Brandon's Torment


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"Oh yes... That feels so good..." she said as she humped his balls. After about ten minutes of grinding her moist pussy against Jason's balls she finally felt an orgasm coming.

"Yes... yes... yes.. oh fuck.....AAAAAHHHHHHH!!" she screamed into an intense orgasm as Jason screamed in agony to his throbbing balls.

Head Mistress sat there breathing heavily but in total ecstasy, with her pussy still pressing down hard on Jason balls. She was too relaxed to lift herself up, but that was Jason problem, not hers. She looked down at Jason and saw another fresh batch of semen all over the chair and his belly. He managed to cum to the pressure on his balls once again. After a few minutes she finally came to herself and stood up.

"I'll be right back boys," she said excusing herself. She went into the other room which had her private bathroom. After relieving herself, she stopped by the watercooler for a drink. And finally returned to the playroom. "Now let me continue to do some more work."

She sat back down onto Jason's balls, pressed her shoes back down onto Brandon's balls, and continued to hit and squeeze Jose's balls on the table. The young men continued their harmonic cries into their gags while she worked for another hour or so. Occasionally she would get up and sit back down. One instance she got up to get a large dictionary from the bookshelf in her other room just so she could slam it down onto Jose's balls. She really gave them a ball busting they would never forget.

Suddenly a knock on the door. "Come in," said Head Mistress.

It was now 5pm. Jillian and the other two mistresses had arrived to pick up their males. Head Mistress stood up to greet them. They entered the room and examined the state the three men were in.

"Wow," said Jillian. "Look at how big their balls are now. You really busted them good Head Mistress."

Head Mistress just smiled and nodded. "You may unstrap them now," she said.

The mistresses first freed up their trapped balls before removing the restraints and locked the ball zapper rings back on. They moaned in discomfort as their now super sensitive balls were being handled. Once the zappers were on, the restraints came loose. All three men immediately doubled over in a fetal position on the floor holding their aching balls.

The women conversed a little to enjoy the view of three strapping young men laying naked on the floor grasping their most treasured body part while moaning.

After several minutes had passed the mistresses leashed their males and began to leave the Head Mistresses punishment room. "Jillian hang back a bit," Head Mistress said.

"What is it?" Jillian responded.

"The confession Brandon gave you was false," she said. "We will need to punish him for lying."

"What?" she said angrily turning towards Brandon. "Bad move Brandon. There are a ton of torments I can put you through to get the truth. You just made it a lot worse for yourself."

Head Mistress immediately chimed in. "That won't be necessary Jillian. Just let it go. I just wanted to play a game with him. To see if he would actually confess to what he did, or to see if he would lie and make something up," she said. "Obviously he chose the second route, and now we can punish him for that."

Jillian was a little confused. Head Mistress had never backed out like this before. She usually demands the males are tormented into a confession. It's part of the correction procedure.

"Ok. If that's how you want it," she replied.

"After dinner bring him back here for his daily misbehavior punishments," she said. "We will do it together."

Jillian guided Brandon to the door, and they left. They made their way out of the Punishment Wing into the main hall. They finally came to Brandon's sleeping quarters. Heather was waiting by the door. They went inside.

"You can relax here till dinner time," said Jillian. "I'm sure you'd like to spend the next couple of hours tending to your sore balls."

Both Jillian and Heather giggled as Brandon continued to grasp his aching balls and moaning with every movement. Jillian left the room and Heather stayed a little longer.

"You don't have to stay on the floor," she said. "You can sit up on the bed."

"Thank you, Mistress Heather," he said checking out her tits. They always grab his attention. It's impossible not to stare.

"Mistress Jillian texted me a few minutes ago. She said your confession was a lie," said Heather.

"Yes Mistress. I'm sorry," he said looking down. "I was desperate. I couldn't take the electroshock anymore."

"Why lie Brandon?" she asked. "All the males have a reason they're here. And they all know they've done some unspeakable things to women that got them here. Why didn't you just admit to yours?"

Brandon didn't respond. He had no answer anyway.

"At least Mistress Jillian will probably lighten up on you," she said. "She had a bad experience with a peeper when she was a teenager. Because of that, peeping is one of her red buttons. That's why she was extra hard on you after finding it out."

Brandon discretely rolled his eyes. "It figures," he thought to himself. "I chose to make up an offense that was very personal to Jillian."

"Anyway, now it looks like we will have to punish you for lying later," she continued. "Usually offenses of the mouth end in a punishment for your tongue. Let's see what Head Mistress decides to do."

Brandon didn't even want to think about it.

"Anyway, I'll leave you alone now," she said standing up to leave. "See you at dinner time."

"Mistress wait," Brandon said. "Is there any way I can notify my office that I won't be coming to work for a while? I don't know how long I will be here. I don't want to be fired."

"Don't worry about that," she said smiling. "They've already been notified with a viable excuse. It's part of the abduction protocol. Your job will still be there when you're set free." Heather left the room.

Brandon was now alone. He got up to use the toilet. Didn't miss a drop. Then he laid back down in his bed and massaged his balls. It's amazing. He endured many different torments today, but the only one that he seems to remember is the brutal ball busting. All other torments or punishments couldn't hold a candle to a ball busting.

"I wonder how Jason's doing?" he thought to himself. He had it rough. His balls were under constant pressure anytime Head Mistress was seated. Brandon had it somewhat easier, and so did Jose. Head Mistress would occasionally let up pressure on their balls. "Jason's balls will ache for days," he said to himself. Anyway, he wanted to put the experience behind him and decided to just take a nap.

A couple hours later his door swung open. It was Jillian and Heather.

"Wakey wakey," said Jillian as Brandon immediately jumped out of bed and onto all fours. He found himself looking at their feet and remembered he had to kiss them. So, he leaned in and gave each foot a soft kiss. He also realized that he may have missed a few foot kissing moments throughout the day. It's probably already on his misbehavior list for the day.

They leashed his balls and made their way down to the cafeteria. This time Jillian let him eat from his tray. Since he wasn't an actual perverted peeper, she was not so rough on him anymore. Brandon was a little relieved. Hopefully he could keep this status with her. Eating off the floor was both gross and degrading.

After dinner, they made their way back into the Punishment Wing to meet up with the Head Mistress. When they arrived, the room was empty. Brandon looked at the desk where he and the other two males were ball busted. Just seeing it made his testicles jump back into his body. Moments later the Head Mistress entered.

"Welcome ladies.... Brandon.... Long time no see," she said giggling. "I just reviewed the list of your misbehaviors from today."

When he heard the word "misbehavior" he remembered he must kiss her feet. He quickly crawled up to her and gave her stinky feet some kisses. Hopefully it wasn't too late.

"Good boy," she said. "Now let me read the to you. One... you were caught touching your penis while you slept last night... Two... You didn't properly greet your mistresses by kissing their feet multiple times today... And three... You lied to your mistresses during your confession."

Brandon had already figured what his misbehaviors were. But he didn't expect the one for touching his penis in his sleep.

"Do you have anything to say Brandon?" asked Head Mistress.

"I do deserve these punishments, Head Mistress," he said apologetically. "But isn't it unfair to count touching my penis in my sleep. I was unconscious."

"Actually, you weren't," chimed in Jillian. "The cameras caught you doing it while you rolled over, therefore you weren't unconscious."

Brandon knew there was no point in arguing the matter. "You're right mistress. I'm sorry," he said.

"Lay him down on that bench," commanded Head Mistress.

Jillian and Heather guided Brandon to the bench and began strapping him down facing up. His arms were bound together beneath the bench, his torso strapped down at the chest and waist. His feet were bound together by the ankles and attached to a chain hanging from the ceiling. Heather pulled on a crank along the wall and Brandon's feet began to rise up off the bench. Then his big toes were bound together and pulled back and tied to the chain to keep his feet from moving around. Then the mouth gag was put in.

"I think we're ready Head Mistress," said Jillian.

Brandon lay there completely helpless and immobile. His balls were still swollen and tender, and his cock was as hard as always when Heather is in the room.

"Good," Head Mistress replied. "Brandon I will read your punishments out loud. For touching your penis, you will get the Icy-Hot condom treatment till you return to your room... For not greeting us properly by kissing our feet we will "kiss" your feet with a cane 20 times each... so total 60 times... And for lying to us you will have to lick all of our shoes clean."

Brandon's eyes widened. He didn't like the sound of any of these punishments. He began to panic and breath heavily as his heart started racing.

Heather grabbed the tube of Icy-Hot from the drawer. The same tube that was used on Jose earlier. She squirted a generous amount of it into a condom. Jillian grabbed the tube and squirted some into her own hand and began to rub it all over Brandon's cock. Then Heather slipped the condom on. Withing 30 seconds he began squirming to the burning sensation on his cock.

"Mmmmmpphhhh...." Brandon moaned in discomfort that progressively got worse. Surprising the sensation made his cock super hard.

"Try not to touch your penis again dear," said Head Mistress tapping him on his cheek. "Ok, grab the cane Heather. You can go first."

Heather grabbed a thin cane from the wall and walked up to Brandon's slightly elevated bare soles. WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, she began hitting his feet uniformly.

Brandon tensed up with each lash to his sensitive soles, pulling on his restraints as the pain began to increase with each hit. His screams got louder and louder. He didn't think he could take any more of it then it stopped.

"Good job Heather, nice even lashes," said Head Mistress.

Heather passed the cane over to Jillian. It was a short break for Brandon's feet as they switched. Then Jillian began with her hits. WHACK, WHACK, WHACK. Brandon writhed in pain within his bonds. Jillian's hits were harder than Heathers, and it was reflected in his louder screams. After another twenty consecutive hits she stopped. Both his feet and dick felt like they were on fire.

"You're turn Head Mistress," said Jillian passing the cane over. The Head Mistress wasted no time and began her lashing. WHACK, WHACK, WHACK. Her hits were the same intensity as Jillian's. Brandon didn't know if he could take it. His screams were at a higher pitch as the sting of each hit was more and more intense. Then suddenly it was over. He suffered through all 60 lashes to his poor feet.

Brandon lay there now sweating, breathing fast and moaning to the pain. His feet were off the hook now, but his dick still being tortured by Icy-Hot.

"Unstrap him ladies," commanded Head Mistress. "It's time for his apology for lying."

Brandon was unstrapped and brought back down off the bench onto the floor. The ladies guided him to the other room, which was Head Mistresses office. They sat down on the leather couches in front of her desk, with Brandon kneeling before them. He was staring at their stilettos, which they were wearing and walking around in all day.

"Here's how it's going to go Brandon," said Head Mistress. "You will remove one shoe at a time, give it a thorough tongue bath, cleaning anywhere your tongue can reach. Every square inch of our shoes should be covered in your saliva before putting it back on our foot. And before putting it back on, you must present the shoe to us to inspect and approve that you did a good job."

Brandon cringed at what he was about to do. But perhaps it will help take his mind off his burning dick. "Yes, Head Mistress. I understand," replied Brandon.

"Start with me, then Mistress Jillian, then Mistress Heather," she commanded.

Brandon slowly reached out and gently removed Head Mistresses right shoe, being immediately reminded of their smell from earlier. He brought it to his mouth, closed his eyes and just started licking. After a while he was able to do it with his eyes open to make sure he was being thorough. The shoe wasn't that dirty at all, just the bottoms were dusty, and had a strong foot odor on the inside.

Meanwhile the three women were conversing. Basic small talk mixed with some girl talk. Nothing that interested Brandon as he continued to lick. Hopefully they will be satisfied easily. He licked Head Mistresses right shoe for about 5 minutes, leaving nowhere untouched by his tongue. He was confident he did a good job and presented it her for approval.

"Good job Brandon, you can move onto the next shoe," she said.

Brandon gently put her shoe back on her right foot and removed the left shoe. Just like before he began licking. In the meantime, he glanced over at Jillian and Heathers shoes, they also didn't look that dirty. Just dusty at the bottoms. He began to wonder if their feet smelled bad too.

After another 5 minutes he finished with Head Mistresses second shoe. She approved it and he moved onto Jillian. He took off her right shoe to discover that her feet stunk too. He continued to lick both her shoes for about 5 minutes each, then moved onto Heather. His burning dick began to grow at the thought of serving Heather's feet. Her feet smelled also. "What was up with this?" he though. It didn't matter when it came to Heather. Her foot odor made his cock even harder. He decided to lick Heathers shoes a little longer, about 8 minutes each. His arousal kept his mind off his burning dick.

He placed Heathers second shoe onto her pretty foot and continued to kneel before them. They continued their conversation a little longer than stood up to leave.

"Ok ladies. I will see you in the morning," said Head Mistress. "And Brandon, I hope you learned your lessons today."

"Yes, Head Mistress, I did," he replied. "Please forgive me all of you." He said as he crawled up to kiss their feet one last time for the day.

They left the room and went back to Brandon's sleeping quarters. Heather unleashed him and pulled out his butt plug. Then she grabbed his cock and pulled the condom off. His dick was still burning because it was still covered in cream.

"Don't wipe that off. It will absorb into your skin and the burning will eventually stop," said Heather. "Try to sleep well Brandon. There's another long day waiting for you tomorrow. Have a good night."

Both Jillian and Heather left the room. Brandon removed his knee pads and crawled into his bed. He couldn't fall asleep until his penis stopped burning. He watched some TV, and an hour or so later the pain subsided, and he fell asleep.


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PlaettbrettPlaettbrett3 months ago

Also ich fand die Story sehr erotisch!

Man muss bedenken, dass es sich um Fiktion handelt.

Sie ist gut erzählt und die Qualen für Brandon steigern sich ständig. Ich bewundere die Fantasie des Schreibers. Danke für den guten Job. Prima Kopfkino!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

This is simply not erotic, it’s just punishment and pain. It really doesn’t matter what someone has done, nobody deserves to be put through this meat grinder. As for the woman in charge, there isn’t anything too bad to do to her. Her place in the lower reaches of hell are guaranteed.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Well, if the center is not supposed to injure or permanently scar the men then busting their balls like that will certainly hurt them if not rupture them. Men do need to be put in their place and such a process like this should be created. Hurting them so badly like the headmistress has done is not making me feel any nicer. Hopefully the headmistress will be taught a terrible lesson and subjected to harsh punishment. Hopefully Brandon will find out what happened and maybe be able to inflict harsher punishment on the women. Maybe Heather and Brandon will find each other and learn to love each other in a mutual living arrangement. WOuld hate of have Brandon be able to get off with punishment instead of love.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

They are the same as the guys they are punishing if they takes pleasure in punishing the wrong guy. I hope they punish head mistress for that. If not, don't bother trying to justify it. They will just be another corrupted extremists.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

please have brandon and heater be together in the end, I'm shipping them.

EmirusEmirusabout 2 years ago

MY ERRORS. There’s me commenting on your errors and I’ve made a couple in my previous comment. Just shows nobody’s perfect least of all me. Especially me.

I said “better constructed as three chapters, or even two.”Whereas it should have been “or even four.” I also said there’s been a gap of four months since the last chapter whereas it’s only been three.

I look forward to the next instalment whenever it appears. I did try to message you but you must have pm’s turned off.

EmirusEmirusabout 2 years ago



If this is your first attempt at writing then good job. If it isn’t your first published work then good on the imaginative side and most of the writing but not so good with the number of grammatical and spelling errors. As there is no information on your profile I can’t see an obvious reason and I don’t want to make assumptions.


Some readers aren’t bothered by silly mistakes. I’m not bothered if it’s only a handful but with so many it’s irritating. It gives the impression the writer couldn’t be bothered to give the story a final read through before submitting. On the whole one would think, because it’s an imaginative story etc, the scores would be higher but it does give you thought as to why not.


I read the first chapter a couple of days ago and decided to leave any comment until after reading the second which I’ve just finished reading. As I’ve said, I think the story entertaining and enjoyed it despite what I’ve already mentioned. Both chapters are a little relentless in as much as the mistresses do something to him, and others, which is immediately followed by them doing something else which is immediately followed by another punishment. Not much happens in between.


You’ve got about 27,000 words in two chapters. I think, and of course many will disagree including possibly yourself, that it would have been better constructed as three chapters, or even two, with more actual story, background etc. At the moment it could be used as the script for a porn video, if there are any porn videos that do have scripts. 🤔


I made grammatical mistakes when I first began submitting stories. They were pointed out to me by more experienced, and better writers than myself, for which I’m extremely grateful.


FINALLY I would like to mention that there was a gap of two months between the first two chapters, which doesn’t seem to have harmed the score, but now it’s been four months waiting for the third instalment. There is a fairly large section of readers who lose interest when that happens.


As always, my comments are intended to be constructive and I hope you have read them in that way. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK. 👍

casanova102casanova102about 2 years agoAuthor

The story will continue.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Are you gonna continue the story or is it gonna end here? Because I was hoping Brandon and Heather ended up together.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Anything like justice or laws in this infallible organisation ?

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