Incentive Executive


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As she listened to Stephens grunting and gauged the stage he had reached she looked up, there at the door stood Lord Snodgrass, a leer on his face and he was stroking the very obvious lump in his trousers. She blinked and he was gone. She tried to reassure herself it had been an illusion as Stephen reared up inside her and flooded her hot pussy with his cum

The next morning Stephen was up with the larks. Helen watched him dressing from beneath the bed sheets, she was still exhausted after the previous night, she could only admire his stamina.

As he left she rolled over and went back to sleep awaking at about 11 am. Groggily she got up and went down to breakfast with no comment about the late hour, she discovered that some of the other lady guests had gone on the hunt while the rest had repaired to the nearby town, there was only Helen and the staff left in the house.

She found the way to the swimming pool and after 10 lengths decided to have a sauna.

Peeling her bikini from her body she lay back on the bench and closed her eyes.

The next thing she knew was the opening of the door and there stood a naked Lord Snodgrass " So its Stephens little slut " he bawled

Instinctively her hands covered her breasts and pussy then realising how childish that was she relaxed "Good Morning Lord Snodgrass, I thought you had gone shooting"

"AAAh hurt my knee, at least that's the story" he chuckled " No I thought Id be better off back here getting some of the action that Stephen has been getting "

"I don't think I.................."

"Shut up cunt" he snarled " Now listen to me, your precious Sir Stephen only got his knighthood because I put him up for it, I can break him just as quickly, now you wouldn't want that would you?"

Realisation began to sweep over her " You mean"

"I mean that it is time for you to open those milky white thighs wide and show me your hot little cunt, NOW WHORE! " he finished with a roar.

Helen moved her legs apart a little

"Wider, unless of course you WANT your little friend from a Sheffield terrace to suddenly find himself back there"

Helen opened her legs wide, feeling his eyes taking in all of the pink folds and creases and the dark passage leading inside her

She realised that his cock was stiff "Suck me bitch" he ordered Obediently she wrapped her lips over his stem


She followed his orders once again, her tongue tasting the hot salty flavour, his hand forced her head deeper and deeper onto him until she was almost choking.

He thumped his cock harder and harder into her mouth grabbing and pulling her hair as he did. At last she felt him swell for an instant and relax then tense again as his hot spunk gushed into her mouth.

Instantly he withdrew leaving his sperm smeared over her lips and chin. "In future be ready for me no matter where or when" with that he strode out of the sauna.

Helen stayed in the position he had left her, gathering her thoughts, if she resisted Lord Snodgrass then the repercussions would not only be bad for him but clearly also bad for the company, if she confided in Sir Stephen she knew that his pride would demand that he tackled Snodgrass about his behaviour leading inevitably to the same problems.

There was absolutely nothing she could do, she would have to comply with every suggestion that he made for the next few days and then pray that she never set eyes on him again.

That evening for dinner Sir Stephen had selected a black backless evening dress for her to wear. it hung loosely at the front exposing her breasts if she bent forward a l;ittle too much, it was split to high on the thigh almost revealing the black suspender belt and mesh stocking top.

To her horror she found herself seated next to Lord Snodgrass.

On her left was one of his Lordship's cronies, from earlier conversations she had discovered that they had been at school together. She knew she could expect no support from that quarter.

At the far end of the table sat Sir Stephen, to his left was a girl Helen had recognised from many of the tabloids, she was billed as a a socialite which generally meant that she had no discernible occupation or means of income but appeared at various functions dressed in a miniscule amount of clothing on the arm of the latest eligible guy.

This particular girl was dressed in a low cut evening dress with a split even higher than Helen's and more of her cleavage was on show.

She tried to lip read the conversation when she realised that Lord Snodgrass in the middle of a conversation with his school friend had placed his hand high on her thigh.

He was saying " I prefer a nice bit of flesh myself " His friend chuckled, she looked up and saw that the friend was openly watching as His Lordships hand moved higher and higher exposing more and more of her leg.

"I agree but a good drink always appeals too" With that Earl Simonbarrow placed his own hand on her other thigh. she felt her thighs being forced wide apart and suddenly one of them, she was unsure which, thrust two fingers deep inside her naked pussy.

Her eyes swam, she looked around the table, conversations were going on all around her, no on was in the slightest aware what was happening to her. She saw a waitress heading towards them.At last she would get a respite.

To her astonishment, although she could not have failed to notice what was happening the girl gave no sign of noticing anything untoward. If anything she gave a look of sympathy, perhaps Lord Snodgrass treat all females under the age of 30 in this way.

She tried to blank her mind by thinking of returning home, she wondered how many of her team had sent e mails to telling of their fantasies, she wished she was home reading them now. She hoped there were plenty to distract her from these memories. she wondered too how many guys ( and girls) had sumbled by chance on her profile and briefcase while idly surfing and finding the yahoo id wonderinguk and if any of them too had mailed her.. The thought excited her, she felt herself becoming moist and when each of her hands was guided inside open zips she did not hesitate to caress them each as the next course was served.

Just as the final plate was being served Lord Snodgrass erupted onto her hand and the waitress chose that instant to appear saying " Salad Dressing Sir ".

Helen found herself erupting into a fit of giggles.

The meal continued with no more molestation and Sir Stephen, while clearly admiring the young socialite did not seem concerned with returning her obvious enthusiasm for him.

At the end of the meal however, Lord Snodgrass whispered in her ear "At 4am come to the library if you want to protect your young friend "

That evening when they went to bed Helen made a point of luring Stephen there early, as she slipped out of her dress she said " Close your eyes, imagine that it isn't me here with you, imagine its your friend Deborah from the meal, imagine that I wasn't here and she has managed to worm her way into the room with you " She took his hands and placed them on her breasts

"these are Deborah's tits, squeeze them. Stroke them, imagine the envy of every guy opening his tabloid paper who lusts after them each day and here they are for you " She took one of his hands and palced it at her pussy lips, "Explore your young socialite's minge, see how it opens willingly for you. She bent her head to his erect cock, "Feel Deborah's hot breath on your tip, enjoy the sensations as her lips lower onto you. " She lowered her head

"Oh Helen!"

She pulled away " I'm Deborah, slut to the rich and famous, call me that, treat me as the slut I am "

It was like igniting a firework, she realised that she had discovered a side to his character that had hitherto lain dormant. For an hour Sir Stephen, who had always been so gentle pulled her this way and that, pulled at her hair, chewed her nipples and laid her across his lap for a sound spanking before opening the window wide and bending her over the sill gave her the fucking she craved. No doubt the poachers were scared away that night at the sound of her screams and moaning

As she had planned he was quickly asleep after his climax and at 3.50 she quietly climbed out of bed and silently opened the door,

Creeping down the stairs she realised that she had not put any clothes on and was quite naked, she shrugged, For what Lord Snodgrass had in mind she wouldn't need any clothes anyway she reasoned.

She gently opened the library door.

There in armchairs sat Lord Snodgrass and his friend Earl Simonbarrow.

"Ah here is our little plaything at last, come forward slut let us see you "

Helen walked forward

"Now lie down and spread your thighs wide "

She did so, feeling their eyes searching her deep recesses, she felt Stephens spunk dribbling from her.

"I see Stephen has had his desserts " laughed Simonbarrow and then crudely to Helen

"Wank yourself Bitch!"

Helen did so, thinking only of how she was protecting Sir Stephen, Tony and all her reps throughout the world. She realised they were standing over her, they were now both naked their fat stomachs making their cocks seem even smaller than they were.

She saw Simonbarrow lying down beside her and she was instructed to sit astride his cock. Stretched as she was by Sir Stephen, she barely felt his trifle enter her and then she was forced to bend low over Simonbarrow's face. She felt her arse cheeks being spread, a chubby finger worked its way inside and then another, Finally satisfied Snodgrass knelt between his friends thighs and thrust his own pathetic specimen inside her arse.

She was squashed between the two fat aristocrats which was far more uncomfortable than anything their cocks were doing to her.

Remembering an article she had read she recalled that in this position the sensation of feeling the other guy throb to climax through the thin flesh dividing anus and vagina usually triggered the climax of the first, she manoevred her hands to each mans balls and using her nails quickly manipulated each to the point of explosion.

It worked and as they subsided she extricated herself from their overweight bodies, leaving them almost cuddling each other, a glance at the clock showed that she had only been in the room ten minutes. She ran back up the stairs, not daring to make a noise by showering she crawled back into bed and slept till dawn.

The next day she accepted one of the dowager ladies invitation into town and thus managed to avoid any more attentions from Snodgrass, at dinner she was sat well away from him or his friend and so was able to avoid any more " unpleasantness totally.

The Wednesday was the day for leaving and as they said their fareweels Lord Snodgrass cuddled her and said " Come back soon my dear, you will always be welcome "

As they drove away Stephen laughed

"Whats so funny?"

"Old Snodgrass, he loves to play the Lord of the Manor, you wouldnt believe he doesnt have two halfpennies to rub together. I've bailed him out for the next ten years, without me he'd be nothing " He laughed again

Helen laughed too but inside she was thinking "Oh Stephen, if you only knew "

She distracted herself from such thoughts by wondering what E mails would be waiting her return all addressed to

It felt good to be home after the debauchery of the last few days and she was quite missing her reps.

After unpacking she referred to her diary and the sales figures to calculate which of the reps she should visit next. With a shock she realised that the Sales Dinner was only a few days away, she hadn't considered what she should wear or, more importantly how she should handle the reps, she had never met them as a group before and she knew that they had been comparing notes about her.

Abandoning any other plans she jumped into her car and drove off to select a dress, that was the most urgent thing, plenty of time to plan other things as she drove.

She found an ideal dress quite quickly, she knew her reps would approve as it clung to her figure and, being back-less, revealed the sides of her breasts in addition to having a low cleavage, she felt sorry for the guys who liked suspenders as she would have to wear hold ups but the depth of the back-less design meant that she could not wear any underwear at all.

Really for this occasion the guy she most wanted to impress was Tony, she wondered whether she would be able to seduce him this time, she had given enough hints over the last few months.

Finally the day of the dinner dawned, Helen spent the entire day diving from hairdresser to manicurist to beautician in her efforts to look her very best for the event.

She had booked a room at the hotel for the evening although it was only about ten miles out of town and at 4pm she set off for the short drive dressed in a jumoer and jeans.

She managed to book in and escape to her room without seeing any faces she knew and after a leisurely bath she began dressing and touching up the make up which the beautician had so carefully applied.

The invitation was 7 for 7.30 and at 7.25 she entered the room set aside. The room was full of guys who had known her to one degree or another of intimacy. In addition there were a few faces she did not recognise. Management presumably, she wondered how much of her activities they were aware of. Tony saw her at once and came over looking extremely handsome in his black evening suit and bow tie.

"Helen, its great to see you, you look gorgeous" Her heart swam and then sank as he said " Come and meet my wife "

Susan was a very attractive woman, slightly older than Helen but Helen realised why he had so far resisted her implied invitations.

"Helen, I've heard so much about you. Tony is so pleased with the work you are doing" Helen wondered exactly how much Tony had told her.

She wasn't in doubt for long, " You must tell me about the guys, him for instance, is he any good?, he looks kind of cute to me "

Helen looked at her with a puzzled look. Susan laughed "It's OK Tony told me EXACTLY what your work involves, secretly I think he sometimes wishes he was still on the road, beating his targets!"

Helen laughed nervously but secretly delighted, she had been beginning to worry she was losing her touch.

It wasn't until after the meal and a few drinks later that Susan began REALLY opening up. "You try to find out the guys fantasies and help them come true don't you, not just a case of screwing them?"

"It's more fun that way, for them and for me " agreed Helen

"I'm beginning to wish Tony was on the road again "

"Really, why?"

"Well, You're going to think I'm terrible........"

"No go on tell me " Helen's curiosity was aroused.

"Well I have a fantasy........"

"Yes " prompted Helen

"Of being with another woman, Tony would love to see it too"

"And have you never been with a woman?"

"Not since school, you know experimenting, that sort of thing "

"Let's talk " said Helen

A few minutes later the band began playing and Helen was awash with invitations to dance, All of the guys were flattering about her appearance but seemed very keen to let her know how successful they had been since last seeing her.

At about 1am Susan sought Tony out " Darling I'm going to bed, you won't be too long will you?"

"No, I'll say my goodnights then I'll be along "

"Good I'll be waiting for you " Susan said with a teasing look in her eye

Twent minutes later Tony entered their hotel room expecting to find his wife lying on their bed still dressed in her underwear

She wasn't

At least she WAS lying on the bed and she still wore her stockings and suspenders. Her thighs were spread wide apart. What astounded him was the head bobbing up and down at the top of her thighs.

The head was attached to a body, a naked female body who was kneeling with her own thighs also spread wide, her open pussy on clear display.

Susans voice purred across the room as he shut the door behind him "Hi Darling we thought it was time YOU were rewarded for the hard work YOU do for the company. "

As she spoke Helen wiggled her hips enticingly, opening her pussy still further as her tongue never left Susan's clit.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

This could go on further it is fun.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

Great, detailed, erotic, delicious.

Nice one.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Fabulous story

Any chance of continuing it further. What happens after the year is up? Does Helen recruit a young helper for the number of reps she has to see?

Anyway, a fabulous story and beautifully written. Once started I had to read it all the way through.

Keep on writing please.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Inventive and then some

Great work, inventive and well written.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago

excellant story! I love it. I would love to hear about the ending with Helen, Tony and his wife. very well written.

also, what about trevor? more please.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
Wonderful fantasy

What a wonderful, well written fantasy. Loved every minute of it... as long as I remembered it was FANTASY. You write well. Keep it up.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 20 years ago
Best of its kind

Albiet it leaves me wondering why did it stop abruptly, or atleast that is how i am understanding it... May be taurents can comment better... is it over? If you can write a mail back, I am at bigc_girl

Many thanks


Phil.D.YewPhil.D.Yewabout 20 years ago
Absolutely Great

Excellent story, and a very good ending. I just wish our firm had such an incentive scheme.

Keep up the good work, and very well done.

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