The Bracelet Ch. 09


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Alison felt a brief surge of anger, wondering why Kim had to come on to her date like that. Kim winked at her as if to say, "lighten up, I'm just playing," as she closed her legs demurely. Alison sighed and shook her head at her provocative new friend.

Kim jumped up and asked, "Who is ready to do some more dancing?"

The guys begged off, saying then needed a breather, so Kim coaxed Alison out to the dance floor with her. They began dancing together in a spot close to the edge of the floor, so the guys could still see them. Alison relaxed and let herself get into the music. She was no longer as concerned about her breasts moving around as she danced, and she just allowed herself to relax and enjoy the moment.

The girls stayed out and danced together for two songs, then the basketball player appeared and began dancing with both of them. Alison was uncertain of what to do, and glanced over to Rob. Kim started dancing with the guy without even turning towards Rick to gauge his reaction. Rob put his hand up and waved it towards her in a gesture that said, "go ahead, enjoy yourself." RIck was watching his wife, but calmly sipping his drink.

Alison looked back to Kim just as she put her hands on the black guy's shoulders and he put his hands on her hips. One of his friends appeared and began dancing with Alison. She glanced to Rob and he was still smiling at her, so she allowed herself to relax and continue dancing with the guy.

Her partner was black, too, but not as tall as the basketball player. He had a nice smile and moved fluidly as he danced. She smiled back at him, enjoying his graceful movements. Next to her, Kim was dancing very suggestively with her partner, and turned her back to him to grind against his thigh. Alison watched in amazement as the guy put his massive hand on Kim's ass and began rubbing it, slowly moving his hand upward and pulling her skirt with it. The fabric moved to the top of Kim's thigh, then began to expose the bottom of the cheek of her ass, revealing that she was "going commando." At that point she danced away from him and coyly shook her finger at him, though she continued to smile.

The song ended and Kim suggested to Alison that they take a break. Alison was more than ready, unsure if Rob would be upset with her dancing with a stranger. Kim then amazed her by inviting the two black guys back to their table. The shorter one looked at the basketball player, clearly waiting for him to make the call.

The guys agreed and followed Kim and Alison back to the table. When they got there, Kim made the introductions.

"I'm Kim and this is my husband Rick," she said, "and this is Alison and Rob."

"I'm Eric Reynolds." The tall, black man said, "and this is my friend, Sean."

The guys shook hands all around, and Rob said, "You used to play for the Hawks, right?"

Eric smiled and said, "Yeah, but now I live here and am looking to start a business."

"Oh really, what kind of business?" Rob asked.

"I want to get into real estate." Eric told them, and Rob grinned at him.

"You are in luck, my friend, because I happen to be the second biggest real estate developer in the city." And with that, the two settled into a discussion about business opportunities, oblivious of the others. Kim, Alison and Rick began talking to Sean, and learned that he had a Wharton MBA, and was just in town visiting his famous friend. Sean explained that he met Eric in college when he tutored him during his college basketball career. They became friends then, and kept in touch over the years.

Alison realized that she had misjudged the two when she first saw them. She assumed Eric was wasting his NBA money partying every night, and Sean was just one of his entourage. She was mildly ashamed to have been so quick to make that assumption. Sean was talking with Kim about his investment banking career, so Alison pulled Rick aside.

"You might want to keep an eye on Eric." she suggested. "He was getting pretty friendly with Kim while they were dancing."

Rick smiled at Alison and said, "Thanks for letting me know. I saw them dancing together. I'm sure Kim will tell me if he starts to bother her."

Alison studied Rick's face for a moment, then asked, "What about you? Doesn't it bother you that the guy was coming on to Kim?"

Rick met Alison's gaze and said, "Kim and I are pretty open-minded when it comes to sex. We have experimented some in the past. I trust her to let me know of something or someone is bothering her. Beyond that, I want her to have fun, and I am not too concerned if she gets playful with other guys."

Alison tried to figure out what Rick meant by what he just told her. What kind of experimentation did they do? What did playful include? She didn't feel that she knew Rick well enough to probe further, but she figured that Rob might be able to fill in the blanks for her later.

As they were talking, the girl in the halter dress walked up and stood next to Eric. Eric introduced her as Jasmine, and she politely shook hands with everyone as she met them. When Kim was introduced, she told Jasmine, "I just love that dress. You have the perfect body to pull it off, too."

Jasmine smiled at Kim and thanked her for the compliment. Alison smiled and shook her hand too. Rob offered Jasmine a drink, and she accepted a martini like the girls were drinking. Once everyone had a fresh drink, they all sat down and got to know one another.

The guys started asking Eric about his basketball career, and Sean contributed stories about their college years. The girls asked Jasmine how she knew Eric and Sean, and she said she had met Eric the prior week at another club, and he asked her to come by tonight if she was free. Alison thought to herself that she finally had guessed one situation correctly. Jasmine was one of the beautiful people that gravitate to men with fame and money. Beyond that, Jasmine was pretty circumspect about herself.

Eric didn't stay at their table long, since he had another group waiting over at his own table, but he and Rob did exchange business cards before he left. Sean and Jasmine accompanied him when he got up to go, leaving the four friends to compare notes on meeting an actual celebrity.

Between the alcohol and the excitement, the group decided it was time to call it a night. It was just after one in the morning, and the tempo in the club was still over the top, but everyone in the group put in a full day of work earlier, and they were not twenty-something kids anymore.

As they waited for the valet to fetch Rob's car, Kim asked him,"Is it okay if Rick and I spend the night at your place? My mom has the kids and is taking them to breakfast tomorrow morning, so we have a night to ourselves."

Rob smiled and said, "Sure, you know I always have room for you guys."

Alison laid her head on Rob's chest and yawned, "How about me? Can I stay over too?"

Rob replied, "I would love to take you home and tie you to the bed."

Alison's head snapped up and she said, "What did you say?"

Rob replied innocently, "I said I would love to take you home and put you to bed."

Alison grinned and poked his chest, "I thought that's what you said."

The car arrived, and they piled in. Rick sat in the backseat behind Rob, and Kim scooted over close to him and put on the center seat belt. Alison was nodding off in the front seat before Rob maneuvered the car out of the confusion at the valet station.

Alison awoke as Rob pulled into his driveway and waited for the automatic gate to open. She glanced in the backseat to say something to Kim, but saw that Rick and Kim were deep in a kiss, and Ricks left hand was buried under Kim's skirt, between her thighs.

She snapped her head back to the front and pretended that she hadn't seen anything. She glanced at Rob and he had an enigmatic smile as he looked first at her, then flicked his gaze to the rearview mirror. Alison noted that the mirror was angled slightly downward, and wondered if Rob had been watching his friends as he drove.

When Rob parked the car in the carriage house, everyone piled out and stretched. Alison did not feel as tired as she was before her nap, but she was anxious to get Rob into the bedroom so she could attack him and relieve her pent up sexual desire, so she asked Rick and Kim to excuse her so she could turn in. She turned to Rob and asked, "Are you coming up too?"

"I will be up in a minute," he replied.

Alison gave Rick and Kim each a quick kiss before she turned and headed upstairs. Rob turned to Kim and said, "Thanks for taking Alison under your wing tonight and letting her get to know you. She seems to be opening up to you guys."

Kim replied, "No problem, I had a lot of fun with her tonight."

Rick added, "She is probably going to ask a lot of questions about us, Rob. She asked me how I felt about Eric hitting on Kim at the club, and I hinted that we had an unconventional sexual relationship. I just wanted you to know so you can think about what you want to tell her."

Kim followed up with, "You can tell her whatever you are comfortable with. We don't mind if you let her in on our other romantic partners."

"Okay, thanks." Rob said, then he turned to go upstairs.

"Aren't you forgetting something?" Kim asked him with her arms outstretched.

Rob smiled and stepped back to her to give her a kiss. Kim put one arm around his neck and another behind his head and gave him the hottest kiss that she could muster. Then she pushed away from him and said, "Go give that to your new woman for me, okay?"

Rob said, "Sure," his voice husky with emotion.

Kim put her arm around Rick and said to Rob, "Look outside in about 15 minutes. Rick and I are going for a swim before we turn in."

As Rob headed upstairs, Kim led Rick out onto the patio and over to the pool. She pulled off her clothes quickly and then helped Rick with his. Rick leaned down to kiss her, and she reached between his legs and put her hand around his cock.

She pulled her mouth away from Rick's, and asked him, "Do you remember what I told you happened here the last time I went for a midnight swim?"

His cock surged in her hand as she reminded him that she had fucked both Rob and his friend on the deck furniture not ten feet from where they were standing. Rick groaned and said, "Why don't you refresh my memory."

Kim laughed and turned to the water, diving in before Rick could stop her. She swam toward the other end of the pool at a leisurely pace. Rick dove in and took off after her with long, powerful strokes.

Kim heard him enter the water and swim after her. She picked up her pace and raced him to the opposite end of the lap pool. He caught her just as she touched the end wall, and wrapped her in his arms. He breathed in her ear, "I want to taste you." Then he pushed her toward the side so that he could lift her onto the coping.

Kim leaned back and Rick buried his face between her thighs. His masterful technique and the sexual tension built up over the course of the evening brought her to an orgasm in minutes. Kim gasped, and first held his face tight against her pussy as she came, then pushed him away as the feeling became too intense.

Upstairs, in Rob's bedroom, Alison was watching the two lovers in the pool below her. Rob came out of the bathroom after brushing his teeth and stood behind her, looking out over her shoulder. He put his arms around Alison's naked body and pulled her against him, His erection was cradled between the cheeks of her ass.

Alison said to him, as she watched Rick put his face between Kim's thighs, causing Kim's head to roll back, "I asked Rick about how he felt when Eric hit on Kim at the club, and he said that they had 'experimented' with other people sexually. Did he mean that they are swingers?"

Rob thought for a second then said, "Yes."

Alison watched silently until Kim grabbed Rick's head and pushed him away from her crotch, then Alison looked over her shoulder and asked Rob, "Have you ever fucked Kim?"

Rob looked her in the eye and said, "Yes."

Alison followed up with, "Recently?"

Rob answered truthfully, "Yes, but not since we began sleeping together."

Alison studied his face for a minute, then she said, "I don't think I can share you with her. Do you understand that?"

Rob didn't hesitate to reply, "I understand."

In the pool below them, Rick pushed himself up out of the water, and sat next to his wife. Kim looked over his shoulder to the expanse of dark glass on the second floor of the house behind them. "I think we have an audience," she said.

Rick stood up and took her hand to help her up. "Then let's give them a show," he said. Kim stood and followed him back to the seating area at the other end of the pool. Kim laid down on the large ottoman that Rob had fucked her on the last time she was at the house. She put her head over the end of the bench, and pulled Rick's cock to her mouth.

"Fuck my throat, just like Rob did." she told her husband.

As Alison watched the couple below them, Rick turned, and the low level security lighting around the pool illuminated his cock, jutting out towards his wife's face. Alison gasped, as she saw how big Rick was.

Kim put her hand around Rick's cock and covered the head with her mouth. She put her other hand on Rick's hip to guide him into her throat. Rick slowly slid forward until his balls touched Kim's nose. Kim guided him in and out of her mouth to control the depth of his thrusts and allow herself to breath occasionally.

Alison watched in amazement as Kim put on a show on the patio below worthy of a porn star. Rob stood behind Alison and rubbed her breasts as her breathing deepened. She was obviously affected by Kim and Rick's performance. Alison said to Rob, "Turn the chandelier on low."

Rob said, "They will be able to see us."

Alison replied, "I know, I want them to."

Rob went to the wall switch and turned on the fixture in the middle of the ceiling. It had hundreds of small LED bulbs in it, so he could adjust the light level to an almost infinite number of settings. He set it to about twenty percent. It lit the room so that they were visible to those outside, but not enough to throw so much light that they could not see the activity below them on the dimly lit patio.

He went back and stood behind Alison.

Kim noticed the light come on in the room above them. She pushed Rick away and sat up on the ottoman. Rick stood in front of her and looked over his shoulder at the shadows of Rob and Alison in the window above them. Kim slowly jerked Rick's cock as she waited to see what would happen above her.

Alison reached behind her and took Rob's erection in her hand. She raised up on her tiptoes and rubbed his hard cock against her dripping pussy. He pressed forward, and buried himself in her from behind in one thrust. Alison gasped, and put her hands against the glass to steady herself.

Rob squatted slightly and continued to play with Alison's nipples as he thrust strongly into her from behind. Alison danced on her tiptoes from the force of his thrusts. She watched Kim and Rick below her as they watched her being taken from behind by Rob. An orgasm ripped through her and she cried out. Rob held her hips in position or she would have collapsed from the effects of her climax. Alison leaned her forehead against the window as Rob continued to pound into her.

Kim put her arm around Rick and pulled him towards her as she leaned back and spread her legs wide. Rick slotted his cock in her pussy and pushed in, stopping to allow her to adjust. Kim's legs were splayed wide and she urged Rick to push harder. He buried himself in her and laid against her chest. She put her hands around his neck and said, "Fuck me hard."

Alison watched the couple below her begin to fuck each other with an animalistic intensity. Rick was hammering Kim's pussy with that massive cock of his, and Kim clung to his neck with both hands. Their foreheads were almost touching as they both stared down at the juncture of where their two bodies were connected.

Alison let herself imagine what it would feel like to make love to a man as well endowed as Rick. Then she wondered what it would be like to make love to Rob and Rick at the same time. The mental image of both men using her for their pleasure at the same time increased her excitement level. She knew that Kim had already experienced that, and she wondered how Rob would feel about her trying it. It didn't seem fair that she might miss out on something the other three had already experienced together, but it would be hard to approach Rob about it if she was not also willing to share him with Kim.

She whispered over her shoulder to Rob, "He's fucking her so hard!" Rob had been caught up in Alison's amazing body, and forgot about the scene outside. He looked down and saw Kim clinging to Rick as he fucked her on the ottoman.

As Alison played an imaginary film loop in her head, where Rob's cock was in her mouth and Rick was hammering her from behind, she reached her second orgasm, Rob watched the scene below him and imagined that it was Alison under Rick. Could he accept that, with the strong feelings that he was developing for Alison? He felt both excited and upset by the idea, and realized that thinking about it was going to push him over the edge.

Rob roared as he came in Alison, and wrapped her in his arms as his legs trembled and he struggled to hold both of them up in the aftermath of their simultaneous climax.

Kim's view of Rob and Alison in the window above her was mostly one of shadows backlit by the chandelier behind them, but she clearly made out that they had just orgasmed together. She looked at her husband's face, staring intently at her as he waited patiently for her to come first. She thought about everything that happened during the course of the evening, and how much she loved this man who gave her every opportunity for pleasure that she desired. She pulled him closer and said, "Come for me now, I want to feel it."

Rick was replaying the scene of Kim dancing with Eric at the club in his mind. The image of the man's large, black hand on his wife's ass made him wonder if Kim was interested in sex with a black man. Kim had never mentioned or indulged in that fantasy before. When she told him to come, he pictured her being taken by Eric right there on the dance floor as everyone watched, and he allowed the tension he had been feeling all evening while watching Kim and Alison tease other men, to release. She gasped as his warm semen flooded her pussy and pushed her into climax as well. Rick slowed, but continued to gently move in and out of her as their orgasms subsided. He laid on Kim and she wrapped her legs around him to hold him tight.

In the window above them, Rob put one arm around Alison from behind, and then used the other one to lift under her knees so he could carry her to bed. She sighed with her eyes closed as he laid her down and pulled the sheet over her. He went back to the window and saw Kim and Rick picking up their clothes and making their way back to the kitchen entrance below where he stood. He turned off the light and got into bed behind Alison, putting an arm around her. She clenched his arm to her chest and kissed his fingers.

"I love you," she said, and fell asleep.

Rob's mind was busy processing a flood of intense, and sometimes conflicting, emotions. He knew that he needed to talk about them with Alison, and felt that the events of the evening had broken the barriers that were keeping him from bringing them up before. He fell asleep thinking about Alison, and it was the first time in many months that a woman other than Kim had held that distinction. Just before he drifted off, he mumbled, "I love you, too."

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dozendozenover 8 years ago
Excellent story

One minor criticism: Alison became Amanda for a few paragraphs.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
this was a very we written piece, needing only minor posting, IMO mostly in....

....transitions and personalizing the POV bits a little more in order to be publication-ready.

The subject matter, while hot, is difficult for me to address, as I find it distasteful.

What held my attention was the quality of your storytelling and how I quickly engaged with all the characters. Rick is the least understandable to me. Not that you explain him poorly or anything of that kind. No, you did a great job. What I can't buy into, is his attitude that Kim can and should have any and as many lovers as she likes. Clearly, he has the confidence of his big dick, but that isn't most often what drives a marriage's that she (Kim, in this case), quite by happenstance, hooks up with some guy that rattles her bones to the marrow on some emotional, personality, or psycho-sexual level that turns her heart to this new lover.

Look, if it didn't happen far more often than we like to admit and if I hadn't seen it happen first hand, I might not be quite so adamant in my position on the matter. But there you go. The devastation to 9 people's lives that came out of that one night is still ravaging through our community.and, sadly that was not the first, nor the most recent such marital problem to strike the community.

The legal community is mopping up and banking big.csome of the collateral damage is even more intense than the thing that triggered all that.....and there's no end in sight.

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