Transformations: The New Normal Ch. 04


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Tanya stared at Lexi and Keith and frowned. "You can bind him if he likes. She's not part of my coven."

Caitlyn drew in a sharp breath.

Tanya looked away.

Lexi looked at the floor of the tent and Keith held her tight.

Keith shook his head. "Guess I'll pass, doctor."


Tracy followed Walter Jones out of the men's room. He turned toward her, smiled, and disappeared in the crowd like a mirage.

Tracy returned to the party, feeling eyes on her as she threaded her way through the crowd. This new world Morpheus was creating was filled with spies and counter-spies. She had no doubt that Hecate and the Religious Caste were evil, but she would never do anything to hurt Cathy.

As she passed the bar area, she could see Cathy still standing with Hecate, hanging on her arm like an ornament.

Cathy smiled at her and waved toward her.

Tracy crossed to where they were standing.

"...the submarine you used to take us from Connecticut down to the subway. It's years ahead of anything coming out of Newport News or Groton," one of the businessmen said. "How do you power it?"

"Fusion," Hecate said. "Our scientists are fifty years ahead of anything coming out of the United States." Her phone rang. "If you'll excuse me." She turned and walked onto the veranda.

Cathy leaned close to Tracy and whispered, "Do I smell... cum?"

Tracy laughed. "Maybe."

"Do I get to meet him?"

"He's gone."

"How was he?"

"Pretty," Tracy said and smiled. "You're not jealous?"

"No, my love. I'm happy." She rubbed Tracy's fingers in her hand.

One of the middle-aged man who had been talking to Hecate looked at Tracy and turned to Cathy. "$5 million."

Tracy looked confused.

"I'm afraid not." She held up Tracy's hand entwined with hers. "Tracy is part of my coven. We're bound together."

The man let his eyes roam over Tracy. "Everything has a price."

"Not love," Cathy said. "Never love."

The man bowed slightly and turned away toward the crowd. "Well, at least some things can still be bought."

Cathy frowned. She leaned close to Tracy. "Don't be afraid."


"I'll explain later. Just... don't be afraid."

Beyond the bar, the crowd separated. The loud techno music became a whisper.

A group of men and women in black leather came walking in side by side - Dominatrix Whores and Dominants.

Each held a thin silver chain.

Behind them, the chains were attached to chrome collars on the necks of a few dozen naked women and men.

The crowd clapped as the captives were led past the bar toward the veranda.

"Who are they?" Tracy asked. The faces were familiar and then she placed them: they were actors, models, singers.


"What's going on?"

Cathy squeezed her hand. "An auction, darling."


Tanya half-carried the now enormously pregnant Caitlyn to their bedroom. She looked nine months pregnant.

"You shouldn't put her on the bed," Lexi said as she and Keith walked into the apartment behind them and closed the door. "Her water is going to break."

Tanya didn't look back. "I don't care about that."

"Look, I'm just saying..."

"We'll take it from here," Tanya said.

She closed the bedroom door leaving Keith and Lexi in the living room.

Caitlyn looked at the bed. "Nuh-uh... I'm not messing up the bed. Help me to the bathroom."

"Don't you want to be comfortable?"

"I'd rather not soak the bed." She stumbled forward and Tanya grabbed her arm to steady her.

She wouldn't look at Tanya.

"What's wrong?" Tanya asked.

"I'm very disappointed in you."

"Why?" Tanya said as she helped Caitlyn waddle into the bathroom.

"You were mean to Lexi. I'm ashamed of you."

Tanya sighed. "Whatever." She helped Caitlyn sit down on the tile floor. "This is ridiculous. You're going to be very uncomfortable."

"Stop changing the subject," Caitlyn said. She frowned up at Tanya. "All she's been is sweet and kind and you've been a B-I-T-C-H bitch."

"One of them did this to you," Tanya said as she sat down cross-legged in front of Caitlyn.

"No, Vivi did this to me. Not one of them. And, heck, I'm not even mad. I think it's going to be fun. It'll be like having a twin only one I can have sex with."

Tanya stared at her. "I'm sorry, what?"

Caitlyn smiled. "Well, she's me. We're not related, we're genetically the same person. So, heck, sex with her will be like, I don't know, masturbation."

Tanya's mouth dropped open. "You can't be serious."

Caitlyn looked puzzled. "Sure I am. I mean, she's gonna like having sex as much as I do and I think I'm pretty hot, don't you?"

"Yes, of course, but..."

"So, trust me - I know me and I know I'm totes gonna want to do me. Won't you?"

Tanya burst out laughing. "Absolutely. We'll just have us a good old girl-girl... girl orgy."

"Yes, we will! And do you know who else is very doable?"

Tanya shook her head. "Who?"

"Lexi. She's totally hot. Smoking hot. And she's supposed to be with us..."


"She's a misfit just like us."

"A misfit?"

Caitlyn nodded. "I'm gonna have a clone, Keith is like constantly getting into fights, Lexi is a depressed futanari, and you're an immune dominatrix with anger issues - we're the misfits. That's our coven."

Tanya smiled and ran her fingers through Caitlyn's blonde hair. "You have it all figured out, huh?"

Caitlyn nodded. "I figure it's mate in three moves. You're hopelessly outmatched."

Tanya frowned. "Huh?"

"Nothing." She leaned forward and kissed Tanya.

Tanya smiled and pulled her closer, pushing her tongue into Caitlyn's mouth.

Caitlyn smiled at her and then her eyes grew big. "Uh, oh."

"What's wrong?" Tanya asked.

Caitlyn looked down between them.

A pool of fluid was spreading out on the tile between them.

"I think... my water..."

Tanya gasped. "Oh! Oh, God!"

Caitlyn grabbed Tanya's shoulder and screamed as the first orgasm coursed through her.


There was a small stage on the veranda. A naked woman wearing a penis gag stood shivering on the stage.

Hecate stood beside her and stroked the girl's chin. "A lingerie model. You might recognize her from Victoria's Secret." Hecate stared into the woman's eyes.

The model shrank back but Hecate jerked her into place by the leash.

"Look at her, ladies and gentlemen. Imagine owning this woman as your personal slave. Imagine the looks of envy on everyone who sees you together." She reached out and cupped one of the woman's C-cup breasts. "See how she trembles at my touch? We will condition her any way her new owner wishes. Would you like her to be your wife? Your devoted slave? We can make her innocent or a literal demon, make her love you or fear you. She will live forever, be beautiful forever... be your property... forever."

Back in the crowd beside Cathy, Tracy looked away.

"Don't let her see your revulsion," Cathy whispered.

"Jesus Christ, Cathy," Tracy hissed. "She's treating that woman like livestock..."

"She is."

Tracy glared at her. "You can't mean that."

Cathy pulled her close. "No system is perfect. Sacrifices are made."

"I'll start the bidding at $10 million," Hecate said on stage.

Hands immediately went up.

"Do I hear fifteen?" Hecate said.

Tracy thought she was going to be sick. These monsters were bidding on a terrified human being. "Why? Why would the Church need to do this?"

Cathy shook her head. "Money. Do you know how many millions of dollars are being spent here every day? The Church needs to recoup their losses. Selling slaves is one way to offset costs."

Tracy watched as the bidding went up to $20 million, $30 million.

The bidders were laughing, giddy at the prospect of buying a celebrity.

Cathy looked at her. "Do you think I like this? Do you think I want this? I would like to use my powers and turn every one of these creatures into cowering submissives, but I can't. Not yet. The game must be played."

"How long? How long do we have to condone the buying and selling of innocent people?"

"Until money doesn't matter anymore. Once humanity falls we'll institute a new order and these people, this one percent? They will have no power."

Tracy laughed. "You're naive, Cathy. People like this? They will always have power."


"Help!" Tanya said as she staggered out of the bathroom. "Jesus... help!"

Keith and Lexi came running from the living room.

"What's wrong?" Keith asked.

Tanya looked down at her wet hands. "She's... the clone... it's coming. I think she's in pain."

Lexi pushed past her into the bathroom.

Caitlyn was squatting on the floor in a pool of liquid. "Mmm, oh, fuck, yes! It's moving."

Lexi let out her breath and laughed. "She's not in pain, Tanya." She shook her head. "Squeamish domme."

Tanya glared at her.

"Ooo! Oh, my... God!" Caitlyn squealed.

Even Lexi took a step back as a long thin tube emerged from Caitlyn's stretched pussy. It was slick and reddish in color.

Five smaller tubes unfolded from the end as it projected two feet out of Caitlyn's pussy.

Caitlyn stared at it. "Hey... that's an... arm!"

The arm bent at the elbow and the fingers grasped Caitlyn's calf.

Caitlyn burst out laughing. "Hey... you see? It's got a hand and every..."

Her eyes rolled back in her head and she passed out as the clone's fingers grabbed onto Caitlyn's ankle and started pulling itself free.


"$40 million going once? Going twice?" Hecate looked around the room and smiled. "Sold! To Mr. Cole from Allied Oil. Come up and collect your property, Mr. Cole."

A thick waisted man in a charcoal silk suit pushed through the crowd with a huge smile as the other bidders clapped.

He stepped onto the stage and the woman screamed around her penis gag.

"Mr. Cole? Would you care to have your property branded?" Hecate asked.

The woman tried to jump off the stage but Hecate's grip on the leash was far too strong.

Cathy walked up to the stage. "Hecate, she's terrified."

Hecate smiled down at Cathy. "You must forgive my lover, ladies and gentlemen. She is Whore Caste and sees everyone as a potential sex partner."

The crowd laughed.

Cathy stepped onto the stage. She leaned close to Hecate. "If you're trying to impress them with the depths of your cruelty? You've succeeded."

"I haven't even begun to show them the depths of my cruelty," Hecate whispered. She looked out at the crowd. "I think it's time for a demonstration of what a White Witch can do. You're in for a treat, ladies and gentlemen." Hecate motioned toward the terrified model and bowed toward Cathy.

Cathy turned and looked into the crowd.

Tracy looked at her in horror.

Cathy turned back to the model. "Now then. No more fear." She put her hands on the woman's face.

The woman's eyes opened wide, and she went rigid as she stared into Cathy's eyes.

"No more fear," Cathy repeated as she closed her eyes. She felt the tension leave the woman's body.

Cathy's lips moved then but the words were spoken only in the woman's mind. I know your fear. I've been you. The feeling of having your mind stripped bare? I know that feeling. But listen to my words and remember them: I am going to make you a goddess - when this man is dust, you will still live, still laugh, and still love. We will not forget you, we will not leave you behind. You are Whore Caste. Be this small man's whore but know you will inherit the universe when his name is lost to time.

Cathy's head leaned back as she poured knowledge into the woman's mind.

A moment later she sighed and took a step back. Then she reached out and unbuckled the penis gag.

The woman pulled it out of her mouth and dropped it on the floor.

Her face was expressionless as she turned and faced the man.

The crowd was silent as she embraced him and kissed him.

Then they began to murmur as the woman sank to her knees, unzipped his trousers, and began sucking his smallish cock.

Cathy turned around in time to see Tracy running toward the elevator.


Tracy walked down the street in front of the Union Square tent, leaving the part in the tower behind. She couldn't believe what Cathy had done to that girl.

Those... people. They stood there in that room and bid on human beings. They had put a price on a human life.

And they had laughed while they did it.

The bidders weren't transformed - these monsters were human.

The SUV pulled up beside her and rolled along at her pace.

The window rolled down. "Get in the car," Cathy said from the back.


"Tracy, please. Get in the car."

"Or what? You'll sell me to one of those motherfuckers?" She picked up her pace.

"Fine," Cathy said. She glanced at the driver. "Stop here. We won't need you tonight."

The SUV stopped but Tracy kept walking.

Cathy got out and stepped onto the sidewalk.

She was beside Tracy in a few seconds, her long strides covering the distance.

"Don't they need you back there?" Tracy asked. "To turn more people into happy little sex slaves?"

Cathy grabbed her arm and she shrugged away.

"Yes, Tracy, they do need me back there. But SlutzNet can do the job, just not as gently as I can."

Tracy turned toward her and clenched her fists. "How could you?! That woman was terrified!"

"That is precisely why I did what I did - did you want to see her branded on stage? Did you want Hecate to inflict pain on her until she did as she was told?"

"Goddamn it! That doesn't make what you did right, Cathy!"

"Don't you think I know that?! You've been transformed for a few days - I've been transformed for decades. I've seen what the Church can do. I was there on Latigo Key when they..." She turned away and sobbed. "I watched them take an entire town against its will. And there were no White Witches to ease the transition. I was the second White Witch made and they didn't make me with gentle manipulations of my mind. They used needles through my skull, and I was one of the lucky ones!"

Tracy gasped.

"Tonight I reached into that girl's mind and made a promise that I would save her from this bondage."

"You could have stopped them, Cathy! You could have bent everyone in that room to your will."

Cathy shook her head. "And what would I have done with Hecate? She can kill me with her mind."

"I would have thrown her off that goddamned building for you!" Tracy screamed.

"And I would most likely have jumped over the edge after her."

Tracy shook her head and stepped back. "Bitch, you are fucking insane."

"I love her, Tracy. We don't choose who we love. I have to save her or die trying."

"No matter how many innocents suffer for it?"

Cathy laughed. "Sweet child, when you're in love with the devil you expect hell."


2:00 AM

Tanya Manetti sat in her master bathroom with her back against the door. Lexi slept with her head on Keith's shoulder as he leaned back agains the tub.

On the floor, a thin, brunette, emaciated version of Caitlyn Cassandra Collins nursed from Caitlyn's breast, their bodies still connected by an umbilical cord that ran from the clone's navel to Caitlyn's pussy.

Across the red zone, Cathy walked with Tracy down the city streets, past the brothels and the sex clubs that had popped up overnight with their garish neon signs, past Street Whores and Studs plying their trade beneath streetlights and in alleys.

They started out walking with some distance between them but the farther they walked, the closer they grew until finally they walked hand in hand.

At the penthouse near Union Square, Hecate smiled as the last slave to be sold was led away to be transformed and programmed: a successful and profitable night.

At the command post across from the Betty Ford Clinic, Detective Patricia Kennedy lay on her cot and tried to sleep. It was pointless. She felt like the only person in New York who was actually worried about what was happening on the other side of the wall in the Red Zone.

North of the city, Walter Jones walked out of the fog on a Connecticut pier and into a parking lot lit by arc lamps. They made an eerie yellow glow behind their shroud of thick fog.

He climbed into the back of an SUV.

"Report, Mr. Jones," Colonel Menser said.

"I made contact with Tracy Dufresne."

"And whose side is she on?" Menser asked.

"Her own. She took the number but she's in love with Cathy Greene."

"Mr. Jones, we pick you for these assignments because you have certain attributes which should allow you to convince someone like Tracy Dufresne to come over to our side."

Walter laughed. "Yeah, I'm not James Bond and I can't turn a girl like Tracy Dufresne into a double agent with my magic cock."

Menser nodded and smiled. "Well, it was worth a try. You get any intel on that submarine they transported you in?"

Walter shook his head. "No. The passenger section is completely separate from engineering and the cockpit. It was just a plain white cabin - they had the porthole shades locked."

"We timed you from when you first went under until you emerged in New York. Near as we can figure it was traveling at about 70 knots. Any idea what powers it?"

"Someone at the party mentioned fusion."

"Jesus," Menser said. "Fusion powered submarines to carry forty VIPs from Connecticut to Manhattan at 70 knots. Goddamned submersible pleasure yacht. Quad copters that can carry tons of equipment and personnel from offshore carriers into any city within five hundred miles of the coast. Mind controlling White Witches, psychotic nuns, drugs and viruses that can turn you into a sex fiend." Menser looked out the window at the thickening fog. "We're going to lose this war, Mr. Jones."


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Marklynda2Marklynda2about 2 years ago

It Was the Best of Times it was the Worst of Times!

All the pleasures and all the wickedness, all rolled into one madhouse! Another great chapter. I envy you two your Muses even more. Thank you for sharing your vision and talents.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Nice! I come back to this story randomly to seem if things have progressed, and a chapter is in the queue!

Thank you Wayne and Ann, cant wait to read it.

wayneandanntriskelionwayneandanntriskelionover 2 years agoAuthor

Chapter 5 now has a date on it of 10/11 in the pending category - that’s usually the date it will go live.

wayneandanntriskelionwayneandanntriskelionover 2 years agoAuthor

Chapter 5 is in the queue! Expect it to go live in a few days. This story will actually have a Chapter 6 because there was no way I was going to drop a 30,000 word chapter in the queue :). The book is almost complete and I will put Chapter 6 in the queue sometime tomorrow.

QbblabQbblabover 2 years ago

I'm so glad you're alright! Wishing you a speedy recovery! Take your time. We'll still be here when you're feeling better.

wayneandanntriskelionwayneandanntriskelionover 2 years agoAuthor

It will be this week. Almost done.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Do you have a tentative date for the release of chapter 5??

wayneandanntriskelionwayneandanntriskelionover 2 years agoAuthor

The characters from Sinful Suburbia will be appearing in future novels. As a matter of fact, look for a cameo by one of those characters in Chapter 5 of New Normal.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Loving this story or should I say stories! But I was wondering do you guys plan on continuing the sinful suburbia story lines at some point?

Also, amazing universe you guys have built with all the stories! Hope to keep them up for years to come!

JamieCTaylorJamieCTaylorover 2 years ago

Cool. Have we got a time frame when chapter 5 will be posted?

wayneandanntriskelionwayneandanntriskelionover 2 years agoAuthor

The Christmas book, Transformations: Naughty vs. Nice will be Christmas 2021. It is complete and we plan to put it up in its entirety in early December.

copiousbeercopiousbeerover 2 years ago

I have been enjoying the updates under the user names waynetriskelion and wayne-triskelion on those online 2d and 3d art community sites too bad nothing has been posted of a before, during, and after nature of the new normal convent seige or more of the fall of Boston redhead. Can't wait to see part five and the next stories any idea if the follow-up to the Christmas themed episode will be a Christmas 2021 or Christmas 2022 love the stories keep writing and hanging in by your thumbs

JamieCTaylorJamieCTaylorover 2 years ago

I think I speak for everyone here when I say "WHEW"!

Tanx Godz

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