It All Goes Wrong, Pt. 04


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To Andie, it was impressive, and arousing, but frightening as well.

In a quiet moment, Andie leaned over to Keira and spoke into her ear - whispering wasn't an option. "Most of our visitors are attractive." Making it a question rather than a statement.

Keira smiled. "Bree and I have always stuck to the 'lipstick lesbian' crowd, and everyone knows it. She has had a few run-ins with the more butch crew, and always came out on top."

"Oh." Andie thought she understood, so she decided to leave that topic alone. She was happy to be amongst the lipstick lesbian grouping.

A couple of times male couples stopped by, they were obviously gay and tended to be of the more feminine variety, in their looks and clothes. Bree seemed to be popular with them too. They chatted, and complimented all three of them on their looks and attire. It made Andie uncomfortable, but she didn't really understand why.

All the while, Andie and Keira remained leashed, with Bree casually holding onto both their straps in one of her hands. She drank and ate finger-foods with her other. At first Andie found it humiliating. Feeling uncomfortably like a pet. But the more she saw and heard, the more she realized that, at least where the three of them were concerned, she was indeed the submissive one, more so than Keira, who clearly was used to that role around Bree.

Later in the evening, Andie was surprised when a woman came right up and took the fourth chair at their table, sitting down with a smile but without saying a word. She was pretty, but older by quite a few years.

"Hello, Ruby, happy birthday. You're looking good, but where's Cassie?" Bree said pleasantly to the newcomer.

"Oh, she's recovering from a bit of surgery."

"Nothing serious I hope."

"Hah, no. We decided she'd look better with a cute little nose."

Bree chuckled, and then glanced over at Andie, with a sly smile. "That just might be what you need, Andie. It would do wonders for your looks."

She then laughed at Andie's terrified expression.

"Bree, stop that. You've already done enough." Keira scolded.

Sensing the play going on, Ruby spoke up. "It's really not that expensive."

Then she chuckled and turned to Keira. "Hello Keira, my dear. You look as good as ever."

Keira smiled. "Hapy birthday Ruby. Twenty-nine again?"

Ruby laughed. "As always."

She then turned to look at Andie. "And who might you be? Bree, you have two girls now?"

Bree chuckled. "I wish. Actually, I don't have either of them. Keira and I are still business partners, with benefits. And Andie here is actually Keira's; although I've been having fun with her too. She's only been visiting for a couple weeks, but I think she'll be around a lot longer."

Ruby chuckled. "Sounds complicated."

She reached her hand out, toward Andie, and after they shook, she didn't let go. "Hello dear, these two are special. You make sure you behave for both of them.

"I adore your collar, by the way." She added, still not relinquishing the hand.

"Um, I do too." Andie said, hesitantly. She didn't know what else to say.

"Keira gave that to her," Bree said devilishly.

"So, you do belong to her, then." Rubie said, nodding.

Bree laughed, "in more ways than you can imagine. Right Andie?"

"Yes, Bree." Andie answered automatically. But she knew the point was valid.

"I like her a lot," Keira finally spoke up. "And I do like the idea of keeping her."

"Excellent." Ruby said, finally releasing Andie's hand.

But then she leaned over and grabbed Andie's leash close to her neck and used it to pull her nearer.

"Give me a nice birthday kiss, my dear."

She then pulled a little more until their lips met. Andie, dumbfounded, gave the woman a kiss, and was surprised even more when Ruby kissed her back, energetically, pushing her tongue deeply into her mouth.

When Ruby finally released her hold on the leash and ended things, Andie was almost out of breath.

Keira laughed, "well happy birthday to you."

Ruby smiled. "Thank you all for coming. And thank you Andie, that was fun. I hope I see you around."

"You're quite welcome." Bree said. "Would you do me a favor before you move on? I can't take both of my girls to the restroom by myself. Keira has to go, and I imagine Andie does as well."

"Certainly. I know that's always a problem, what with the leash laws on these nights." The three of them then laughed, while Andie sat quietly, not understanding.

Keira saw, and explained. "Since subs like us, aren't allowed to wander around off leash, a dom has to accompany us to the bathroom. It's only a little embarrassing."

Andie thought she understood, it was a silly game. But then she realized why it would be embarrassing. With the short leashes, the dom would have to actually accompany her into the stall and wait for her to pee. She blushed furiously at the thought. And with her short skirt and her plumbing, she'd really be on display. Oh hell!

She felt a little better when Bree asked, "If you'd take Keira, I'll take Andie."

"Fine. Come along Keira, my dear." Ruby said as she stood and took the girl's leash from Bree's hand.

As soon as they stepped away, Bree stood up and gently tugged Andie to her feet before leading her along the same path to the restrooms. "Just be a good little girl," she said.

Of course, there was a line. Pairs of women waiting to get inside and take care of business. Bree and Andie stood close, as they waited.

Bree leaned in and spoke into Andie's ear. "I'm not looking forward to seeing your little cock."

Andie moaned and blushed.

"I know Keira enjoys using that thing, but I don't understand why. When we get around to sex, that thing will stay in your panties."

Andie was shocked. Bree expected to have sex with her? She was pretty and well built, but definitely not her type. But confusedly, her cock sure seemed to be interested...

When it was finally her turn, Bree led her into the cramped stall and then stood back, sniggering as she pulled up her skirt, pulled down her panties and gaff, and then sat.

Humiliated, it took Andie a while to finally go. Finished, she hurriedly wiped and pulled herself back together.

But then Bree shifted positions and had her stand with her back turned, nose to the door, as she sat and peed.

Leaving the stall, they both washed and refreshed their lipstick before heading back to the table.

They returned to find Ruby and Keira in close conversation, both of them giggling like school-girls.

As soon as Bree and Andie were seated, Ruby stood up.

"Thanks again for coming to the party," she said, as she moved around the table giving kisses to Bree and Keira.

When she got to Andie, she kissed her longer and seemingly with more affection. Then she caressed Andie's cheek. "You're a sweet girl, Andie. I just might want to borrow you for some fun of my own, someday. "

And with that, she stepped away, and merged into the crowd.

Andie, surprised by the implications of Ruby's words, looked over at Keira who smiled angelically and winked at her.

Andie blushed, thinking; what the hell?

Later, Bree took her two subs out onto the dance floor, but only for one song, as it quickly became obvious that Andie couldn't dance at all. She looked just too silly for Bree to handle. Even Keira was mortified.

Disgustedly Bree declared, "Andie, you're an embarrassment. Keira if you're going to keep her, you have to get her some dance lessons. She moves like a Monty Python lumberjack!"

Andie blushed and sputtered, as she was led back to the table, feeling miserable. Andy, the slug, had never learned to dance.

A while later the band struck up a song that Bree apparently loved. She tied Andie's leash off to her chair and led Keira back to the dance floor. Before they walked off, she pointed at Andie. "Be a good girl now. Stay."

"Yes, Bree," she replied obediently, feeling like a pet dog.

As she was sitting quietly, watching Bree and lovely Keira dance on the crowded floor, she was startled when someone sat down next to her. She turned to see a large woman with buzz cut hair and wearing a leather vest, sitting there, staring at her. Andie realized that the vest constituted her only top. There was neither a blouse nor a bra underneath.

"Hello dear, you look lonely. Where's your mistress?" she said.

Andie, tensely replied, "over on the dance floor."

"Be polite and tell me your name."


"Hmm, she shouldn't leave you alone like this, Andie," she said. Then she reached up to grab the rings and chains in Andie's ear. The woman moved too quickly for her to pull away.

"I like these. It's a pretty set-up."

She then used her hold to turn Andie's head so they were facing each other.

"I like your collar too. It's a nice arrangement."

By then Andie was getting more and more frightened, let alone intimidated. There was nothing likable or attractive about the overbearing woman who was man-handling her. But she felt powerless to do anything about it.

"Hello, Denny is it? What are you doing with my girl?" Bree said standing next to the table. She'd snuck up on them, with Keira in tow. Andie immediately felt better.

"It's Danny, for Danielle, and you're Bree, right?" the woman said, without letting go. "I'm just checking her out. She's kind of pretty, but there's something wrong with her looks."

Bree actually chuckled. "Yes, we were just talking about getting her a nose job, I think it's too big for her face."

Danny nodded, and laughed. "I think you're right about that. As she is, she looks a little like a guy in drag. At least that's what I thought when I first spotted her here all alone.

"But now that I look at her, and get a better view at her eyes, I see I may have been wrong. Andie, is that eyeliner tattooed?"

"Yes, it is." She replied, hesitantly. She was having trouble getting over how close she'd come to being caught out.

"Well, I can't picture some female impersonator going that far, so you must be a girl." Finally, she released Andie's ear. And stood up.

"I apologize Bree. I thought Andie here, might be available for some fun."

"No harm, have a good night." Bree said, dismissing the dyke, as she took her seat.

Keira also sat down. "Are you alright?"

"Yes, but she scared me to death. I was afraid she'd drag me out into the parking lot and rape me or some such."

Bree and Keira both laughed.

"I doubt she'd do that, but she is known for being a real heavy-handed bitch." Bree said. "And see, you should thank me for your eyes, the lovely tattoo work confirms your femininity."

When Andie didn't answer. Her eyeliner was one of her biggest worries. Bree prompted her in her firm voice, "well?"

"Thank you for my eyeliner, Bree."

"Your permanent, tattooed eyeliner."

Andie, hating the game, glanced over at Keira, but she just shrugged.

"Thank you for my permanent, tattooed eyeliner. Bree. It's lovely."

"Very good. Now about that nose job."

When Andie reacted with a terrified look, Bree laughed. "Just kidding.

"For now, anyway. I do think it would be a good idea. A nice narrow, turned up button nose would make a huge difference on your girly face."

Finally, Keira stepped in. "Give her a break Bree. I think she's had enough. That Danny bitch scares me too. Hell, she scares everybody, and the things she's done to her poor girlfriend are terrible."

Bree nodded her agreement. "Her slave, you mean. They really are into the whole BDSM shtick."

Andie shivered and finished off her glass of wine. Keira flagged down a passing server, and ordered another round for Andie and for herself.

The rest of the evening went smoothly with only a couple more visits from friendly couples. Andie relaxed and went back to peoplewatching and exchanging comments with Keira and Bree.

As Bree had controlled her own drinking, she was able to drive the three of them home, well after midnight. Keira and Andie had crawled into the back seat and dazedly rode home, leaning on each other.

Bree also helped her two subs, still leashed, up the stairs to the apartment, where she abandoned them to deal with the rest of the night, themselves.

Too tired and drunk for anything else, they simply fell into the bed, tangled in each other's arms. Even their leashes, still in place, were tangled.


Keira and Andie were lucky they could sleep in, that next morning. The store wouldn't open until ten.

When they finally woke up, they felt themselves fortunate that during the night they didn't strangle each other.

As they crawled out of bed, Andie unbuckled the collar from Keira's neck, and Keira unclipped the leash from her collar.

As she did, she mumbled, "I do like that collar on you. Everyone else does too."

"I've gotten used to it." Was all Andie said in reply.

Actually, she did like the thing, kind of. It did indeed identify her a s lover of women, that was good. But it could also identify her as a pet, and she had mixed feelings about that. She didn't mind being 'owned' by Keira. But she didn't appreciate being treated like a submissive slave. And she hated that she couldn't remove the thing if and when she wanted.

They took their turns in the bathroom to get cleaned up and prepared for the work day ahead. It was becoming routine, and Andie was happy to picture them as a loving couple.

"Did you have a good time last night? It felt good to get out." Keira asked as they were slowly preparing breakfast.

"Well, yes. Most of it was fun."

"I know it was probably a new adventure for you. Probably not one you anticipated. But you did well enough."

Andie smiled hesitantly, and sighed. It was an adventure. "The food, drink and music were nice. And so was Ruby and the others. I just don't ever want to have anything to do with that Danny woman."

"I understand, and I'm sure we won't," Keira said cheerfully.

They finished the cooking and took their plates over to the table to sit and eat.

After a couple of bytes Keira smiled over at her. "But what about a nose job, like Bree suggested. Are you up for that now?"

"No way!"

Keira laughed so hard she almost fell out of her chair.

After she'd calmed down, and resumed eating Keira reached over to hold Andie's hand. "You have gotten much better with those nails," she said affectionately.

Andie, agreed. "And they do look nice and sexy."

Keira smiled. "They were Bree's idea. And so were the lovely piercings, their jewelry, your feminine brows, and the eyeliner that saved you from bitchy Danny. They've all worked out wonderfully."

Reluctantly, Andy nodded.

Keira saw and smiled. "Andy, my love, I adore the results."

Andie smiled, "that's good." Especially the 'my love' part, he thought.

Keira gave her hand a squeeze. "So don't give Bree too much trouble when she schedules you for a nose job."

And then she broke out laughing again.

To be continued...

From the Author: Please comment on my stories. All thoughts, positive or negative are welcome. If negative, please extend the courtesy of providing constructive criticism. Thanks.

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AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Really enjoying the story but, quick editorial note, on page 2 you mention unlocking and replacing a cage, but I don't see a vmcage mentioned anywhere else

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

The story is coming along nicely, but please proof read it again as a few typos have crept in.

I think Andie is in way over her head already and there's no going back for her.

ElizabethOliverfieldsElizabethOliverfields9 months ago

I can't wait to see Andie with breast implants. I would be lovely.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Is it a requirement, in these stories, that the victim thinks how they feel but doesn't vocalize it, or that they were frozen in place and didn't react quickly enough? Actually reacting and responding like a normal person would add to the friction of the circumstances. I thing anyone in this idiot's position would be constantly thinking about making sure they don't do anything that can't be undone. He just met this bitch, so the idea that he keeps his mouth shut to make his woman happy, when she already has an interfering girlfriend, doesn't make sense. Especially when it's her girlfriend making all these permanent changes. People get robbed or mugged all the time and you can get replacements for ID and credit cards in a few days.

benda555benda5559 months ago

Great, hope for the next part soon.

Nose job, breast, but maybe some more permanent make up and lip fillers as well as additional piercings.

Keep on, I love your stories.

Anthony1965Anthony19659 months ago

I absolutely love this story and where it’s going. I loved the part about the earrings and the permanent eye liner. I can’t wait to read about Andie’s nose job. Hopefully eventually Bree has Andie’s breasts done. Andie will never be a man again. I wish I was Andie. I love your writing. Thank you.

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