A Jock in the Machine Ch. 12


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Wrapping her legs tightly around Tim's back, Cassie pulled him in closer. Throwing all caution to the wind, all worries aside, she moaned at the top of her lungs as she came. Not how she'd imagined she'd be cumming, but fuck she wasn't about to complain. And Tim just wasn't stopping, fuck, his tongue!


Fuck, she didn't care who heard her. In fact, no, she wanted people to hear her. She wanted everyone in the world to hear her, to know. She was his. And he was hers...

'Fuck, you nearly drowned me...' Tim said as Cassie's orgasm finally subsided and the grip her legs had on his back loosened.

'I'm... sorry...' Fuck, she couldn't even breathe properly. Or feel her legs. 'How... how are you so good at... mmpphh... that...'

'Honestly, I don't know...' Tim sighed. Fuck, he was just as out of breath as she was. 'Might be cuz of this one thing I read online a couple of years ago...'

'What is it...'

'It's really stupid...'

'Come on, you can't do that! I really wanna know now!'

'Fuck, ok, ok...' Damn it, why had he even told her about that. She was so going to laugh. Even if it was working really well so far, it really sounded stupid. 'I try to move my tongue in such a way that it spells out letters and...'

Cassie barely stifled a laugh.

'See, I told you it's stupid!' Tim immediately crossed his hands and looked away. But the blushing on his cheeks was still visible to everyone.

'Nooo, it's... it's really cute! I swear!' Cassie slowly got off the washing machine, walking on still shaky legs over to Tim. He wasn't going to get away that easily. 'So, what did you spell out?'

'I... promise you won't laugh.' Tim barely raised his gaze out of embarrassment.

'I won- wait.' Cassie had thought it would've been something like her name, or I love you, or something like that. But if Tim was so embarrassed by it then- 'Oh my God! It's shining knight, isn't it?'

'Y-yeah...' Tim just wished he could curl up in a ball and disappear. Fuck, here came the laug- the kiss?

'How do you always manage to be this damn sweet even when you're rocking my entire world?' Cassie asked in his ear after she broke the quick peck on Tim's lips.

'I, uhhh...' Fuck, why was he ever embarrassed by anything around Cassie? Maybe he was just trying to get her to call him cute or sweet. He felt so warm inside when she called him that. 'Cass...'

'Mmmhh?' Cassie purred.

'You're still hard...' Tim wrapped his hands around her cock. Fuck it felt like it was burning!

'I know. We shou- Anhhh.' A yawn interrupted Cassie mid-sentence.

'Are you getting tired?'

'Yeah, for a while now, I think...'

Suddenly, the up-till-then still embarrassed and blushing Tim piqued up, starting to move past Cassie and towards the door. His hand wasn't letting go of her dick at all.

'Then we really should hurry and take care of this boner, shouldn't we?'

'Mmm, fuck, you're insa- Hey!'

Tim had begun walking out the door, hand still firmly wrapped halfway around Cassie's throbbing girth. Fuck, she had no choice but to follow him. She was being led around her own house by her dick! It was ridiculous! But, damn, it did also offer her a really great view of Tim's ass. Mmmhhh, she had to hurry. She wanted to feel that ass squeeze her cock at least one more time before she fell asleep.

Luckily for both Cassie, who was precariously following him while fighting the urge to just tackle him to the ground and pound him right there, and Tim, who was barely resisting the desire to just stop in place and let her cock enter him on the spot, the walk to Cassie's room was a short one. Flinging the door open, Tim immediately led Cassie over to her bed and flipped the cover off.

'Wait, Tim, what are you-' Cassie tried asking, though with his hand rubbing on her cock so much, it came out more as a moan.

'What does it look like? We're going to fuck, right?' He would've thought it was quite obvious what he was doing, so why was she even asking him?

'Well, yeah, but why'd you move the cover?'

'Because I want you to fuck me between the sheets, duh.' Come on, she can't have not gotten his idea. He had his hand on her dick for fucks' sake.


What! Tim had just managed to put one leg on the bed when he immediately turned around, letting go of Cassie's dick in the process.

'What do you mean, no?'

'I don't fuck like that.' Holy shit, he'd thought she was just messing with him, but she was serious.

'Why the hell not?!'

'Fucking like that is for boring old married couples who're too afraid to show themselves to the world.'

Huh? What? Surely he'd misheard. That was by far the single, most mind-numbingly-

'Cass, that's so stupid!' Tim raised his hands up in the air. Holy fuck, what was her reasoning even? They were just about to fuck one last time before going to bed and she was about to just cut it off for such an idiotic reason?!

'I don't care! I'm not fucking you with the covers on!'

'Because it's for old married people?'

'YES!' Cassie joined him in throwing her hands up as she screamed in Tim's face.

'FINE!' He returned the shouting in kind. And, immediately after that shout, a smirk crept over his face. 'Wait here.'

Not giving Cassie any time to respond, Tim rushed out of the room, leaving her in stunned silence. Where the hell was he going? She could clearly hear him when he was running down the hall, though when he went down the stairs, his footsteps grew fainter and fainter. Without him there in front of her, and her being unable to hear him, a very worrying thought filled Cassie's mind.

What the fuck had she just done?! They were just about to fuck and she'd... Why?! WHY THE FUCK HAD SHE DONE THAT?! FUCK! She had gone so far beyond being an idiot she couldn't even see it anymore! Fuck, she'd messed up, bad! Oh, no, where had Tim gone? What was he about to-

'I'm back!' Tim announced, breaking Cassie out of her overthinking gaze. He was breathing rapidly and she could swear that was sweat on his forehead. Had he just ran somewhere?

'Where did you-'

'Shhh...' Tim slowly moved over to her, still trying to steady his breath. 'You said sex between the sheets is for old, married people, right?'

'Look, it just came out, I'm really sorry th-' Tim pressing his finger against her lips was signal enough for her to shut up. And then he got down on his knees in front of her.

'If that's the case, then I'm going to marry your cock right now!'

Cassie immediately looked down. She hadn't realized it, but Tim had kept one arm behind his back since returning. But now the thing that he'd sprinted down to the basement for and nearly tripped down the stairs a few times for, he'd brought it up into vision, right above the tip of her dick.

A cock ring.

Cassie stared at him as Tim gently rolled the ring down her shaft. Fuck, she was hard as a rock already, she certainly didn't need a damn ring! But she didn't want to stop him. She could tell he was really into the idea, even if it was just a stupid joke. Fuck, at least he'd managed to pick the largest size they had! Even if it did still feel a bit tight, but then again, that was his fault for being so damn sexy...

'Hey, Cass...' Tim spoke up quietly once he got the ring to the very base of Cassie's dick. 'You, ummm, you know this is a joke, right?'

'What, that you're marrying my cock?' Cassie giggled. Fuck, he looked so hot on his knees gripping her dick. God, she was going to pound him so hard with those sheets on top of them. 'Of course I know!'

'I, uhhh...' Tim gulped. It was a big, loud gulp. Loud enough for Cassie to notice it. And to understand that something wasn't quite right. 'I don't think I'm joking.'

'Wha-' Cassie cupped her hands in front of her mouth. No... he wasn't...

'Not about your cock....' Another gulp. Smaller this time. He was getting more and more determined to say it. He knew it was the right thing to do. And it still frightened him to no end. 'About you.'

He can't... Surely he...

'Cass, I can't, hell, I don't even want to imagine my life without you ever again. And I know this is really sudden, and it is, it just popped into my head just now, but it just feels right, you know? All of this, all of us, everything, I want it to last forever. I wanna be yours and I want you to be mine forever. So...'

He could! He was!

'Will you marry me?'

The air in the room came to a complete standstill. Nothing moved, nothing made a sound. Except for Cassie's heart, as it beat faster and faster until it felt like it was going to burst through her chest. The tears that welled up in her eyes were quickly blocking her vision. Fuck, no, go away, stupid tears! Her legs, her arms, her entire body buzzed. She felt warm, hot even, like she truly was melting...

Tim sat in place on his knees. He could do nothing else but wait and watch. He'd said it. He didn't know what had come over him, or why, but he'd said it. All that was left was the brutal wait for Cassie to respo-

'Iwantarealring.' Cassie quickly muttered out under her breath.

'Wha-' Tim hadn't caught that. He'd heard her speak but he hadn't heard the words. He only knew they were too long. Far too long to be a no. His entire body shivered.

'I said...' Cassie took a deep breath. Fuck, it didn't help at all! 'I said I want a real ring.,'

'I'll get you one, I swear!' It was his heart's turn to threaten to escape his body from thumping too fast. 'Does that mean-'

'That I'll marry you?' Cassie kneeled down next to Tim. She'd said it! She'd said the word! AAAAAHHH! Calm down, Cassie, calm do- 'OF COURSE I'LL MARRY YOU!'

Fuck. She'd shouted that right in his face. And then she'd pounced on him, tackling him to the ground and kissing him. Fuck she didn't care about all of that. She didn't even care about the kiss, or his tongue, or that her cock was threatening to explode from how hard it was! He'd proposed to her. And she'd said yes!

Cassie and Tim lost themselves in that moment. Neither of them wanted to break the kiss, so they didn't. Not when they got off the floor. Not when they got on the bed and pulled the covers on top of themselves. Not even when Tim sat down on Cassie's dick, taking the entire thing in one go, without even lubing it up first. And especially not when...


'KIDS! GET DOWN HERE!' Lara shouted loudly as she hung up her coat on the rack. Tim and Cassie had done as she'd told them and cleaned up the cum, but she sure as hell hadn't instructed them to replace it with pizza grease and cardboard boxes! 'KIDS!'

Yet no response came. Not even the faintest of shuffles. Strange. Lara walked over to the basement door and peeked inside, only to find the basement dark and empty. They weren't there at least. And her daughter's keys were still on the door, so they had to be upstairs.

The first thing that caught her attention as Lara ascended to the second floor was the wet footprints all over the hallway. Damn it, those two really couldn't even put on a pair of slippers? The footprints lead towards the laundry room, but inside Lara found only a bunch of clothes that had long since finished washing yet no one had bothered to take them out.

Continuing down the hall, Lara heard the shower running. Right, that's where they were-n't. They'd left the shower on! Fuck, it was a small wonder they hadn't flooded the house! Those two were really getting on her nerves! And her day had already been shitty, what with Jane being out of town. She quickly turned the shower off before she turned around and barged into her daughter's room.


Lara had slammed the door open and shouted as she'd entered Cassie's room. Yet she was met with no response whatsoever. The two were definitely in the room, she could see their bodies under the covers. Fuck it, no, she didn't care if the two were sleeping, they had a mess to clean up!

Strutting quickly over to the bed, Lara flipped the sheet over the two and then she... stopped. The two looked so peaceful together, embracing each other like that. She was certain they'd fallen asleep kissing.

Slowly she covered the two once again and made her way out of the room. Fuck it, it wasn't that big of a mess that she had to wake them up. And, quite honestly, she wasn't sure if she could wake them up at all. They must have been extremely exhausted if her daughter had managed to fall asleep with a still throbbing boner, and Tim with that same boner buried deep in his ass. Them waking up like that would be a rude enough awakening already, she didn't need to add to it.

There was one thing about the whole admittedly really cute picture that she found rather weird though. Lara had never known her daughter to need a cock ring to get hard. What could the- Ehh, it didn't matter that much. She leaned down to kiss Cassie on the forehead before quietly making her way back out of the room. Just before closing the door, Lara turned around.

'Good night, you two horny idiots.'

Author's note:

Well, here it is! Hope everyone enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it!

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totostorytotostoryover 1 year ago


I don't know if you'll read my comment or not, anyway I loved this chapter ,maybe because I love the idea of the buildup sexual tension that lead to a very hot detailed wild sex scene, you weren't in rush and creative even if it's a long sex scene, it still made me desire more. it's very rare to read that compo between erotica/romance well describe like this, though I've minor notes :IMO you're using the "fuck" & "God" words really too much, the repetition of the insecurity thoughts felt bothering/pointless by the passed times.

Please keep writing especially somehow like this, take your at the build up and the sex, you're a creative /wonderful writer, and please stay well.


Only_a_readerOnly_a_readerover 2 years ago

You are nominated for Literotica's Longest Fucking Ever Award and Best Wholesomeness Award

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Man Tim ended up being a Dom switch man I love this story dis is like d only futa fan fiction dat favors Dom switch types like me goddammn u deserve a prize for dis

EikmooEikmooalmost 3 years ago

I can't wait for your next story. Huge fan and your comment made my day!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

What a series, your awesome, reading your comment at the end, your new story ideas sound perfect, please post again soon

WeezyfWeezyfalmost 3 years ago

Btw about Tim, seeing him so insecure troughout the story and him and him suddenly being confident and she became insecure during the beginning of the chapter was actually nice yet kind of unrealistic and unexplained. Like hows his mindset suddenly change? She didnt help him do it soo its just a switch but going in more detail wouldve been nice.

WeezyfWeezyfalmost 3 years ago

Hey thanks for the story, the first 10 chapters were really not enjoyable at all. Maybe they wouldve been if you had not introduced Tim to the story. Like show her fukin all those dudes and then introduce Tim.

Another point is, during this last chapter Cassie mentioned when he licked her or fucked her that if she knew it felt so good sooner she would have done it before and let other guys fuck her, very offputting comments. Also she kept saying how inexperienced he was and didnt know what he was doing while she fucked thousands yet she offered barely any advice and laid like a fish all the time, even when Tim was being hammered he found the strength to pleasure her as much as he could yet she was so passive. What i did find hot is when he dominated her accidentally lol she enjoyed it so much, only problem is she didnt make it clear to him that she enjoyed it, so he has no idea. Ive hsd this with exes who did not tell me and expected me to mindread, its better jf she just mentions it, atleast better then sfter the sex she tells him his cum sucks instead of telling him how good she left in the name of teasing…

I also found one weird point: before she started fucking him she said something along the lines are you sure? This changes everything.

Did that mean that he wont be allowed to fuck her anymore or something?

Ps: if i was having sex and my gf mentioned how she fucked 7 guys while in relationship with me in detail.. i wouldnt be as happy and horny as Tim. Anyway minor details, i can see the effort you put in the story and its really amazing. Maybe warn readers with a cheating/cuckolding tag next time? Oh yeah another thing, ok she loves him but why so scared and anxious of hurting him with her dick when she knows men like sex like that(in this story) yet no problem lying and cheating which hurt more then physicallybeingfucked

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

I hope you keep writing erotic stories because I was drawn into Tim and Cassie's world for hours and experienced a gamut of emotions most stories on this site could only dream of. Great job keeping us on an emotional roller coaster ride. Thanks for your hard work!

ProdigalCookieProdigalCookieabout 3 years agoAuthor

So, it's about time I reckon to address some comments. First of all, I'm glad everyone is enjoying the series so much, it was certainly a blast writing it. Currently the main story is pretty much finished, though I might write some side chapters in the future. Though don't get your hopes up, the threesome with Lara ain't happening. I planned to have it originally, but the story has come to a point where it no longer makes sense for the characters to do that. Sorry to everyone on team Lara, but Cassie isn't sharing Tim.

I don't yet have enough publicity to really warrant a patreon, especially with the recent draught of stories. I do have a twitter that I shoukd be posting updates and indeed will, once I have something to show. It's @NuclearCookie17.

Currently I'm working on a commission, regarding a futa that developed a crush on her babysitter while she was still young, and then when she grows up, she hatches a plan to get him. She just also gets the babysitter's girlfriend as a bonus ;)

After that, I'm planning a series of one-shots, retelling clasdic porn tropes and some favorite scenes of mine but with futa in them. First on the line will involve a single dad finding an absolutely monstrous condom in his son's bedroom (like insanely huge, he can easily get his arm in past the elbow). He calls the son's futa girlfriend over to explain, finds out his son can't really satisfy her and the condom is actually far too tight on her, and then helps alleviate her sexual frustration.

The commission should be up before the end of the month, so expect updates soon.

collection8585collection8585about 3 years ago

Such a wholesome relationship between a male and a futa. I love this story. I also like the drama. I only know a few other stories of this quality, but I think this is the longest. There are a lot of stories that depict a few sex scenes then note that "then they fucked like wild animals for the next x hours". Not this one. All action is written out in detail. Unironically 11/10. Do you have a patreon or something similar? So yes, I loved it. I hope this is not the end. All recent chapters feel like they may be the last, which is wise from you, in case you decided to stop you don't leave the readers on cliffhangers. I would love to see what happens on those "business trips" that Lara attends. Also the foreshadowing about Lara joining Tim and Cass. I hope it will happen. I feel like Lara and Cass DPing Tim for hours would be the most natural event that could happen here. I hope to see more from you, whether this or other stories. Wish you the best!

OOAAOOAAabout 3 years ago

AMAZING story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

It was good, but honestly, too much forced drama and angst. It's kinda of hypocritical when you wrote a few chapters about cassie fucking other dudes and didn't have much trouble going into great details, but when it comes to Tim, you just literally skipped everything about his sexual encounter.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Wow it took me a while to finish. That’s not a bad thing the non stop sex scenes had me so revved up that I had to space it out after either rubbing out a good one or planting a good deposit in my girl.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

If I could rate it 50 stars, I would. Thank you.

55thiago5555thiago55over 3 years ago

great chapter !! ❤️❤️❤️I think it would be nice to have a scene of Tim and Lara and also a trio between Lara / cassie with Tim. You and my favorite author !!

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