My Sister's a Werewolf!


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His sister kissed his knee, "Wouldn't worry about it. All's fair in love and moon. The fights and arguments around that time of the month, we don't hang onto them. We're not teenagers."

"I can think of a number of other monthly-impacted arguments that I've lost to you, over the years." Blake said with a hint of doubt, "Figured this would be much the same... Holy crap. Yeah, something is definently making me talk more."

Wynne gave a glare, "Mmm. Something suicidal. Maybe you should just learn to accept that I'm always right. Even when I'm not."

He laughed at the joke from their childhood, "Especially when you're not."

"Exactly!" Wynne grinned without a hint of shame.

He shrugged, the conversation sort of going nowhere, "So, with rain and apparent vampire stalker, what are we going to do, all day?"

"Got any books?" Wynne asked innocently.

Blake frowned, "In the car. But that bitch can... Move."

"I have no idea why she's hanging around." Wynne blew at her fringe, "But fetching stuff once or twice should be fine... Um... Shit. I just realised. We're going to be stuck indoors, together, all day."


His sister gave another little glare that he didn't immediately get it, "Stuck indoors, together... With a moon coming and... Oh, for fuck's sake. I'm horny! I'm gonna... Do stuff! And I'm going to get desperate enough to do it, whether or not you can hear me. It's my moonly."

"Moonly?" Blake laughed, "That what the kids call it?"

"What Cassie calls it." Wynne muttered in embarassment.

He stopped poking, "So, you think the vampire will do anything if one of us ducks by the car? I've got a couple of books in the glove box. Never really had the time to read them."

"Anything I'd wanna read?" His sister asked suspisciously.

Blake nodded, "Actually, probably. The books aren't really my style. Stuff HR thought would help me to... Understand the female perspective, better."

"Ew." Wynne turned up her nose, before her mouth took a different shape, "Wait. Are they girly textbooks, or girly... Books?"

"Sex books masquerading as romance, to drive you nuts."

She unzipped her sleeping bag and dashed out into the weather, before he could ask what she was doing. Blake just had to shake his head.


Blake put the book aside, looking up at the corrugated iron roof and the drops of water running down the insides. He sighed heavily, "I think the HR person would be very disappointed in me. Are you enjoying yours?"

"Mmm." Wynne answered non-commitally.

He sighed and put his hands behind his head, "Well, I s'pose that's something then. I guess I can't ask you to entertain me, then."

"I... Guess not." Wynne said, off in her own world.

He sat up tiredly, leaning on his wrists and wondering why he felt okay that there was someone nearby, hunting him. Wynne seemed fine with it, as well. As if that's just what happens in the world.

He was catching small whiffs of the woman, now and then. Maybe that was why this was feeling normalised to him. His body was undergoing a lot of chemical changes right at this moment. He'd bet money that a series of labs would be the most fascinating thing he'd seen all year.

The stranger wasn't the only woman he could smell.

Blake was struggling with a scent he truly recognised, but could usually only smell when it was right up in his face. If he was honest, it was the reason he couldn't concentrate on reading. He didn't mind romance novels, even if it wasn't something he could admit to friends.

The judgement of the nurses station might become heavy enough to crack the world itself, if any of those discovered that particular little factoid.

The reason he couldn't enjoy himself, was that he could smell that his sister... Was.

Wynne was hiding away inside her sleeping bag, lying on her side and using her head to keep the book propped open... But she hadn't turned a page in the last ten minutes or so.

Now and then, she shuffled her feet, and the perfume of a woman got more intense. The smell of something like musty violets, bound for the compost heap, wafted out from her in little waves, drenching his new senses into the awareness that his sister was trying to sneakily masturbate.

He did have to admit, her ability to keep her breathing steady and normal was amazing. Without his new nose, he doubted he would realise what she was doing.

Her shoulders just moving with her slow breathing, each rise and fall accompanied by a little gust of musty wetness.

Despite trying and failing to clear it from his head, Blake felt his mortal body giving up and giving in. He slowly began to harden, even as he tried to count the beads of water running down the edge of their frontdoor.

Considering just how many things were swirling around, his logical side said it was surprising that it had taken this bloody long for him to react to the little bombshell by his side.

Screw it.

The entire world was already fucking insane.


She shuffled her feet a little, "Mmm?"

"What... Do you see in me?"

His sister paused, and whispered, "You want to do this... Now?"

"Well, there's an ego boost. I just assume you were jilling to me, and it actually turns out to be real." Blake said in amusement, "Yeah. Now. I'm... Not repulsed or anything. But I am very, very confused why you're into your fucking arrogant brother."

Wynne let out a little breathless sound, before rolling onto her back. Ignoring the book and letting it drop closed. She looked over at him with flushed cheeks, smiling slowly, "Well, for one, he has the balls to ask me that, straight up. God. It might be pathetic, but when a guy... You... Are that... Arrogant... I... Might like it."

"Could you reword that?" Blake asked.

She shook her head and grinned, "Nup. Arrogant, it is. Still friggin' hot. Speaking of... Can't a girl treat herself in peace!? What's the big idea, Blake!?"

"I can... Smell it."

She rolled her eyes, "No shit! You're a wolf, now. Well, always, I guess. Whatever! You don't see me interrogating you about your transformation nightmares, do you? Just let me... Rub one out."

"If you do, then I want to. But then I can't, because I'm not so practiced or used to it, that I can do silent voodoo!" He snarled.

Wynne's jaw set and she sat up, glaring at him from inside the sleeping bag, "Oh, really? And what's so embarassing about the boring doctor's fantasies that he can't share? Go ahead! I'm not going to fucking care!"

"I don't want to hurt you! I'm what you want, aren't I? So, fuck me for caring!"

"I would, if I wasn't the best damn sister in the world!" Wynne's shoulders visibly flexed, even underneath the sleeping bag. "You're the only one I've ever really wanted! Cassie's a sextoy, next to you!"

He inhaled sharply, and Wynne went bright red, ducking inside her sleeping bag and curling into a ball.

Blake took several deep lungfuls of air, but it didn't seem to do squat. He knew exactly how close he had just come to not just saying he'd fuck her back, but he more deeply knew that he'd barely resisted moving.

If she'd sprung a kiss on him, instead of just the screaming, then the hut would still be full of their voices. Or, at least his. She might actually be a quiet one.

He moved to his feet, and circled around to the opposite side of the fire to her. Sitting and poking at the coals, pretending to be helping it to stay warm, when it didn't need it.

The balled up sleeping bag slowly unravelled, even if he never saw the blonde inside it. He was fairly sure that she wasn't looking in his direction, regardless.

"I'm sick of the bitch outside." Blake announced, "Do you have a way to call the witch, or something? Phone signal's crap, of course, but... Tarot cards? Is that a thing?"

Wynne burst out laughing, and went on laughing until she was wheezing. His sister's head popped out, pretty much in tears, followed slowly by the rest of her.

She tried to stand, before falling back to her knees, still snorting and giggling. Shaking her head at his dumb idea.

"Sorry... Sorry... Tarot cards..." Wynne sniggled, "God, Blake. Just... Wow. Sorry. I needed that. Tense. Uh... No. No, there's nothing like that crap. And I'm pretty sure Lil's isn't doing crap, because she thinks the bitch is pretty harmless."

"A vampire. Harmless."

Wynne blinked, "Oh. Right. Uh... Yeah. They're pretty harmless. I mean, they can cause problems here or there, when they get a bit big for their breaches, but that's when a witch bops 'em on the nose and tells them to behave."


His sister roughed the back of her head, "Uh... How do I...? Oh. Vampirism has a cure. Anybody who is one, is doing it by choice. It's not a life thing unless you're making it your life thing. They're just... Emo kids."

"Who can mind control your sister, and throw you across a room, and -"

"And a witch turned up, bopped her on the nose, and took away her toys." Wynne interrupted him. "I bet Ellie is just sulking, or whatever. She's not dumb enough to actually attack, not after everything. She just... Doesn't know what to do next? We can ignore her."

Blake stared.

His sister awkwardly drew in the dust on the floor with her big toe. "Oh. So you thought..."

"She had a chance to kill us, if we go out there, right now." He said slowly, enunciating each word.

Wynne winced, and took a small breath, "We could... We could even go home, Blake. I didn't want to talk about it... Because I didn't want to. It's your first. And we talked about maybe being a pack together, and so I didn't want to see anyone else, when it happens and..."

"You're... Jealous? Possessive?"

She gave a small nod, "We can go home."

"I don't want to go home." He shook his head, "I just thought there was actual danger out the front door. Ellie tossed me into a wall without bothering. She's stronger than me. Freakishly."

Wynne gave a small smirk, "Not for long, she isn't."


His sister shrugged, "We're weak like this, sure. Less, after the change. But wolves been hunting humans since wolves could wolf. Vampire's still got an arrogant human brain. Cass and I have messed with a few, under the moon. Nothing big. Just play-stalked."

"There's only two of us."

Wynne smiled at him, "Aha. Two, gigantic freaking wolves, with better senses, but more than that, the hunting brain of a hyperchondriat doctor, and a kickass hockey player."

Blake took all of his anxieties and questions, and dumped them in a pile, and lit fire to them. None of that mattered, in the end. He was in a new world, and his sister might be playing emissary, but there was no reason she should be any good at the role.

"You wanna be a pack."

She nodded excitedly, "Aha! Aha! God, I wanna hunt next to you! I wanna show off how easy it is to sneak, even though you weigh a crazy amount. Humans are freaking noisy, compared to us! And wolf paws are... Well, I miss 'em when I change back. Until I wanna touch myself, which hits about ten seconds after. So um... Yeah."

"God, we're both horny as fuck." Blake muttered.

His sister's eyes lit up, "Both...?"

"Yes. I've got hormones, too." He said sarcastically.

She sat down very slowly, with the fire between them and nodded. "We're both horny, and adults, and sharing this space and the weirdness of not technically being human."

"What are you jumping tracks to, now?" Blake poked grumpily at the fire, feeling about as at home in his skin as a rat in a dingo.

Wynne bit her lip, "Well, I'm freaking horny. And sick of nearly getting there and not, so I'm just going to dump this out there. So long as we don't touch... Let's do it. I need to get off, you need to get off."

He opened and shut his mouth several times, but the vision of his sister jilling lodged itself behind his eyeballs and burned into them. His hormones were screaming yes, even if his mind was... Well, even that wasn't exactly shouting dissent to the idea.

"I've got to be going crazy." Blake took a deep breath.

Wynne flushed, and adjusted how she was sitting, "Wow. Wasn't expecting it to be that... Easy... Um... I've... Never been watched? Cassie was my first! I've never done much of nothing!"

"Wynne." He hesitated, before plunging head first into things. "I know you look up to me, but I'm not nearly as experienced as you've been assuming."

She rolled her eyes, "I heard you and your girlfriend at your nineteenth birthday, Blake. And yes, even then, I was crazy jealous."

"I've had sex with three people, exactly." Blake shook his head, "Yvonne, was my first, yes. I was terrible. She was a terrible person. It ended badly."

Wynne's jaw dropped open and she stared at him in disbelief.

He shrugged, "It's easy to get by when your average weekend is pulling sextoys out of every single orifice. I've got a ton of medical knowledge. But... I'm not that experienced."

"Two more bitches for me to get jealous over, still." Wynne muttered, kicking at the ground.

"Both nurses. Both hate me." Blake smiled tightly, "I am not boyfriend material, Wynne. You think that I'm frustratingly arrogant. Try it when you're supposed to be working side-by-side."

She looked at him with a new concerned look, "Blake... Do you actually think that you're the problem in your relationships?"

"Kinda." He shrugged.

Wynne shook her head back and forth slowly, "Oh, for fuck's sake. No. No! That's not it, you idiot! It's because you care too fucking much. God. Hard to feel special, when the doc will stop and help every single person he walks passed. I might be your sister, but you didn't even blink before arranging a few days away with me. You'd do that, for any friend."

"I... Guess? Isn't that a good thing?" He scratched his head.

She shrugged, "For some girls, sure. But I think you go for possessive girls like me. Just guessing, because I only knew one of them. But Yvonne knew, that I knew, that you two had sex."

"She... Did?"

"Made sure of it, in fact." Wynne grimaced, "She hated that you invited me to your own goddamn birthday party. When she took you off to the bushes, that night? She'd been talking to me, three seconds earlier."


The blonde nodded, rolling her jaw. "Aha. And I don't think she knew I had a thing for you. Just pointing out you weren't my brother anymore. She owned you."

"And things went south quick, when I asserted independence..." Blake realised, far too many years on from the event. If his hormones were stable, he might have ended the conversation there, in complete embarassment.

Wynne glared at him, and her eyes shifted to the deep and stormy hazel, "Blake. Don't offer me this. You're worth... Whoever you choose."

"You." He said it, without thinking.

Her eyes narrowed, her jaw hardened, and her nostrils flared, "Not the time to be making jokes, asshole. Last time I play the nice grown up sister, for you."

"It... Wasn't expected. But it wasn't a joke." He said with a little hesitation, "I might be blind and just realising it, but every girl I've dated, the few, have been... Substitutes for you. The only girl who has ever given a shit about me, without expectations in return."

Wynne crossed her arms, "Stop it. I got my expectations. I'm... Struggling not to shift, right now. Emotions, high."

"Fine. Ask me again, after we both shift." Blake nodded slowly, "Maybe, by then, I'll have worked out if its even possible for us to... Have a relationship, like that. Not like we can escape to this asshole of a cabin, once a month. That'd be a new kind of hell."

Moon, or no moon, his words were apparently the limit's edge.

Fur sprouted from Wynne's cheeks, and her eyes darkened even further. There was a painful cracking and snapping as her jaw and teeth competed to grow and burst into a new size. She fell forwards onto her hands, twisting her neck and shoulders uncomfortably as every muscle twanged audibly.

His sister stumbled towards the door, swaying as one of her hands exploded in size before the bones cracked and shifted, becoming a wolf's paw the size of his own head.

She let out a feeble whine as the rippling and golden-furred creature nosed at the door, butting the flat on top of her head against it. Blake could feel the hair on his own arms standing on end, being so close to the rapidly growing and changing thing that his brain screamed was a predator.

His nerves were tingling, and he was rooted to the spot, unable to so much as open the door for the massive golden creature in front of him.

She gave an irritated sound and smacked her head into the wooden set of boards, harder. His eyes danced as his sister completely vanished in a flash, leaving an afterimage of sailing golden lines in his vision.

A few moments after she was gone, Blake found himself dashing out into the rain, half falling over the remains of the door.

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Merrily_We_GoMerrily_We_Go5 months ago

I too look forward to the rest of the story! This is one of the mid-tier of these stories. "Witch" is good and gives the background while "Ghost" is superb!

"Zombie" isn't my cuppa, but that's my taste more than your writing.

H2OwolfH2Owolf10 months ago

This can't be all. It is a great story and set up perfectly for another chapter or more.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

My guy, where is the next chapter😭 I’ve been away from this story for so long to give it time to be here and I just came back and nothing😭😭😭😭

MfkndragonMfkndragonabout 1 year ago

You said this was a 2 part story where is the ending plus this is a non erotica story since there was no actual sex involved either way this story and my sister is a vampire is way better than my sister is a ghost but in regards to ellie in this story you made her weaker then you did in her actual story which makes no since for in her story you stated she was a hybrid which gives her the strength of both werewolf and vampire which makes her stronger and more powerful than the others that is either wolf or vampire alone other than mistake like I said it was a decent story

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I'll pray for your well being!!🙏🏻🙏🏻

RodimusMikeRodimusMikeabout 1 year ago

So finding out Wynne wasn't a Werewolf but actually a Skinwalker,and not just her but her brother Blake was too.But that Fucking Lesbian Bitch Cassie tried to steal Wynne away from Blake because she hated him with a passion for being such a major influence in Wynne's life.

And Cassie wanted to turn Wynne into her sexslave and get her to disown her brother Blake,but Surprise! Lily the Witch opened both Blake and Wynne's eyes by revealing they both were Skinwalkers,and Cassie had nothing to do with turning Wynne since she already was one.So Wynne wasn't endebted to Cassie,so Wynne reverted back to her love and adoration to her brother Blake.

Honestly if I were Blake I would go confront Cassie to keep her Skanky Werewolf Lesbian Ass away from Wynne,and tell her if she tries that Blake will rip her head off and shit down her Lesbian Neck and for good measure have Blake wolf out in front of her and get in her face and snap at her menacingly to get the point across.

shaknashaknaabout 1 year agoAuthor

@anon - It happens as part of "... Vampire!" During Scott and Ellie's climactic scene, Scott starts only repeating what Ellie tells him. The last four lines of the story are the most important, showing that it happened during the sex.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Take as long as you need, just makes us more excited when a continuation comes. As for him being a thrall…I’m so invested in your stories, read and reread them in order but can’t find where Ellie accidentally or purposely turns him into one. Like, at what time in the ‘My sister is a’ saga ,I would call it, does it happen?

shaknashaknaover 1 year agoAuthor

@anon - Oh, Ellie's a monster. In "My Sister's a Vampire!", she kinda turns him into a thrall. It's not her fault. She is a vampire.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Wait, so why was Scott Ellie’s slave? That part is confusing to me because they were a couple in their end. Did she do it accidentally? Although she kinda did talk down to him when she said to show her a reason to keep him around so I’m very confused because I love their story as well

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