Son for Hire Ch. 56-70


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"No way!" My hands dart to cover my crotch, which puts me in the even more embarrassing position of holding the butt plug up right where my dick would be. I pull it away quickly as Kitty doubles over with laughter.

"What about nipple clamps?" She asks between laughs. "Does she collar you? Have you done ropes?" She waggles her eyebrows. "Ropes are fun. You're a rope slut, aren't you?"

"Oh my God, stop talking!" I say. "It's not how you think."

She is not convinced. "Ha ha ha ha! Ahhhhh, this is too good! My innocent little brother is a certified kink fiend. Ha ha ha ha!"



Chapter 70

Later that evening our new television and sofa is delivered and just like that our whole lives were now well and truly rooted here in the suburbs. Everything Kitty and I owned was now housed in this basement. We order some Chinese food and stay up late into the night talking, unpacking, and turning our new suite into our new dwelling. Tired as we already were it was still great fun to at last begin to make our mark on the clean slate we'd talked about so often.

After talking about what we'd be doing with the bedrooms we decide to make mine look like "our" room and Kitty's appear as a guest room for the occasional instances when Alan or some new person was down here. It was a raw deal for my sister as she would have to keep a lot of her belongings in my room to maintain the illusion of our fake marriage. I told Kit we could do it the other way around but she was insistent that since it was me that got us out here that it ought to be me to have the better room.

I had hoped that Evelyn would somehow find a way to pop back to say goodnight but a nice text message was all that she could manage. "Sleep well my special boy. Mommy loves you." Is what it said. I nearly swooned to read it.

"Must be big Mamma." Kit quips when she sees my reaction.

I don't deny it.

By the time we are turning in both of us are absolutely exhausted. It had been worth it though. The empty suite had been transformed into a proper home. It was all a bit eclectic with our old stuff mixing with the decor Evelyn's grandpa and my sister's tastes, but it was eclectic in that cool college dorm sort of way. It was perfect.

At a quarter to two Kitty finally says. "I'm done." She comes to me and hugs me. "We done good kid."

"Yeah." I hug her back.

I clean up and head to bed thankful for how physically spent I was after our long day. With how fucking HORNY I was after Evelyn's teasing of me today it was the only reason I was able to get to sleep. I drift off snug in my bed staring up at the ceiling of my new room and knowing that up there was my loving Evelyn. Thanks to her we'd made it. We'd escaped. Our old life was a thing of the past and the past couldn't touch us here.


The next morning I wake late and roll out of bed feeling surprisingly sluggish given how long I'd slept. I figured I must have overdone it the day before. Ah well, I could rest up today. I walk out into the living room and right away something doesn't feel right. Something was...out of place. I think that something might be me. It didn't feel right here. This was probably a normal feeling after a move to a new place. I shake my head and push the feeling out of my thoughts.

I find Kitty gone. She had talked about taking a walk around the neighborhood to get the lay of the land so I figure she must be out doing that. I wasn't particularly hungry so I begin to look around for something to do. My eyes find the easel. Just behind it was a few blank canvases and the other art supplies. Walking over I reach down and touch a square canvas, it turns to a stack lined foolscap before my eyes. I reach down for the paints and find a box of crayons in my hand. I take the paper and crayons and sit down on the floor at the end of the coffee table and begin to draw.

The moment crayon meets paper everything around me begins to fade. All color drains from the floor and walls and furniture, only the crayons remain vibrant. Once there is nothing around me but gray even that begins to flake and crack and shed away. Our nice new suite reveals itself as just a brittle facade as the old apartment begins to be revealed beneath the sloughing illusion. There is suddenly a chilling presence on the sofa. Instead of looking up...I shrink down. Hunkering down closer over the picture I color as quietly as possible so not to draw her attention. Her used syringe was just a foot from my papers. The needle always brought the devil out in her. I wished I could be invisible. I wished I could disappear entirely. Unfortunately wishes are just make believe and she takes notice.

"What are ya drawin now?" Her voice is slurred from the numbing hit she'd just stuck herself with.

"Nothin." I whisper as my hand instinctively begins to do the little twirls of Kiki's hair. Where was she? I wish she was here. I hated being alone with mother when she was like this.

"Why are you always coloring? You oughta be out playing with the normal boys. Go make some fucking friends or something. Get outta my hair for awhile at least."

"Sorry." I peep, my coloring hand getting faster.

"Why can't you just be a normal kid?"


Leaning closer she looks at the paper. "Aw Jesus, not your sister again. You're always drawing her. It's weird. Draw something else."

"Um...what should I...?"

"I don't fucking care. Draw something else!" She smacks my head. Taking the paper she tears it half. I wince as if she were doing violence to my sister herself. She tosses it to the ground. "Anything else. Just not her."

I shrink smaller and try to hold back my tears. They only ever made things worse. Putting the brown crayon down and pick up the next one, this one red. Without having Kiki to retreat to my hand moves on its own to begin drawing long wavy red hair. I could feel her eyes on me, watching me draw the beautiful red haired woman in the nice dress. I didn't want her to see this, I didn't want to share this with her, but I could not stop my hand from drawing. I pour all of my focus on the pretty lady, clinging to it for my sanity, and try to block out the rest.

I was just finishing up a sky blue dress on the woman when mother speaks again. "Who is that?"

I shrug, not wanting to tell her the truth. Beside the lady I begin to draw a boy. I begin to draw myself. I draw him as small and ugly as how I felt right now.

"Is that you!?" Mother laughs. "Oh no! What is this? Is that supposed to be you?"

I pull into myself even further and draw as fast as I could before she could stop me from finishing it.

"Is that your new Mommy?"

I don't answer her.

"Is that your wife?"

I draw faster.

"Isn't that just so sweet. Ugh, makes me sick." She scoffs. "You actually think she loves you?"

I nod. My hands shake, my frantic scribbles start to lose all cohesion. The boy beside the beautiful woman is a grotesque horror and what was supposed to be a glorious green neighborhood behind them appears a wasteland instead. The picture had been so nice...until I showed up on it.

"You sad little man. You really think a woman like that could love a fuck up like you?" I try to ignore her but mother was not a woman to be ignored. "Answer me boy!" She smacks me again, harder this time.

Afraid of being hit again I shake my head no.

"No? No she doesn't love you or no you won't answer me?"

The drawing stops. I grip my crayon hard. My breath quickens and my heart begins to drum. I didn't know what she wanted. I'm so scared.


"Speak boy! Cat got your tongue?"


"I-I-I." She mocks. "Spit it out stupid. Christ, just my luck to be saddled with a fucking retard."

"I don' know."

"You don't know much do you?"

"I'm sorry." My eyes cast about for my sister. Where was she!?

"Don't you worry about your sister." Mother says ominously. "Remember that nice man who came to visit yesterday?"

I shake my head hard as the memory suddenly springs up. He didn't look like a nice man. Not one little bit. I didn't like how he looked at he touched her. "I wanna see Kiki." I blubber.

"She'll be awhile." She laughs. "It's just you and me here. Just you and me Donny." She leans back away from me. "With just us here I guess there's no need to keep up the act, huh?"


"I see how you look at me you little shit stain. You hate me. I see it in your eyes. You hate your own mother."

"No Mama!"

"You were glad when I took off, weren't you?"

"No Mama! No!"

"Shut up." She lights a cigarette and takes a long drag then lets out the smoke like some wicked dragon. "It's okay Donny. I don't love you much either. Truth is kid...having your sister and you were the biggest mistakes of my life. Motherhood ain't like how they said it was."

I start to cry. I take my red crayon and hold it hard to my chest, trying to protect it as if were the last good piece of my battered heart.

"Aw, you cryin again?"

I shake my head no despite the fact I could not hide it.

"Fuck, you're always crying. Ain't one thing it's another. Why do you have to be like this? Why can't you just be normal?"

"I'm sorry."

"You are soft Donny. It's a tough world out there, you gotta be tough to survive in it."

"I-I know." I sniffle. "I'm s-sorry."

"Stop crying...or I'll give you something to cry about."

Frantically I wipe the tears from my cheeks and eyes. I sniffle and snot and push the pain way, way, way down deep as I try to force myself to hold in the emotion. But I couldn't, I just couldn't. There was nowhere left inside to put it. The harder I tried to hold it in the harder I cried. As I wept I could feel mother getting larger and stronger and more terrifying. A great dark shadow falls across myself and the table. I lock my tear filled gaze on the beautiful lady in the blue dress as I prepare myself for what was to come.

"I warned ya boy."

As the first stinging blow rains down upon me...


"HAH!" I bolt up in bed.

To be continued...

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ChaosReigningChaosReigningover 1 year ago

Your writing, this story, it is so good. I can understand and relate to Donny's struggles and his past. The dream scene almost got to me if it had gone on a little longer and that is truly a mark of a writer that knows what they're doing. I can't wait to continue reading.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

it has been a month since your last post, you have turned them out pretty much on time each month, and so I hope you are ok, and that everything is in order, hope to see the next installment in this series.

FbjsFbjsabout 2 years ago

Love this story too. The femdom play was delicious!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Look here is my suggestion

Alan and Eugene should be in the picture more with Donald. To embrace his fullest and unique masculinity.

Let Eugene be a brother to Donald and Eugene falls for Kitty.

Either way you're a very talented writer. I like the entire storyline. Take your time and enjoy doing your artwork for this novel.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

We don't have a problem with it being too slow hh, we enjoy the ride, I'm just afraid that it won't be completed if it took a great amount of energy and time from you. I know it's a lot to ask, but this story needs to be completed :)

Thomas_LM_WindsorThomas_LM_Windsorabout 2 years ago

Another great chapter! Can't wait for Donald to finally be ready for Evelyn

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