Cindy's Last Striptease Ch. 03


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"Oh. Terrible time to announce this, but we left the house in a hurry. Stuart is running for mayor. It's official."


The dread that had been hanging over Cindy's head had lifted, and her spirits were up enough to join Rosemary and her neighbors in an informal announcement of Stuart's candidacy. Stuart's eyes lit up as he laid out his plan for improving the community while his neighbors hung on to his every word. It was that moment, that for the first time in over a month, Cindy let out a genuine smile.

* * * * *

Reverend Peter Whitson led the sermon at Blessed Woods Community Church the following day. Although he was retired, having been good friends with Reverend Duffy and his wife, he felt happy to serve as an interim minister until a permanent replacement for Reverend Duffy could be found.

He began the sermon by introducing himself, his wife, son, and grandson, who sat in the pews to his left. The Whitson family waved hello to the rest of the congregation when the minister addressed them.

Reverend Whitson led a prayer for Reverend Duffy as well as for Mr. Lazzaro, and hoped for the best in regards to a recovery for both of them. Cindy remained quiet throughout the sermon, tightly holding her husband's hand and swelling with pride that both of their children had attended the service with them today.

Curt squirmed in his seat. He sat with his family in the very same pew where he'd sat the previous Friday, where he'd watched the opening minutes of "Erotic Striptease and Seduction" on the projection screen that was rolled up on a stand just a few feet behind where Reverend Whitson now stood. Cindy knew her son was burdened by guilt, and she insisted he attend the day's service as a punishment to him as well as herself.

Near the end of the sermon, Reverend Whitson asked if any parishioners wished to come forward and say a few words, regarding Reverend Duffy or anything else that might be on their mind. Cindy's heart raced as the minister's eyes passed across the congregation. Finally, Cindy raised her hand and the reverend called out to her.

"Yes? Mrs. Wingrove? You have something to say?"

"I do, yes," she said. Cindy rose from her pew and shuffled past her family up to the altar. Curt gulped, hoping his mother did not intend to rat out his indiscretion to the entire church.

Cindy took her place at the reverend's podium.

"Hello, for those of you who don't know me, I'm Cindy Wingrove, a Sunday School teacher here. I just want to say how flattered I am that many of you are so happy with me as a teacher here. It has truly been a joy teaching your children about the word of Christ."

Curt breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's come to my attention that a petition has been going around, asking me to return as a teacher next semester as well. While nothing would make me happier than to do this, I was shocked when I learned the reason for this. Evidently, the young lady Reverend Duffy hired to replace me lives a bit of the wild life. Clubbing, premarital sex, marijuana use, are her alleged sins."

The members of the congregation glanced around the church.

"Yet, when I went to visit Reverend Duffy in the hospital yesterday, this young lady was there. She was there showing her support to the reverend and the man he hit out of personal compassion. I'm told she was not able to attend today's sermon because she is caring for a sick neighbor today. To me, this young lady is a true Christian."

Cindy cleared her throat.

"Jesus tells us 'judge not lest ye be judged.' Yet many of you saw fit to judge this woman for her life choices. I hope all of you will look inside yourselves and recognize the sin you are committing, before shaming another Christian for hers."

The church went silent as the congregation listened to Cindy's words.

"For that reason, I will not be returning as a Sunday School teacher next semester. I hope you will give this woman the chance she deserves. We all have sin. I hope you can find it your hearts to forgive hers. Thank you."

Cindy returned to her pew next to her family. As she sat down next to her husband, Claire noticed that Micah Whitson, the reverend's grandson, was watching her. She waved at him. He smiled and waved back.

Over the next two weeks, the noose that Cindy had felt tightening around her neck gradually began to loosen. She'd gotten no calls from Skinema Productions regarding future projects. Cindy checked the production company website and saw no updates had been made since the day of Vic's accident. Merely an announcement that a trailer for Skinema's next video, "Sex and Seduction After 40" would be up soon, but the gif showing Cindy's nude dancing was still gone.

Cindy checked PornHub every day, but saw no trailer anywhere among the hundreds of raunchy videos uploaded daily. Of course, she also received no payment for her appearance in Skinema's recent video, but Cindy was all too happy to forgo a check if it meant she could slip out from under the porn company's radar and never hear from them again.

Cindy took the videotape she'd confiscated from her son and smashed it to pieces, and cut the tape inside to ribbons. She crossed her fingers that her future as a well-known adult video star now lay in a coma right along with Vic Lazzaro.

* * * * *


Cindy squeezed the nozzle on her garden hose and sprayed a healthy mist onto her tomato plants. It had been a warm summer so far, and she was pleased with how well they were coming in.

She looked over at her husband. His Corvette was on the lawn, and he was meticulously applying another coat of wax to the shiny finish. As far as she could tell, he was completely unaware that she had "borrowed" it. She'd made Vic and the crew clean it thoroughly after the shoot, and Stuart had yet to spot any abnormalities.

Claire was on her balance beam, practicing her routine. Cindy had hoped her daughter would continue practicing gymnastics now that she was done with school. The teenager stood on one leg and raised her other leg up to waist level and held it there. She had perfect balance.

Cindy noticed Claire was in her daisy dukes, the same shorts Cindy had borrowed for her shoot. Being that it was a warm day and she was no longer in school, Cindy elected not to object to her daughter's skimpy clothing and let the girl dress as she wished.

Curt came out the back door carrying two large bags of garbage. There was still much to clean up after the party the previous day. Nearly one hundred people had visited the Wingroves' home to celebrate Claire's high school graduation. Of course, the event had also doubled as a celebration announcing Stuart's candidacy for mayor, so he could schmooze up to friends and neighbors. While Claire was a bit annoyed at having to share the spotlight, the very generous cash gifts she'd received from her father's supporters appeased her greatly.

"Hi Mrs. Wingrove!" a voice said.

Cindy looked up to see Micah Whitson walking through the side yard.

"Well, hello, Micah!" she said cheerfully. "Claire's just finishing up her set."

Micah entered the backyard and watched his new girlfriend do a cartwheel before she leaped off the balance beam and landed feet first on the grass.

"Ready!" she said, throwing her arms in the air. She slipped her bare feet into a pair of sandals and scurried to Micah's side.

"What time will you be home?" Cindy asked.

"I'll have her back by midnight. I promise," the minister's grandson assured her.

"Oh, we'll be out a little later than that, right baby?" Claire asked, batting her eyelashes.

Micah laughed awkwardly.

"You can come back when you're ready. You're both grown-ups now," Stuart said, approaching the young couple with a rag in his hand.

Cindy was glad that Stuart seemed to approve of Micah. She, too, thought that he might be a good influence on Claire. She hadn't liked the sounds of Derek, Claire's previous boyfriend, and was elated to hear that the skater had moved halfway across the country. Claire was heartbroken that he hadn't even told her goodbye, yet a week later she was head over heels for Micah, so her broken heart seemed to have healed quickly.

"Hi Mr. Wingrove. Sorry I didn't get a chance to talk to you at the party yesterday. But I wish you good luck on your campaign," Micah said.

"Thank you! Here's a button for you, if you'd like!" Stuart removed a campaign button reading "Vote Wingrove" from his pocket and handed it to the young man.

"Thank you!" he said. Micah pinned the button to his shirt pocket. He wasn't the only community member supporting the school principal. Already, numerous "Wingrove for Mayor" signs were popping up in front of several houses on their street.

"You be safe out there!" the candidate said.

"We will!" Claire promised. She took Micah's hand and the two walked through the side yard out to his car.

After Micah pulled out of the driveway and Curt was back inside the house, Stuart walked to his wife's side.

"I've got a surprise for you," he whispered into her ear.

"Ooh, what is it?" she asked.

"In the trunk," he said.

Cindy set the garden hose down and followed her husband to the trunk of his Corvette. He popped it open and she looked inside.

Laid out on the inside of the trunk was a set of sexy pink lingerie. The bra was sheer with lace trim, with a matching thong panty. Cindy picked up the bra and gasped. This was the type of naughty ensemble Stuart scoffed at when he first learned of her dancing job twenty years earlier.

"It's... beautiful!" she said, astonished.

"You said you'd lost the purple panties you had a while back, so I thought I'd get you something new."

Cindy blushed. Stuart had indeed asked her about the bottom half of her lingerie a few days after they'd gone missing. They never did turn up. Cindy was just shocked that her husband had any interest.

"Stu, this is so unlike you!" she remarked, and stuffed the bra back in the trunk before the neighbors could see it.

Stuart shrugged.

"I've realized over the years that my upbringing has made me into someone who's maybe... a little tightly wound."

"Mmm, maybe a little," Cindy said wryly. Stuart gave an embarrassed smile.

"When I saw you in that purple lingerie that night I realized I might be missing out on something. And I don't want to miss out on it anymore."

Cindy looked him in the eyes lovingly.

"You won't. I'll wear this for you tonight."

His put his arm around her waist.

"I was thinking, since the campaign is really going to take off at the end of the month, we might not get much alone time after that. So I was hoping, maybe this weekend or next, we could take a little weekend getaway. Just the two us. Bed and breakfast. Hot tub. A night we can spend together."

Cindy's face broke into a smile.

"That sounds wonderful! But... what car would we take?" She hoped her flirty tone and the way she trailed her finger along the Corvette's shiny finish would serve as an adequate hint for her husband to catch.

"Ooh, I'm sure the minivan will get us there comfortably!" he said with a wink.

Cindy burst out laughing. Stuart put his hands on her hips.

"And maybe.. just maybe..." he added, "you could wear this and perform a little striptease. Like you used to."

Cindy blushed. "Oh, Stuart, you know I'm retired!"

He did know that. And he was glad for it. But he suspected she still had another striptease left in her.

"Well, maybe you could do it one last time."

"I'd be glad to." She kissed her husband, long and lovingly on the lips, and went back to watering her tomatoes.

* * * * *

Cindy slipped her feet into the leg holes and pulled the skimpy pink thong up over her hips. The panties fit her perfectly; the big question was the bra. Cindy wrapped the cups around her bust and fastened the strap.

It fit. Stuart had gotten the perfect size.

Cindy had almost regretted she couldn't have worn this in her video. She admired herself in the mirror, and thought she looked phenomenal.

Stuart would be home in a few hours, and then it would be time to leave on their trip, so she only had a short time to rehearse her striptease. She put on some music and slowly gyrated her hips, sensually letting her body sway to the flow of the music.

She performed the striptease with finesse; and realized she actually had to work in some slip-ups into the routine, as she didn't want to look too polished. After she slid the panties down her legs to the floor, she lightly tripped while stepping out of them.. She practiced the stumble a few times until she was certain it looked accidental.

She was about to put the lingerie back on to practice again, when she heard a knock on her bedroom door.

"Just a minute!" She knew rehearsing while her children were home was risky, but she hadn't had the time until today. Cindy wrapped a robe around her naked body and stashed the lingerie in her dresser before opening the door. "Yes, what is it?"

"Hey mom, I was just wondering if it's okay if I invite some friends over after you and dad leave?" Curt asked.

"Inviting them over to do what?" she asked.

"We're just gonna play some cards. No alcohol or anything."

"Yes, that's fine. But watch out for your sister. Make sure she comes home safe."

Curt nodded. She was going out with Micah again tonight. Cindy and Curt both knew Micah was a good guy. It was Claire they had to worry about misbehaving.

"So... what time are you guys leaving?"

"When your dad comes home. Probably around six."

"All right, I'm gonna tell them to come over around seven." Curt turned to leave.

"Don't trash the house. Who are these friends, by the way?"

"Just some guys from work," he said from over his shoulder.

Cindy closed her bedroom door. She hadn't met any of her son's coworkers, but despite his recent infraction, she trusted her son. She had no doubt that she would come home to a clean house on Monday.

After rehearsing her striptease three more times, Cindy got dressed and prepared dinner for Curt, Claire, and Micah. Micah complimented her cooking many times, and had several helpings. Cindy herself was famished. All her dancing and her excitement about the weekend had caused her to work up an appetite. It was nice to no longer be living under the thumb of dread that had been hanging over her head two months prior.

Stuart arrived home half past six and Cindy immediately began helping load their bags. Stuart pulled the Corvette out to the driveway and one-by-one, Cindy carried their bags out into the trunk, including the bag containing her very sexy lingerie. Stuart was hungry, so Cindy heated up some leftovers so Stuart could eat while she finished loading the car. To her surprise, Micah came out to help her. She thanked the young man and complimented him on his manners.

When Stuart finished his dinner, he waved goodbye to his kids and stepped out the front door. Cindy placed her hands on the trunk, ready to close it.

"Do we have everything?" she asked.

"Should be. Oh, wait, my pills. Where did you put them?"

"Upstairs. In the bathroom. I'll get them."

Cindy scurried back into the house and headed up the stairs. Stuart had been having trouble performing in the bedroom, and his doctor had prescribed some erectile medication. Although he seldom took it given the infrequency of his and his wife's lovemaking sessions, he did intend on spending much of the weekend making up for that. As for Cindy, her sex drive had also been reignited by recent events, and she was all too happy to make sure Stuart had everything he needed to take her to town.

Cindy hurried into the bathroom and stopped in her tracks. There, leaning over the counter, was Claire, holding a tube of glue and Cindy's birth control medication case.

"Claire!" Cindy shouted.

Her daughter jumped, and turned to face her. Her complexion went pale.

"Don't be mad..." Claire said, her voice shaking.

Cindy picked up the case of birth control pills, and saw the back had been ripped open. An open bottle of aspirin sat on the counter.

"Have you... been sabotaging my birth control?" Cindy demanded.

"It's not like you need it! Dad had a vasectomy!"

Cindy's mouth dropped open. No wonder her cramps hadn't gotten better. Aspirin barely did anything for her.

"Why on Earth would you do this?" Cindy asked.

Claire lowered her head.

"I needed it. I didn't want you to know I've been taking it."

"How long? How long have you been doing this?" Cindy asked.

Claire ground her foot into the tiled floor.

"Three months."

"Three months? You've been seeing Micah for what, a week? How many boys have you been sleeping with?"

"Just TWO! Derek and then Micah! That's it!"

Cindy backed away. Her cramps. Her appetite. And her period was late. VERY late.

"Claire, how could you do this?" she snapped, hoping her angry tone would conceal her fear. She eyed the paper bag on the counter. The rest of her medication was in there. Along with something else she realized she needed to take.

"I'm being responsible, mom! I wouldn't want to get pregnant and bring shame on this perfect family!"

Cindy snatched the paper bag and marched away.

"Mom! No please!" Claire called out, but Cindy hurried down the stairs. "Mom!"

Stuart was waiting for her at the landing.

"Did you find them?" he asked, but Cindy walked past him and hurried into the downstairs bathroom.

"Mom!" Claire shouted again, but Cindy ignored her. She shut the bathroom door and locked it, and quickly rooted around in the paper bag and removed what she needed: the home pregnancy test. She never imagined she would need it. And now, she was prying the box open.

Cindy dropped her pants and sat upon the toilet. After quickly unwrapping the test, she urinated onto the strip. As she waited for the results, she read the instructions on the package.

"Two lines, pregnant. One line, not pregnant, " Cindy read aloud quietly. She listened through the bathroom door at the chatter outside as she waited the recommended five minutes.

"Sup, homeboy! Nice place you got here!" a voice said.

Cindy heard her son reply but she couldn't make out what he said.

"Kellan's out in the driveway checking out your dad's sweet ride!" Curt's friend said.

She could hear Claire shouting something from upstairs, and Micah calling up after her. Curt and two other friends laughed about something.

With her heart pounding, Cindy checked her watch. Five minutes had passed. She read the results on the strip.

Two lines.

Cindy's heart sank.

She stood up and looked at herself in the mirror. The test confirmed what she could already feel. Cindy pressed her hands to her belly and felt her world fall apart.

"Mom?" Curt called, knocking on the bathroom door.

"What is it?" Cindy asked, holding back a barrage of tears.

"Um, my friends are here, and Artie really needs to use the bathroom. And Claire's taking a long time in the upstairs one."

Cindy wiped her face with the back of her hand.

"I'll be right out."

Cindy tossed the pregnancy test into the trash can, and pulled up her pants. After zipping them up, she unlocked the bathroom door and stepped out to meet her son's friends.


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TotzmanTotzmanabout 2 months agoAuthor

Anonymous- This series IS complete! It is a three-parter.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

last comment 2 years ago. Will you complete this series? If so I hope Cindy, the protagonist, comes out ok; ie, the timing of her pregnancy comes out close to the last time she and her husband had sex.

TotzmanTotzmanalmost 2 years agoAuthor

Cyberweasel- more are on the way! I only write a couple a year. I've by no means quit. As far as the abortion issue, in my experience, Christians are more anti-abortion than most. I wasn't trying to imply exceptions like your girlfriend didnt' exist.

Cyberweasel89Cyberweasel89almost 2 years ago

After writing "Misty Lublin's Vanishing Clothes," probably my favorite story on Literotica, it's a shame that this is the last story you wrote... You're a great author, and it would've been nice to see you keep at it.

Though I'm a bit confused why you think "Christian = no abortion." My girlfriend and her mother are Christian, and they don't think abortions are bad or shouldn't be allowed. :/

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

as a member of a church that welcomed a former 'Bunny girl' I assure you that there are very few people in a Real CHRISTIAN CHURCH that are only their to impress.

So if in this situation I would hope that Cindy would have found support from her church right from the start.

Your story makes one good point. Christians MUST NOT PRETEND IN ANY WAY TO BE BETTER THAN ANY ONE ELSE.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I wish she had been exposed so we could see what decent people do. Whatever her beliefs she will get an abortion if she wants any relationship with her husband and children

samhoundsamhoundover 2 years ago

I would have preferred her being outed to see if there were some decent people. Unless she is insane she will get an abortion

TotzmanTotzmanover 2 years agoAuthor

Anonymous: 1. Of course no abortion she's a Christian. And anyway, she's outed. 2. Yes, and they recognize her when they see her face-to-face 5 minutes later too. 3. No, the police didn't watch the footage and don't know her anyway 4. No. He could, but didn't. He moved away and got enough revenge as is.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Does Cindi got out of county or out of state for an abortion to cover her infidelity or does she try blaming it on the vasectomy failing? Do any of Curt's co-workers who saw the video recognize Cindi in the family photos? In the police investigation of the accident does Cindi's name and the shoot come up as the police go through Vic's belongings? Does Derek post revenge porn of Claire or the tales of what he saw and heard while at Cindi's during the shoot? Too many unanswered questions leave me wanting more.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Well this is going to end badly. Can’t imagine Stuart or all their friends would be happy with a cheating porn star in their midst or one who either has an abortion or a child outside the marriage.

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