
Stories by Splunge_Splash

Younger brother dominates snobby sister.

4.18 340.4k 236 339

My mother and I back at it...

4.41 224.9k 72 92

Wife gets revenge on husband's secretary.

4.19 205k 57 6 82

Students force teacher into incest.

4.28 549.6k 198 6 283

His mother comes back for more.

4.38 346.8k 62 11 76

Mother and Son have another encounter.

4.22 286.4k 71 2 84

He finally got his mom.

4.37 823.9k 209 5 267

Neighborhood snob is forced into taboo.

4.46 388.2k 111 7 136
2.91M 513 15 635

Hitchiker terrorizes family.

4.21 243.8k 51 3 74

Mariah Carey takes on J.Lo.

4.08 106.6k 16 4 21

Bianca and Sean go back for more.

4.28 419k 63 4 79