Grass Greener Ch. 02


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"Make sure the bedroom door stays open, or I'll take it off the hinges." John warned jokingly.

Claire laughed, she'd definitely heard that before.

John and Matt stepped out onto the porch and pulled up the deck chairs. Matt admitted he didn't know much about cigars. John showed Matt how to prep and light his, then rambled on about flavor profiles, what his favorites were, how to maintain them. John didn't have many friends who liked cigars, and Claire had made him swear to not get the kids into them, so he enjoyed having someone to talk about them with, and Matt was genuinely interested.

After a bit of time enjoying their smoke, the backdoor opened and Dani stepped out.

"Hey." Dani called.

"Hey." John and Matt answered.

"Are we taking too long?" Matt asked.

"Kind of..." Dani answered.

"You can't rush a cigar." John shrugged, "It ruins the flavor."

"...Not." Dani started. "While Claire and I were cuddling..." Matt and John turned their heads slowly to Dani and smiled.

"...ONLY CUDDLING!.." Dani stressed, "...but, after the shower, and the drink, we started feeling relaxed...and...frisky."

"Frisky?" Matt asked.

"We started feeling frisky." Dani repeated, "And I was wondering if you two would mind if Claire and I go down on each other."

"What happened to 'rule one'?" John grinned.

"Well yeah, but rule...I don't think we actually numbered the other ones, but 'if any rules get broken we trust each other enough to know that it isn't malicious, and that we try and resolve it openly with one another'." Dani repeated, almost word for word.

Matt looked to John, John looked to Matt. John raised the cigar his hand, "You have until we finish these, then everyone goes home and goes to bed."

"OKAY!" Dani was already back through the door when she said it.

"I'm telling you. If aren't a little strict sometimes, these kids will walk all over you." John joked.

Matt laughed, "Do you want to get back in there?" he asked, giving John a knowing look, remembering their discussion at the beginning of the night.

"Matt, Matt." John put his hand up and shook his head, "You can't rush a cigar. It ruins the flavor."

Dani marveled at the curve and valley of Claire's thick ass cheeks, the way her thighs hugged so close to her bulbous mons, how beautiful her labia looked.

"Dani?" Claire's voice sounded somewhat worried.

"Oh Claire." Dani cooed appreciatively, "You're a work of art."

The two laid facing one another but in opposite directions on the bed in the guest bedroom. Their robes discarded, Claire's back was to the door, One leg under Dani's head, the other under Dani's arm as Dani ran her finger tips gently over the curves of Claire's genitals and sighed contentedly. Claire trembled slightly against her breath and her skin broke out in goosebumps.

"Gorgeous." Dani whispered as she leaned in and planted a soft kiss just above Claire's slit. Claire moaned and involuntarily pushed her sips forward into Dani's face, the tip of Dani's nose wet as it slipped between Claire's lips.

"Sorry, I was just...HA!" Dani gasped as she felt Claire's wet lips cover her sex.

Claire pulled back, "Sorry!"

"You have to be gentle, Claire!" Dani lightly admonished. "Our boys really gave her a work out, she needs 'soft' love."

"I can be soft." Claire promised, laying mirror to how Dani was, using her hand to squeeze the perky cheeks she had admired in the shower. She finally had Dani, and she was trying her hardest to restrain her instinct savage her.

"Here." Dani said, "Like this." Dani kissed gently around Claire's lips and thighs. In truth, she was borrowing some of the things she'd learned from John, she had admired how John seemed to enjoy appreciating her pussy. Now that she had the opportunity, she wanted to appreciate Claire's pussy too.

Dani dipped her tongue into Claire. She didn't pull back at all or stop to catch her spit, didn't bother trying to mitigate a mess. She teased gently, not to string Claire out but to build her up. Dani loved Claire's taste, loved how she felt on her tongue, loved how she felt against her. When Claire sighed, Dani knew she was on the right track, and when Claire pushed her quickly dampening sex into Dani's face, Dani welcomed it, putting her hand on Claire's ass cheek to hold her close, and letting her grip relax when Claire did.

Claire attempted to mimic Dani's technique, and though it wasn't and exact duplicate, Dani's hips pushing her own tender vulva onto Claire's lips let Claire know she was doing just fine.

The two lied like that for as long as they could moaning softly, self-indulgently licking and kissing gently and sweetly humping softly into one another's mouths, making no rush to build their own and each other's orgasms.

As Claire relaxed her hips and put little space between Dani's mouth and her own trembling puss, Dani opened her eyes to see John and Matt, standing quietly, smiling warmly in the doorway of the guest bedroom. Matt leaned over and whispered to John, John grinned and nodded.

Quietly they entered the room, Matt knelt by Claire's head, John by Dani's.

Claire, finally noticing Matt pulled her tongue from Dani's sodden pussy.

"I guess we're out of time." she kissed Dani's thigh.

"Not at all." Matt said softly, "Take all the time you need." he gently brushed the hair from Claire's face, then threaded his finger tips through it, careful to touch only her hair.

"Did you come to help?" Dani sighed to John between long slow licks.

"Oh no, no." John said warmly, rubbing his hand lightly on her back, "You're doing just fine. Is it okay if we watch you work?"

"Mmmmm." Dani moaned softly an affirmative into Claire.

John and Matt stayed as quiet as they could, and made no effort to get involved other then to touch Claire and Dani softly to encourage them.

Dani came first, her sore little puss jerking into Claire, Claire took no action other then to hold Dani's butt tight and secure her lips around Dani's vulva, to give it a warm place to come.

When Dani finished she rolled onto her back and pulled Claire's legs over her, Claire looked concerned as she sat over Dani's face, but concern fled as Dani continued her work, and Claire began flexing her hips, pushing herself into Dani's waiting mouth. Now in the dark, Dani could only feel Claire's contours, and as she felt the swollen clit on her lips, she pursed them softly, not to suck, simply to hold.

Had it not been such an exhausting night already, Claire would have came screaming, instead she simply panted hard, popping her hips and enjoying the sensation of Dani's lips cradling her clit. When she finished, John took her arms, and pulled him into her. If not for John, Claire would've collapsed.

Dani raised a hand, and Matt gently pulled her up. Dani's face was a mess, and when she kissed Matt he could taste Claire on her. He knew Dani loved that.

"My tongue hurts." Dani said sleepily, "I don't know how you do that for so long." she looked up at Matt.

"Well, usually I don't do it for so long." Matt smiled.

Claire was done, and John decided to put her in bed. By the time he pulled up their comforter, she'd gone from partially conscious, to unconscious.

Meanwhile, Matt escorted a very sleepy Dani to the living room, carefully pulled her dress over her head and set her on the couch, he then set about piling up the remaining linens.

John walked in, smirking, his eyes wide.

"Is Claire okay?" Dani almost slurred, tongue still stiff.

"She's out." John chuckled, "Some night cap you gave her."

"She had it comin'." Dani smiled. Matt chuckled as he collected their shoes and remaining clothes.

John knelt next to the couch, and put his hand Dani's knee, Dani hummed, and squeezed it. "Such hands..."

"Where'd you learn that? Nina Hartley?" John had to know.

Dani grinned, and put her hand on his cheek, then leaned in and kissed him. John pulled her into a hug.

"Mmmm, good hugs." Dani cooed.

John got to his feet and lifted Dani with him, seeing Matt waiting with their effects under his arm.

"Matt, thanks again." John presented his hand.

Matt shook it, "Thanks for everything, John, have a good night."

John handed Dani over to Matt and went to get the door.

"Let's get you to bed." Matt said to Dani.

"I was in a bed." Dani whined.

"Our bed." Matt countered.

"Mmmm, our bed." Dani sighed.

"Be careful getting home." John said almost instinctively.

"Oh yeah, long drive." Matt laughed and then helped Dani out the door.

Matt led Dani in the dark, to the house next door, their house. He opened the door, waved to John who had in fact waited to make sure they got home alright. Then went inside. Matt helped Dani slowly climb the stairs, steered her to the bedroom, and pull off her dress. He laid her carefully in bed, and left the room. When he came back with a warm washcloth and towel, Dani was already snoring. He gently shook her awake and used the cloth to wipe her face.

"UHN!" Dani whined, "Why can't I just sleep!?"

"It's actually still relatively early..." Matt chuckled at her tantrum, "...and your face is still a mess."

"Fine!" Dani pouted. "Wash my face then!"

"Oh, you're sour now, but your cooch is next." Matt laughed. Dani must not have heard him, because when he finished her face she just flopped back down. Matt shrugged and lifted her leg, running the cloth gently along the inside of her thigh, towards her vagina, and wiped gently around it then did the other. He was ready for more tantrum, but Dani purred her appreciation, and giggled when he lifted her legs to wipe between her butt cheeks.

"Oh, NOW it's fun?" Matt laughed setting her legs back down.

"I love you, Matty." Dani sighed.

"I love you, too..." he leaned in and kissed her, pulling up the covers "...go to sleep."

Dani was already sleeping contentedly.

Matt woke the next morning sore, from head to toe. He'd tried to stay up past when Dani had gone to sleep, thinking he had the energy to get a video game in, but even at the relatively early hour, he had been exhausted. Now he considered not leaving the bed at all.

Matt reached over and felt Dani's absence, then heard talking down stairs. He got out of bed, put on his shirt, and made his way down the steps quietly.

"...maybe get a few. Just remember that after you're done with them, you've GOT to clean them up, even if you're worn out." Matt heard Dani's voice up the stairs.

"That's fine, I think the trick will be getting John to be okay with it." Claire's voice followed.

"That won't be a problem." Dani dismissed, "Some guys may be squeamish about toys at first, but when they see what they can do, they come around pretty quick."

"Was Matt ever weird about using stuff like that?" Claire asked.

"Nope." Dani chuckled. "In fact, when we get the toys out, he likes to role play 'Doctor'." Dani said slyly.

"Dani!" Matt said admonishing her from the stairs, Claire and Dani looked over from the couch, "You could get me in a lot of trouble telling people about that! I'm practicing without a license!"

Claire and Dani giggled. As Matt crossed the room, Claire stood and pulled Matt into a hug. Matt put his arms around her and squeezed, "Hey, Claire. Didn't think we'd see you so soon."

"Hey sweetie." Claire squeezed back, "I was...out...when you left, so I didn't get an opportunity to give you left-overs."

Matt grinned, "That sounds amazing, I'm starving."

Dani got to her feet, "I'm going to go get a quick shower." she leaned in and gave Matt a kiss, "Claire and I are going toy shopping!"

Matt looked a little concerned, "Are you sure that's a good idea? Is this the best time?..."

"This is exactly the right time, we're both still sore and exhausted from yesterday, so we won't be tempted to try anything." Dani shrugged, "Never go grocery shopping while you're hungry."

Matt wondered if fatigue and aches would actually be enough to stop them, but Dani didn't seem like she was "that kind" of excited. She left Claire and Matt standing in the living room and ascended the stairs.

"Is this okay?" Claire asked. "I didn't think..."

"It's fine." Matt assured her, "I just want to make sure we're not insinuating ourselves into your sex lives. Some shared fun now and then is good, but I don't want to 'over-stay our welcome', if you catch my meaning?"

"Yeah." Claire said, "I understand, but I came to Dani because I had some 'trouble' this morning."

"Oh?" Matt said, leading Claire to the kitchen, finding the left overs in the fridge and started prepping them, "Everything alright?"

"It''s great, kind of the best problem to have." Claire smiled sheepishly, "John woke up...'in the mood'. And I was still a bit sore, I was able to take care of him with my hands, but I know it's not the same..."

"Ah!" Matt exclaimed, "Dani's not taking you to buy toys for you, she's taking you to buy toys for him."

"Yeah." Claire giggled, "Well, maybe toys for both of us."

"Never really used toys in bed before?" Matt asked.

"No." Claire conceded.

"Then you're in for a treat, toys are a lot of fun!" Matt said excitedly.

"It''s so exciting, I feel like after all this we're both really opening up to try new things. Like we're both saying 'Why have we waited this long?', you know? 'What were we ever afraid of?'." Claire said almost to herself.

"That's really cool, Claire. Just remember to pace yourself. Don't want to over do it." Matt joked.

"Like last night?" Claire asked.

"Like last night." Matt agreed.

"A...about that." Claire said, "I know we talked about it, but again, I'm really sorry I got so rough."

Matt stopped what he was doing and turned to her, "I...I'm sorry too. It was good, but that wasn't how I wanted to be with you."

Claire opened her mouth to speak, but then just looked away.

"Can I ask you something?" Matt asked. "Are you usually so...aggressive?"

"" Claire said honestly, "With John it's like I get to that point, but when I start getting too rowdy...he's so much bigger than me, it's not hard for him to keep me from getting too rough."

"...and I couldn't and wouldn't physically restrain you..." Matt nodded.

"Yeah..." Claire sighed, "'s a bit know when you see something, like a kitten, and it's so cute you just want to squeeze it?"

"I'm so adorable you just want to squeeze out my stuffing?" Matt raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah? I think so?" Claire shrugged.

"I think I get that." Matt nodded. "Claire, our sex was good. It was fantastic."

"...but we could do better." Claire said without thinking, her eyes went wide, shocked over what she'd said.

"We can do better." Matt agreed, comforting her.

A silent moment passed between them before Claire said, "I really liked the slow part toward the end..."

"That was my favorite part!" Matt said excitedly.

"You like to be..." Claire tried to word it carefully, "...'babied' a bit?"

"I am not ashamed to admit that I like affectionate sex." Matt raised his head haughtily, "I like being told I'm a 'good boy'."

"Do you...have you always had a thing for...older women?" Claire said carefully.

Matt could see what she was driving at, "Just ask what you want to ask, Claire."

"Did you want me too...Did you want to call me..." Claire couldn't bring herself to finish the sentence, even now, the taboo of it was too overwhelming for her.

"I do not want to call you 'Mommy' or 'Mama' or anything like that..." Matt said.

"Okay." Claire sighed.

"Can I be entirely honest though?" Matt asked warily. Claire nodded, wanting to give him the space to open up.

"Part of me kind of does, but I know the moment I say it I'll just feel...gross." Matt shook his head.

Claire nodded thoughtfully, as an actual mother, the thought of it kind of disturbed her too, but she understood that you want what you want, you can't always decided what that is or even be okay with it. She thought of Matt, posing in an open flannel button down shirt, looking up soulfully from the cover of a magazine.

"Yup..." Claire said soberly, "...I get that."

Matt's eyes narrowed, "You were imagining me in a 'Tiger Street' magazine, weren't you?"

"No!..." Claire smiled and winced, "...Yes."

The pair laughed. "Those magazines got me through some 'formative' years, okay!?" Claire argued.

"You aren't the first, I'm sure." Matt chuckled.

"Okay, so now we have NEW boundaries..." Claire laughed.

"AGREED!" Matt grinned.

"...and we shouldn't say things like 'Mommy loves Tiger Street'." Claire teased, laughing so hard she almost couldn't finish the sentence.

"ARG..." Matt grimaced through his laugh, "...So gross!"

"What the hell did I just hear!?" Dani walked into the kitchen.

Matt and Claire laughed hysterically.

Dani pouted knowing she'd missed the joke. "WHAT THE FUCK IS 'TIGER STREET'!?"

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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I had a hunch from part one, that Dani and Claire would enjoy each other's pussy...….and then some.

iameaseliameaselalmost 3 years ago

Well written, but really felt flat. Didnt strike me as having any real depth beyond a bunch of suck and fuck writing. If that was the goal, good on ya!

Legio_Patria_NostraLegio_Patria_Nostraalmost 3 years ago

Hot!!! Damn well written, and your pace is nice, flowing, unhurried... no rushing it because, well, it... "ruins the flavor!" 5/5!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Good story, just too long.

26thNCuck26thNCuckalmost 3 years ago
5 Stars

Loved it.

-26thNC Approved

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Whilst this was well written, it seems too nice. There wasn’t any emotion shown by “John”, who has not experienced swapping before. It would be expected that he would, at some point, have moments of jealousy or angst about the fact that his wife was experiencing wonderful sex with another man. It would have had made a better story and introduced actual real life feelings.

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