
Poetry by K8e_Mountain

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I love you - just not enough

4.5 227 1 1

I need my car cocoon tonight.


I’m done. Goodbye.

4.67 287 1 2 1

Sometimes the world is too much…

244 1 1

Her smile hides the darkness within. Help!

5 453 1 2 1

Depression takes a toll

4.75 435 2 2

Kintsugi is a Japanese art of repairing cracks with gold

5 396 1

Time doesn’t stop, even if you do.

3 527

What I see when I close my eyes

4.2 1.5k 1 1

Getting carried away with memories

5 669

Always chasing relationships but very much alone

4 1.2k 2

Always chasing, never chased

5 468

Careful, the shadows are coming

4.67 443

Time to travel,

5 483

My needs for him remind me of a shark frenzy

4 559

A poignant reflection on being broken

5 613

It’s bedtime and something is missing.

3.75 607

Opia - ambiguous intensity of looking someone in the eye

4.75 1k 1