
Stories by TiltingatWindmills

Ladies invite a disruptive newcomer to chastity game night.

H 4.77 10k 21 6 50

Tamiko's student controls her husband's orgasms.

H 4.7 28.1k 36 15 98

A new chastity drug has some powerful side effects.

H 4.51 45.7k 51 8 124

Snapshots of a woman's life in a world of male chastity.

H 4.7 23.5k 40 11 90

A world where women are far stronger and hornier than men.

4.13 26.1k 32 3 65

Sex addled teen wants to control her stepbrother's orgasms.

H 4.59 50.8k 65 15 153

Niece finds the only thing better than teasing is denying.

H 4.66 37.6k 44 8 108

A reluctant husband is pressured to vote for male chastity.

H 4.62 26.5k 67 11 119
by TiltingatWindmills
Fetish& more 06/11/2023
156.8k 163 25 314