The Four Boxes of Liberty Ch. 02


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"This is a tough one." said Desmond. "The Wildcats are known for coming in here and stealing wins from the Bulldogs." The crowd booed lustily, but then cheered when Desmond said "But I've gotta go with that Bulldogs experience, plus playing at home." The boos turned to cheers.

Nick Eastwood said "It's going to be a great Bulldog day! Train No. 93 is on the tracks, and won't be looking back as he stops the Wildcat running back Appletree and crushes the quarterback Johnson!" The crowd went wild.

"Kirk," said the host, "you're calling the game, so you won't pick. But what's the key factor?"

"This mascot!" said Kirk as Chief IV was put on the counter in front of him, properly attired in his royal blue jersey. "Chief IV is on the warpath, and he wants to remain undefeated against the Wildcats!" Everyone cheered wildly as Kirk petted Chief IV. Kirk liked dogs, I knew, which made him okay with me.

"That is an awesome dog!" said Corso, to cheers. "A great dog! But it's not going to be enough!" He took the 'Mr. Wildcat' headgear and put it on, to the boos of the partisan Bulldogs crowd, and began waving.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Why does Kirk not pick if he's calling the game?" Cindy asked.

"Nearest I can figure, it's due to gambling." I said. "If he's calling the game, then he's been here for days and has been researching the teams. If he comes out with 'this team in an upset!', the professional gamblers might think he knows something they don't. So ESPN plays the politically correct game, like they do spelling Hawaii Hawai'i, and such things."

"They sit there and give odds on the games the whole show," Cindy observed, "and then play that game over Kirk picking a team. Sheesh." I nodded vigorously in agreement.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

As the sun set and darkness enveloped the County, the lights of the stadium shone brightly. The crowds inside and outside the stadium were a rowdy, boisterous bunch as the cheered the Bulldog players through the 'Dog Walk'. The Wildcats had a mini-'Cat Walk' as their buses unloaded them near the stadium entrance on the east side, and I was among them... for security reasons, of course. Jamaal Washington high-fived his cousins Theo and Franklin, then high-fived me at the entrance to the stadium. Fillmore County High School graduates Davis Smith and Gregg Scott also recognized me and gave me high-fives.

There were well over 90,000 people in the stands, and the noise was already at deafening levels. The air was electric. This was what college football was all about, I thought to myself as I looked around and took it all in.

The University 'Bulldog Blue' Band played their warmup routine, then played their Alma Mater, followed by the National Anthem. As the notes were played, two absolutely massive C-5 Galaxy military planes flew over the stadium. That was awesome, too.

Then the Wildcats came out of the tunnel, to jeering boos and chants of "Dog food! Dog food! Dog food!" They were dressed in their white shirts with black numerals, gold pants, and gold helmets with red trim. Then Chief IV led the No. 1 ranked Bulldogs out of their tunnel and onto the field, wearing blue jerseys, light silver pants and light silver helmets. The stadium was shaking with the tremendous cheering.

The Wildcats won the toss and deferred. The Bulldogs took the ball, and the Wildcats lined up to kick east-to-west. The whistle blew, toe met leather, and we were AWN!

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The game became a defensive struggle. Derrick Waters was as good as advertised, and several times had strong pressure on the Wildcats QB Johnson. But Wildcat Freshman left tackle Wilfred Scott was quietly shocking the world by holding his own against Train No. 93.

Another shock to the world, but not to me as a former resident of Fillmore County (where Apple Grove was located), was the play of Wildcats Freshman linebacker Davis Smith and Freshman safety Gregg Scott. Smith showed unbelievable range of lateral motion, often hitting the Bulldogs running back behind the line of scrimmage, even on sweeps and flare passes to the outside edges. And Scott was hitting people, and hitting them hard. Clean hits, good form tackles, but hard hits that made me feel the pain standing on the sidelines.

Both teams moved a lot between the 20s, but it was not until the second quarter that the Bulldogs broke through. Smith tipped a pass at the line of scrimmage, and it careened crazily to the left... right to a Bulldogs receiver. Everyone had gone for the ball, and no one was left to tackle him as he sprinted into the end zone. The crowd cheered mightily, except for the Wildcat contingent in the southeast corner.

I had my clear earpiece in, and was tuned to Wildcat Radio, but it was impossible to hear much while the fans were screaming... and they were screaming non-stop. The teams went to halftime with the Bulldogs leading 7-0. I went and got an earpiece that went to both ears, which helped me hear the radio broadcast much better...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"And the field goal is... good!" said the Wildcats Radio announcer. "The Wildcats get their second field goal of the game, and it's 10-6 Bulldogs, 5:50 to go in the 3d quarter..."

The Bulldogs moved the ball 20 yards, but the drive stalled and they had to punt. The Wildcats returned the ball to their 33-yard-line. On first down, the QB Johnson pitched out to left to Appletree, who ran in a slant towards the outside. As he got to the line of scrimmage, Derrick Waters attempted to slide off the block of Wilfred Scott as Appletree was moving by him. Waters stumbled slightly as he hit Appletree, which kept him from raising his head in making the hit. Both players went to the ground, Waters falling on top of Appletree's legs.

The crowd cheered the stop, then began quieting down as they realized the players weren't getting up. Appletree was motioning for the trainers to come from the sidelines... the Bulldogs sidelines. Players that had gone to help them up stopped, as the were being warned off. And then a hush fell over the stadium as over 90,000 people realized that Train No. 93 was not moving. At all.

Bulldogs trainers rushed out, and only seconds later were waving for doctors to come over. Wildcats trainers also came onto the field to help.

"And it looks really bad." said the Wildcats Radio announcer. "Derrick Waters is not moving. He's being attended to by the doctors. Appletree appears to be unhurt, but his legs are pinned under Waters, and he's laying still as the doctors work to immobilize Waters's neck area." Though not religious, I said a little prayer for Waters to be okay.

It took several long minutes, but the they were able to get Waters strapped to a stretcher, then the whole thing was slowly flipped over, allowing others to pull Appletree out. As the running back got up, I could see that tears were streaming down his face.

As the doctors continued to work, a Bulldogs trainer ran over to me. "Commander," he said breathlessly, "Derrick asked for you to come out to him."

"Me?" I asked, stunned.

"Yes sir." said the trainer. So I jogged out there with him. As I got to the group, a doctor said "He's asking for the Iron Crowbar. His neck may be broken, so be careful around him."

The crowd of people parted like the Red Sea for me. I knelt down by Derrick, seeing the fear in the young man's eyes. I put my face right over his so he could see me, as I had often done with Charlie Griswold.

"Mr. Crowbar," Derrick said, his voice barely more than a whisper, "I know you're in good with the Lord. Will you pray for me?"

Even as my heart went out to him, I felt something come to me, an insight from a higher place and Power, much higher. I said "I already have. But it is your Faith that will make you well. Don't ever lose faith, and don't ever give up, okay?"

"Yes sir. Thank you." Derrick said.

I moved back out of the way. They lifted Derrick, stretcher and all, and put him on the back of one of those long carts that had driven out. As they got him settled onto the vehicle, the Wildcat players, led by Appletree and Jamaal Washington, came up to him and wished him well, earning them applause for the demonstration of good sportsmanship. Then the Bulldogs players came up to him and wished him well.

As the cart started towards the east end zone to the tunnel and the waiting ambulance, Derrick Waters was able to raise his thumb. The crowd gave him a huge ovation. Then the Bulldogs fight song was played... by the Wildcats Band.

Back on the sidelines, the sidelines reporters were rushing up to me. "What did he say to you?" they said. "What did you say to him?" I just shook my head; I had no intention of speaking to them, nor telling them what was said. Other TCPD Officers and Stadium Security moved the reporters away from me, then had me go to the security of the tunnel...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"And it's a somber stadium now." said the Wildcats Radio announcer as play resumed. Players on both sides were affected.

"And the pass to Washington is complete... no! he was hit as he was catching the ball... it's in the air... it's intercepted!... and the Bulldogs safety is running down the sidelines, they won't catch him, it's a touchdown for the Bulldogs!"

The crowd cheered loudly, though not quite as loudly as before. The extra point made it 17-6, Bulldogs.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"And the clock is ticking down, it's under 8 minutes now." said the announcer. "The Wildcats are driving, they're starting to get some real yardage off left tackle now that Derrick Waters is out of the game. Our last word was that he's at University Hospital and being evaluated by some of the Nation's best doctors."

The Wildcats were moving west-to-east as I watched from the corner of endzone. It kind of felt like being on the sidelines of a high school game, but with a huge stadium behind me. I watched as Johnson took the snap and went back to pass. And I saw it as it broke.

"And Washington is breaking free on a post route! Johnson hits him in stride with a perfect pass! Touchdown, Wildcats!"

The Wildcat Faithful in the stands cheered and their band played the fight song as the players ran to the far side of the field from me, the south-side sideline. It was 17-12, and the Wildcats called time out. They were going for two.

"And here it is, with 6:14 left in the game." said the Wildcats announcer. Johnson takes the snap, and the Bulldogs are blitzing and they sack him! The try is no good. It's 17-12 Bulldogs, and the Wildcats will need a huge stop and then a huge drive to win...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The night seemed to get darker, and the stadium lights all that much brighter. The kickoff went out of the end zone and the Bulldogs took over on the 25-yard-line.

"The Bulldogs are moving, they're grinding the clock down. Now under four minutes to go. They pass to the tight end and he catches it, he's hit by Davis Smith right there, but it's enough for a first down. The whole stadium is standing, no one is sitting down..."

I watched as the Bulldogs ran the ball twice. "And there are now just over two minutes to go, third down and three. One more first down and the Wildcats will have to start using their timeouts. Two minutes and 10 seconds left. And they pass the ball to the running back out of the backfield... it is complete! First down, Bulldogs! The crowd can sense it, you can hear them cheering and screaming..."

Hope never dies, I thought to myself. Hope never dies. But does God really favor one team over another? Or does He favor the team with the better players?

"Third down, 7 yards go go." said the announcer into my ears. "The Wildcats are out of time outs. Only 58 seconds to go. One more first down should do it. The Bulldogs come to the line. They fake the handoff to the running back and pass over the middle to the fullback,! He is hit hard by Gregg Davis, No. 17! Clean hit, but so hard that the ball came flying out of the fullback's hands and onto the turf."

"They tried to run the play Georgia used to beat Tennessee in Knoxville in 2001." said the color analyst. "Fullback right up the middle, but this time Scott hit him so hard he couldn't hang on. My goodness! what a hit!"

"The Bulldogs punt," said the announcer, "and he kicked too hard! The ball went just about screaming out of the end zone! I don't know if he was trying to angle it and got too much of it, but instead of pinning the Wildcats deep, they now have life on the 20 yard line!"

Hope never dies, I thought to myself. Hope never dies.

"The Wildcats come to the line. Johnson takes the snap, he throws a bubble screen to Jamaal Washington, who catches it for eleven yards and a first down. The clock stops to reset the chains, 45 seconds to go. Johnson takes the snap, the Bulldogs rush! Johnson is running to the right for his life! He throws it to a Wildcats coach on the sidelines, way out of bounds."

"Nobody was open. The Bulldogs are smothering Jamaal Washington, and no one else can get loose, either." said the color analyst.

"Second down and ten from the Wildcats 31 yard line, 38 seconds to go. No time outs for the Wildcats. The crowd is unbelievably loud, roaring against the Wildcats. Johnson back to pass, and here comes the blitz! They hit Johnson, but he gets the ball to Appletree, who sprints for the sidelines and... just gets out of bounds! He got three yards when Johnson should've been sacked for a game-ending loss of ten yards!"

"The clock is stopped, but it's third down, seven yards to go. More importantly, it's 66 yards to go for a game winning touchdown, and they only have 29 seconds to get it done. Here we go, Wildcats up to the line, Jamaal Washington to the right; he's going to be bracketed. Appletree goes in motion to the left, lines up just behind the left tackle Scott."

"Johnson takes the snap, the Bulldogs rush four, it's picked up. Johnson throws to Appletree, and they hit him immediately, short of the first down..."

"But wait! Appletree lateraled the ball! He pitched to Washington! It's a hook-and-ladder! Jamaal Washington is rounding the corner, he's streaking down the sidelines! The Bulldogs safety is in pursuit, he's got the angle on Washington and is closing in..."

To be continued.

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chytownchytown7 months ago

*****Thanks for sharing.

Ravey19Ravey19about 2 years ago

Certainly write exciting stories with so many asides. Never know which are story developments, which are clues and which are just asides.

WifeWatchmanWifeWatchmanover 5 years agoAuthor

Yes, I like making up fun names for the characters. I'd originally intended for 'Peter Long Cox' to live up to his name, and for him to be part of some of the sexual adventures, but things went another way... doesn't mean I can't come back to him, though.

I think the Luigi's restaurant does not need chefs named 'Sal Monella' and 'E. Coli', so thanks but let's find some more positive, Bowser-approved names. :o)

WifeWatchmanWifeWatchmanover 5 years agoAuthor
Anon/3 possibilities

Interesting Ideas, but:

1. Cindy would not be impregnated by Don's sperm, artifically or otherwise, since they're close kin. Despite what you may read in some areas of Literotica, inter-family genetics don't do well, as Dr. Laura Fredricson could tell us...

2. I'll just post the spoiler now: Teresa and Don are not going to have sex.

3. Yeah, i did sorta kill the suspense with some of those 'far future' references, didn't I? But it's still Teresa and it's still Christmas, so we'll see what happens...

AffecteffectAffecteffectover 5 years ago
What’s the deal with Krasney?

He obviously wants to lose the DA election. Maybe he has a sweet job already lined up elsewhere. I figure it was Harlow or Woodburn that had him turn off the cameras.

Peter Long Cox? How about head chef Salvatore Monella and assistant chef Enrico Coli at the Coffin Cerone restaurant?

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
3 future possibilities

Hi WW,Poss no 1.Cindy's future child(if there is one) to be from Don's sperm.Poss no 2.Theresa gets it on with Don seeing as Todd does it with Laura.Poss no 3.Nothing too serious can happen to Theresa because she has to still be around to present Carole with MOV in 25 years time.Cheers,Malcolm.

666theiceman666theicemanover 5 years ago
Politicions should leave politics alone

Could the old IC mother's move to Apple Grove be at his suggestion, to try and find out about where all these drugs are coming from, who is in the mix of moving it around the State.?

In regards to the match when someone gets hurt really bad it affects all players, non more than those on the other side, so the Bulldogs will win as the Wildcats are playing their game in second gear.

Politicians never make good policies, having been one I know what they do and that is to grab as much power as they can from the public who elected them. Also wanabe politicians should never over reach their own safety line, as they will dig a hole that deep they will never get out of it. I can think of many in this one town who will not win through the ballot box and am waiting with baited breath for that day to come. That should give the IC and his Angels some happy times at the Cop Bar.

Another 5*+ and a few more questions left for us to await your magical pen Mr WW.


WifeWatchmanWifeWatchmanover 5 years agoAuthor
Next chapter submitted, and comments

First, congrats to those who go it about who cut off the cameras. Second, gotta love those cliffhangers. :o)

The next chapter has been submitted, and hopefully will be published soon. Be advised and warned: I went there with it....

Lakelifer12Lakelifer12over 5 years ago

GaryBlue's comment for the win!

tazz317tazz317over 5 years ago

why pick fights when you must carry restrictions to the fray. TK U MLJ LV NV

garybluegaryblueover 5 years ago

It's one thing to have a crime story cliff hanger, but to cut away to a commercial while the game's on the the line is prohibited by the Constitution; cruel and unusual punishment.

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