Mated to the Pack Ch. 22


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Not wanting to wear a condom his next fucking, Sean fucked Ingrid as Alicia and I went at it again as Quinn's wolf mated his bitch again. Gretchen licked Brigitte's pussy while Angela sucked Matt's dick beside us. It was quite the little orgy, the first one Sean had ever really been a part of, although he'd seen others having orgiastic sex, including the night he learned Sasha was his mother.

Another brief break to hydrate that afternoon, before Quinn bred me the fourth time, again getting a second time out of his knotting. That was eight full loads of lupine sperm. I got another spanking before Sean fucked me again with another condom protecting my fertile womb from his human sperm.

Sean fed me again at supper, fingering me to three more orgasms, then Quinn lit a fire in the fireplace and the two men sipped on a thirty year old Irish Whiskey, while I sat in my Master's lap, and Rose sat in Quinn's. I was resting my head in his shoulder, occasionally lifting my face for a kiss.

"How bad was it, sir?" I asked after one such kiss.

"Not intolerable, but bad."

"I'm sorry, Master."

He kissed me again. "I know you are, which is a little amazing to me."

"How so, Master?"

"Because I know how you felt about Quinn, and how he still feels about you, but you've done everything in your power to make this bearable."

"I could never marry Quinn, sir. That was a pipe dream. I needed to find someone else, and I found you. I can safely say I love you as much as I ever loved Quinn. You're a good man, Master, and I love you. I love that you're Sasha's son, and we can be a part of her life for as long as we live."

"Do you mean that?"

"I've only lied to you, really lied, about one thing, sir, and that was about finding your mother. Everything else was more hiding information I wasn't allowed to tell you. I'm not lying now."

"Will you marry me, Jessica?"

"Yes, Master. If you can take my breeding three more puppies, I will happily marry you."

Sean set me down beside him and got down on his knees in front of me, pulling a ring box out of his pocket. He took the ring out of the box, and took my hand.

"Jessica Huppert, you're making me the happiest man in the world," he said sliding it over my finger.

"I told you she'd make every day you woke up, better than the one before," Quinn said.

Sean looked at him. "You were right, wolf. She does."

It was as Sean's fiancé, that I finished my breeding to Quinn. Quinn gave us his own bed to sleep on that night, and my Master fucked my ass without a condom, then I washed his cock in the master bathroom, before sucking him off in the shower. Sean fucked me two more times after my Sunday morning and Sunday afternoon breedings, unable to keep his condom clad cock out of me each time Quinn bred me. He left Sunday after an early supper, and I clung to him as he left. On Tuesday morning, Brigitte told me I was pregnant.

I texted Sean. I'm pregnant, and I'm going home this morning. I love you. I want to have my folks over and tell them. Do you want yours to be there as well, both sets, not just the Hagertys, but Sasha as well?

This weekend. I'll contact them. He texted back.

As you wish, sir. - Your Pussycat.


I did tell my parents I was having my second puppy, plus all my friends, including Sasha and Rene.

"How did Sean take it?" Sasha asked, knowing he'd been there, witnessing my breeding.

"Fairly well. We'd like to invite you this weekend for a tiny celebration. Sean will give you details as to time and place."

"Thank you, Jessica. You're marvelous," Rene said.

"You're welcome, your alpha-ness. Quinn told me the same thing when he found out."

Rene laughed. "I'm going to have everyone start calling me your alpha-ness. That's cute."

"I have a registered trademark. You'll have to pay me anytime someone uses it," I teased.

Sean set up the party for Sunday afternoon at one, at my place. He was having the food catered, so I didn't end up cooking all of it. He told me to buy myself a new dress for the event, something sexy. Since it was my normal weekend of submission for him, I anticipated what he might find sexy if I weren't naked. It was a dress with a floor length hem, but a slit so far up the side you could tell I didn't have panties on beneath it, and might flash my bare hoohaw if I weren't careful, and a vee so deep in the front you might almost be able to tell I kept my mons shaved. There was a single tie breast high that kept those two panels from separating and exposing more of my breasts, which were plenty exposed as it was. It showed lots of side boob and dimples where my nipples poked the silky material.

Alicia and Brigitte went the other way; still sexy as shit, but like Grecian goddess dresses, over one shoulder, both mid-thigh, fairly sheer, enough to see their areolae and the dark red of Brigitte's pubic hair, but not Alicia's blonde. Angela also got clothes, but it was just a plain tunic so short, it barely covered her pussy and ass, and inch wide straps over her breasts. We were wet dreams.

I took off my engagement ring until we wanted to reveal the engagement to everyone at the party. Sean arrived at 8:00 AM, and collared me and I lovingly sucked him off until he pulsed his sperm down my throat. We put our clothes, such as they were, on just before the catering crew arrived at 12:30 with the food. The looks we got from the two men and one woman who were handling the food was enough to make my pussy drip, but it was about to get drippier, because Sean took a page from Quinn's book and put a Lush 3 in my pussy, and told me I needed to ask for permission to cum.

People started showing up a few minutes before one, with Sean's adoptive family the first to arrive. His sister, Karina, was seven and a half to eight months pregnant with her first puppy, with Charlotte. Devin was with a thirty-two year old divorcee, with a collar, and dressed sluttily enough I knew she was Devin's submissive slut. Her name was Betty.

Rene and Sasha arrived and they came with Quinn, Isabelle and Rose, Gretchen and Ingrid. I hadn't invited Quinn, hadn't even told him about the party, yet here he was. Had Sasha or Rene told him, or perhaps Gretchen? I kissed Gretchen.

My parents came with Gretchen's, both of the women collared, like the submissive sluts they were. I hugged all of them. All of my fellow breeders were there, all pregnant again, and Carl.

We had everyone grab some food and had some really wonderful conversations. After the caterers left, Sean got everyone's attention.

"I think most of you already know, except possibly my family, that Jessica is pregnant again, another baby for the cause of infertile couples, which is one of the reasons we invited you here today. I note for the record, that there are currently nine pregnant women in this happy home, which is the reason we're not serving alcohol, although we're about to pop some champagne to drink if you don't have a baby on board. Nine children to assist infertile couples, ranging from my sister, the most pregnant, to my fiancé, currently the least pregnant."

"What was that you said?" Sasha asked.

"Did you say fiancé?" Mom asked.

"Are you getting married?" Maggie asked Sean.

"Pussycat, please put on your ring," Sean said.

"First, Master, may I have your permission to cum?" I asked. Everyone laughed

"Yes, you may, Pussycat."

I kissed him while I had a delicious little orgasm from the toy in my pussy, while pulling my ring out of his pocket and slipped it on my finger. My dress didn't have pockets. Then I held up my hand and showed everyone the ring.

"My Master ordered me to marry him, and I didn't use my safe word, so I guess I'm getting married," I said.

Everyone laughed, even Quinn, although he also looked a little sad, as did Gretchen. I suddenly realized why Quinn got invited, and it was probably Sean who invited him. I was carrying Quinn's puppy, but Sean was getting what Quinn wanted more than anything; me. Sean might have had to endure my breeding, but he was making Quinn endure my engagement announcement, claiming me for himself before everyone else.

I thought about what Sean said, the first part of his announcement. At this moment, there were nine women pregnant with puppies in my house, and I was the least pregnant of all of them, one week. Karina was the most. Eight would go to the New England pack, one to Wisconsin. I suddenly realized what Karina had meant when she said I was the talk of Loup-Garou. We were already responsible for five puppies, and now there were nine more, all due within the next nine months. Fourteen puppies in the space of two years, just from the people in my house. That was a pretty remarkable statistic.

I knew there were at least a dozen others, all over the country. Eva and her roommate; Fiona, Carl's sister in law, Martha, wife of the infertile husband from Boston, the two submissive's in New York, Janet, Melanie, Brenda, Lois and Patricia in Wisconsin, plus the woman in Canada.

When Dawn had told us about how many puppies they were educating in Marquette, there'd been eight total, I think, from age one to eight. An average of one per year. We were talking about four times that many scattered around that I had some responsibility of bringing to the packs.

We were suddenly surrounded by well wishers, patting Sean on the back and hugging me, and looking at my ring. Of course, everyone had to know the date of the wedding, which we hadn't really discussed at all.

Sean just said, "It will be after Jessica delivers her second child, then the next one she carries will be mine."

I added, "I want a proper wedding dress, and not a potato sack, so maybe two months after I deliver, so I can get down to my pre-baby weight if I work my ass off, but Brigitte doesn't let me slack off, so I think I'll make it."

I thought about that too, as I got hugged and kissed and people grabbed my hand and looked at my ring. Maybe eleven months before I was married if I waited for two after delivering, and then I'd be having my own child, and not one for the pack. Sean's business ran out of Portland. Where would we live? His apartment was too small for a family, plus bodyguards. Even mine would be stretching it, and then he'd have to drive, or if we found a larger house somewhere, would we make in the Bath-Brunswick area, so I'd be close to Bath Iron Works if I could get rehired, or Portland? Do I just give up on engineering and be a breeder and mother?

"What are you thinking, Jessica? You seem a little distant," Sasha asked. "Do you feel like you've made the right choice?"

"The best choice for me," I said, then looked around to ensure Sean's family wasn't close enough to hear me. They were crowded around Sean. "Your son is a wonderful man. I'm lucky to have him. I was thinking about more prosaic things I haven't even considered yet, like where we were going to live. His work is in Portland. Mine, if the economy picks up again, is in Bath. His place is too small, mine is almost too small for starting a family. One child, tops, is all I can have here considering I'll be housing two bodyguards. We haven't really discussed any of this, as there were other, more immediate, concerns standing in our way. I guess I hadn't expected to fall in love and that Sean would want to marry me, considering the rest, so I hadn't really contemplated any of the more mundane aspects of marriage before now."

Sasha smiled, then kissed me. "You've made me so happy, and I feel so fortunate, Jessica. If you could work out the things you have, I'm sure you can work out the things you haven't."

"I believe the same thing, Sasha. We'll work it out somehow."


Sean and I were outside saying goodbye to his family and my sister breeders when I saw Stan, taking out the trash.

"Hi, Stan. Hey, folks, this is my neighbor, Stan. He just moved here from Montana. He works in lumber. He mentioned he's looking for someone to date. Stan, this is Randa. She's currently unattached, and Simone, also unattached, and my fiancé's sister, Karina, also unattached. Plus Sean's mother and father, Maggie and Gordon, his brother, Devin, and Devin's friend, Betty The young women are all currently pregnant, being paid to provide children to infertile couples, but other than that, they're free of obligations. This is my intended, Sean."

He looked at the two men with Randa and the couple with Simone and the female with Karina.

"They don't look particularly unattached."

"Personal bodyguards, assigned to protect the unborn children," I said, "but they are, in fact, unattached. If you give them your phone number and they're interested, they can give you a call."

"Fiancé, not boyfriend?"

"Became engaged the weekend after speaking with you. I did tell you it was serious and I was happy."

"Yes, you did. Sure, I'll give them my number."

He was a bit of stud muffin, so all three women copied down his phone number.

"Why were you having the party?" Stan asked.

"To announce my engagement and that I was pregnant."

"Is that why you're getting married?"

"No. I'm getting married because I'm in love. The pregnancy has nothing to do with it. I'm giving it up anyway. Good to see you again."


Everyone else had left, even Sean, except for my parents. Dad was upstairs, fucking Brigitte or Alicia, or maybe both. Mom and I were naked again, and my collar was off, Sean removing it before he left. I was holding my half sister, Kathleen, feeding it a bottle. Angela was in the kitchen, doing some clean up.

"Big day, huh?" Mom asked. She tucked a strand of hair behind my ear.

"Not as big as actually getting asked, which was last Saturday after my first day of breeding. At that point, I figured Sean had endured the worst of what he'd have to endure, and if he was willing to ask, I could say yes."

"Are you happy?"

"I wouldn't have said yes if I weren't."

"You've seemed somewhat quiet today."

"I was thinking about all of the things Sean and I haven't discussed, like where we were going to live, and that in eleven months, I'll be married and Sean will want a child of his own, and I'm going to be a mother, for real, not handing it off to the wolves to raise."

"You're not going to live here?"

"Sean works in Portland. It's an hour away and as early as he needs to get down to the harbor, he'd be getting up at three or four in the morning for the drive. Plus with lupine bodyguards, even this place is good for one baby, not more. Sean's apartment won't work at all. We probably need a larger place, maybe something more equidistant between here and Portland.

"I've also been thinking about whether I should go back to work if Bath Iron Works starts rehiring, or remain a breeder and wife and mother. I'd like to go back to work, at least for a little while, but if I start having a second child for myself, should I give up the idea of work entirely, at least while the children are young. I hate to give up four years of education, but my life is so different from what it was two years ago. Just other stuff to think about now we've decided to tie the knot. But, at least with Brigitte, Alicia and Angela here, I've got help with any kids, so it might be a good time to work. Kind of like you having James and Sue to help with Kathleen."

"Okay, I can see that."

"The big question for me was, would Sean be good with my breeding three more puppies. I wasn't sure he would ask, so we didn't talk about all the other things couples might talk about, but we do have time now, before the ceremony, to figure these things out. I should make a list."

"As long as you love him, I'm sure things will work out."

They did work out, for a few years at least, before my heart was broken.


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Ravey19Ravey1911 months ago

What a cliffhanger. Who is going to die?

Wolftight21Wolftight2111 months ago

I wonder if a timeskip is coming cause this has me thinking there is - They did work out, for a few years at least, before my heart was broken.

In regard's to the comment of FirstClassFlirt.

I'm sure there has to be a loophole in the treaty somewhere.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

I am curious if perhaps Stan is a werebear? Also, why the continued secrecy about werewolves from Carl? It seems kind of contrived that they would be able to keep that up. Additionally, I haven't cared for Sean since he was brought into the story, although I can't put my finger on why.

FirstClassFlirtFirstClassFlirt11 months ago

Since Sean is a fictional character, I don’t feel cruel for saying “Adios sucker!” Don’t hate him, but let’s be honest, Jess and Quinn belong together. There’s still one way that can happen. Jess takes the bite. I’m sure there would be oodles of paperwork, but I bet an exemption could be arranged under the unusual circumstances. Just so long as Gretchen doesn’t get kicked to the curb, you understand.

IntoblackIntoblack11 months ago

Impatiently waiting. . .

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Excellent as usual. A mix of collision of many different lifestyles. Still waiting for final chapter with Beth.

marchant87marchant8711 months ago

I have fallen in LOVE with this story!! I know you only post once a week, but I check daily for more. I feel a connection to Jessica for some reason. I really enjoyed the relationship she had with Quinn. In fact I envied it. I want those two to be together in the worst way. Sean has too many rules and I just don’t like the way he looks at things in life. He is too “cookie cutter”. It’s like he envies Quinn and wants to be like him. But he’s the safe choice for Jessica. I can’t wait to read the next installment. Cliffhangers get me every time! You’re killing me Smalls!!!

nthusiasticnthusiastic11 months ago

Well, you dropped quite the teaser in that last sentence, but I don’t think divorce is in their future. Sean works in a dangerous profession where life threatening situations can happen in a blink of an eye. Anything from the ship sinking to washing overboard in a storm and other hazards are possible at sea. There were good reasons why so many homes within sight of a coast featured “widow walks” on the rooftops. It’s said the ocean is a jealous mistress, but at least Jessica will have had a few years of happiness with her family. Thank you for sharing your talents with us.

Amber_RosesAmber_Roses11 months ago

This story keeps getting better!!! I can't wait for the next chapter.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Uh oh, divorce or death coming in a future chapter. Sasha will like having a grandkid to spoil in a couple years along with the other grandmothers.

I wonder when her next bear encounter will be? From the way things were described this chapter, any sows would be probably quite lonely. No way to have a cub without an impossible to find 'volunteer' and no mate the way wolves do. They might respond to the ad idea. It would fill, at least partly, a desire for cubs. Of course if the bears could pair up more like wolves and then share the cub from the male with a breeder.

Wouldn't it be funny if a youthful friend of her deceased grandmother was a burley farm girl that happened to be a bear? Another strange connection to the family. Gerhart could bring her into the fold if they have a cub problem or he and John make an arrangement. Everything could result in a much more beneficial and less adversarial coexistence between packs and bears.

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