The Thralls of the Wyvern's Bane


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"I can't stand that Wells Fargo and the other thieves that call themselves banks." George said. "That's why I wanted Oliver to have an account here."

*Oh, good boy George. You just might live through all this after all.* I thought to myself. *You will still suffer for the way you have treated Jia however.*

"All right George, Jia's name has been added to all your accounts and I have ordered a debit card that is attached to your everyday account, but it will still grant her access to all the others online through the phone app and at all ATMs. Now as for the new account, may I have your ID please Oliver?"

"Of course, Frank." I said and pulled out my driver's license from my wallet and handed it to the banker.

He addressed George again, "What kind of access does this account need to have with the others?"

"Jia will have access if Oliver needs it." George said, "Just open the new account with only Oliver's name on it.

Frank nodded and continued entering the information into his computer. "The usual advance from an ATM is $300.00 and transactions are $9,999.99, do you want that changed?"

"What is the ATM limit go up to?" I asked.

"It maxes out at $5,000.00." Frank replied.

"Go ahead and set it at that maximum for ATM and keep the other limit for Debit transactions." I replied.

Frank nodded and kept typing. "Ok the account is open it just needs the authorization for the transfer of that high of an amount." He pulled out a keypad and gave it to George. "Please enter your personal passcode, George." George took the pad and made a show of hiding it for both of us. I even turned my head.

George handed it back. "Thank you, everything is done. A new card will be sent to your home address Oliver, I will just go and get a temporary one for you now." He got up and left, leaving George and I in his office.

I sat back and made a show of working a kink from my neck to look around at where cameras were. I spotted three that looked like they could be directed into the office. I said to George, "As we walk out of the office you are going to have a stroke do you understand George?"

"Yes Oliver, I understand."

"You will not be able to communicate with anyone, and you will only respond again to only me. If I tell you to wake up you will, otherwise you will slip into a coma and not awake. Do you understand."

"Yes Oliver, I understand." George replied. "Please take care of Jia and my companies."

"I will George, you have my word on that." I told him honestly.

George smiled and reached across to shake my hand. I took it and we then both settled back to wait for Frank.

Frank came back a few minutes later and handed me the new temporary card. "Thank you both for your continued business with Capitol One." Frank held his hand out to us both and we each promised to contact him if we needed anything.

On the way out we were halfway to the elevator when George stopped and turned around. I watched his left eye and the side of his face droop, and Frank was closest to catching him as he collapsed. "Someone call 911!" Frank called out as he lowered George to the floor.

I bent over him and just before he went into his coma he mumbled, "Take care of Jia Oliver."

I went to get into the ambulance with George as the medics took constant reading on his heart rate and breathing. Frank had stayed with us until they arrived. "Let me know how he's doing Oliver, and anything we can do here please let me know."

"I will Frank, thank you. He was afraid something like this was going to happen. He just wanted to make sure Jia was taken care of. I know he also went in this morning to see his lawyer, but I don't know what happened in that meeting. I wasn't there." I told the banker who did have a worried expression on his face. "I will keep you informed Frank." I promised and shook his hand before climbing into the ambulance.

We arrived at the hospital and as George was taken back to an emergency room, I gave reception all the information I had about George, which wasn't much, but I told them I would call his wife Jia to get her down here.

I called Chris and told him what had happened. He said that he and Julie would bring Jia down to the hospital as quickly as possible.

When she arrived, she hugged me and I whispered to her, "Just answer their questions love. I will be right here. Just make sure to act as the grieving wife and tell them to put him on life support if he needs it. Tell them you will have me contact his lawyer to find out his wishes, that you don't know."

She nodded and I took her over to the nurse's station. Then I went back to sit with Chris and Julia. When Jia and the nurse came over Jia asked if I would call George's lawyer and I said I would. I took out George's cell phone and found the number in his recent calls. I called and a woman's voice answered the long name of partners. I shook my head, *God does she have to answer like that each time?*

"Yes, this is Oliver Simms, I am the executive assistant to George Meller. George has been taken to the hospital and is on life support. I don't know what his wishes are can I please speak with his family lawyer?"

"Yes, Mr. Simms. One moment and I will see if Mr. Anderson is available."

A man then answered, "Mr. Simms? This is Michael Anderson. I am the personal attorney for Mr. Meller. I understand you are his new executive assistant?"

"Yes, Mr. Anderson. I am at the hospital with his wife Jia and neither of us knows his wishes about life support, so right now he does not need it. He is breathing on his own, but we need to know in case he does not wake up. I believe he has had a stoke by his symptoms, but we are still waiting for the doctors to come and tell us."

"Yes, he does have a new will he just made this morning, and it has been filed. I thought he was not looking good, but he did seem to be in sound mind to make the changes." The lawyer was concerned, but also very professional. I will make myself available to you in whatever you or Mrs. Meller need. As to the changes, I can tell you this Mrs. Meller has full control over everything if Mr. Meller is not capable of making decisions. It is also his wish to not be on life support. He has had an DNR now in effect since his first wife and son were killed."

"Thank you, Mr. Anderson. I will let you know what is going on with George. We are just very worried about his health right now." I told the lawyer.

"I understand Mr. Simms. Anything you need, just call. My firm is on permanent retainer with Mr. Meller and his company."

He hung up and I put the number in my own phone. Then I went up to the nurse's station where Jia was still talking with her. "His personal attorney Michael Anderson says that George has a DNR on file with his office. He has had it ever since his first wife and son was killed."

The nurse said, "Thank you I will note that in his chart."

"Do you need Jia anymore? I think she should sit down."

"Yes, I will have someone come and speak with you when we know something." The nurse said. I led Jia back to the waiting room and sat next to her. She held my hand in both of hers and laid her head on my shoulder.

After about an hour the doctor came over and said, "Mrs. Meller?"

"Yes, doctor," I said, "She's right here."

The doctor came over and said to Jia, "I am Dr. Franklin. I'm afraid that George has had a major stroke and is in a coma. I understand he has a DNR, and we took a brain scan a few minutes ago. I'm also afraid that he will not come out of it. All we can do is put him into hospice and allow him the dignity to die as he wished."

Jia nodded her head and began to cry. I looked up at the doctor, "Thank you doctor, can you please have a case worker come talk to us so that we can make arrangements to have him transferred somewhere more comfortable than a hospital room."

"Of course, and my sincere apologies about this whole situation. He was in fine shape otherwise it seemed." He walked away to speak to the nurse.

Jia looked up at me. "Where should we have him moved to?"

"Home. We will have hospice send a bed for him to be in and we can hire a nurse to care for him until he passes."

"Are you going to move into the house with me?"

"Not for a while, we should not bring attention to any kind of relationship for now." She nodded. "Chris, Julia, please do not say anything about what happened this morning or anything about a relationship between Jia and myself until I think it's safe to." They both nodded.

I hugged Jia into me and kissed her forehead. "Everything will be fine. You now have complete control over all his holdings and as soon as he passes away you will own it all."

"Then after a time I can become Mrs. Simms?"

"If that is your wish Jia."

"It is Oliver, I love you."

"I love you too Jia, please start calling my Oli, all of you." I also addressed Chris and Julia. "You are all my friends, my lovers, and you all are a part of my new life."

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OgfyOgfy7 months ago

Agree with previous comments, few minor errors with mixed names and some spelling errors. Overall a fun read. Good pace. Not too short but not excessively long and drawn out. Some indecisiveness in character developments. But can't wait for the next chapter. If you are in need of an editor, I'd be willing to work with you. Just drop me a mail from my profile. I'd prefer to get with a new author like yourself, so we could work as a team.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

A few editing issues, but a fine story overall. I like the flow and pacing. The switch to George’s fortune was a bit unexpected, as I was assuming that Julie’s dad would become the benefactor. This will probably work out better. It might make for some interesting intrigue if some of George’s associates wonder at the rapid changes, but it’s your story, so go with it.



AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Overall a good story. Difficult area mind control, and you handled it well. Have to agree with Master Doctor about the errors; they spoil the readability. Areola is singular, with areolae the correct plural and areolas becoming accepted. I’d have been happier with the male male kept distant as you started.

Master_DoctorMaster_Doctor7 months ago

The story and concept was different and good. But seriously, You need to edit/ proofread. A number of occasions you lost track of which of your characters were talking. You mixed up Christ and Oliver more than once. Its really hard to follow when you do that. I also didnt care for the male and male. You also seemed to keep changing your mind. Saying you wanted to keep this girl only for yourself... then sharing/ giving her to a couple for the afternoon. Sloppy.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Great story. Hopefully you’ll add a few more chapters.

reaper1967reaper19677 months ago

Loved the story. i hope there's more to this story.

dvmrdvmr7 months ago

Loved the story. Just not a fan of the male on male.

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