The Confessor Pt. 02


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"Don't worry, Delilah," she said reassuringly. "I promise that I will take care of everything. Just have faith in the Goddess and trust Her plan for us."

When Delilah nodded in response, Nadine raised her chin and gave her a deep kiss that lasted for nearly a minute before releasing her.

"Good. Now I'm still needed at the Church, so I have to be going. I'll be back once I've taken care of things there, okay my love?"

"Yes. Okay, Nadine."

Nadine ran a hand through Delilah's hair affectionately, "I love you, my little flower."

Nadine collected her things and left the room without sparing Samuel another look. Delilah watched her go, and when the slamming of the front door signaled Nadine's departure, they sat in the room in silence.

Samuel stared at the ground. He could see the lower half of Delilah's body as she sat on the bed at the top of his vision, but he didn't have the will to look any higher. Delilah was the first one to make a move; slowly getting out of the bed and crawling over to him on her hands and knees.

"Samuel?... Samuel are you okay?"

He didn't try to respond. He just continued staring at the same spot on the ground next to him.

"Did... Did you understand the ritual? It was the Goddess, Samuel. The Goddess Herself," Delilah said, her religious awe gradually winning out over her hesitance. "I knew that the Confessors were the Goddess's chosen, but I didn't know that they could actually let Her speak through them."

Samuel's outburst from before had shown him that he was never going to be as devout as Delilah. He'd only followed the Goddess's teachings because he thought he was supposed to, not because he loved her. He was lacking in so many ways as her servant. But, in spite of all that, one thing he was certain of was that the Goddess had nothing to do with what happened here tonight. There was only Nadine. And Nadine was only using her position as a Confessor to get what she wanted, just like Archibald had said. But Samuel had been too much of a fool to listen.

"You get it now, right Samuel?" Delilah asked carefully. "There's no need to be jealous of Nadine. The three of us can be happy together, see? This is all part of the Goddess's plan for us. You just need to yield to Her, Samuel."

She took Samuel's chin in her hand and raised it until they were looking each other in the eye.

"Can you do that for me, dear?" she asked, and he could see the desperation writ across her face as she said it.

'Dear'. When was the last time she'd called him that? When was the last time she treated him like the man she'd fallen in love with in high school? Where was the woman he'd wanted to spend the rest of his life with; the woman he would have done anything for?

Anything except what she was asking of him now.

He looked into her eyes, eyes that used to hold so much love for him, eyes that now held an even greater love for someone else, and he couldn't stop the tears as they began pouring down his face.

"Oh, no, no, no," Delilah said in a panic. "No, Samuel. Please don't cry."

But Samuel was inconsolable. His frustration, his helplessness, and the futility of his situation all came crashing down on him in one instant. Nothing she could say would make this nightmare more bearable. But still, she tried.

"Maybe..." she began, casting about for something to calm him down. "Maybe Nadine could do the ritual with you, too? Yes, that's it! Then the Goddess can speak to you through Nadine. I'm sure she'll do it if I ask her. Would you like that, Samuel?"

Samuel wanted to scream. He wanted to yell at her at the top of his lungs that it was Nadine saying those things to her and not the Goddess. But his voice still wouldn't cooperate with him, and all he ended up doing was crying even harder than before.

"Oh no, Samuel. Please stop it," Delilah said, sounding as if she were on the verge of tears herself as she pulled his face into her bare chest.

She held him like that for several minutes; rocking back and forth as she tried to soothe him. He eventually did stop crying, but only because he'd run out of tears to shed.

Delilah released him then; sniffling as she wiped her eyes. Then she looked down at her wedding ring still resting in his palm and surprised him when she quickly snatched it out of his hand, hastily sliding it back on to her finger.

"Yielding to the Goddess means gaining even more in return," she whispered as if talking to herself. "By putting Her first, our bond with each other will be even stronger."

Then she gave Samuel a resolute look and pulled his arm over her shoulder.

"Come on, Samuel. Let's get you into bed. I'm sure you'll see things differently once you've had some rest."

Samuel did not have the strength to stand on his own, but just like when she had first returned home from the church, Delilah was somehow strong enough to lift him off the ground even without his help. There was no mistaking it now; Delilah was much stronger. Nowhere near as strong as Nadine, but still stronger than a woman with her tiny frame had any right to be. He wondered just what else Nadine had done to her at the church, and what other ways she had changed his Delilah to suit her own desires. But he doubted that he would get any answers.

She spoke to him conversationally as she practically dragged him over to the bed. However, it sounded forced; like she was doing her best to sound at ease when she really felt the exact opposite.

"Don't worry. Nadine said that she would take care of everything. She cares about you, you know? I don't think she would have gone this far for you if she didn't."

She looked over to him and smiled, "She thinks you're very handsome, Samuel. She told me so at the wedding consultation. And she asked a lot of questions about you when we took breaks during the ritual. I think that's when she started taking an interest in you."

When they reached the bed, she helped Samuel lay down on his side and then got on her knees next to him.

"You like her too, don't you Samuel?"

It was more of a statement than a question, and he could see her eyes begin to cloud over with lust as she went on.

"I was watching the two of you have sex earlier, you know?" she said as she trailed her hand over his crotch. "The way you were shoving this dirty cock into her tight little pussy. She felt good, didn't she Samuel? I know. I heard the sounds you made every time you came inside her."

She took her hand off his crotch and then slapped his leg playfully.

"But you came way too fast, Samuel. I felt bad for Nadine. She looked so disappointed."

Delilah's gaze drifted away from him and she looked at the floor.

"But... I guess I can't really blame you. The first time Nadine let me use the Spear, I came as soon as I slid into her hot pussy."

He saw her bring her hand between her legs and play with herself as she relived the memory.

"Is that what sex feels like for you, Samuel? By the Goddess, I couldn't stop moving my hips. Her body was so soft and her pussy felt so good. I just didn't know what to do with myself."

She cupped one of her breasts with her free hand as small wet noises began coming from between her legs.

"She was so intoxicating, Samuel. The dirty sinful things she whispered in my ear, the way she moaned when she came for me, and her kisses. Oh, Goddess! Her kisses were so... They were so..."

She groaned as she gave herself a light orgasm, but her hand didn't stop. It only moved faster as she continued to indulge herself in her thoughts of Nadine.

"She wouldn't let me rest, Samuel; that first time I used the Spear. She kept on riding me until I passed out. Then I'd wake up with her sucking on it so hard, and staring up at me with those blue eyes."

Delilah's face went slack as the wet sounds coming from between her legs grew louder.

"Oh Goddess, her eyes! And her tongue! That long fucking... fucking..."

Delilah threw her head back in a wordless cry as she brought herself to a powerful climax. He watched as her body went rigid with the aftershocks before she finally relaxed and caught her breath.

"I've never been attracted to a woman before, Samuel. But with Nadine," she suddenly started speaking through clenched teeth, "all I can think about is getting my mouth on those big tits and my hands on her ass! I just want to bend her over and fuck her like the dirty fucking slut that she is!"

Samuel stared blankly at Delilah. The raw masculine lust that distorted her beautiful face at the thought of having sex with Nadine would have made him recoil in revulsion if he could move. Her desire for Nadine had turned her into something he no longer recognized. It was like she was possessed. And, in a way, she probably was.

Delilah's hand had begun drifting back between her legs as she became more consumed with her lascivious thoughts, but then she noticed the way Samuel was looking at her and seemed to come back to her senses.

"Sa-Samuel," she began, sounding a bit embarrassed, "I know Nadine and I asked you to sleep in the other room for a while, but I don't see why you can't come and join us every now and then."

She got on her hands and leaned over him, staring down into his face as she continued.

"Would you like that, Samuel?" she asked as lust returned to her voice. "Having the two of us to yourself? Nadine taught me so many ways to please the Goddess. Do you want to see, Samuel? Do you want to feel it?"

She reached down and began stroking his flaccid member through his pants again.

"I'm sorry that I made you wait, Samuel. I didn't think that it would upset you so much. But I'll make it right, okay? I'll give you all the things that you want from me... I'll even give you the things you don't know you want yet."

Delilah leaned closer to him, her lips parting as they drew closer to his own.

"I'll give you everything," she whispered, and then her tongue was in his mouth, hot and passionate, as she lowered the rest of her body onto him.

A kiss.

Finally, he was receiving the thing that she had denied him ever since her return. But now that he had it, he didn't want it anymore. Everything about her kiss reminded him of Nadine. Everything from the way Delilah moved her tongue to the needful way she gazed at him through her half-open eyes echoed Nadine's mannerisms. Even in this small way, she had been corrupted by Nadine.

Her curvaceous body twisted and writhed against him, and when she broke the kiss he could see the promise of even more carnal acts in her eyes as she gazed down at him. But when she once again reached down to touch his still flaccid member, she whined in protest.

"Oh, Nadine. Why did you have to do this to him?" she said to herself as she made futile attempts to rouse him to attention.

She turned back to Samuel with a tight smile on her face.

"Don't worry, Samuel. I'm sure she'll put you back to normal tomorrow. I'll beg her if I have to, so just bear with it for tonight, okay?"

Delilah reached over and turned off the light, then laid down with her back to him and pulled his arm around her waist in an awkward attempt to make him spoon her.

"Yes, tomorrow everything will be okay," she said in a self-soothing manner. "Nadine will forgive you, and we can all sit down and talk about our future together. Everything is going to be just fine. You'll see, Samuel."

After that, she fell silent for several minutes. He thought that her earlier exertion with Nadine had finally caught up with her and she had fallen asleep, but then he heard her whisper something in the darkness.

"...I didn't leave you alone, Samuel. I was with the Goddess. I didn't leave you... I didn't... I'm right here."

Then she gave his hand a tight squeeze and fell silent.


Several hours passed, but sleep refused to come for Samuel. Truthfully, he didn't want it to; because the sooner he fell asleep, the sooner morning would come. And when the morning came, Nadine would return. No matter what Delilah said, he knew that Nadine had no intention of including him in their relationship. She saw him as an obstacle to be removed, and she would remove him. It was only a question of how long it would take for her to convince Delilah to accept it.

But Delilah would eventually accept it. That much was certain.

It was clear to him where her loyalties lay. First to the Goddess, then to Nadine, and lastly, to him. And if the mistake she made during the ritual tonight was any indication, the first two loyalties appeared to be blending together in her mind. Her love for Nadine bordered on religious devotion, and there was no way he could ever compete with that. There was no way for him to avoid what was coming.


Archibald. The old man had tried to warn him that something like this would happen, and everything he'd described had more or less come to pass. Delilah had returned, but she'd brought Nadine with her; Nadine had tried to seduce him, but it all turned out to be an act; and now, all he had to look forward to was watching the two grow closer to one another before he was eventually removed from his own home.

He only had one option left.

He focused all his attention on his arm and tried to lift it. Much to his surprise, he was able to move it, though he was still a bit sluggish. Slowly, so as not to wake Delilah, he rolled over to the other side of the bed and sat on the edge. After shaking off a little light-headedness, he rose from the bed and began to quietly leave the bedroom, but came to a stop at the doorway.

He turned back to look at Delilah's sleeping form and felt so many conflicting emotions warring within him. He didn't know what was going to happen to him once he left the house, but he knew that he would never see her like this again. Part of him wanted to wake her, to ask her to come with him, but he didn't even know where he was going or what he would find when he got there. And besides, if she knew what he was about to do, she would definitely call Nadine again.

He swallowed hard against a rising lump in his throat as he looked at her face in the darkness, remembering all the expressions he'd seen it make since he met her; the way she used to look at him with so much love and affection. Then he winced at the memory of her looking at Nadine like that instead of him, and felt his heart go cold. The woman he'd married was gone. He left her at the church that day one month ago and she never came back.

There was no point in waiting for her anymore.

Samuel left the bedroom and, after removing his wedding ring and placing it on the counter, opened the front door and disappeared into the early morning darkness.


Samuel walked for several hours. He'd left the car behind because he was afraid that Delilah would hear him start the engine, and he was too paranoid to use public transport. Instead, he used his phone to guide him to the address on the slip of paper Archibald had given him, and he ended up standing outside of an old motel on the outskirts of the city. The sign outside said 'No vacancies', just like the slip of paper said it would.

It had occurred to Samuel that this might all just be some elaborate trick by the Church to catch would-be heretics. But it sounded like Nadine was going to have the Church take him at some point anyway, so it seemed like an acceptable risk, all things considered.

Steeling himself, Samuel walked through the front door and found a middle-aged man with glasses sitting behind the counter and reading a newspaper. The slip of paper had given very clear instructions on what to say to the man, and he had spent most of the time walking here memorizing them.

"I want a room," Samuel said to the man.

The man looked up from his newspaper and eyed Samuel up and down before returning to it.

"The sign says 'No vacancies'," he said dismissively. "That means no rooms. You'll have to go somewhere else."

"I need a room," Samuel persisted.

The man lowered his paper and frowned at Samuel.

"Are you deaf or just stupid?" he said with annoyance. "I said there're no rooms. Now fuck off, asshole!" Then he gave his newspaper a shake and turned the page, apparently taking no further interest in Samuel's presence.

But still, he persisted. Just as the slip of paper had told him to.

"Please, give me a room. Any room will be fine."

The man suddenly slammed his fists down on the counter and abandoned reading his paper. Then he stood up and came around the counter with a baseball bat in his hand and pointed it at Samuel threateningly.

"All right, motherfucker! I told you there's no fucking rooms here! Now piss off or I'm gonna check you into a nice hospital bed myself! You hear me, asshole?!"

Samuel stared at the baseball bat and felt strangely calm. This, too, was written on the slip of paper. All he had to do was say one more thing and, for better or worse, everything would either begin or come to an end.

He looked into the man's eyes and repeated the words he'd found written at the bottom of the paper.

"'Let me in'," he said, feeling the truth of the words as he spoke them. "'There's nothing left for me out here...'"

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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I still don't understand the hate over this story. This takes place in a made up society. Most stories are generic copies of other stories - this story is original. Five stars. Please more chapters.

InfosaugerInfosaugerabout 3 years ago

This definitely needs a third chapter.

InfosaugerInfosaugerabout 3 years ago

This definitely needs a third chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

where is the next part? 11 pages and still no closer to closure. No promise of a next. Sad.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Keep this one going!

I really enjoyed this story, I could imagine how Sam becomes a force of change from the outside - changing and cleansing the Church. But reconciliation with his wife would probably be impossible, although forgiveness would be possible.

hair94hair94over 4 years ago

I really like the story...I hope you will continue. I gave 5-stars.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

How can some one write eleven pages of such garbage?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
can't do it

The inane direction of this "story" is beyond comprehension. I can hope the people who managed to get past page 2 were rewarded with something of substance.

Unfortunately, I'm not that patient and I have a life, so moving on... one star because I'm generous.

EspressoBolusEspressoBolusalmost 5 years ago

The writing is frustrating and often irritating but still somehow draws the reader forward. Even the sex scenes are filler rather than part of the story still I made it through part 2. Religious ferver combined with sex and probably some pretty powerful drugs makes mind control possible here. It remains to be seen wether there is any way out.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Interesting read, but

is this it? I have been checking back for the next part. Samuel to get some balls and his wife to wake up.

KalimaxosKalimaxosalmost 5 years ago
I skipped through most of it to get to the end

Lesbian man hating porn.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

Waste of my time

Birdstheword1Birdstheword1almost 5 years ago

The last page was by far the most interesting part of the story.

What would be most intriguing is if Samuel is shown how to save himself or get revenge by the people who can help him but in the process of exacting his revenge on the church, it actually changes him, making more cold, ferocious, and obviously more tainted that the naive person he was at the beginning who thought the best of people. That would make for a solid tale.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

a third chapter is needed as delilah finally realizes that the church is nothing but marriage wreckers in it and will do anything to destroy marriages

26thNC26thNCalmost 5 years ago

Good writing, a lot of imagination, but a serious stretch to put this in LW. Only the most open-minded readers will accept it here.

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