these kinds of stories rather than the ones where couples are at war with each other or you look at the relationship and wonder why they’d be together as they say they’re in love but actually they’re just using each other. Write On!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

What Harry said is 100% correct.

someoneothersomeoneotheralmost 2 years ago

At least the author had the decency to announce the nature of the story at the beginning so that I did not waste time reading it.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

No. Just no. Its your lifestyle and you are entitled to fuck who you want, and yiou obviously do, but stop promoting it as if its normal. I kkow there are many "swingers" on this site but what I don't understand is why they feel the need to tell everyone about it.

TwentysevenTwentysevenalmost 2 years ago

Is there no end to this swinging bullshit? Fancy having sex in the presence of another couple. Why not invite them into the bogger and let them watch you have a crap?

Harryin VAHarryin VAalmost 2 years ago

Nobody is impressed by your ability to put out 2 or 3 stories a night all of which are unreadable ridiculous boring And just plain stupid.


Stop writing

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