Katie Loves Cynthia


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"And the weird thing was -- well, all of it was pretty weird -- but the weird thing was that everytime I came and my puss contracted, it kind of pushed the cuke in further, then my body would... react or something and push it back out a little, then I would come again and it would push back inside. It was crazy! It just kept going in and out. I didn't think it would stop."

She looked at the girls and to further her point, continued. "I came and the cucumber pushed in. My cunt relaxed a little, and it slid out a bit which caused me to come again pushing it back up in me. I have no idea how many times I came, but finally it stopped and I fell backwards on the bed. And, of course, that thing shot out of me like a rocket! It skidded across the floor!"

Cyn laughed remembering the image of the slippery cucumber squirting out of her abused vagina and plopping onto the floor. But neither Freya nor Katie were laughing. The two girls were both simply stunned into silence.

Suddenly, Katie stood up. "You guys have to go."

The other girls looked up at her, surprised.

"I have a lot of homework that I have to do. It's due on Monday." Then Katie repeated, "You guys have to go."

Cyn and Freya looked at each other quizzically, then shrugged and stood up.

"Sorry, I totally forgot. I have homework that I really need to take care of." But Katie wasn't telling her friends the truth. There was something else entirely that she really needed to take care of.

She bustled them to the door and they said their goodbyes. Katie lingered in the open door for a few moments watching Cyn's ass sway side to side, then she closed the door, looked out a window to see if her dad was still busy mowing the lawn, then ran back upstairs to her room locking the bedroom door behind her.

After hearing Cynthia's story -- everyone called her Cyn, even Katie, but to herself, she always thought of her as Cynthia. Cynthia was a beautiful name and Katie thought she was just too beautiful to be called Cyn. She never called her friend Cynthia out loud, though, because that may lead to questions. And she didn't want to have to answer too many questions about her and Cynthia. She didn't want to complicate the friendship that the three girls shared with the fact that she was madly in love with one of them. But after hearing Cynthia tell her story about masturbating with a cucumber, Katie needed to relieve her own sexual frustration. And fast.

To Katie, Cynthia was everything that Katie was not. Cynthia was loud and very forthcoming while Katie was meek and guarded with her emotions. Cynthia spoke freely about "cunts" and "tits" and "assholes," while Katie still thought of her vagina as her "pee-pee." Childish, she knew, but that's how she thought of it. Interestingly, Katie masturbated daily. Sometimes two or three times in a day. She had no hang ups with that!

Physically, the two girls were also opposites. Where Katie was slim, almost boyish. Cynthia was big. Voluptuous. She wasn't fat, but she wasn't thin by any definition of the word. Katie had long, coltish legs with just a hint of flaring out at her hips. Cynthia was shorter, stocky, and had wide, curvaceous hips. Cynthia's butt wasn't huge, but it was definitely rounded and soft. Heart-shaped was how Katie had heard people describe a butt like Cynthia's.

And her breasts! Katie's were barely an A cup, but Cynthia's were huge, stretching the fabric of pretty much any shirt she wore. Almost oblong in shape. And even with a bra on, they hung down. Cynthia described herself as having "big-ass tits and a big-ass ass." And Katie desperately loved every inch of her. Lusted after every inch of her. Katie had seen her friend naked, of course. They had been friends forever. But that only made things worse. Forbidden fruit and all.

But right now, after hearing first Freya talking about her oral sex with Alex and then Cynthia describing some of her self-pleasuring exploits with a vibrator and a huge cucumber, all in lurid detail, Katie needed relief.

With her bedroom door locked, she hurried to her closet and pulled out the shoebox where she hid her own vibrator. She had seen Cynthia's and it was bigger than Katie's, but Katie liked her vibrator. It had ridges where Cynthia's didn't and it had a piece that stuck out at the base to stimulate her clitoris, although Katie didn't even have a name for that. Maybe "love button," but that sounded too silly, even to Katie.

She knew that her dad was home and her mom would be home soon, so rather than make a big production of undressing and lying in bed, she just stripped out of her shorts, pulled her panties off, and put on a long peasant skirt, just in case.

Katie hurried to an empty section of wall next to her bedroom door, almost tripping over her shorts laying on the floor, and crouched down with her back to the wall. She didn't bother with lube. She almost never did. She was wet enough, anyway. And even if it was a little rough going into her, that would be fine with Katie, too.

Crouched down with her skirt bunched up at her waist and her knees apart, she was spread open and ready. With one swift and well-practiced move, she shoved the vibrator into her "special place." She almost moaned as the multiple ridges ran over her labia. A slight grunt did escape her lips when the prong part hit her clitoris. Her other hand ran under her shirt and started pulling on an already fully-erect nipple. She pretty much never wore a bra. With her small breasts, what was the point anyway, she figured.

Tugging roughly on her nipple, she pumped the vibrator in and out with such ferocity and speed, she was actually causing friction to warm up her insides. She was in no mood for a slow, sensual session and the heat was just adding to the sensation, anyway. She could hear faint, wet slurping sounds, almost vulgar, but she was used to that sound. She enjoyed it. It was a comforting sound to her. She knew that she didn't have a lot of time and she certainly didn't want to take a lot of time to get there, so she quickly let go of her nipple and shoved a finger into herself alongside the vibrator.

The extra tightness was exquisite, but this was not what she was after. Pushing her finger in and out a few times, it was now fully coated with her juices. She always had plenty of that! Katie pulled her finger out of her front and brought it to her nose. She inhaled the heady aroma. She hungrily stuffed it into her mouth and savored the sweet tang. She imagined that it was Cynthia's.

A moment later, she pushed her finger back into herself, wiggled it a little, and pulled it out again. But rather than suck on it again, this time she reached further down. Her flexibility from gymnastics always came in handy here. She rubbed her finger over her sensitive anus and as quickly as she had rammed the vibrator into her front, she shoved her finger into her back end.

She paused for a second to clear her head, and then started alternatingly pushing the vibrator in and pulling her finger almost out, then pushing her finger in and pulling the vibrator almost out. "I really need to get another vibrator," she thought to herself. "Or a dildo... Maybe a big one." But she could think about that later. Right now, she has a mission. The fleeting relief that an orgasm would bring her.

Katie thought of Cynthia. Her rounded face. Her silky, light blonde hair that hung just past her shoulders. Her breasts. Katie was a "breast girl," for sure. Maybe "breast envy" or something? She brought the image of her friend's breasts into her mind's eye. Round-ish, but at their size, gravity pulled them slightly down distorting their shape a little. Smooth with a road map of thin blue-ish veins just under the almost golden hue of the tight skin.

Oh, how Katie longed to trace those lines with her fingers. Trace them with her tongue. Dark, pink nipples with large, oval areolas surrounding them. Her deepest fantasy was to lick those areolas, gently teasing Cynthia until finally giving each fat nipple a soft kiss. Then sucking them into her waiting mouth. To tenderly roll her ripe nipples around with her tongue.

Actually, that wasn't her deepest fantasy. No.

Her deepest fantasy was to do all of that to Cynthia's huge boobs. All tender and sweet and gentle and loving. While Cynthia rammed a vibrator in and out of her like Katie was doing to herself, now. Rough. Hard. Fast. Angry. Katie could only imagine how rough Cynthia could be to her. Biting her. Slapping her. Shoving things inside her. And Katie would beg for more.

Way down, she felt that she deserved to be hurt. Wasn't worthy of love. She kept those feelings buried deep inside, but sometimes, especially while masturbating, they seemed to bubble up to the surface.

"Why can't I just be normal, like everyone else?" she thought to herself. "A therapist would have a field day with me!"

A few more alternating pumps and Katie could feel it happening. With an animalistic grunt, she pushed both the vibrator and her finger as far into her as she could manage. She squeezed her eyes shut so hard that she saw little bursts of stars. "Oh, Cynthia!" Katie silently screamed in her mind while an orgasm washed over her. Just one, but powerful enough to almost rock her off the balls of her feet. Sweat dripped from her cheeks mixed with a few tears. The crying almost always happened immediately following an orgasm. The guilt and pain of her secret love mixed with self-loathing for feeling this way was tearing her apart.

But she was good at hiding it.

She stayed for a long minute crouched by the wall. Hunched over and alone. The forgotten finger was still in her backside. The forgotten vibrator still in her front. Katie didn't even feel it anymore. All she felt was regret.

Loneliness and regret.

She thought to herself that she couldn't keep living like this. She's eighteen and has never been on a date. She'd never been on a date because she was much too desperately in love with one of her best friends. And couldn't tell anyone.

That was some heavy baggage to lug through life all by yourself. She couldn't live this way anymore. She had to tell someone. Katie was afraid that she would do something terrible to herself if she didn't finally get these feelings out of her. She only saw these two options.

Her parents would be crushed either way, but probably less so to find out that their only daughter was gay. At least, that's what she hoped. Maybe they could forgive her for being gay? Would they ever forgive her for ending it all? Would she ever even know?

She had to tell Cynthia how she felt.

They were best friends. Cynthia could help her. Maybe.

It was a lot of baggage for a little girl like Katie to carry all by herself. And a long life to carry it through.

As her legs started to burn from the position she had held for the last few minutes, she pulled her finger and the vibrator out, unthinkingly turned it off, and carefully stood up. She paused for another minute for her lightheadedness to clear, then went to get a towel to wipe herself off and mop up the puddle of vaginal juices she had made on the floor. She was always pretty messy. This time, it wasn't as messy as usual. And not nearly as messy as when she masturbated while having her period. But today was still pretty messy.

Just then, she heard her mom come home, so she hurriedly tossed the towel into the hamper along with her shorts and soaked panties. She put on a fresh pair of "granny panties," as Cynthia always called them, and went downstairs to see her mom.

"Hey! Great job, today." Her mom gave her a kiss on the forehead.

"Thanks, mom."

"Did you have a nice lunch with your friends, honey?"


Looking at her daughter, Mrs. McMillan asked her, "Are you okay, hun?"

"Yeah. I'm fine."

"Okay. You just look like something's troubling you."

"No. I'm fine, mom." Katie paused, then continued, "I think I'm going to go visit Cyn."

"Do you want dinner, first?"

"No. I'm not hungry," Katie answered. And boy was that the truth. Her stomach was in knots. She needed to do it immediately before she lost her nerve and went back to pretending everything was fine.


Katie called Cynthia, who picked up halfway through the second ring.

"Hi, Cyn, it's Katie."

"Hey! How's your homework going?"

"Oh, fine. Can I talk to you?"

"Sure. What's up?"

"Can I come over?" Katie asked, almost hoping that Cynthia would be too busy.

"Ooo. Sounds serious. Are you okay?"

"Yes. I'm fine." There was that phrase, again. Katie always told everyone that she was fine, but she was never fine.

"Yeah. Sure. Come on over."

Slightly disappointed, halfway hoping that Cynthia would be busy, thus saving Katie from having to tell her. Now even more nervous, Katie realized that this was finally it. Trying to sound light and breezy, she told Cynthia, "Great. I'll be there in about a half hour."

"Cool, see you then."

Katie hung up the phone and hurried upstairs. She took the fastest shower she could, then spent the longest time she ever had on her makeup. Almost five minutes. Usually, it was zero to two minutes. She picked out what she hoped was her cutest outfit, but what did she know about cute outfits? Besides, did it even matter? What? Did she think that Cynthia would suddenly turn gay and they would live happily ever after?

She ran downstairs and managed to dodge both her mom in the kitchen and her dad in the garage. Katie had to talk to Cynthia before she lost her nerve. For about the millionth time.

Ringing the bell at Cynthia's place, Katie was a wreck. Cynthia opened the door and gave her friend a hug. Katie almost died feeling her huge boobs press against her own. In spite of -- or perhaps even helped by -- her overwhelming nerves, Katie felt her nipples harden and her vagina start to tingle.

"Don't wimp out, don't wimp out, don't wimp out," Katie chanted to herself. To Cynthia, she said, "I'm sorry. We have to talk about something."

"Is everything okay? Are you in trouble?" Cynthia asked, suddenly very concerned.

"No. No. No. I'm fine," she said, then quickly amended that statement with, "I'm okay."

Raising one eyebrow and with a lopsided grin, Cynthia asked, "Am I in trouble?"

"No! Of course not!" It came out a little more enthusiastic than Katie had wanted.

"Come on in and sit down."

"No. I can't...," Katie just stood there staring into her friend's eyes with an intensity that Cynthia had never seen from her before. Not a lot scared Cynthia, but she was starting to feel a little scared right now. Scared for her friend.

"What --," she began.

Katie held up her hand to stop Cynthia. Took a deep breath and blurted out, "I love you," and instantly burst into uncontrollable sobbing.

Cynthia wrapped her arms around her friend and said, "Oh, Katie-bear, I love you, too."

With her face smashed against the boobs of her dreams, Katie continued to cry while Cynthia just held her and gently stroked her back. Katie knew that even though Cynthia could be brash and crude, she was also so incredibly tender and caring. And this made Katie cry even harder.

Cynthia just held her and let her cry.

When the sobbing had reduced to sporadic shuddering, Cynthia whispered, "So, what's going on?"

Katie, her face still pressed against Cynthia's boobs, repeated, "I love you."

"I love you," Cynthia whispered into her friend's hair, still damp from the shower.

A little too aggressively, Katie tried to push Cynthia away, but Cynthia held her firmly in her arms. Katie looked directly into Cynthia's eyes.

"No. I love you. I always have." Katie looked down, adding, "I just needed you to know... finally..."

"Oh... Oh... Uh...," Cynthia stammered not knowing what to say.

"I'm so sorry. But I couldn't... I didn't mean to...," trailing off, Katie started to quietly cry.

Cynthia just stood there looking at her friend, Katie-bear. Her closest friend for as long as she could remember. She knew that she loved Katie with all her heart, but did she love her that way?

Standing there crying with her head down, Katie actually felt some relief. It was finally over. At long last, she had finally bared her heart to someone. And to Cynthia, of all people.

Katie also felt great sadness knowing that the love of her life would never love her back.

And through it all, some part of her was still sexually thrilled to be pressed against Cynthia's boobs. The firm yet soft feel of them. The clean smell of her shirt and skin. Excited but profoundly saddened to be bawling her eyes out in the strong, comforting arms of the woman who would never hold her the way she needed to be held. The woman that she so wanted to truly love.

"What is wrong with me?" Katie thought. "Why do I just punish myself over and over?" Yet, Katie's nipples were still fully erect and had begun to tingle as her vagina had been tingling almost from the start. Her new, fresh panties were quickly soaking through. "What is wrong with me?" she repeated to herself.

"All right," Cynthia suddenly said.

Katie looked at her with tear stained cheeks. "Okay, what?"

"Okay. Let's give it a try."

Katie just stared blankly at Cynthia. Uncomprehending.

"You wanna be with me or not?"

"Yes?" Katie croaked. Then she caught her voice and said, a little stronger, "Yes."

Cynthia smiled.

Katie continued, even stronger, "Yes. Yes. Yes -- wait? You like girls?"

"Well, I know that I talk about cock all the time, but... To be honest, I'm not sure that really interests me. And girls are much prettier, anyway. Boys smell."

"So... Yes?" Katie asked, still not fully comprehending this sudden turn of events. She never, in her wildest fantasies, thought Cynthia would like her back.

"Let's do it," Cynthia confirmed. "But you have to be the one to tell Freya."

Katie smiled. "Sure. Sure."

"And there are going to be some rules. And rule one is that I make the rules"

"Anything you want," Katie gushed, tears streaming down her face once more.

"Anything, huh? Well, I think I could get used to this." Cynthia smiled at her friend and held her tighter.

Katie wrapped her arms around Cynthia's waist and they hugged, but this hug felt different. To both of them. It felt like their first, true hug. Katie was crying for the fifth time today...? Sixth time...? She didn't know. But like the hug, these tears felt different, too. For the first time in her life, she felt tears of happiness falling from her eyes.

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FreyaGersemiFreyaGersemi2 months agoAuthor

@Anonymous, yes, Cyn is a bit of a loudmouth, but you will find that Katie is a very strong young woman in her own way. And it gets even more rollercoaster-y!!

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

I feel like I'm on a love rollercoaster after this one, Freya! You wrote about Katie very well, even though Cynthia does most of the talking. Looking forward to seeing what develops!

FreyaGersemiFreyaGersemi5 months agoAuthor

@Anonymous, you wrote: "Looking forward to these girls exploring and learning how to please each other."

Stay tuned!!! Not only do they learn how to please each other, they (eventually) learn how to please two other characters as well!! But that's the next series... 😏

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

very good story development. Nice to see what leads to a sexual encounter and not just jumping to the wham-bang. Looking forward to these girls exploring and learning how to please each other.

FreyaGersemiFreyaGersemi6 months agoAuthor

Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! I truly appreciate your kind words. It means so much to me. Thank you!!

Maydaypilot: "Written with the same enchanting touch as your first story."

I wasn't sure if a I could write acceptable erotica without compromising myself. I figured most of it was written by guys for guys. I wasn't sure if an "enchanting touch" or (thank you, JeremySpray1) "beautiful" descriptions were something that readers of erotica were looking for. I thought that "lovely erotica" was an oxymoron!!

So, thank you all!!!! :-)

MaydaypilotMaydaypilot6 months ago

Written with the same enchanting touch as your first story. Lovely erotica. 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

ElectricBlueElectricBlue6 months ago

I completely overlooked the story title!

What a superb shift in the story's focus: two, even three stories in one. Nice work.

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