May the Best Twin Win


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They both stripped naked when they got back to Chester's room but immediately fell asleep in each other's arms, the alcohol which had been fueling them all night had finally worn off and they were absolutely exhausted. Chester had to leave early the next day as his family were off to see his grandparents, so Tessa amused herself by role playing as Jasmine as she said good morning to his parents who made some coffee for her as they asked how the festival had been. Chester leant her a jumper for the walk home, and she only remembered to take off her wig as she walked up her driveway. Her parents were in the kitchen when she got back and she said hi, and made up some fake tale of how she'd stayed over at Mya's for the night, then she went up to her room and flopped back onto the bed. She'd only been lying there for a brief moment when her door was kicked open and a furious looking Jasmine burst inside, and thrust her phone at her sister's face.

'What. The. Fuck?'

In her hand was a freezeframe from a video that had been circulating around on social media, which clearly showed a very naked "Jasmine" getting fucked from behind in the middle of the festival crowd. Tessa peered with genuine interest at the screen, she'd never actually seen a picture of her having sex before, and it was a strange thing to see yourself doing from a third person point of view. Meanwhile Jasmine continued to scream at her.

'You went to the festival in my place and pretended to me? And then did this? With fucking Chester?'

Tessa just smiled pleasantly and relaxed back onto her pillows.

'So I'm guessing that you've figured it out by now but yes, I found out about you and Patrick. And then I told Chester. And then we decided to have some fun of our own, for some sweet, sweet revenge...'

'I... I... you-'

Jasmine couldn't even bring herself to say another word she was so shocked and angry, so she just slammed the door shut and stormed off, wondering how the hell she was meant to ever begin to live this scandal down. Tessa rolled back over on her bed and laughed to herself, she knew she should probably feel bad for tricking and then humiliating her sister like that, but she just didn't, she felt absolutely on top of the world.


The next day Tessa headed over to Chester's again, disguised of course as his parents still thought that he and Jaz were still dating. At the door she was greeted by Chester's father David.

'Oh, hello Dave, how are you?'

'Not bad thanks Jasmine, I assume you're hear to see Chester?'

She was indeed, so she kicked off her sandals as David let her inside and lay them on the shoe rack, then slipped past him and trotted upstairs. As she walked down the landing she tugged off her wig and glasses, then whipped up her sundress over her head and bundled everything into a ball. She then quickly stuffed the handful of clothing and disguises into the laundry basket in the upstairs bathroom, before arriving at Chester's bedroom. Given that the dress had been the only thing she'd worn on the drive over Chester was delighted to respond to the knock on his door by opening it to find a completely naked Tessa beaming up at him.

'Holy shit! Umm, hi.'

'Hello to you too.' Tessa jumped up into his open arms and gave him a long hungry kiss.

'Wait, hold on,' Chester broke away and looked at her suspiciously, 'you didn't arrive like that right? Like, where are your clothes? Isn't my dad downstairs?'

Tessa just giggled at his obvious confusion and ignored his questions as she jumped down from his grasp and pushed him back playfully onto the bed.

'Just shut up and take off your trousers.'

Half an hour later the pair collapsed back onto the sheets, breathing heavily for a few moments before they looked over at each other and started to laugh. Tessa reached out and patted Chester's thigh in a congratulatory fashion.

'Ok, wow, that was definitely better sex than at the festival, holy shit.'

Chester in turn lazily started to trace his fingertip around Tessa's right nipple.

'Definitely... not being drunk helped, and you know, not having to perform infront of hundreds of people.'

Tessa laughed at that.

'I don't know, I think having a few voyeurs watching on would be the only thing that would have improved it, to be honest.'

Chester pinched her butt and made her giggle again.

'Yeah ok you little show off, relax. Hey, are you hungry?'

'No, I am thirsty though.' Tessa looked down ruefully at her belly which was covered in Chester's cum after he'd pulled out at the last second and finished on her stomach. 'I told you, I like swallowing, and then there's less mess.'

Chester went to a pile of washing and got a small towel, then sat next to her as he mopped her down.

'Sorry, I didn't have time to choose where to aim. If you need a drink though there's some beers in the fridge, I think.'

Tessa waited until he was done and then used her little finger to clean out her bellybutton, and licked it clean.

'Ok, don't worry I'll go get them.' She stiffly eased herself up and stretched her arms over her head, then brushed her tousled hair from her eyes. Chester scooped up his discarded shirt from the floor and offered it to her.

'This should be big enough for you, if you want.'

Tessa just laughed mockingly at him as she looked down at the top with scorn.

'Aww Chester, you're cute sometimes.' With that she got up and walked straight out of the door, not bothering to put on a stitch of clothing as she headed down to the kitchen.

'Wait, you do know...'

Chester's concerned voice quickly faded from earshot as Tessa tiptoed downstairs and crept up to the open door of Chester's father's office, who was sitting facing away from her as he typed at a laptop. She amused herself by standing in the doorway for a few moments with her arms pressed out wide against the wooden frame, and wondered what on earth David would say if he turned around right now and saw her like this. After staying as long as she dared she turned back to the corridor and skuttled along to the kitchen, hoping that none of Chester's sisters were home either. Luckily if they were they were nowhere to be seen, so Tessa found a six pack in the fridge and tucked it under her arm, then nipped back upstairs without being detected and strutted smugly back into Chester's room.

'Your dad says hi.'

Chester had put on some boxers and was sitting at his desk chair scrolling through his phone, and his face instantly turned white as a sheet as he took in what she'd said.

'Wait, what -'

Tessa giggled as she tossed him a can and lowered herself onto his lap, wiggling her butt against his crotch as she made herself comfortable.

'Just kidding, I managed to get past him unseen. I'm basically like a ninja when I'm naked.'

Chester laughed in relief and wrapped his arm around her bare waist, giving her a squeeze.

'Oh thank God. Jesus you scared me there, I don't know how I'd have tried to explain that to him!'

The pair chuckled and chatted for a while as they rehydrated, but soon Tessa's mind turned back to other things.

'So,' she reached over and fed her hand into Chester's underwear and held his limply hanging cock, absentmindedly moving it from side to side and then giving it a couple of playful tugs to see how it was doing. 'Is he ready for round two yet?'

'Err...' Chester looked down at his dick which stubbornly remained completely flaccid, and showed no signs of life at all. 'I don't think he's fully recharged yet... maybe he needs some more stimulus.'

'Well, that shouldn't be a problem.' Tessa sniggered as she walked back to the bed and launched herself onto the covers, bouncing a couple of times before she flipped over onto her back and bent her knees up as far as they would go. With her arsehole now gaping wide at Chester she licked her middle finger and then carefully slid it into her butt, then began to gently finger herself.

'So, Chester,' she said, gazing intently into his eyes as she played the most scandalous and tantalising part of her body, 'did Jaz ever let you try anal?'

Chester leapt up from his chair and stroked his magically rejuvenated and quickly hardening dick, as he excitedly jumped onto the duvet and shuffled on his knees towards her.

'You know what? No, she never did...'

'Well then, I think... ohhh, oh yeah...oh wow...'

As Chester spat a mouthful of saliva onto her butthole and then slowly eased himself inside her Tessa's eyes rolled to the back of her head and she began to moan, as she ticked another fantasy off her rapidly shortening bucket list.


Tessa ended up staying the night again, and in the morning she roused Chester by stealthily kissing his flaccid dick until it hardened enough to prod him awake. That prompted another couple of rounds in the sheets, but eventually Tessa had to call it quits and head home. Chester bet her that she couldn't make it all the way back completely naked, so after retrieving her hidden clothing from the bathroom Tessa let him sneak her downstairs and into the hallway, as she nervously clutched her sundress in her hand. Chester's parents were chatting in the kitchen and so Tessa had to streak past the doorway before they looked up, but she just about got away with it. Chester lead her into the garden and out the back gate, then they jogged back round to the front of the house and stood on the edge of his street.

'Bye!' Tessa giggled as Chester gave her one last squeeze on her butt, then she broke away and quickly dived into her car. Again her shortness became an advantage as she scooted down in her seat to hide her body below the windscreen, but still anyone walking past on the pavement or looking down from a taller vehicle would be able to see that she wasn't wearing a thing. Despite the risks she never even considered putting on the dress that lay next to her in the passenger's seat, and so she pulled out and began the twenty minute drive back home.

After a nervous but exhilarating journey she pulled up onto the driveway and breathed a sigh of relief, then quickly took a full body selfie to send to Chester as proof that she'd completed the dare. With that done she finally pulled on her clothing, and realised that overall she'd spent almost exactly twelve hours straight naked. She rang the doorbell, as wearing only a summer dress meant she hadn't had room for keys, and hummed cheerfully to herself as she waited. Her mum opened the door to let her in, but to Tessa's genuine surprise her face was contorted with anger.

'There you are. What the hell were you thinking?'

Tessa was taken aback by this unexpected hostility.

'Sorry what?'

'Don't play dumb with me Tessa!'

'Mum, seriously, what's wrong?'

Her mother just looked at her with complete disgust.

'Fine, since you're going to lie to my face, how do you explain this?'

She led Tessa into the living room, where her dad was sitting on the sofa, and alarmingly he also looked absolutely pissed. On the coffee table was a laptop, and Tessa was made to sit down infront of it. The screen showed the website of their town's local newspaper, and on the home page was the main story of the day, titled 'Local Daredevil Streaks Charity Football Match'. There was a video attached to the article, and Tessa's mum scrolled straight down to it and pressed play, opening it in full screen mode just for good measure. The footage was shakily filmed and clearly captured on someone's smartphone, and at first it just showed the amateur football game that was played every year in the town's main park, and which raised money for the local hospital. It was mainly just a bunch of dads kicking a ball around, but then the camera panned round to focus on a member of the crowd.

'Oh my God...' Tessa cursed quietly under her breath as she instantly recognised the young woman that everyone's attention was quickly being drawn to, because it was... well, her. Obviously it wasn't, it was actually Jasmine who was causing the quiet murmurings of surprise, as she pushed her way through the spectators until she was right at the front, standing on the edge of the pitch. But she'd clearly taken inspiration from her sister's disguise idea, because from somewhere she'd found a brown wig that matched Tessa's hair perfectly, and even stolen one of her university's jumpers from her closet, as well as ditching the nose ring. Again, they were very small changes, but the overall effect was incredibly convincing, and Tessa understood why everyone would think the woman in the video was in fact her.

'What the...' Tessa watched on in horror as Jasmine reached down and unbuckled the pair of jeans that she'd stolen, shoving them down past her knees and hopping awkwardly as she got them over her trainers. Her bare legs brought a couple of wolf whistles and amused chuckles from the locals around her, who could see where this was going. The oversized jumper had kept Jasmine just about decent up until that point, but that instantly changed as she pulled off her top and revealed to the stunned crowd that she didn't have a single thing on underneath. The video itself had been censored as two black rectangles instantly appeared to cover her tits and pussy, and Tessa wondered how much fun that had been for the lucky editor who was given that task, but even so it was clear from Jasmine's bare shoulders and the reactions of those around her that she was totally nude.

'Woohoo!' Without any signs of embarrassment or regret Tessa's twin set off onto the grass, holding her two items of clothing out wide as she ran completely naked across the pitch. The censorship bares had to grow wider as her boobs flew around as she sprinted past the stunned footballers, and they all silently came to a stop as they ignored the game and just turned to watch Jasmine streak past. The referee had a huge grin on his face as he watched her go, and the large crowd cheered and applauded the unexpected streaker. Once Jasmine had crossed the full width of the pitch she bashfully held her top and jeans infront of her body as she waded her way through the crowd, who slowly parted to let her through. She then ran off again deeper into the park, presumably to find somewhere a little more secluded to get redressed, and everyone happily watched her bare cheeks jiggle off into the distance.

'Jesus...' Tessa was blown away. Fair fucking play though, she'd expected some sort of revenge from Jasmine for the festival eventually, but she'd never thought in a million years that Jaz would have the balls to pull off something like this. She'd well and truly been played by her sister, and she didn't even know if she was allowed to be that annoyed by it, an eye for an eye and all that. Overall she was just pretty impressed, and to be honest a little bit jealous. She'd now have to deal with the repercussions of this naked dare, without even getting the thrill of doing it in the first place! Under the video was the main article of the news story, and this did make Tessa's heart drop.

"Sunday's bumper crowd was shocked to see a surprise streaker running across the pitch midway through the first half. Nearly one thousand spectators, a new record for the yearly event, were left stunned as the local woman, understood to be university student Tessa Connolly, took off her clothes and provided quite the distraction for both the referees and the players. The local police department have said that they are aware of the event but won't be investigating or looking to press charges, as technically public nudity in the UK isn't a criminal offence. A spokesperson actually said that the harmless prank might have been good for the charity match, as it provided more free publicity for the event than ever before!"

Tessa was spared from the rest of the article as her mother angrily slammed the laptop shut, then turned to glare accusingly at her daughter.

'So, again Tessa, what the hell were you thinking?'

Her father joined in too, finally breaking his stony silence.

'They actually identify you in the article for God's sake, how could you be so stupid? Do you know what this does for your reputation, what it means for the family name? Who owns this video, what if they post an uncensored version online?'

'Seriously Tessa, why would you ever do something like this, were you on drugs or something?'

'Err...' The problem was that Tessa had no way of pleading her innocence. She did technically have a watertight alibi, she'd actually been busy in Chester's bed when all of this had been going on. Unfortunately it felt a little ambitious to try and claim that the streaker had in fact been Jasmine in disguise, and that Tessa had been fully occupied by innocently cosplaying as her sister and fucking Jaz's ex-boyfriend.

'So... I... basically, what happened was...'

So instead Tessa tried to think of a semi plausible explanation, warily citing some weird university society initiation as her flimsy excuse, and even though her explanation was obviously ludicrous it was still somehow more believable than the truth. As she fabricated her story on the fly she was distracted by a movement in the hallway. She glanced up and looked past her incredulous parents to see Jasmine standing by the living room doorway, watching her squirm. She didn't smile, or sneer, or appear to be gloating at all, instead she just silently and emotionlessly gazed at Tessa for a few moments, who could only look back in defeat. They still hadn't spoken since Tessa had got back after the festival, and it seemed that Jasmine had decided that actions speak louder than words, and had taken inspiration from her sister's disguise in order to get her own revenge.

Well then, thought Tessa, as she watched her sister silently slip back out of view. It seemed that the two sisters were now at war... and you know what? May the best twin win.

The End..?


I hope you enjoyed this sillier type of story, if there's enough demand I might bring Tess and Jaz back for a sequel, so let me know if you have any ideas for what the girls could get up to next!

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NedvespuncuskaNedvespuncuskaabout 1 year ago

This is probably one of the best stories on this site. This is also proven by the many 5-star reviews. By all means, finish this story, it needs to be continued. We have been waiting for you to continue for many months. Excellent writing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I love this story. You could start part 2 with Tess finding video of her making out with that girl on stage as Jaz and some how getting it to her parents. Anonymously of course. Then you could have a series of the twins forcing each other to be naked in public.

I'd also like to see the sister team up against a third girl who's always been a bitch. To rip off Wednesday Addams... "Nobody tortures my sister but me." I was thinking this could be a part 3.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Amazing story. Needs a part two. Maybe to settle it, a series of bets raising stakes. Or maybe their families find out truth and as punishment give them challenges.

Along lines of, if you want to be naked then you have to mow lawn/ kiss a female friend…

Maybe they end up on an online gameshow where losers receive forfeits in an attempt to get each other back. Including shaving other sister’s head. Just keep the humour too.


RuinationRuinationabout 2 years ago

Oops... better*

The grammar corrector in my Phone is ser in another language

RuinationRuinationabout 2 years ago

Amazing story. Amazing development. Amazing writing.

I wish I knew how to make one like this, but I'm also very happy that I just read it.

Please, make a sequel. This story is amazing on its own, but I trust you can make it even Bettencourt.

KarotteKarotteover 2 years ago

I can only agree - this is a really good story and I also hope for a second part (I'm really interested now in the resolution who is the better twin ^^ )

gatthuygatthuyover 2 years ago

Loved this story! Nice build up and slow burn. Loved the premise and how it played out. Well written too.

mremrsmremrsover 2 years ago

Great story, I couldn't stop reading it. I really hope that their story continues for many more adventures!

BeansncornbreadBeansncornbreadover 2 years ago

I so hope you continue this.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Great story. Really hope for a part 2

Deimos111Deimos111over 2 years ago

Great story! I would love to see a second part.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Love this.

As an idea for further adventures, how about a scenario where the twins have to dress identically?

The girls are bridesmaids at a wedding, and after a series of unfortunate events are forced to share a single dress throughout the reception, having to cooperate by rapidly switching back and forth between clothed and naked.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Love all your work. Do post more of this story

secretwatchersecretwatcherover 2 years ago

I loved the story. Definitely I want to read the second chapter. Perhaps sometime the two twins can do a project together that somehow takes advantage of them being twins.. And of course they must get caught by their family!

Good work. Keep it up

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