Transformations: The New Normal Ch. 03


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A man surged up against his restraints, eyes imploring Tracy for help as the drugs flowed into his arms and scrotum, a suction device milking his cock. JWM was written on his forehead.

"Junior Whore Master," Cathy explained.

The man seized hard, and the bed creaked.

Cathy walked over and touched his temple. "Shh, relax. It's okay. You'll be happy when this is done. Everything will be fine. Sleep."

The man's eyes rolled back in his head and he collapsed on the bed.

A nurse walked up and fit a headset over his eyes and ears.

Tracy looked around. "There are no White Witches. No Whore Masters, only juniors."

Cathy sighed and nodded. She looked away. "They don't want them here."

"What? Why?"

She turned to Tracy with her eyes full of tears. "Because they might not let this continue."

"Cathy? Are you okay?"

She pulled Tracy close and kissed her. "It doesn't have to be like this. It should never be like this. There is so much wrong. So very, very wrong."

Tracy held her tight.

She looked across at a middle-aged woman who was sobbing and shaking her head as she slobbered around her gag.

Tracy stared at the letter on her forehead. "Cathy? What does 'W' mean?"

Cathy froze. "What did you say?"

She turned slowly and looked at the gurney. "No... no, that's not right."

A nun was rushing past, and Cathy grabbed the woman's arm.

The smaller woman grimaced in pain.

"What is this?" She pointed toward the woman on the gurney. "There weren't supposed to be any!"

"I... sorry, Mistress. We were told..."

"Who told you?! Who told you to make Worker Caste?!"

"Mother Superior Hecate. She said the unattractive were to be..."

Cathy shrank back as if she had been struck. She let go of the woman's arm.

"Worker Caste?" Tracy asked.

"How many? How many have you done this to?" Cathy asked.

"I... not many. Dozens perhaps." The nun curtsied and ran off.

Cathy stared at the ground. "She wouldn't. She... She promised."

Tracy took her hand. "Cathy, what is it?"

"Worker Caste. They're lobotomized. Desexed. Pumped full of growth hormone. They... they're slave labor."

Tracy stepped back. "Oh... God. That's what they were going to do to me..."

"They're only supposed to do that to immunes or to people who are violent - criminals, rapists, murderers."

Tracy shook her head. "That nun said they were doing that to people they considered unattractive, Cathy." She turned and looked at the woman. She had a squared jaw, a nose a little too large. "But... they can make people beautiful. I don't understand."

"Time," Cathy said. "It takes time. We're transforming millions." She sighed. "She's doing this to save time." Cathy walked over to the woman with the W on her forehead. She put her hand on the struggling woman's temple. "Quiet now. Calm. I'm going to help you."

A nurse walked by.

"You. Stop," Cathy said. She held out her free hand. "Pen."

The nurse took a grease pencil out from behind her ear and handed it to Cathy.

Cathy took the pencil from the nurse and added the letter 'S' beside the W.

"Street Whore," Tracy said.


The nurse looked at the woman's forehead. "Mistress? You can't..."

Cathy stared into the nurse's eyes.

The woman stopped talking.

"Go on. Tell me what I cannot do."

The nurse looked like she wanted to run. "Mistress, please. If we go against Mother Superior Hecate...?"

"I am a White Witch of Whore Caste. You are Professional Caste. And I am ordering you to follow along behind these Religious Caste nuns and change any Worker Caste mark you see into a Whore Caste mark. Tell the other nurses to do the same. You are to say nothing to Religious Caste."

"We can't lie to Mother Superior!"

"Mother Superior isn't here... I am." Cathy said.

"But she is."

Cathy frowned. "Where?"

"By the fountain," the nurse whispered.

Cathy turned and Tracy followed her gaze.

Hecate stood talking to a group of nuns near the fountain.

Cathy took the nurse's arm. "Tell the other nurses what I told you."

"She will kill us!" The nurse whispered.

"Not if she doesn't know. Do it. Or I swear to you, I will bring Mistress Marapova down on this place and there will be nothing and no one left."

The nurse's eyes bulged. "Yes... yes, Mistress!" The nurse took her pencil back and began scanning through the beds looking for more W's.

Cathy started walking toward the fountain.

Tracy had to run to catch up, her big breasts bouncing as she did. "What are you doing?"

"Stay behind me."

"Cathy! What are you going to do?" Tracy asked.

Hecate had her back to them.

The nuns around her looked at Cathy as she drew near, their eyes growing wide.

Hecate turned and stared at Cathy with her huge black eyes. "My darling?"

"You lied."

Hecate frowned. "Excuse me?"

"You lied! You said there would be no Worker Caste created. You promised me!"

"Keep your voice down."

"Worse. You promised Maria! You told her the humans would not be harmed." Cathy's fists were clenched.

"You forget your place, darling," Hecate said with venom. "I am in charge here..."

"You told Maria that you would not harm any humans. You would transform them, but you would not lobotomize them."

Hecate reached out and grabbed Cathy's wrist. "Calm down."

"Hey, take your hand off her!" Tracy said.

Cathy looked at Tracy in horror.

Hecate turned her unsettling black eyed gaze on Tracy. "So, the toy speaks? You dare raise your voice to a Mother Superior? You ridiculous little whore. Pain!"

Tracy clutched her stomach and fell to the ground. She felt nothing but she knew she had to make Hecate believe that she was in agony or there would be a lobotomization needle in Tracy's immediate future.

So she curled into a ball and screamed.

Hecate smiled down at her. "It feels like your intestines are being pulled out an inch at a time, doesn't it?"

"Hecate, stop it," Cathy said.

"The illusion is false, but the pain is 100% accurate."

Tracy screamed louder.

"If I hold this long enough? Your body will simply shut down. Your heart will simply give up the fight and you will die."

"Hecate, enough," Cathy growled.

"No. I think you need to learn a lesson, my dear."

The sound of Cathy slapping Hecate was like a thunderclap in the tent.

The force of the blow spun the Mother Superior around and she tottered on her heels.

Tracy stopped screaming. Should she? She wasn't sure. Would the massive blow Cathy struck have been enough to break the Mother Superior's concentration?

Nuns rushed toward Hecate, but she waved them off.

She stood up straight and rubbed her jaw.

She turned and looked at Cathy, her left cheek blood red.

Cathy stood tall and stared at her.

"My... a lesson it shall be then. Pain."

Cathy gritted her teeth. Sweat began to bead on her forehead.

Hecate looked furious. "Pain!"

Cathy groaned and collapsed to her knees.

Hecate stood over her. "How dare you strike me! I was sent here by Sister, the hand of Morpheus..."

Cathy glared at her.

And she stood up.

It was hard to read emotion in the glossy black eyes of Hecate, but Tracy thought she could see fear.

"Stay down," Hecate whispered.

"Fuck... you," Cathy whispered back.

Hecate's lips quivered. "Pain!"

Cathy fell then, curling on the ground.

But she did not scream.

Tracy crawled to her. "Stop it! Please, Hecate! Stop! You'll kill her."

Hecate smiled down at them.

"Hecate! You'll kill her!"

Hecate's smile faded. She spun around. "Go. Take her out of here."

Cathy's body went limp.

Tracy stroked her hair. "Oh, God, Cathy, are you okay?"

She opened her eyes and nodded. "I'm... okay." She rolled onto her hands and knees and Tracy helped her to her feet.

Hecate turned and glared at them. She stepped close enough to whisper. "You push me. You push me too far."

"No... more... Worker Caste," Cathy moaned.

"Shut up! Stop talking," Hecate hissed.

"No... more... Worker Caste. I'll... call her... Hecate. Maria. I will call her, and she will come, and God help me she will kill you. You promised her and she will not forgive."

Tracy held Cathy up.

Hecate stepped closer. "No more Worker Caste," she whispered. "Go. Go now or... I'll have to hurt you again."

Tracy led her away.

"Don't let me fall," Cathy whispered.

"I won't. Oh, God, she almost killed you."

Cathy squeezed her hand. "She... held back. Always... with me. She holds back."

Tracy shook her head as she led her out of the tent. "That was holding back? Jesus, you're lover almost killed you and you think she was holding back? You're insane."

Cathy smiled and winced. "Got... what I wanted... didn't I?"

Outside, the Church agent rushed to open one of the SUV's doors.

He and Tracy managed to ease her into the backseat then Tracy climbed in beside her.

Cathy lay down with her head on Tracy's lap.

"Mistress, where to?"

"A hotel," Tracy said.

"Which one, Mistress?"

"One as far away from Hecate as we can get," Tracy said.

Cathy smiled up at her. "No other choice... back there? Had to do it."

"You slapped a psychopath. Not smart."

"She... was trying to kill you."

"Yeah, but she couldn't hurt me..."

Cathy shook her head. "Not with her mind, no. But listen to me, she can still hurt you."

Tracy stroked Cathy's long, black hair. "Never do that again. Not for me."

Cathy laughed. "If not for you, then who?"

* * * * *

He was easy to kiss.

Tanya kissed Keith as she lay on top of him. His hands held her waist.

She felt his cock moving up and down her pussy lips, moved by Caitlyn's small hand. Then she felt Caitlyn's thumb and index finger on her own skin, spreading her pussy open.

She no longer fought the girl's light touch.

Caitlyn giggled in her ear. "He's bigger than he was when you fucked him earlier. I think he's going to spoil you for other guys."

The thick head was pressing against her wet lips.

"A little more," Caitlyn whispered. She pushed his cock deeper.

"Unnh," Tanya groaned. This was by far the biggest cock she'd ever had.

She pushed back with her hips and then Keith groaned as his cock pushed into her.

"Ooo, that's so beautiful," Caitlyn whispered. "I'm going to kiss it when I get it in as far as it will go."

Three more inches slid into her, spreading her, stretching her.

"Oh, God!" Tanya cried as she finally broke the kiss.

"It looks so big inside you, Tanya," Caitlyn said. "Isn't she tight, Keith?"

"Feels so good," Keith said.

Caitlyn's hand left his cock and then she slid down Tanya's body, dragging her hard nipples along Tanya's back.

"What... are you doing?" Tanya asked.

She answered by licking Tanya's ass, her stiff little tongue pushing against her anus.

"Oh! Caitlyn! Not there."

Caitlyn laughed. "Oh, yes, there!" Then her tongue pushed into her little pucker.

"Don't... do... Oh, fuck!"

Keith began to thrust then, gently, taking care not to hurt her.

"Oh, Jesus. It's... her tongue is..."

Keith smiled at her as he began fucking her harder.

"Mmm, I love doing this, Tanya," Caitlyn said. "I have the best view."

"Fuck! Oh, fuck this!" Tanya said. She raised up and grabbed Caitlyn's hair. "Get up here!"

"What do you want me to do?" Caitlyn asked as she sat down on her heels on the bed.

"Sit on his face!"

Caitlyn laughed. "Yes!" She threw her leg over and pushed her pussy into Keith's face.

He began to eat her out as she took Tanya's hands in hers. "Mmm, he's good at eating pussy."

Tanya rode him hard, pushing till she couldn't take any more.

He jerked his hips under her.

Tanya laughed. "Kiss me!"

Caitlyn leaned forward and fell into a deep, passionate kiss with Tanya as Keith fucked Tanya and ate Caitlyn out.

Tanya laughed in Caitlyn's mouth as her orgasm came.

Then she felt Keith pumping into her as Caitlyn screamed into Tanya's laughing mouth.

Tanya shook and spasmed on his cock as it softened.

She fell off first and into his arms and then Caitlyn shifted into his embrace as well. They kissed each other, licking the juices from Keith's face as they bathed in the glow of pure bliss.

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AnoniemousAnoniemousabout 3 years ago

Well, the news about rating is particularly upsetting. Sorry to hear you've been 1 bombed as have many others and I may have been guilty of 5 bombing occasionally when I've forgotten to log in or been logged out by the system but nothing deliberate. There have never been that many comments on your chapters compared with some long standing authors but they have been generally consistent and your ratings have been high throughout. If this is a trend Literotica will lose out as new readers like I was a year ago tend to go for the higher rated stories to get a good read while they build up a list of favourite authors. Thank the Gods, or Morpheus, that I found you before this happened.

This is another 5 star chapter again and I'm sorry this will be the last I can rate you on. The writing is excellent, again. You just keep on introducing new characters and I start to lose the will to live 😆😆😆 but still keep reading as l want to know what happens. I love the differing characters you introduce, this time from Dr Pain through to Caitlyn, another sweetie who in Maria's words 'tops from the bottom' it seems.

I wonder if we'll read more about Lexi. Looking forward to the next chapter then I think I'm upto date in reading.

wayneandanntriskelionwayneandanntriskelionabout 3 years agoAuthor

Literotica now shows the publication date for chapter 4 as 14-April, so it should be up tomorrow.

kansaibboykansaibboyabout 3 years ago

Another installment of the masterpiece! With everything that is going on, I wouldn't have been surprised y'all has stopped writing this story (disappointed but not surprised). Still, I am happy that you have continued and have even written another story in the background!

I can't wait to see more of this story!

wayneandanntriskelionwayneandanntriskelionabout 3 years agoAuthor

Thanks everyone! Chapter 4 is in the queue - three days late, sorry. On the positive side, Chapter 4 is about 23,000 words long so it'll be a chunk to be chewed :).

The_Crazy_OneThe_Crazy_Oneabout 3 years ago

Also I'm going to put this out there. I'm surprised the church/Demona hasn't tried to create a sleeper agent that could pass for unmodified woman. I.e. small and tiny in the boob and ass deptarments but have legs for days and the normal sexual drive that would kill a horse to get some of the key people on their side instead of the massive tits and ass they go for.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

you forgot the "the" in the title of this chapter

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago
Five Bombing Hell, You EARNED those Stars.

There is an H next to almost every chapter. If your being One bombed, it ain't working. Proud to give you and your stories a last FIVE. Congrats Wayne and Ann. In a perfect universe Transformations would be the biggest series in the world.

SmittyNZSmittyNZabout 3 years ago

This whole series / world you two have created feels like it should be sophmoric flash-in-the-pan wank material of no worth beyond that. But it's so much more than that - yes it has the kink and wank material in there, but you've created a world with a huge cast of characters with distinct personalities. Even with some of the bit players that barely last a chapter before lapsing into irrelevance. You have strong political, horror and thriller style plotlines weaving through the various books in the series building to what is looking to be a truely epic final confrontation. You've got coming of age stories, tales of rebellion, damage caused by thoughtless godling Morpheus and redemption in the midst of great evil.

It's good enough you could almost piviot away from the sex altogether and it'd still be a great read - but please don't.

This has been a fun and interesting ride to this point and I'm looking forward to your future chapters!

wayneandanntriskelionwayneandanntriskelionabout 3 years agoAuthor

Ann and I want to thank all of you for your kind comments and emails. We have the best readers in the world and we love hearing from you!

Chapter 4 is in final edits and we expect to submit it to the queue on 4-April. That should put us somewhere around Friday of next week for the story to be online.

We’ll be making a change starting with Chapter 4: we’ll be turning off voting for all our work from that point forward. We really couldn’t care less about the voting. We’ve been “1-bombed” constantly this year along with every other writer on Literotica. However, evidently one or more of you have been “5-bombing” us as well (Did I mention we have the best readers in the world?). I’m reminded of the Cold War: they build ten bombs so you build twenty. They counter with forty so you build eighty.

We love you guys, really. But we don’t want you to feel like you have to look out for us - we just want you to enjoy our stories.

So, we’re turning off voting starting with Chapter 4. And, once again, thank you :).

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

I still hope and wait for another chapter and you surprise me and it shows up and I love it!

You create these characters that I cannot help but relate to in some way or another. Everyone feels powerless at times in their lives just like in the story and almost everyone has someone they have to answer to that is a pain in the ass in their life but they smile and take the abuse. I have noticed for me, that between the characters and the story that I find myself not just relating and feeling the emotions but I keep finding myself holding my breath at certain points which overall just tells me that you are a hell of an author and this story hits me deeper than most. Since I know it will take awhile to write and post the next chapter, that gives me time to go and reread the entire transformations epic and see what I missed along the way because I know I missed a coup,e somewhere in there. Always good to have a goal in life.🙄 Once again I want to thank you for all the time (and I am sure there is loads of it) and effort that you put into creating, writing, reading, editing, rereading, posting, and finally wondering if it is up to your high standards which you can’t really tell until the reviews come in so thank you for all that because I know your fans appreciate it greatly. ( should have easily met your high standards as it is a solid 5 star here.)

Stay safe, be well, and take it easy, you deserve it.


SouthernPassion53SouthernPassion53about 3 years ago

Was another well written chapter from the two of you. Keep it up. :)

traskentraskenabout 3 years ago

So glad to see you able to continue. I love the character development and explorers. This links great. Thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

With the break between the stories, I was afraid the worst of life may have occurred and am glad that is not the case. Another great chapter snd looking forward to where it all goes.

kinkybunny123kinkybunny123about 3 years ago

I think you guys are still great. But, I feel that you've lost character development. That's part of what made your stories so great. But, I feel like you've lost the complex relationships. Still love it though.

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